Source code for onnx_array_api.npx.npx_jit_eager

from inspect import signature
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .npx_tensors import EagerTensor, JitTensor
from .npx_types import TensorType
from .npx_var import Cst, Input, Var

logger = getLogger("onnx-array-api")

[docs]class JitEager: """ Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call. :param f: function to convert :param tensor_class: wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to :class:`onnx.reference.ReferenceEvalutor` :param target_opsets: dictionary `{opset: version}` :param output_types: shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input :param ir_version: defines the IR version to use """ def __init__( self, f: Callable, tensor_class: type, target_opsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, output_types: Optional[Dict[Any, TensorType]] = None, ir_version: Optional[int] = None, ): self.f = f self.tensor_class = tensor_class self.versions = {} self.onxs = {} self.target_opsets = tensor_class.get_opsets(target_opsets) self.output_types = output_types self.ir_version = tensor_class.get_ir_version(ir_version) # parameters necessary after the function was converting to # onnx to remember an input in fact a mandatory parameter. self.n_inputs_ = 0 self.input_to_kwargs_ = None self.method_name_ = None
[docs] def info(self, prefix: Optional[str] = None, method_name: Optional[str] = None): """ Logs a status. """ if prefix is None:"") return "%s [%s.%s] nx=%d ni=%d kw=%d f=%s.%s cl=%s me=%s", prefix, self.__class__.__name__, method_name[:6], len(self.onxs), self.n_inputs_, 0 if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None else 1, self.f.__module__, self.f.__name__, self.tensor_class.__name__, self.method_name_ or "", )
[docs] def status(self, me: str) -> str: """ Returns a short string indicating the status. """ return ( f"[{self.__class__.__name__}.{me[:6]}]" f"nx={len(self.onxs)} " f"ni={self.n_inputs_} " f"kw={0 if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None else 1} " f"f={self.f.__module__}.{self.f.__name__} " f"cl={self.tensor_class.__name__} " f"me={self.method_name_ or ''}" )
@property def n_versions(self): """ Returns the number of jitted functions. There is one per type and number of dimensions. """ return len(self.onxs) @property def available_versions(self): """ Returns the key used to distinguish between every jitted version. """ return list(sorted(self.onxs))
[docs] def get_onnx(self, key: Optional[int] = None): """ Returns the jitted function associated to one key. If key is None, the assumes there is only one available jitted function and it returns it. """ if key is None: if len(self.onxs) != 1: raise ValueError( f"There is more than one jitted function. " f"The key must be specified among " f"{self.available_versions!r}." ) return self.onxs[self.available_versions[0]] if key not in self.onxs: raise ValueError( f"Not jitted function indexed with " f"key={key!r} in {self.available_versions!r}." ) return self.onxs[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def make_key(*values, **kwargs): """ Builds a key based on the input types and parameters. Every set of inputs or parameters producing the same key (or signature) must use the same compiled ONNX. """ res = [] for iv, v in enumerate(values): if isinstance(v, (Var, EagerTensor, JitTensor)): res.append(v.key) elif isinstance(v, (int, float)): res.append(v) elif isinstance(v, slice): res.append(("slice", v.start, v.stop, v.step)) elif isinstance(v, type): res.append(("type", v.__name__)) elif isinstance(v, tuple): subkey = [] for sk in v: if isinstance(sk, slice): res.append(("slice", sk.start, sk.stop, sk.step)) elif isinstance(sk, (int, float)): res.append(("slice", sk)) else: raise TypeError(f"Input {iv} cannot have such tuple: {v}.") res.append(tuple(subkey)) else: raise TypeError( f"Unable to build a key, input {iv} has type {type(v)}." ) if kwargs: for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()): if isinstance(v, (int, float, str, type)): res.append(k) res.append(v) elif isinstance(v, tuple): newv = [] for t in v: if isinstance(t, Var): raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot support Var in argument {k!r}." ) if isinstance(t, slice): newv.append(("slice", t.start, t.stop, t.step)) else: newv.append(t) res.append(tuple(newv)) else: raise TypeError( f"Type {type(v)} is not yet supported, " f"v={v} and parameter {k!r}." ) key = tuple(res) return key
[docs] def to_jit(self, *values, **kwargs): """ Converts the function into ONNX based on the provided inputs and parameters. It then wraps it by calling `self.tensor_class.create_function`. The onnx graph built by the function defines the input types and the expected number of dimensions. """"+", "to_jit") annotations = self.f.__annotations__ if len(annotations) > 0: input_to_kwargs = {} names = list(annotations.keys()) annot_values = list(annotations.values()) constraints = {} new_kwargs = {} for i, (v, iname) in enumerate(zip(values, names)): if isinstance(v, (EagerTensor, JitTensor)) and ( i >= len(annot_values) or issubclass(annot_values[i], TensorType) ): constraints[iname] = v.tensor_type_dims else: new_kwargs[iname] = v input_to_kwargs[i] = iname if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None: self.n_inputs_ = len(values) - len(input_to_kwargs) self.input_to_kwargs_ = input_to_kwargs elif self.input_to_kwargs_ != input_to_kwargs: raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected input and argument. Previous call produced " f"self.input_to_kwargs_={self.input_to_kwargs_} and " f"input_to_kwargs={input_to_kwargs} for function {self.f} " f"from module {self.f.