.. _onnxsklearnfunctionsrst: ====================================== Use function when converting into ONNX ====================================== .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook `, :downloadlink:`html `, :download:`PDF `, :download:`python `, :downloadlink:`slides `, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/onnx_sklearn_functions.ipynb|*` Once a a scikit-learn model is converting into ONNX, there is no easy way to retrieve the original scikit-learn model. The following notebook explores an alternative way to convert a model into ONNX by using functions. In this new method, every piece of a pipeline becomes a function. .. code:: ipython3 from jyquickhelper import add_notebook_menu add_notebook_menu() .. contents:: :local: .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline .. code:: ipython3 %load_ext mlprodict A pipeline ---------- .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import set_config set_config(display="diagram") data = load_iris() X, y = data.data, data.target steps = [ ("preprocessing", StandardScaler()), ("classifier", LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', solver="liblinear"))] pipe = Pipeline(steps) pipe.fit(X, y) .. raw:: html
Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessing', StandardScaler()),
                     LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', solver='liblinear'))])
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Its conversion into ONNX ------------------------ Without functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 from mlprodict.plotting.text_plot import onnx_simple_text_plot from mlprodict.onnx_conv import to_onnx onx = to_onnx(pipe, X, options={'zipmap': False}) print(onnx_simple_text_plot(onx)) .. parsed-literal:: opset: domain='' version=14 opset: domain='ai.onnx.ml' version=1 input: name='X' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 4] init: name='Su_Subcst' type=dtype('float64') shape=(4,) -- array([5.84333333, 3.05733333, 3.758 , 1.19933333]) init: name='Di_Divcst' type=dtype('float64') shape=(4,) -- array([0.82530129, 0.43441097, 1.75940407, 0.75969263]) init: name='coef' type=dtype('float64') shape=(12,) init: name='intercept' type=dtype('float64') shape=(3,) -- array([-1.86506089, -0.89658497, -4.56614529]) init: name='classes' type=dtype('int32') shape=(3,) -- array([0, 1, 2]) init: name='shape_tensor' type=dtype('int64') shape=(1,) -- array([-1], dtype=int64) init: name='axis' type=dtype('int64') shape=(1,) -- array([1], dtype=int64) Sub(X, Su_Subcst) -> Su_C0 Div(Su_C0, Di_Divcst) -> variable MatMul(variable, coef) -> multiplied Add(multiplied, intercept) -> raw_scores Sigmoid(raw_scores) -> raw_scoressig Abs(raw_scoressig) -> norm_abs ReduceSum(norm_abs, axis, keepdims=1) -> norm Div(raw_scoressig, norm) -> probabilities ArgMax(raw_scores, axis=1) -> label1 ArrayFeatureExtractor(classes, label1) -> array_feature_extractor_result Cast(array_feature_extractor_result, to=11) -> cast2_result Reshape(cast2_result, shape_tensor) -> reshaped_result Cast(reshaped_result, to=7) -> label output: name='label' type=dtype('int64') shape=[None] output: name='probabilities' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 3] .. code:: ipython3 %onnxview onx .. raw:: html
With functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 onxf = to_onnx(pipe, X, as_function=True, options={'zipmap': False}) print(onnx_simple_text_plot(onxf)) .. parsed-literal:: No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.5' opset: domain='' version=15 opset: domain='sklearn' version=1 input: name='X' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 4] main___Pipeline_1734459081968[sklearn](X) -> main_classifier_label, main_classifier_probabilities output: name='main_classifier_label' type=dtype('int64') shape=[None] output: name='main_classifier_probabilities' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 3] ----- function name=main__preprocessing___StandardScaler_1734202136896 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"StandardScaler":{"copy": true, "with_mean": true, "with_std": true}} opset: