.. _l-onnx-doccom.microsoft-NcclAllReduce: ============================= com.microsoft - NcclAllReduce ============================= .. contents:: :local: .. _l-onnx-opcom-microsoft-ncclallreduce-1: NcclAllReduce - 1 (com.microsoft) ================================= **Version** * **name**: `NcclAllReduce (GitHub) `_ * **domain**: **com.microsoft** * **since_version**: **1** * **function**: * **support_level**: * **shape inference**: This version of the operator has been available **since version 1 of domain com.microsoft**. **Summary** **Attributes** * **group_type**: 0 - global parallel group, 1 - data parallel group, 2 - node local data parallel group, 3 - cross node data parallel group, 4 - horozontal parallel, 5 - model parallel. Default value is ``?``. **Inputs** Between 1 and 2147483647 inputs. * **input** (variadic, heterogeneous) - **T**: tensors to be reduced **Outputs** Between 1 and 2147483647 outputs. * **output** (variadic, heterogeneous) - **T**: reduced tensors **Examples**