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3@brief Modified converter from 

4`XGBoost.py <https://github.com/onnx/onnxmltools/blob/master/onnxmltools/convert/ 



7import json 

8from pprint import pformat 

9import numpy 

10from xgboost import XGBClassifier 

11from skl2onnx.common.data_types import guess_numpy_type # pylint: disable=C0411 



14class XGBConverter: 

15 "common methods for converters" 


17 @staticmethod 

18 def get_xgb_params(xgb_node): 

19 """ 

20 Retrieves parameters of a model. 

21 """ 

22 pars = xgb_node.get_xgb_params() 

23 # xgboost >= 1.0 

24 if 'n_estimators' not in pars: 

25 pars['n_estimators'] = xgb_node.n_estimators 

26 return pars 


28 @staticmethod 

29 def validate(xgb_node): 

30 "validates the model" 

31 params = XGBConverter.get_xgb_params(xgb_node) 

32 try: 

33 if "objective" not in params: 

34 raise AttributeError('ojective') 

35 except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover 

36 raise RuntimeError('Missing attribute in XGBoost model.') from e 


38 @staticmethod 

39 def common_members(xgb_node, inputs): 

40 "common to regresssor and classifier" 

41 params = XGBConverter.get_xgb_params(xgb_node) 

42 objective = params["objective"] 

43 base_score = params["base_score"] 

44 booster = xgb_node.get_booster() 

45 # The json format was available in October 2017. 

46 # XGBoost 0.7 was the first version released with it. 

47 js_tree_list = booster.get_dump(with_stats=True, dump_format='json') 

48 js_trees = [json.loads(s) for s in js_tree_list] 

49 return objective, base_score, js_trees 


51 @staticmethod 

52 def _get_default_tree_attribute_pairs(is_classifier): 

53 attrs = {} 

54 for k in {'nodes_treeids', 'nodes_nodeids', 

55 'nodes_featureids', 'nodes_modes', 'nodes_values', 

56 'nodes_truenodeids', 'nodes_falsenodeids', 'nodes_missing_value_tracks_true'}: 

57 attrs[k] = [] 

58 if is_classifier: 

59 for k in {'class_treeids', 'class_nodeids', 'class_ids', 'class_weights'}: 

60 attrs[k] = [] 

61 else: 

62 for k in {'target_treeids', 'target_nodeids', 'target_ids', 'target_weights'}: 

63 attrs[k] = [] 

64 return attrs 


66 @staticmethod 

67 def _add_node(attr_pairs, is_classifier, tree_id, tree_weight, node_id, 

68 feature_id, mode, value, true_child_id, false_child_id, weights, weight_id_bias, 

69 missing, hitrate): 

70 if isinstance(feature_id, str): 

71 # Something like f0, f1... 

72 if feature_id[0] == "f": 

73 try: 

74 feature_id = int(feature_id[1:]) 

75 except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover 

76 raise RuntimeError( 

77 "Unable to interpret '{0}'".format(feature_id)) from e 

78 else: # pragma: no cover 

79 try: 

80 feature_id = int(feature_id) 

81 except ValueError: 

82 raise RuntimeError( 

83 "Unable to interpret '{0}'".format(feature_id)) from e 


85 # Split condition for sklearn 

86 # * if X_ptr[X_sample_stride * i + X_fx_stride * node.feature] <= node.threshold: 

87 # * https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/master/sklearn/tree/_tree.pyx#L946 

88 # Split condition for xgboost 

89 # * if (fvalue < split_value) 

90 # * https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/include/xgboost/tree_model.h#L804 


92 attr_pairs['nodes_treeids'].append(tree_id) 

93 attr_pairs['nodes_nodeids'].append(node_id) 

94 attr_pairs['nodes_featureids'].append(feature_id) 

95 attr_pairs['nodes_modes'].append(mode) 

96 attr_pairs['nodes_values'].append(float(value)) 

97 attr_pairs['nodes_truenodeids'].append(true_child_id) 

98 attr_pairs['nodes_falsenodeids'].append(false_child_id) 

99 attr_pairs['nodes_missing_value_tracks_true'].append(missing) 

100 if 'nodes_hitrates' in attr_pairs: 

101 attr_pairs['nodes_hitrates'].append(hitrate) # pragma: no cover 

102 if mode == 'LEAF': 

103 if is_classifier: 

104 for i, w in enumerate(weights): 

105 attr_pairs['class_treeids'].append(tree_id) 

106 attr_pairs['class_nodeids'].append(node_id) 

107 attr_pairs['class_ids'].append(i + weight_id_bias) 

108 attr_pairs['class_weights'].append(float(tree_weight * w)) 

109 else: 

110 for i, w in enumerate(weights): 

111 attr_pairs['target_treeids'].append(tree_id) 

112 attr_pairs['target_nodeids'].append(node_id) 

113 attr_pairs['target_ids'].append(i + weight_id_bias) 

114 attr_pairs['target_weights'].append(float(tree_weight * w)) 


