Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_rnn

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=E0203,E1101,C0111
Runtime operator.

import numpy
from ._op import OpRun
from ..shape_object import ShapeObject

[docs]class RNN(OpRun): atts = { 'activation_alpha': [0.], 'activation_beta': [0.], 'activations': ['tanh', 'tanh'], 'clip': [], 'direction': 'forward', 'hidden_size': None, }
[docs] def __init__(self, onnx_node, desc=None, **options): OpRun.__init__(self, onnx_node, desc=desc, expected_attributes=RNN.atts, **options) if self.direction in ("forward", "reverse"): self.num_directions = 1 elif self.direction == "bidirectional": self.num_directions = 2 else: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown direction '{}'.".format(self.direction)) if len(self.activation_alpha) != self.num_directions: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "activation_alpha must have the same size as num_directions={}".format( self.num_directions)) if len(self.activation_beta) != self.num_directions: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "activation_beta must have the same size as num_directions={}".format( self.num_directions)) self.f1 = self.choose_act(self.activations[0], self.activation_alpha[0], self.activation_beta[0]) if len(self.activations) > 1: self.f2 = self.choose_act(self.activations[1], self.activation_alpha[1], self.activation_beta[1]) self.nb_outputs = len(onnx_node.output)
def choose_act(self, name, alpha, beta): if name == b"Tanh": return self._f_tanh if name == b"Affine": return lambda x: x * alpha + beta raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown activation function '{}'.".format(name))
[docs] def _f_tanh(self, x): return numpy.tanh(x)
[docs] def _step(self, X, R, B, W, H_0): h_list = [] H_t = H_0 for x in numpy.split(X, X.shape[0], axis=0): H = self.f1(, numpy.transpose(W)) +, numpy.transpose(R)) + numpy.add(*numpy.split(B, 2))) h_list.append(H) H_t = H concatenated = numpy.concatenate(h_list) if self.num_directions == 1: output = numpy.expand_dims(concatenated, 1) return output, h_list[-1]
[docs] def _run(self, X, W, R, B=None, sequence_lens=None, initial_h=None): # pylint: disable=W0221 self.num_directions = W.shape[0] if self.num_directions == 1: R = numpy.squeeze(R, axis=0) W = numpy.squeeze(W, axis=0) if B is not None: B = numpy.squeeze(B, axis=0) if sequence_lens is not None: sequence_lens = numpy.squeeze(sequence_lens, axis=0) if initial_h is not None: initial_h = numpy.squeeze(initial_h, axis=0) hidden_size = R.shape[-1] batch_size = X.shape[1] b = (B if B is not None else numpy.zeros(2 * hidden_size, dtype=numpy.float32)) h_0 = (initial_h if initial_h is not None else numpy.zeros((batch_size, hidden_size), dtype=numpy.float32)) B = b H_0 = h_0 else: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover Y, Y_h = self._step(X, R, B, W, H_0) return (Y, ) if self.nb_outputs == 1 else (Y, Y_h)
[docs] def _infer_shapes(self, X, W, R, B=None, sequence_lens=None, initial_h=None): # pylint: disable=W0221 num_directions = W.shape[0] if num_directions == 1: hidden_size = R[-1] batch_size = X[1] y_shape = ShapeObject((X[0], num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size), dtype=X.dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover if self.nb_outputs == 1: return (y_shape, ) y_h_shape = ShapeObject((num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size), dtype=X.dtype) return (y_shape, y_h_shape)