Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.optim.onnx_optimisation_identity

Optimisation of :epkg:`ONNX` graphs.

from onnx.helper import make_graph
from ._onnx_optimisation_common import (  # pylint: disable=E0611

[docs]def onnx_remove_node_identity(onnx_model, recursive=True, debug_info=None, **options): """ Removes as many *Identity* nodes as possible. The function looks into every node and subgraphs if *recursive* is True for identity node. Unless such a node directy connects one input to one output, it will be removed and every other node gets its inputs or outputs accordingly renamed. :param onnx_model: onnx model :param recursive: looks into subgraphs :param debug_info: debug information (private) :param options: additional options (unused) :return: new onnx _model :githublink:`%|py|28` """ if debug_info is None: debug_info = [str(type(onnx_model)).split('.')[-1].strip("'>")] else: debug_info = debug_info + \ [str(type(onnx_model)).split('.')[-1].strip("'>")] if hasattr(onnx_model, 'graph'): return _apply_optimisation_on_graph( onnx_remove_node_identity, onnx_model, recursive=recursive, debug_info=debug_info, **options) graph = onnx_model inputs = set( for i in graph.input) outputs = set( for o in graph.output) def retrieve_idnodes(graph, existing_nodes): idnodes = [] for i, exnode in enumerate(existing_nodes): if exnode is None: continue if exnode.op_type == 'Identity': input = exnode.input[0] output = exnode.output[0] idnodes.append((i, exnode, input, output)) return idnodes nodes = list(graph.node) rem = 1 while rem > 0: rem = 0 idnodes = retrieve_idnodes(graph, nodes) restart = False for i, _, inp, out in idnodes: if restart: break # pragma: no cover if nodes[i] is None: # Already removed. continue # pragma: no cover if inp in inputs and out in outputs: # Cannot be removed. continue if not restart and out not in outputs: # We cannot change an output name. for j in range(len(nodes)): # pylint: disable=C0200 if nodes[j] is None: continue if out in nodes[j].input: nodes[j] = _rename_node_input(nodes[j], out, inp) rem += 1 if nodes[j].op_type == 'Identity': restart = True # pragma: no cover nodes[i] = None rem += 1 continue if not restart and inp not in inputs and inp not in outputs: # We cannot change an input name or an output name. for j in range(len(nodes)): # pylint: disable=C0200 if nodes[j] is None: continue if inp in nodes[j].output: nodes[j] = _rename_node_output(nodes[j], inp, out) rem += 1 if nodes[j].op_type == 'Identity': restart = True # pragma: no cover if inp in nodes[j].input: nodes[j] = _rename_node_input(nodes[j], inp, out) rem += 1 if nodes[j].op_type == 'Identity': restart = True nodes[i] = None rem += 1 if recursive: # Handles subgraphs. for i in range(len(nodes)): # pylint: disable=C0200 node = nodes[i] if node is None or not (node.attribute): # pylint: disable=C0325 continue nodes[i] = _apply_remove_node_fct_node( onnx_remove_node_identity, node, recursive=True, debug_info=debug_info + []) # Finally create the new graph. nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n is not None, nodes)) graph = make_graph(nodes,, onnx_model.input, onnx_model.output, onnx_model.initializer) graph.value_info.extend(onnx_model.value_info) # pylint: disable=E1101 return graph