116 @staticmethod 

117 def _fill_node_attributes(treeid, tree_weight, jsnode, attr_pairs, is_classifier, remap): 

118 if 'children' in jsnode: 

119 XGBConverter._add_node(attr_pairs=attr_pairs, is_classifier=is_classifier, 

120 tree_id=treeid, tree_weight=tree_weight, 

121 value=jsnode['split_condition'], node_id=remap[jsnode['nodeid']], 

122 feature_id=jsnode['split'], 

123 mode='BRANCH_LT', # 'BRANCH_LEQ' --> is for sklearn 

124 # ['children'][0]['nodeid'], 

125 true_child_id=remap[jsnode['yes']], 

126 # ['children'][1]['nodeid'], 

127 false_child_id=remap[jsnode['no']], 

128 weights=None, weight_id_bias=None, 

129 # ['children'][0]['nodeid'], 

130 missing=jsnode.get( 

131 'missing', -1) == jsnode['yes'], 

132 hitrate=jsnode.get('cover', 0)) 


134 for ch in jsnode['children']: 

135 if 'children' in ch or 'leaf' in ch: 

136 XGBConverter._fill_node_attributes( 

137 treeid, tree_weight, ch, attr_pairs, is_classifier, remap) 

138 else: 

139 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

140 "Unable to convert this node {0}".format(ch)) 


142 else: 

143 weights = [jsnode['leaf']] 

144 weights_id_bias = 0 

145 XGBConverter._add_node(attr_pairs=attr_pairs, is_classifier=is_classifier, 

146 tree_id=treeid, tree_weight=tree_weight, 

147 value=0., node_id=remap[jsnode['nodeid']], 

148 feature_id=0, mode='LEAF', 

149 true_child_id=0, false_child_id=0, 

150 weights=weights, weight_id_bias=weights_id_bias, 

151 missing=False, hitrate=jsnode.get('cover', 0)) 


153 @staticmethod 

154 def _remap_nodeid(jsnode, remap=None): 

155 if remap is None: 

156 remap = {} 

157 nid = jsnode['nodeid'] 

158 remap[nid] = len(remap) 

159 if 'children' in jsnode: 

160 for ch in jsnode['children']: 

161 XGBConverter._remap_nodeid(ch, remap) 

162 return remap 


164 @staticmethod 

165 def fill_tree_attributes(js_xgb_node, attr_pairs, tree_weights, is_classifier): 

166 "fills tree attributes" 

167 if not isinstance(js_xgb_node, list): 

168 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

169 "js_xgb_node must be a list") 

170 for treeid, (jstree, w) in enumerate(zip(js_xgb_node, tree_weights)): 

171 remap = XGBConverter._remap_nodeid(jstree) 

172 XGBConverter._fill_node_attributes( 

173 treeid, w, jstree, attr_pairs, is_classifier, remap) 



176class XGBRegressorConverter(XGBConverter): 

177 "converter class" 


179 @staticmethod 

180 def validate(xgb_node): 

181 return XGBConverter.validate(xgb_node) 


183 @staticmethod 

184 def _get_default_tree_attribute_pairs(): # pylint: disable=W0221 

185 attrs = XGBConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs(False) 

186 attrs['post_transform'] = 'NONE' 

187 attrs['n_targets'] = 1 

188 return attrs 


190 @staticmethod 

191 def convert(scope, operator, container): 

192 "converter method" 

193 dtype = guess_numpy_type(operator.inputs[0].type) 

194 if dtype != numpy.float64: 

195 dtype = numpy.float32 

196 xgb_node = operator.raw_operator 

197 inputs = operator.inputs 

198 objective, base_score, js_trees = XGBConverter.common_members( 

199 xgb_node, inputs) 


201 if objective in ["reg:gamma", "reg:tweedie"]: 

202 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

203 "Objective '{}' not supported.".format(objective)) 


205 booster = xgb_node.get_booster() 

206 if booster is None: 

207 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

208 "The model was probably not trained.") 


210 best_ntree_limit = getattr(booster, 'best_ntree_limit', len(js_trees)) 

211 if best_ntree_limit < len(js_trees): 

212 js_trees = js_trees[:best_ntree_limit] 


214 attr_pairs = XGBRegressorConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs() 

215 attr_pairs['base_values'] = [base_score] 

216 XGBConverter.fill_tree_attributes( 

217 js_trees, attr_pairs, [1 for _ in js_trees], False) 


219 # add nodes 

220 if dtype == numpy.float64: 

221 container.add_node('TreeEnsembleRegressorDouble', operator.input_full_names, 

222 operator.output_full_names, 

223 name=scope.get_unique_operator_name( 

224 'TreeEnsembleRegressorDouble'), 

225 op_domain='mlprodict', **attr_pairs) 

226 else: 

227 container.add_node('TreeEnsembleRegressor', operator.input_full_names, 

228 operator.output_full_names, 

229 name=scope.get_unique_operator_name( 

230 'TreeEnsembleRegressor'), 

231 op_domain='ai.onnx.ml', **attr_pairs) 



