Code source de mlstatpy.nlp.completion

About completion

from typing import Tuple, List, Iterator
from collections import deque

[docs]class CompletionTrieNode: """ Node definition in a trie used to do completion, see :ref:`l-completion0`. This implementation is not very efficient about memmory consumption, it does not hold above 200.000 words. It should be done another way (:epkg:`cython`, :epkg:`C++`). :githublink:`%|py|15` """ __slots__ = ("value", "children", "weight", "leave", "stat", "parent", "disp")
[docs] def __init__(self, value, leave, weight=1.0, disp=None): """ :param value: value (a character) :param leave: boolean (is it a completion) :param weight: ordering (the lower, the first) :param disp: original string, use this to identify the node :githublink:`%|py|26` """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError( "value must be str not '{0}' - type={1}".format(value, type(value))) self.value = value self.children = None self.weight = weight self.leave = leave self.stat = None self.parent = None self.disp = disp
@property def root(self): """ Returns the initial node with no parent. :githublink:`%|py|42` """ node = self while node.parent is not None: node = node.parent return node
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|51` """ return "[{2}:{0}:w={1}]".format(self.value, self.weight, "#" if self.leave else "-")
[docs] def _add(self, key, child): """ Adds a child. :param key: one letter of the word :param child: child :return: self :githublink:`%|py|61` """ if self.children is None: self.children = {key: child} child.parent = self elif key in self.children: raise KeyError("'{0}' already added".format(key)) else: self.children[key] = child child.parent = self return self
[docs] def items_list(self) -> List['CompletionTrieNode']: """ All children nodes inluding itself in a list. :return: list[ :githublink:`%|py|77` """ res = [self] if self.children is not None: for _, v in sorted(self.children.items()): r = v.items_list() res.extend(r) return res
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterates on all nodes (sorted). :githublink:`%|py|88` """ stack = [self] while len(stack) > 0: node = stack.pop() yield node if node.children: stack.extend(v for k, v in sorted( node.children.items(), reverse=True))
[docs] def unsorted_iter(self): """ Iterates on all nodes. :githublink:`%|py|100` """ stack = [self] while len(stack) > 0: node = stack.pop() yield node if node.children: stack.extend(node.children.values())
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, str, 'CompletionTrieNode']]: """ Iterates on children, iterates on weight, key, child. :githublink:`%|py|111` """ if self.children is not None: for k, v in self.children.items(): yield v.weight, k, v
[docs] def iter_leaves(self, max_weight=None) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, str]]: """ Iterators on leaves sorted per weight, yield weight, value. :param max_weight: keep all value under this threshold or None for all :githublink:`%|py|121` """ def iter_local(node): if node.leave and (max_weight is None or node.weight <= max_weight): yield node.weight, None, node.value for w, k, v in sorted(node.items()): for w_, k_, v_ in iter_local(v): yield w_, k_, v_ for w, _, v in sorted(iter_local(self)): yield w, v
[docs] def leaves(self) -> Iterator['CompletionTrieNode']: """ Iterators on leaves. :githublink:`%|py|135` """ stack = [self] while len(stack) > 0: pop = stack.pop() if pop.leave: yield pop if pop.children: stack.extend(pop.children.values())
[docs] def all_completions(self) -> List[Tuple['CompletionTrieNone', List[str]]]: """ Retrieves all completions for a node, the method does not need :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` to be run first. :githublink:`%|py|148` """ word = self.value nodes = [self.root] node = nodes[0] for c in word: if node.children is not None and c in node.children: node = node.children[c] nodes.append(node) nodes.reverse() all_res = [] for node in nodes: res = list(n[1] for n in node.iter_leaves()) all_res.append((node, res)) all_res.reverse() return all_res
[docs] def all_mks_completions(self) -> List[Tuple['CompletionTrieNone', List['CompletionTrieNone']]]: """ Retrieves all completions for a node, the method assumes :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` was run. :githublink:`%|py|168` """ res = [] node = self while True: res.append((node, node.stat.completions)) if node.parent is None: break node = node.parent res.reverse() return res
