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3@brief Validates runtime for many :epkg:`scikit-learn` operators. 

4The submodule relies on :epkg:`onnxconverter_common`, 



7import math 

8import copy 

9from timeit import Timer 

10import os 

11import warnings 

12from importlib import import_module 

13import pickle 

14from time import perf_counter 

15import numpy 

16from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator 

17from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel 

18from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 

19from sklearn import __all__ as sklearn__all__, __version__ as sklearn_version 

20from .validate_problems import _problems 



23class RuntimeBadResultsError(RuntimeError): 

24 """ 

25 Raised when the results are too different from 

26 :epkg:`scikit-learn`. 

27 """ 


29 def __init__(self, msg, obs): 

30 """ 

31 :param msg: to display 

32 :param obs: observations 

33 """ 

34 RuntimeError.__init__(self, msg) 

35 self.obs = obs 



38def _dictionary2str(di): 

39 el = [] 

40 for k in sorted(di): 

41 el.append('{}={}'.format(k, di[k])) 

42 return '/'.join(el) 



45def modules_list(): 

46 """ 

47 Returns modules and versions currently used. 


49 .. runpython:: 

50 :showcode: 

51 :rst: 

52 :warningout: DeprecationWarning 


54 from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper import modules_list 

55 from pyquickhelper.pandashelper import df2rst 

56 from pandas import DataFrame 

57 print(df2rst(DataFrame(modules_list()))) 

58 """ 

59 def try_import(name): 

60 try: 

61 mod = import_module(name) 

62 except ImportError: # pragma: no cover 

63 return None 

64 return (dict(name=name, version=mod.__version__) 

65 if hasattr(mod, '__version__') else dict(name=name)) 


67 rows = [] 

68 for name in sorted(['pandas', 'numpy', 'sklearn', 'mlprodict', 

69 'skl2onnx', 'onnxmltools', 'onnx', 'onnxruntime', 

70 'scipy']): 

71 res = try_import(name) 

72 if res is not None: 

73 rows.append(res) 

74 return rows 



77def _dispsimple(arr, fLOG): 

78 if isinstance(arr, (tuple, list)): 

79 for i, a in enumerate(arr): 

80 fLOG("output %d" % i) 

81 _dispsimple(a, fLOG) 

82 elif hasattr(arr, 'shape'): 

83 if len(arr.shape) == 1: 

84 threshold = 8 

85 else: 

86 threshold = min( 

87 50, min(50 // arr.shape[1], 8) * arr.shape[1]) 

88 fLOG(numpy.array2string(arr, max_line_width=120, 

89 suppress_small=True, 

90 threshold=threshold)) 

91 else: # pragma: no cover 

92 s = str(arr) 

93 if len(s) > 50: 

94 s = s[:50] + "..." 

95 fLOG(s) 



98def _merge_options(all_conv_options, aoptions): 

99 if aoptions is None: 

100 return copy.deepcopy(all_conv_options) 

101 if not isinstance(aoptions, dict): 

102 return copy.deepcopy(aoptions) # pragma: no cover 

103 merged = {} 

104 for k, v in all_conv_options.items(): 

105 if k in aoptions: 

106 merged[k] = _merge_options(v, aoptions[k]) 

107 else: 

108 merged[k] = copy.deepcopy(v) 

109 for k, v in aoptions.items(): 

110 if k in all_conv_options: 

111 continue 

112 merged[k] = copy.deepcopy(v) 

113 return merged 



116def sklearn_operators(subfolder=None, extended=False, 

117 experimental=True): 

118 """ 

119 Builds the list of operators from :epkg:`scikit-learn`. 

120 The function goes through the list of submodule 

121 and get the list of class which inherit from 

122 :epkg:`scikit-learn:base:BaseEstimator`. 


