Source code for mlprodict.sklapi.onnx_transformer

# coding: utf-8
Wraps runtime into a :epkg:`scikit-learn` transformer.

from io import BytesIO
import numpy
import pandas
import onnx
from onnx import helper
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_operator_mixin import OnnxOperatorMixin
from skl2onnx.proto import TensorProto
from skl2onnx.helpers.onnx_helper import load_onnx_model, enumerate_model_node_outputs
from skl2onnx.helpers.onnx_helper import select_model_inputs_outputs
from skl2onnx.common.data_types import (
    FloatTensorType, DoubleTensorType,
from ..onnxrt import OnnxInference
from ..onnxrt.onnx2py_helper import _var_as_dict

[docs]class OnnxTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, OnnxOperatorMixin): """ Calls :epkg:`onnxruntime` or the runtime implemented in this package to transform input based on a ONNX graph. It follows :epkg:`scikit-learn` API so that it can be included in a :epkg:`scikit-learn` pipeline. See notebook :ref:`transferlearningrst` for an example. :param onnx_bytes: bytes :param output_name: string requested output name or None to request all and have method *transform* to store all of them in a dataframe :param enforce_float32: boolean :epkg:`onnxruntime` only supports *float32*, :epkg:`scikit-learn` usually uses double floats, this parameter ensures that every array of double floats is converted into single floats :param runtime: string, defined the runtime to use as described in :class:`OnnxInference <mlprodict.onnxrt.onnx_inference.OnnxInference>`. :param change_batch_size: some models are converted for a specific batch size, this parameter changes it, None to avoid changing it, 0 to fix an undefined first dimension :param reshape: reshape the output to get a matrix and not a multidimensional array :githublink:`%|py|48` """
[docs] def __init__(self, onnx_bytes, output_name=None, enforce_float32=True, runtime='python', change_batch_size=None, reshape=False): BaseEstimator.__init__(self) TransformerMixin.__init__(self) self.onnx_bytes = (onnx_bytes if not hasattr(onnx_bytes, 'SerializeToString') else onnx_bytes.SerializeToString()) self.output_name = output_name self.enforce_float32 = enforce_float32 self.runtime = runtime self.change_batch_size = change_batch_size self.reshape = reshape
[docs] def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=W0222 """ usual :githublink:`%|py|66` """ ob = self.onnx_bytes if len(ob) > 20: ob = ob[:10] + b"..." + ob[-10:] return ("{0}(onnx_bytes={1}, output_name={2}, enforce_float32={3}, " "runtime='{4}')".format( self.__class__.__name__, ob, self.output_name, self.enforce_float32, self.runtime))
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, **fit_params): """ Loads the :epkg:`ONNX` model. :param X: unused :param y: unused :param fit_params: additional parameter (unused) :return: self :githublink:`%|py|83` """ from ..onnxrt.optim.onnx_helper import change_input_first_dimension onx = onnx.load(BytesIO(self.onnx_bytes)) output_names = set( for o in onx.graph.output) # pylint: disable=E1101 updated = False if (self.output_name is not None and self.output_name not in output_names): # The model refers to intermediate outputs. onx = select_model_inputs_outputs( onx, outputs=[self.output_name]) updated = True if self.change_batch_size is not None: onx = change_input_first_dimension( onx, self.change_batch_size) updated = True onnx_bytes = ( onx.SerializeToString() if updated else self.onnx_bytes) self.onnxrt_ = OnnxInference(onnx_bytes, runtime=self.runtime) self.inputs_ = self.onnxrt_.input_names return self
[docs] def _check_arrays(self, inputs): """ Ensures that double floats are converted into single floats if *enforce_float32* is True or raises an exception. :githublink:`%|py|112` """ sht = self.onnxrt_.input_names_shapes_types if hasattr( self, "onnxrt_") else None if sht is not None and len(sht) < len(inputs): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected number of inputs {} > {} (expected).".format( len(inputs), len(sht))) for i, k in enumerate(inputs): v = inputs[k] if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): if v.dtype == numpy.float64 and self.enforce_float32: inputs[k] = v.astype(numpy.float32) continue if not hasattr(self, "onnxrt_"): continue exp = sht[i] if exp[1] != ('?', ) and exp[1][1:] != v.shape[1:]: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected shape for input '{}': {} != {} " "(expected).".format( k, v.shape, exp[1])) if ((v.dtype == numpy.float32 and exp[2] != 'tensor(float)') or (v.dtype == numpy.float64 and exp[2] != 'tensor(double)')): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected dtype for input '{}': {} != {} " "(expected).".format( k, v.dtype, exp[2]))
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None, **inputs): """ Runs the predictions. If *X* is a dataframe, the function assumes every columns is a separate input, otherwise, *X* is considered as a first input and *inputs* can be used to specify extra inputs. :param X: iterable, data to process (or first input if several expected) :param y: unused :param inputs: :epkg:`ONNX` graph support multiple inputs, each column of a dataframe is converted into as many inputs if *X* is a dataframe, otherwise, *X* is considered as the first input and *inputs* can be used to specify the other ones :return: :epkg:`DataFrame` :githublink:`%|py|155` """ if not hasattr(self, "onnxrt_"): raise AttributeError( # pragma: no cover "Transform OnnxTransformer must be fit first.") rt_inputs = {} if isinstance(X, pandas.DataFrame): for c in X.columns: rt_inputs[c] = X[c] elif isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray): rt_inputs[self.inputs_[0]] = X elif isinstance(X, dict) and len(inputs) == 0: for k, v in X.items(): rt_inputs[k] = v elif isinstance(X, list): if len(self.inputs_) == 1: rt_inputs[self.inputs_[0]] = numpy.array(X) else: for i in range(len(self.inputs_)): rt_inputs[self.inputs_[i]] = [row[i] for row in X] for k, v in inputs.items(): rt_inputs[k] = v names = ([self.output_name] if self.output_name else self.onnxrt_.output_names) self._check_arrays(rt_inputs) doutputs = outputs = [doutputs[n] for n in names] if self.reshape: n = outputs[0].shape[0] outputs = [o.reshape((n, -1)) for o in outputs] if self.output_name or len(outputs) == 1: if isinstance(outputs[0], list): return pandas.DataFrame(outputs[0]) return outputs[0] names = self.output_name if self.output_name else [ o for o in self.onnxrt_.output_names] return pandas.DataFrame({k: v for k, v in zip(names, outputs)})