[docs] def str_all_completions(self, maxn=10, use_precompute=True) -> str: """ Builds a string with all completions for all prefixes along the paths. :param maxn: maximum number of completions to show :param use_precompute: use intermediate results built by :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` :return: str :githublink:`%|py|187` """ res = self.all_mks_completions() if use_precompute else self.all_completions() rows = [] for node, sug in res: rows.append("l={3} p='{0}' {1} {2}".format(node.value, "-" * 10, node.stat.str_mks(), '+' if node.leave else '-')) for i, s in enumerate(sug): if isinstance(s, str): rows.append(" {0}-'{1}'".format(i + 1, s)) else: rows.append( " {0}-w{1}-'{2}'".format(i + 1, s[0], s[1].value)) if maxn is not None and i > maxn: break return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] @staticmethod def build(words) -> 'CompletionTrieNode': """ Builds a trie. :param words: list of ``(word)`` or ``(weight, word)`` or ``(weight, word, display string)`` :return: root of the trie (CompletionTrieNode) :githublink:`%|py|210` """ root = CompletionTrieNode('', False) nb = 0 minw = None for wword in words: if isinstance(wword, tuple): if len(wword) == 2: w, word = wword disp = None elif len(wword) == 3: w, word, disp = wword else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected number of values, it should be (weight, word) or (weight, word, dispplay string): {0}".format(wword)) else: w = 1.0 word = wword disp = None if w is None: w = nb if minw is None or minw > w: minw = w node = root new_node = None for c in word: if node.children is not None and c in node.children: if not node.leave: node.weight = min(node.weight, w) node = node.children[c] else: new_node = CompletionTrieNode( node.value + c, False, weight=w) node._add(c, new_node) node = new_node if new_node is None: if node.leave: raise ValueError( "Value '{0}' appears twice in the input list (not allowed).".format(word)) new_node = node new_node.leave = True new_node.weight = w if disp is not None: new_node.disp = disp nb += 1 root.weight = minw return root
[docs] def find(self, prefix: str) -> 'CompletionTrieNode': """ Returns the node which holds all completions starting with a given prefix. :param prefix: prefix :return: node or None for no result :githublink:`%|py|263` """ if len(prefix) == 0: if not self.value: return self else: raise ValueError( "find '{0}' but node is not empty '{1}'".format(prefix, self.value)) node = self for c in prefix: if node.children is not None and c in node.children: node = node.children[c] else: return None return node
[docs] def min_keystroke(self, word: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the minimum keystrokes for a word without optimisation, this function should be used if you only have a couple of values to computes. You shoud use :meth:`min_keystroke0 <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.min_keystroke0>` to compute all of them. :param word: word :return: number, length of best prefix See :ref:`l-completion-optim`. .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray*} K(q, k, S) &=& \\min\\acc{ i | s_i \\succ q[1..k], s_i \\in S } \\\\ M(q, S) &=& \\min_{0 \\infegal k \\infegal l(q)} k + K(q, k, S) \\end{eqnarray*} :githublink:`%|py|296` """ nodes = [self] node = self for c in word: if node.children is not None and c in node.children: node = node.children[c] nodes.append(node) else: # not found return len(word), -1 nodes.reverse() metric = len(word) best = len(word) for node in nodes[1:]: res = list(n[1] for n in node.iter_leaves()) ind = res.index(word) m = len(node.value) + ind + 1 if m < metric: metric = m best = len(node.value) if ind >= len(word): # no need to go further, the position will increase break return metric, best
[docs] def min_keystroke0(self, word: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the minimum keystrokes for a word. :param word: word :return: number, length of best prefix, iteration it stops moving This function must be called after :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` and :meth:`update_stat_dynamic <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.update_stat_dynamic>`. See :ref:`l-completion-optim`. .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray*} K(q, k, S) &=& \\min\\acc{ i | s_i \\succ q[1..k], s_i \\in S } \\\\ M(q, S) &=& \\min_{0 \\infegal k \\infegal l(q)} k + K(q, k, S) \\end{eqnarray*} :githublink:`%|py|340` """ node = self.find(word) if node is None: raise NotImplementedError( "this metric is not yet computed for a query outside the trie: '{0}'".format(word)) if not hasattr(node, "stat"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic") if not hasattr(node.stat, "mks1"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic\nnode={0}\n{1}".format( self, "\n".join(sorted(self.stat.__dict__.keys())))) return node.stat.mks0, node.stat.mks0_, 0