124 :param subfolder: look into only one subfolder 

125 :param extended: extends the list to the list of operators 

126 this package implements a converter for 

127 :param experimental: includes experimental module from 

128 :epkg:`scikit-learn` (see `sklearn.experimental 

129 <https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/ 

130 tree/master/sklearn/experimental>`_) 

131 :return: the list of found operators 

132 """ 

133 if experimental: 

134 from sklearn.experimental import ( # pylint: disable=W0611 

135 enable_hist_gradient_boosting, 

136 enable_iterative_imputer) 


138 subfolders = sklearn__all__ + ['mlprodict.onnx_conv'] 

139 found = [] 

140 for subm in sorted(subfolders): 

141 if isinstance(subm, list): 

142 continue # pragma: no cover 

143 if subfolder is not None and subm != subfolder: 

144 continue 


146 if subm == 'feature_extraction': 

147 subs = [subm, 'feature_extraction.text'] 

148 else: 

149 subs = [subm] 


151 for sub in subs: 

152 if '.' in sub and sub not in {'feature_extraction.text'}: 

153 name_sub = sub 

154 else: 

155 name_sub = "{0}.{1}".format("sklearn", sub) 

156 try: 

157 mod = import_module(name_sub) 

158 except ModuleNotFoundError: 

159 continue 


161 if hasattr(mod, "register_converters"): 

162 fct = getattr(mod, "register_converters") 

163 cls = fct() 

164 else: 

165 cls = getattr(mod, "__all__", None) 

166 if cls is None: 

167 cls = list(mod.__dict__) 

168 cls = [mod.__dict__[cl] for cl in cls] 


170 for cl in cls: 

171 try: 

172 issub = issubclass(cl, BaseEstimator) 

173 except TypeError: 

174 continue 

175 if cl.__name__ in {'Pipeline', 'ColumnTransformer', 

176 'FeatureUnion', 'BaseEstimator', 

177 'BaseEnsemble', 'BaseDecisionTree'}: 

178 continue 

179 if cl.__name__ in {'CustomScorerTransform'}: 

180 continue 

181 if (sub in {'calibration', 'dummy', 'manifold'} and 

182 'Calibrated' not in cl.__name__): 

183 continue 

184 if issub: 

185 pack = "sklearn" if sub in sklearn__all__ else cl.__module__.split('.')[ 

186 0] 

187 found.append( 

188 dict(name=cl.__name__, subfolder=sub, cl=cl, package=pack)) 


190 if extended: 

191 from ...onnx_conv import register_converters 

192 with warnings.catch_warnings(): 

193 warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) 

194 models = register_converters(True) 


196 done = set(_['name'] for _ in found) 

197 for m in models: 

198 try: 

199 name = m.__module__.split('.') 

200 except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover 

201 raise AttributeError("Unexpected value, m={}".format(m)) from e 

202 sub = '.'.join(name[1:]) 

203 pack = name[0] 

204 if m.__name__ not in done: 

205 found.append( 

206 dict(name=m.__name__, cl=m, package=pack, sub=sub)) 


208 # let's remove models which cannot predict 

209 all_found = found 

210 found = [] 

211 for mod in all_found: 

212 cl = mod['cl'] 

213 if hasattr(cl, 'fit_predict') and not hasattr(cl, 'predict'): 

214 continue 

215 if hasattr(cl, 'fit_transform') and not hasattr(cl, 'transform'): 

216 continue 

217 if (not hasattr(cl, 'transform') and 

218 not hasattr(cl, 'predict') and 

219 not hasattr(cl, 'decision_function')): 

220 continue 

221 found.append(mod) 

222 return found 



225def _measure_time(fct, repeat=1, number=1, first_run=True): 

226 """ 

227 Measures the execution time for a function. 


229 :param fct: function to measure 

230 :param repeat: number of times to repeat 

231 :param number: number of times between two measures 

232 :param first_run: if True, runs the function once before measuring 

233 :return: last result, average, values 

234 """ 

235 res = None 

236 values = [] 

237 if first_run: 

238 fct() 

239 for __ in range(repeat): 

240 begin = perf_counter() 

241 for _ in range(number): 

242 res = fct() 

243 end = perf_counter() 

244 values.append(end - begin) 

245 if repeat * number == 1: 

246 return res, values[0], values 

247 return res, sum(values) / (repeat * number), values # pragma: no cover 



250def _shape_exc(obj): 

251 if hasattr(obj, 'shape'): 

252 return obj.shape 

253 if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, tuple)): 

254 return "[{%d}]" % len(obj) 

255 return None 



258def dump_into_folder(dump_folder, obs_op=None, is_error=True, 

259 **kwargs): 

260 """ 

261 Dumps information when an error was detected 

262 using :epkg:`*py:pickle`. 