__module__!r}." ) elif self.input_to_kwargs_: constraints = {} new_kwargs = {} for i, (v, iname) in enumerate(zip(values, names)): if ( isinstance(v, (EagerTensor, JitTensor)) and ( i >= len(annot_values) or issubclass(annot_values[i], TensorType) ) and i not in self.input_to_kwargs_ ): constraints[iname] = v.tensor_type_dims else: new_kwargs[iname] = v else: names = [f"x{i}" for i in range(len(values))] new_kwargs = {} constraints = { iname: v.tensor_type_dims for i, (v, iname) in enumerate(zip(values, names)) if isinstance(v, (EagerTensor, JitTensor)) } self.n_inputs_ = len(values) self.input_to_kwargs_ = {} if self.output_types is not None: constraints.update(self.output_types) inputs = [ Input(iname) for iname, v in zip(names, values) if iname in constraints ] names = [ for i in inputs] if len(new_kwargs) > 0: # An attribute is not named in the numpy API # but is the ONNX definition. if len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = new_kwargs else: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs.update(kwargs) var = self.f(*inputs, **kwargs) onx = var.to_onnx( constraints=constraints, target_opsets=self.target_opsets, ir_version=self.ir_version, ) exe = self.tensor_class.create_function(names, onx)"-", "to_jit") return onx, exe
[docs] def cast_to_tensor_class(self, inputs: List[Any]) -> List[EagerTensor]: """ Wraps input into `self.tensor_class`. :param inputs: python inputs (including numpy) :return: wrapped inputs """ values = [] for i, a in enumerate(inputs): try: values.append(self.tensor_class(a)) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( f"Unable to convert input {i}, with type {type(a)}." ) from e return values
[docs] def cast_from_tensor_class( self, results: List[EagerTensor] ) -> Union[Any, Tuple[Any]]: """ Wraps input from `self.tensor_class` to python types. :param results: python inputs (including numpy) :return: wrapped inputs """ if isinstance(results, (tuple, list)): if len(results) == 1: return results[0].value return tuple(r.value for r in results) return results.value
[docs] def move_input_to_kwargs( self, values: List[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Mandatory parameters not usually not named. Some inputs must be moved to the parameter list before calling ONNX. :param values: list of inputs :param kwargs: dictionary of arguments :return: new values, new arguments """ if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None: # if self.bypass_eager or self.f.__annotations__: # return values, kwargs raise RuntimeError( f"self.input_to_kwargs_ is not initialized for function {self.f} " f"from module {self.f.__module__!r}." ) if len(self.input_to_kwargs_) == 0: return values, kwargs new_values = [] new_kwargs = kwargs.copy() for i, v in enumerate(values): if i in self.input_to_kwargs_: new_kwargs[self.input_to_kwargs_[i]] = v else: new_values.append(v) return tuple(new_values), new_kwargs
[docs] def jit_call(self, *values, **kwargs): """ The method builds a key which identifies the signature (input types + parameters value). It then checks if the function was already converted into ONNX from a previous. If not, it converts it and caches the results indexed by the previous key. Finally, it executes the onnx graph and returns the result or the results in a tuple if there are several. """"+", "jit_call") if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None: # No jitting was ever called. onx, fct = self.to_jit(*values, **kwargs) if self.input_to_kwargs_ is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Attribute 'input_to_kwargs_' should be set for " f"function {self.f} form module {self.f.__module__!r}." ) else: onx, fct = None, None values, kwargs = self.move_input_to_kwargs(values, kwargs) key = self.make_key(*values, **kwargs) if self.method_name_ is None and "method_name" in key: pos = list(key).index("method_name") self.method_name_ = key[pos + 1] if onx is not None: # First jitting. self.versions[key] = fct self.onxs[key] = onx elif key in self.versions: # Already jitted. fct = self.versions[key] else: # One version was already jitted but types or parameter # are different. onx, fct = self.to_jit(*values, **kwargs) self.versions[key] = fct self.onxs[key] = onx try: res =*values) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to run function for key={key!r}, " f"types={[type(x) for x in values]}, " f"kwargs={kwargs}, " f"self.input_to_kwargs_={self.input_to_kwargs_}, " f"onnx={self.onxs[key]}." ) from e"-", "jit_call") return res
[docs]class JitOnnx(JitEager): """ Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call. :param f: function to convert :param tensor_class: wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to :class:`onnx.reference.ReferenceEvalutor` :param target_opsets: dictionary `{opset: version}` :param output_types: shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input :param ir_version: defines the IR version to use """ def __init__( self, f: Callable, tensor_class: type = None, target_opsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, output_types: Optional[Dict[Any, TensorType]] = None, ir_version: Optional[int] = None, ): if tensor_class is None: from .npx_numpy_tensors import JitNumpyTensor tensor_class = JitNumpyTensor JitEager.__init__( self, f, tensor_class, target_opsets=target_opsets, output_types=output_types, ir_version=ir_version, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The method builds a key which identifies the signature (input types + parameters value). It then checks if the function was already converted into ONNX from a previous. If not, it converts it and caches the results indexed by the previous key. Finally, it executes the onnx graph and returns the result or the results in a tuple if there are several. The method first wraps the inputs with `self.tensor_class` and converts them into python types just after. """"+", "__call__") values = self.cast_to_tensor_class(args) res = self.jit_call(*values, **kwargs) res = self.cast_from_tensor_class(res)"-", "jit_call") return res