[docs] def min_dynamic_keystroke(self, word: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the dynamic minimum keystrokes for a word. :param word: word :return: number, length of best prefix, iteration it stops moving This function must be called after :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` and :meth:`update_stat_dynamic <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.update_stat_dynamic>`. See :ref:`Dynamic Minimum Keystroke <def-mks2>`. .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray*} K(q, k, S) &=& \\min\\acc{ i | s_i \\succ q[1..k], s_i \\in S } \\\\ M'(q, S) &=& \\min_{0 \\infegal k \\infegal l(q)} \\acc{ M'(q[1..k], S) + K(q, k, S) | q[1..k] \\in S } \\end{eqnarray*} :githublink:`%|py|370` """ node = self.find(word) if node is None: raise NotImplementedError( "this metric is not yet computed for a query outside the trie: '{0}'".format(word)) if not hasattr(node, "stat"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic") if not hasattr(node.stat, "mks1"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic\nnode={0}\n{1}".format( self, "\n".join(sorted(self.stat.__dict__.keys())))) return node.stat.mks1, node.stat.mks1_, node.stat.mks1i_
[docs] def min_dynamic_keystroke2(self, word: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the modified dynamic minimum keystrokes for a word. :param word: word :return: number, length of best prefix, iteration it stops moving This function must be called after :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` and :meth:`update_stat_dynamic <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.update_stat_dynamic>`. See :ref:`Modified Dynamic Minimum Keystroke <def-mks3>`. .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray*} K(q, k, S) &=& \\min\\acc{ i | s_i \\succ q[1..k], s_i \\in S } \\\\ M"(q, S) &=& \\min \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{l} \\min_{1 \\infegal k \\infegal l(q)} \\acc{ M"(q[1..k-1], S) + 1 + K(q, k, S) | q[1..k] \\in S } \\\\ \\min_{0 \\infegal k \\infegal l(q)} \\acc{ M"(q[1..k], S) + \\delta + K(q, k, S) | q[1..k] \\in S } \\end{array} \\right . \\end{eqnarray*} :githublink:`%|py|403` """ node = self.find(word) if node is None: raise NotImplementedError( "this metric is not yet computed for a query outside the trie: '{0}'".format(word)) if not hasattr(node, "stat"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic") if not hasattr(node.stat, "mks2"): raise AttributeError("run precompute_stat and update_stat_dynamic\nnode={0}\n{1}".format( self, "\n".join(sorted(self.stat.__dict__.keys())))) return node.stat.mks2, node.stat.mks2_, node.stat.mks2i_
[docs] def precompute_stat(self): """ Computes and stores list of completions for each node, computes *mks*. :param clean: clean stat :githublink:`%|py|421` """ stack = deque() stack.extend(self.leaves()) while len(stack) > 0: pop = stack.popleft() if pop.stat is not None: continue if not pop.children: pop.stat = CompletionTrieNode._Stat() pop.stat.completions = [] pop.stat.mks0 = len(pop.value) pop.stat.mks0_ = len(pop.value) if pop.parent is not None: stack.append(pop.parent) elif all(v.stat is not None for v in pop.children.values()): pop.stat = CompletionTrieNode._Stat() if pop.leave: pop.stat.mks0 = len(pop.value) pop.stat.mks0_ = len(pop.value) stack.extend(pop.children.values()) pop.stat.merge_completions(pop.value, pop.children.values()) pop.stat.next_nodes = pop.children pop.stat.update_minimum_keystroke(len(pop.value)) if pop.parent is not None: stack.append(pop.parent) else: # we'll do it again later stack.append(pop)
[docs] def update_stat_dynamic(self, delta=0.8): """ Must be called after :meth:`precompute_stat <mlstatpy.nlp.completion.CompletionTrieNode.precompute_stat>` and computes dynamic mks (see :ref:`Dynamic Minimum Keystroke <def-mks2>`). :param delta: parameter :math:`\\delta` in defintion :ref:`Modified Dynamic KeyStroke <def-mks3>` :return: number of iterations to converge :githublink:`%|py|458` """ for node in self.unsorted_iter(): node.stat.init_dynamic_minimum_keystroke(len(node.value)) node.stat.iter_ = 0 updates = 1 itera = 0 while updates > 0: updates = 0 stack = [] stack.append(self) while len(stack) > 0: pop = stack.pop() if pop.stat.iter_ > itera: continue updates += pop.stat.update_dynamic_minimum_keystroke( len(pop.value), delta) if pop.children: stack.extend(pop.children.values()) pop.stat.iter_ += 1 itera += 1 return itera
