.. blogpost:: :title: ONNX updates :keywords: onnx, onnxrt, update :date: 2019-08-02 :categories: onnx The python runtime is now almost complete for all the supported numerical operator implemented in :epkg:`sklearn-onnx`. A couple of notebooks introduces a couple of way to investigates issues, to benchmark ONNX models with :epkg:`onnxruntime` or python runtime, to check the differences between the same model. It also extend ONNX with operators not in the specification to experiment some assumptions and check it is more efficient. Notebook :ref:`onnxshakerrst` introduces a way to guess the margins introduced by the conversion from double to single. There also exists a function to convert numpy function into ONNX (see :ref:`l-numpy2onnx-tutorial`). Its coverage is probably low but it will improve.