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **inputs): """ Loads the *ONNX* model and runs the predictions. :param X: iterable, data to process (or first input if several expected) :param y: unused :param inputs: :epkg:`ONNX` graph support multiple inputs, each column of a dataframe is converted into as many inputs if *X* is a dataframe, otherwise, *X* is considered as the first input and *inputs* can be used to specify the other ones :return: :epkg:`DataFrame` :githublink:`%|py|209` """ return, y=y, **inputs).transform(X, y)
[docs] @staticmethod def enumerate_create(onnx_bytes, output_names=None, enforce_float32=True): """ Creates multiple *OnnxTransformer*, one for each requested intermediate node. onnx_bytes : bytes output_names: string requested output names or None to request all and have method *transform* to store all of them in a dataframe enforce_float32 : boolean :epkg:`onnxruntime` only supports *float32*, :epkg:`scikit-learn` usually uses double floats, this parameter ensures that every array of double floats is converted into single floats :return: iterator on OnnxTransformer *('output name', OnnxTransformer)* :githublink:`%|py|228` """ selected = None if output_names is None else set(output_names) model = load_onnx_model(onnx_bytes) for out in enumerate_model_node_outputs(model): m = select_model_inputs_outputs(model, out) if selected is None or out in selected: tr = OnnxTransformer(m.SerializeToString(), enforce_float32=enforce_float32) yield out, tr
[docs] def onnx_parser(self, scope=None, inputs=None): """ Returns a parser for this model. :githublink:`%|py|241` """ if inputs: self.parsed_inputs_ = inputs def parser(): if (not hasattr(self, 'onnxrt_') or not hasattr(self.onnxrt_, 'output_names')): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 'OnnxTransformer not fit.') return self.onnxrt_.output_names return parser
[docs] def onnx_shape_calculator(self): def shape_calculator(operator): cout = self.onnxrt_.output_names if len(operator.outputs) != len(cout): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Mismatched number of outputs: {} != {}." "".format(len(operator.outputs), len(cout))) for out_op, out in zip(operator.outputs, self.onnxrt_.obj.graph.output): var = _var_as_dict(out) if var['type']['kind'] != 'tensor': raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Noy yet implemented for output:\n{}".format(out)) shape = var['type']['shape'] if shape[0] == 0: shape = ('None',) + tuple(shape[1:]) elem = var['type']['elem'] if elem == 'float': out_op.type = FloatTensorType(shape=shape) elif elem == 'int64': out_op.type = Int64TensorType(shape=shape) elif elem == 'double': out_op.type = DoubleTensorType(shape=shape) else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Not yet implemented for elem_type:\n{}".format(elem)) return shape_calculator
[docs] def onnx_converter(self): """ Returns a converter for this model. If not overloaded, it fetches the converter mapped to the first *scikit-learn* parent it can find. :githublink:`%|py|286` """ def copy_inout(inout, scope, new_name): shape = [s.dim_value for s in inout.type.tensor_type.shape.dim] value_info = helper.make_tensor_value_info( new_name, inout.type.tensor_type.elem_type, shape) return value_info def clean_variable_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_variable_name(name) def clean_operator_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_operator_name(name) def clean_initializer_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_variable_name(name) def converter(scope, operator, container): op = operator.raw_operator graph = op.onnxrt_.obj.graph name_mapping = {} node_mapping = {} for node in graph.node: name = if name is not None: node_mapping[] = clean_initializer_name(, scope) for o in node.input: name_mapping[o] = clean_variable_name(o, scope) for o in node.output: name_mapping[o] = clean_variable_name(o, scope) for o in graph.initializer: name_mapping[] = clean_operator_name(, scope) inputs = [copy_inout(o, scope, name_mapping[]) for o in graph.input] outputs = [copy_inout(o, scope, name_mapping[]) for o in graph.output] for inp, to in zip(operator.inputs, inputs): n = helper.make_node('Identity', [inp.onnx_name], [], name=clean_operator_name('Identity', scope)) container.nodes.append(n) for inp, to in zip(outputs, operator.outputs): n = helper.make_node('Identity', [], [to.onnx_name], name=clean_operator_name('Identity', scope)) container.nodes.append(n) for node in graph.node: n = helper.make_node( node.op_type, [name_mapping[o] for o in node.input], [name_mapping[o] for o in node.output], name=node_mapping[] if else None, domain=node.domain if node.domain else None) n.attribute.extend(node.attribute) # pylint: disable=E1101 container.nodes.append(n) for o in graph.initializer: as_str = o.SerializeToString() tensor = TensorProto() tensor.ParseFromString(as_str) = name_mapping[] container.initializers.append(tensor) # opset for oimp in op.onnxrt_.obj.opset_import: container.node_domain_version_pair_sets.add( (oimp.domain, oimp.version)) return converter
@property def opsets(self): """ Returns the opsets as dictionary ``{domain: opset}``. :githublink:`%|py|363` """ if hasattr(self, 'onnxrt_'): model = self.onnxrt_.obj else: model = load_onnx_model(self.onnx_bytes) res = {} for oimp in model.opset_import: res[oimp.domain] = oimp.version return res