264 :param dump_folder: dump_folder 

265 :param obs_op: obs_op (information) 

266 :param is_error: is it an error or not? 

267 :param kwargs: additional parameters 

268 :return: name 

269 """ 

270 if dump_folder is None: 

271 raise ValueError("dump_folder cannot be None.") 

272 optim = obs_op.get('optim', '') 

273 optim = str(optim) 

274 optim = optim.replace("<class 'sklearn.", "") 

275 optim = optim.replace("<class '", "") 

276 optim = optim.replace(" ", "") 

277 optim = optim.replace(">", "") 

278 optim = optim.replace("=", "") 

279 optim = optim.replace("{", "") 

280 optim = optim.replace("}", "") 

281 optim = optim.replace(":", "") 

282 optim = optim.replace("'", "") 

283 optim = optim.replace("/", "") 

284 optim = optim.replace("\\", "") 

285 parts = (obs_op['runtime'], obs_op['name'], obs_op['scenario'], 

286 obs_op['problem'], optim, 

287 "op" + str(obs_op.get('opset', '-')), 

288 "nf" + str(obs_op.get('n_features', '-'))) 

289 name = "dump-{}-{}.pkl".format( 

290 "ERROR" if is_error else "i", 

291 "-".join(map(str, parts))) 

292 name = os.path.join(dump_folder, name) 

293 obs_op = obs_op.copy() 

294 fcts = [k for k in obs_op if k.startswith('lambda')] 

295 for fct in fcts: 

296 del obs_op[fct] 

297 kwargs.update({'obs_op': obs_op}) 

298 with open(name, "wb") as f: 

299 pickle.dump(kwargs, f) 

300 return name 



303def default_time_kwargs(): 

304 """ 

305 Returns default values *number* and *repeat* to measure 

306 the execution of a function. 


308 .. runpython:: 

309 :showcode: 

310 :warningout: DeprecationWarning 


312 from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper import default_time_kwargs 

313 import pprint 

314 pprint.pprint(default_time_kwargs()) 


316 keys define the number of rows, 

317 values defines *number* and *repeat*. 

318 """ 

319 return { 

320 1: dict(number=30, repeat=20), 

321 10: dict(number=20, repeat=20), 

322 100: dict(number=8, repeat=10), 

323 1000: dict(number=5, repeat=5), 

324 10000: dict(number=3, repeat=3), 

325 } 



328def measure_time(stmt, x, repeat=10, number=50, div_by_number=False, first_run=True): 

329 """ 

330 Measures a statement and returns the results as a dictionary. 


332 :param stmt: string 

333 :param x: matrix 

334 :param repeat: average over *repeat* experiment 

335 :param number: number of executions in one row 

336 :param div_by_number: divide by the number of executions 

337 :param first_run: if True, runs the function once before measuring 

338 :return: dictionary 


340 See `Timer.repeat <https://docs.python.org/3/library/timeit.html?timeit.Timer.repeat>`_ 

341 for a better understanding of parameter *repeat* and *number*. 

342 The function returns a duration corresponding to 

343 *number* times the execution of the main statement. 

344 """ 

345 if x is None: 

346 raise ValueError("x cannot be None") # pragma: no cover 


348 try: 

349 stmt(x) 

350 except RuntimeError as e: # pragma: no cover 

351 raise RuntimeError("{}-{}".format(type(x), x.dtype)) from e 


353 def fct(): 

354 stmt(x) 


356 if first_run: 

357 fct() 

358 tim = Timer(fct) 

359 res = numpy.array(tim.repeat(repeat=repeat, number=number)) 

360 total = numpy.sum(res) 

361 if div_by_number: 

362 res /= number 

363 mean = numpy.mean(res) 

364 dev = numpy.mean(res ** 2) 

365 dev = max(0, (dev - mean**2)) ** 0.5 

366 mes = dict(average=mean, deviation=dev, min_exec=numpy.min(res), 

367 max_exec=numpy.max(res), repeat=repeat, number=number, 

368 total=total) 

369 return mes 



372def _multiply_time_kwargs(time_kwargs, time_kwargs_fact, inst): 

373 """ 

374 Multiplies values in *time_kwargs* following strategy 

375 *time_kwargs_fact* for a given model *inst*. 