## # end of methods, beginning of subclasses ##
[docs] class _Stat: """ Stores statistics and intermediate data about the compuation the metrics. It contains the following members: * mks0*: value of minimum keystroke * mks0_*: length of the prefix to obtain *mks0* * *mks_iter*: current iteration during the computation of mks * *mks1*: value of dynamic minimum keystroke * *mks1_*: length of the prefix to obtain *mks* * *mks1i_*: iteration when it was obtained * *mks2*: value of modified dynamic minimum keystroke * *mks2_*: length of the prefix to obtain *mks2* * *mks2i*: iteration when it converged :githublink:`%|py|501` """
[docs] def merge_completions(self, prefix: int, nodes: '[CompletionTrieNode]'): """ Merges list of completions and cut the list, we assume given lists are sorted. :githublink:`%|py|507` """ class Fake: pass res = [] indexes = [0 for _ in nodes] indexes.append(0) last = Fake() last.value = None last.stat = CompletionTrieNode._Stat() last.stat.completions = list( sorted((_.weight, _) for _ in nodes if _.leave)) nodes = list(nodes) nodes.append(last) maxl = 0 while True: en = [(_.stat.completions[indexes[i]][0], i, _.stat.completions[indexes[i]][1]) for i, _ in enumerate(nodes) if indexes[i] < len(_.stat.completions)] if not en: break e = min(en) i = e[1] res.append((e[0], e[2])) indexes[i] += 1 maxl = max(maxl, len(res[-1][1].value)) # maxl - len(prefix) represents the longest list which reduces the number of keystrokes # however, as the method aggregates completions at a lower lovel, # we must keep longer completions for lower levels ind = maxl if len(res) > ind: self.completions = res[:ind] else: self.completions = res
[docs] def update_minimum_keystroke(self, lw): """ Updates minimum keystroke for the completions. :param lw: prefix length :githublink:`%|py|547` """ for i, wsug in enumerate(self.completions): sug = wsug[1] nl = lw + i + 1 if not hasattr(sug.stat, "mks0") or sug.stat.mks0 > nl: sug.stat.mks0 = nl sug.stat.mks0_ = lw
[docs] def update_dynamic_minimum_keystroke(self, lw, delta): """ Updates dynamic minimum keystroke for the completions. :param lw: prefix length :param delta: parameter :math:`\\delta` in defintion :ref:`Modified Dynamic KeyStroke <def-mks3>` :return: number of updates :githublink:`%|py|563` """ self.mks_iter += 1 update = 0 for i, wsug in enumerate(self.completions): sug = wsug[1] if sug.leave: # this is a leave so we consider the completion being part # of the list of completions nl = self.mks1 + i + 1 if sug.stat.mks1 > nl: sug.stat.mks1 = nl sug.stat.mks1_ = lw sug.stat.mks1i_ = self.mks_iter update += 1 nl = self.mks2 + i + 1 + delta if sug.stat.mks2 > nl: sug.stat.mks2 = nl sug.stat.mks2_ = lw sug.stat.mks2i_ = self.mks_iter update += 1 else: raise Exception("this case should not happen") # optimisation of second case of modified metric # in a separate function for profiling def second_step(update): if hasattr(self, "next_nodes"): for _, child in self.next_nodes.items(): for i, wsug in enumerate(child.stat.completions): sug = wsug[1] if not sug.leave: continue nl = self.mks2 + i + 2 if sug.stat.mks2 > nl: sug.stat.mks2 = nl sug.stat.mks2_ = lw sug.stat.mks2i_ = self.mks_iter update += 1 return update update = second_step(update) # finally we need to update mks, mks2 for every prefix # this is not necessary a leave so it does not appear in the list of completions # but we need to update mks for these strings, we assume it just # requires an extra character, somehow, we propagate the values if hasattr(self, "next_nodes"): for _, n in self.next_nodes.items(): if not hasattr(n.stat, "mks1") or n.stat.mks1 > self.mks1 + 1: n.stat.mks1 = self.mks1 + 1 n.stat.mks1_ = self.mks1_ n.stat.mks1i_ = self.mks_iter update += 1 if not hasattr(n.stat, "mks2") or n.stat.mks2 > self.mks2 + 1: n.stat.mks2 = self.mks2 + 1 n.stat.mks2_ = self.mks2_ n.stat.mks2i_ = self.mks_iter update += 1 return update
[docs] def init_dynamic_minimum_keystroke(self, lw): """ Initializes *mks* and *mks2* from from *mks0*. :param lw: length of the prefix :githublink:`%|py|629` """ if hasattr(self, "mks0"): self.mks1 = self.mks0 self.mks1_ = self.mks0_ self.mks_iter = 0 self.mks1i_ = 0 self.mks2 = self.mks0 self.mks2_ = self.mks0_ self.mks2i_ = 0 else: self.mks0 = lw self.mks0_ = 0 self.mks1 = lw self.mks1_ = lw self.mks_iter = 0 self.mks1i_ = 0 self.mks2 = lw self.mks2_ = lw self.mks2i_ = 0
[docs] def str_mks0(self) -> str: """ Returns a string with metric information. :githublink:`%|py|652` """ if hasattr(self, "mks0"): return "MKS={0} *={1}".format(self.mks0, self.mks0_) else: return "-"
[docs] def str_mks(self) -> str: """ Returns a string with metric information. :githublink:`%|py|661` """ s0 = self.str_mks0() if hasattr(self, "mks1"): return s0 + " |'={0} *={1},{2} |\"={3} *={4},{5} |nn={6}".format( self.mks1, self.mks1_, self.mks1i_, self.mks2, self.mks2i_, self.mks2i_, '+' if hasattr(self, "next_nodes") else '-') else: return s0