domain='' version=14 input: 'X' Constant(value=[5.8433333...) -> Su_Subcst Sub(X, Su_Subcst) -> Su_C0 Constant(value=[0.8253012...) -> Di_Divcst Div(Su_C0, Di_Divcst) -> variable output: name='variable' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main__classifier___LogisticRegression_1734202137184 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"LogisticRegression":{"C": 1.0, "class_weight": null, "dual": false, "fit_intercept": true, "intercept_scaling": 1, "l1_ratio": null, "max_iter": 100, "multi_class": "auto", "n_jobs": null, "penalty": "l1", "random_state": null, "solver": "liblinear", "tol": 0.0001, "verbose": 0, "warm_start": false}} opset: domain='' version=13 opset: domain='ai.onnx.ml' version=1 input: 'X0' Constant(value=[[0.0, 0.0...) -> coef MatMul(X0, coef) -> multiplied Constant(value=[[-1.86506...) -> intercept Add(multiplied, intercept) -> raw_scores ArgMax(raw_scores, axis=1) -> label1 Constant(value=[0, 1, 2]) -> classes ArrayFeatureExtractor(classes, label1) -> array_feature_extractor_result Cast(array_feature_extractor_result, to=11) -> cast2_result Constant(value=[-1]) -> shape_tensor Reshape(cast2_result, shape_tensor) -> reshaped_result Cast(reshaped_result, to=7) -> label Constant(value=[1]) -> axis Sigmoid(raw_scores) -> raw_scoressig Abs(raw_scoressig) -> norm_abs ReduceSum(norm_abs, axis, keepdims=1) -> norm Div(raw_scoressig, norm) -> probabilities output: name='label' type=? shape=? output: name='probabilities' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main___Pipeline_1734459081968 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"Pipeline":{"memory": null, "steps": [["preprocessing", "{\"classname\": \"StandardScaler\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type StandardScaler is not JSON serializable\"}"], ["classifier", "{\"classname\": \"LogisticRegression\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type LogisticRegression is not JSON serializable\"}"]], "verbose": false}} opset: domain='' version=15 opset: domain='sklearn' version=1 input: 'X' main__preprocessing___StandardScaler_1734202136896[sklearn](X) -> preprocessing_variable main__classifier___LogisticRegression_1734202137184[sklearn](preprocessing_variable) -> classifier_label, classifier_probabilities output: name='classifier_label' type=? shape=? output: name='classifier_probabilities' type=? shape=? .. code:: ipython3 %onnxview onxf .. raw:: html
Based on that, it should be possible to rebuild the original scikit-learn pipeline. Hyperparameters are stored in the attribute ``doc_string``. A more complex one ------------------ .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler data = load_iris() X, y = data.data, data.target steps = [ ("preprocessing", ColumnTransformer([ ('A', StandardScaler(), [0, 1]), ('B', MinMaxScaler(), [2, 3])])), ("classifier", LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', solver="liblinear"))] pipe = Pipeline(steps) pipe.fit(X, y) .. raw:: html
                     ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('A', StandardScaler(),
                                                      [0, 1]),
                                                     ('B', MinMaxScaler(),
                                                      [2, 3])])),
                     LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', solver='liblinear'))])
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.. code:: ipython3 onxf = to_onnx(pipe, X, as_function=True, options={'zipmap': False}) print(onnx_simple_text_plot(onxf)) .. parsed-literal:: opset: domain='' version=15 opset: domain='sklearn' version=1 input: name='X' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 4] main___Pipeline_1734198554880[sklearn](X) -> main_classifier_label, main_classifier_probabilities output: name='main_classifier_label' type=dtype('int64') shape=[None] output: name='main_classifier_probabilities' type=dtype('float64') shape=[None, 3] ----- function name=main__preprocessing__B___MinMaxScaler_1734196938256 