class EagerOnnx(JitEager): """ Converts a function into an executable function based on a backend. The new function is converted to onnx on the first call. :param f: function to convert :param tensor_class: wrapper around a class defining the backend, if None, it defaults to :class:`onnx.reference.ReferenceEvalutor` :param target_opsets: dictionary `{opset: version}` :param output_types: shape and type inference cannot be run before the onnx graph is created and type is needed to do such, if not specified, the class assumes there is only one output of the same type as the input :param bypass_eager: this parameter must be true if the function has not annotation and is not decorated by `xapi_inline` or `xapi_function` :param ir_version: defines the IR version to use """ def __init__( self, f: Callable, tensor_class: type = None, target_opsets: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, output_types: Optional[Dict[Any, TensorType]] = None, ir_version: Optional[int] = None, bypass_eager: bool = False, ): if tensor_class is None: from .npx_numpy_tensors import EagerNumpyTensor tensor_class = EagerNumpyTensor JitEager.__init__( self, f, tensor_class, target_opsets=target_opsets, output_types=output_types, ir_version=ir_version, ) self.has_eager_parameter = "eager" in set(p for p in signature(f).parameters) self._eager_cache = False self.bypass_eager = bypass_eager def _preprocess_constants(self, *args): """ An input may be a constant. It needs to be replaced by a tensor. """ modified = False new_args = [] for i, n in enumerate(args): if isinstance(n, self.tensor_class): new_args.append(n) elif isinstance(n, Cst): new_args.append(self.tensor_class(n.inputs[0])) modified = True # elif isinstance(n, tuple): # if any(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, Var), n)): # raise TypeError( # f"Unexpected types in tuple " # f"({[type(t) for t in n]}) for input {i}, " # f"function {self.f} from module {self.f.__module__!r}." # ) # new_args.append(n) elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray): new_args.append(self.tensor_class(n)) modified = True elif isinstance(n, (int, float)): new_args.append(self.tensor_class(np.array(n))) modified = True elif n in (int, float): # usually used to cast new_args.append(n) elif n is None: new_args.append(n) else: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected type ({type(n)}) for input {i}, " f"function {self.f} from module {self.f.__module__!r}." ) if modified: return tuple(new_args) return args def __call__(self, *args, already_eager=False, **kwargs): """ The method builds a key which identifies the signature (input types + parameters value). It then checks if the function was already converted into ONNX from a previous. If not, it converts it and caches the results indexed by the previous key. Finally, it executes the onnx graph and returns the result or the results in a tuple if there are several. :param already_eager: already in eager mode, inputs must be of type EagerTensor and the returned outputs must be the same """"+", "__call__") if already_eager: if any( map( lambda t: t is not None and not isinstance( t, (EagerTensor, Cst, int, float, tuple, slice, type, np.ndarray), ), args, ) ): raise TypeError( f"One of the input is not an EagerTensor or a constant, " f"types are {[type(t) for t in args]} for function " f"{self.f} from module {self.f.__module__!r}." ) values_tensor = args else: values_tensor = self.cast_to_tensor_class(args) values = self._preprocess_constants(*values_tensor) if self._eager_cache or self.bypass_eager: # The function was already converted into onnx # reuse it or create a new one for different types. res = self.jit_call(*values, **kwargs)"-", "1__call__") else: # tries to call the version try: res = self.f(*values) except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e: inp1 = ", ".join(map(str, map(type, args))) inp2 = ", ".join(map(str, map(type, values))) raise TypeError( f"Unexpected types, input types are {inp1} " f"and {inp2}." ) from e if isinstance(res, EagerTensor) or ( isinstance(res, tuple) and isinstance(res[0], EagerTensor) ): if already_eager: raise TypeError( f"EagerTensor ({type(res)}) is not " f"expected for function {self.f} " f"from module {self.f.__module__!r}, " f"type of first input is {type(args[0])}." ) elif isinstance(res, Var) or any(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, Var), res)): # The function returns instance of type Var. # It does not support eager mode and needs # to be converted into onnx. res = self.jit_call(*values, **kwargs) self._eager_cache = True"-", "2__call__") if already_eager: return tuple(res) return self.cast_from_tensor_class(res)
[docs]def jit_onnx(*args, **kwargs): """ Returns an instance of :class:`JitOnnx`. """ return JitOnnx(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def eager_onnx(*args, **kwargs): """ Returns an instance of :class:`EagerOnnx`. """ return EagerOnnx(*args, **kwargs)