377 :param time_kwargs: see below 

378 :param time_kwargs_fact: see below 

379 :param inst: :epkg:`scikit-learn` model 

380 :return: new *time_kwargs* 


382 Possible values for *time_kwargs_fact*: 


384 - a integer: multiplies *number* by this number 

385 - `'lin'`: multiplies value *number* for linear models depending 

386 on the number of rows to process (:math:`\\propto 1/\\log_{10}(n)`) 


388 .. runpython:: 

389 :showcode: 

390 :warningout: DeprecationWarning 


392 from pprint import pprint 

393 from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression 

394 from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper import ( 

395 default_time_kwargs, _multiply_time_kwargs) 


397 lr = LinearRegression() 

398 kw = default_time_kwargs() 

399 pprint(kw) 


401 kw2 = _multiply_time_kwargs(kw, 'lin', lr) 

402 pprint(kw2) 

403 """ 

404 if time_kwargs is None: 

405 raise ValueError("time_kwargs cannot be None.") # pragma: no cover 

406 if time_kwargs_fact in ('', None): 

407 return time_kwargs 

408 try: 

409 vi = int(time_kwargs_fact) 

410 time_kwargs_fact = vi 

411 except (TypeError, ValueError): 

412 pass 

413 if isinstance(time_kwargs_fact, int): 

414 time_kwargs_modified = copy.deepcopy(time_kwargs) 

415 for k in time_kwargs_modified: 

416 time_kwargs_modified[k]['number'] *= time_kwargs_fact 

417 return time_kwargs_modified 

418 if time_kwargs_fact == 'lin': 

419 if isinstance(inst, LinearModel): 

420 time_kwargs_modified = copy.deepcopy(time_kwargs) 

421 for k in time_kwargs_modified: 

422 kl = max(int(math.log(k) / math.log(10) + 1e-5), 1) 

423 f = max(int(10 / kl + 0.5), 1) 

424 time_kwargs_modified[k]['number'] *= f 

425 time_kwargs_modified[k]['repeat'] *= 1 

426 return time_kwargs_modified 

427 return time_kwargs 

428 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

429 "Unable to interpret time_kwargs_fact='{}'.".format( 

430 time_kwargs_fact)) 



433def _get_problem_data(prob, n_features): 

434 data_problem = _problems[prob](n_features=n_features) 

435 if len(data_problem) == 6: 

436 X_, y_, init_types, method, output_index, Xort_ = data_problem 

437 dofit = True 

438 elif len(data_problem) == 7: 

439 X_, y_, init_types, method, output_index, Xort_, dofit = data_problem 

440 else: 

441 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

442 "Unable to interpret problem '{}'.".format(prob)) 

443 if (len(X_.shape) == 2 and X_.shape[1] != n_features and 

444 n_features is not None): 

445 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

446 "Problem '{}' with n_features={} returned {} features" 

447 "(func={}).".format(prob, n_features, X_.shape[1], 

448 _problems[prob])) 

449 if y_ is None: 

450 (X_train, X_test, Xort_train, # pylint: disable=W0612 

451 Xort_test) = train_test_split( 

452 X_, Xort_, random_state=42) 

453 y_train, y_test = None, None 

454 else: 

455 (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, # pylint: disable=W0612 

456 Xort_train, Xort_test) = train_test_split( 

457 X_, y_, Xort_, random_state=42) 

458 if isinstance(init_types, tuple): 

459 init_types, conv_options = init_types 

460 else: 

461 conv_options = None 


463 if isinstance(method, tuple): 

464 method_name, predict_kwargs = method 

465 else: 

466 method_name = method 

467 predict_kwargs = {} 


469 return (X_train, X_test, y_train, 

470 y_test, Xort_test, 

471 init_types, conv_options, method_name, 

472 output_index, dofit, predict_kwargs)