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"MinMaxScaler":{"clip": false, "copy": true, "feature_range": [0, 1]}} opset: domain='' version=14 input: 'X' Cast(X, to=11) -> Ca_output0 Constant(value=[0.1694915...) -> Mu_Mulcst Mul(Ca_output0, Mu_Mulcst) -> Mu_C0 Constant(value=[-0.169491...) -> Ad_Addcst Add(Mu_C0, Ad_Addcst) -> variable output: name='variable' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main__preprocessing__A___StandardScaler_1734196937584 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"StandardScaler":{"copy": true, "with_mean": true, "with_std": true}} opset: domain='' version=14 input: 'X' Constant(value=[5.8433333...) -> Su_Subcst Sub(X, Su_Subcst) -> Su_C0 Constant(value=[0.8253012...) -> Di_Divcst Div(Su_C0, Di_Divcst) -> variable output: name='variable' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main__preprocessing___ColumnTransformer_1734520793072 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"ColumnTransformer":{"n_jobs": null, "remainder": "drop", "sparse_threshold": 0.3, "transformer_weights": null, "transformers": [["A", "{\"classname\": \"StandardScaler\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type StandardScaler is not JSON serializable\"}", [0, 1]], ["B", "{\"classname\": \"MinMaxScaler\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type MinMaxScaler is not JSON serializable\"}", [2, 3]]], "verbose": false, "verbose_feature_names_out": true}} opset: domain='' version=15 opset: domain='sklearn' version=1 input: 'X' Constant(value=[2]) -> init Constant(value=[4]) -> init_1 Constant(value=[1]) -> init_2 Slice(X, init, init_1, init_2) -> out_sli_0 main__preprocessing__B___MinMaxScaler_1734196938256[sklearn](out_sli_0) -> B_variable Constant(value=[0]) -> init_3 Slice(X, init_3, init, init_2) -> out_sli_0_1 main__preprocessing__A___StandardScaler_1734196937584[sklearn](out_sli_0_1) -> A_variable Concat(A_variable, B_variable, axis=1) -> out_con_0 output: name='out_con_0' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main__classifier___LogisticRegression_1734520717568 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"LogisticRegression":{"C": 1.0, "class_weight": null, "dual": false, "fit_intercept": true, "intercept_scaling": 1, "l1_ratio": null, "max_iter": 100, "multi_class": "auto", "n_jobs": null, "penalty": "l1", "random_state": null, "solver": "liblinear", "tol": 0.0001, "verbose": 0, "warm_start": false}} opset: domain='' version=13 opset: domain='ai.onnx.ml' version=1 input: 'X0' Constant(value=[[-2.74108...) -> coef MatMul(X0, coef) -> multiplied Constant(value=[[0.0, -0....) -> intercept Add(multiplied, intercept) -> raw_scores ArgMax(raw_scores, axis=1) -> label1 Constant(value=[0, 1, 2]) -> classes ArrayFeatureExtractor(classes, label1) -> array_feature_extractor_result Cast(array_feature_extractor_result, to=11) -> cast2_result Constant(value=[-1]) -> shape_tensor Reshape(cast2_result, shape_tensor) -> reshaped_result Cast(reshaped_result, to=7) -> label Constant(value=[1]) -> axis Sigmoid(raw_scores) -> raw_scoressig Abs(raw_scoressig) -> norm_abs ReduceSum(norm_abs, axis, keepdims=1) -> norm Div(raw_scoressig, norm) -> probabilities output: name='label' type=? shape=? output: name='probabilities' type=? shape=? ----- function name=main___Pipeline_1734198554880 domain=sklearn ----- doc_string: HYPER:{"Pipeline":{"memory": null, "steps": [["preprocessing", "{\"classname\": \"ColumnTransformer\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type ColumnTransformer is not JSON serializable\"}"], ["classifier", "{\"classname\": \"LogisticRegression\", \"EXC\": \"Object of type LogisticRegression is not JSON serializable\"}"]], "verbose": false}} opset: domain='' version=15 opset: domain='sklearn' version=1 input: 'X' main__preprocessing___ColumnTransformer_1734520793072[sklearn](X) -> preprocessing_out_con_0 main__classifier___LogisticRegression_1734520717568[sklearn](preprocessing_out_con_0) -> classifier_label, classifier_probabilities output: name='classifier_label' type=? shape=? output: name='classifier_probabilities' type=? shape=? .. code:: ipython3 %onnxview onxf .. raw:: html