234class XGBClassifierConverter(XGBConverter): 

235 "converter for XGBClassifier" 


237 @staticmethod 

238 def validate(xgb_node): 

239 return XGBConverter.validate(xgb_node) 


241 @staticmethod 

242 def _get_default_tree_attribute_pairs(): # pylint: disable=W0221 

243 attrs = XGBConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs(True) 

244 # attrs['nodes_hitrates'] = [] 

245 return attrs 


247 @staticmethod 

248 def convert(scope, operator, container): 

249 "convert method" 

250 dtype = guess_numpy_type(operator.inputs[0].type) 

251 if dtype != numpy.float64: 

252 dtype = numpy.float32 

253 xgb_node = operator.raw_operator 

254 inputs = operator.inputs 


256 objective, base_score, js_trees = XGBConverter.common_members( 

257 xgb_node, inputs) 

258 if base_score is None: 

259 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

260 "base_score cannot be None") 

261 params = XGBConverter.get_xgb_params(xgb_node) 


263 attr_pairs = XGBClassifierConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs() 

264 XGBConverter.fill_tree_attributes( 

265 js_trees, attr_pairs, [1 for _ in js_trees], True) 


267 ncl = (max(attr_pairs['class_treeids']) + 1) // params['n_estimators'] 


269 bst = xgb_node.get_booster() 

270 best_ntree_limit = getattr( 

271 bst, 'best_ntree_limit', len(js_trees)) * ncl 

272 if best_ntree_limit < len(js_trees): 

273 js_trees = js_trees[:best_ntree_limit] 

274 attr_pairs = XGBClassifierConverter._get_default_tree_attribute_pairs() 

275 XGBConverter.fill_tree_attributes( 

276 js_trees, attr_pairs, [1 for _ in js_trees], True) 


278 if len(attr_pairs['class_treeids']) == 0: 

279 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

280 "XGBoost model is empty.") 

281 if 'n_estimators' not in params: 

282 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

283 "Parameters not found, existing:\n{}".format( 

284 pformat(params))) 

285 if ncl <= 1: 

286 ncl = 2 

287 # See https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/src/common/math.h#L23. 

288 attr_pairs['post_transform'] = "LOGISTIC" 

289 attr_pairs['class_ids'] = [0 for v in attr_pairs['class_treeids']] 

290 else: 

291 # See https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/src/common/math.h#L35. 

292 attr_pairs['post_transform'] = "SOFTMAX" 

293 # attr_pairs['base_values'] = [base_score for n in range(ncl)] 

294 attr_pairs['class_ids'] = [v % ncl 

295 for v in attr_pairs['class_treeids']] 


297 classes = xgb_node.classes_ 

298 if (numpy.issubdtype(classes.dtype, numpy.floating) or 

299 numpy.issubdtype(classes.dtype, numpy.signedinteger)): 

300 attr_pairs['classlabels_int64s'] = classes.astype('int') 

301 else: 

302 classes = numpy.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) 

303 attr_pairs['classlabels_strings'] = classes 


305 if dtype == numpy.float64: 

306 op_name = "TreeEnsembleClassifierDouble" 

307 else: 

308 op_name = "TreeEnsembleClassifier" 


310 # add nodes 

311 if objective == "binary:logistic": 

312 ncl = 2 

313 container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, 

314 operator.output_full_names, 

315 name=scope.get_unique_operator_name( 

316 op_name), 

317 op_domain='ai.onnx.ml', **attr_pairs) 

318 elif objective == "multi:softprob": 

319 ncl = len(js_trees) // params['n_estimators'] 

320 container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, 

321 operator.output_full_names, 

322 name=scope.get_unique_operator_name( 

323 op_name), 

324 op_domain='ai.onnx.ml', **attr_pairs) 

325 elif objective == "reg:logistic": 

326 ncl = len(js_trees) // params['n_estimators'] 

327 if ncl == 1: 

328 ncl = 2 

329 container.add_node(op_name, operator.input_full_names, 

330 operator.output_full_names, 

331 name=scope.get_unique_operator_name( 

332 op_name), 

333 op_domain='ai.onnx.ml', **attr_pairs) 

334 else: 

335 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

336 "Unexpected objective: {0}".format(objective)) 



339def convert_xgboost(scope, operator, container): 

340 """ 

341 This converters reuses the code from 

342 `XGBoost.py <https://github.com/onnx/onnxmltools/blob/master/onnxmltools/convert/ 

343 xgboost/operator_converters/XGBoost.py>`_ and makes 

344 some modifications. It implements converters 

345 for models in :epkg:`xgboost`. 

346 """ 

347 xgb_node = operator.raw_operator 

348 if isinstance(xgb_node, XGBClassifier): 

349 cls = XGBClassifierConverter 

350 else: 

351 cls = XGBRegressorConverter 

352 cls.convert(scope, operator, container)