.. _l-onnx-doc-Selu: ==== Selu ==== .. contents:: :local: .. _l-onnx-op-selu-6: Selu - 6 ======== **Version** * **name**: `Selu (GitHub) `_ * **domain**: **main** * **since_version**: **6** * **function**: True * **support_level**: SupportType.COMMON * **shape inference**: True This version of the operator has been available **since version 6**. **Summary** Selu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the scaled exponential linear unit function, `y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0`, `y = gamma * x for x > 0`, is applied to the tensor elementwise. **Attributes** * **alpha**: Coefficient of SELU default to 1.67326319217681884765625 (i.e., float32 approximation of 1.6732632423543772848170429916717). Default value is ``1.6732631921768188``. * **gamma**: Coefficient of SELU default to 1.05070102214813232421875 (i.e., float32 approximation of 1.0507009873554804934193349852946). Default value is ``1.0507010221481323``. **Inputs** * **X** (heterogeneous) - **T**: Input tensor **Outputs** * **Y** (heterogeneous) - **T**: Output tensor **Type Constraints** * **T** in ( tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16) ): Constrain input and output types to float tensors. **Examples** **default** :: node = onnx.helper.make_node( "Selu", inputs=["x"], outputs=["y"], alpha=2.0, gamma=3.0 ) x = np.array([-1, 0, 1]).astype(np.float32) # expected output [-3.79272318, 0., 3.] y = ( np.clip(x, 0, np.inf) * 3.0 + (np.exp(np.clip(x, -np.inf, 0)) - 1) * 2.0 * 3.0 ) expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y], name="test_selu_example") x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32) y = ( np.clip(x, 0, np.inf) * 3.0 + (np.exp(np.clip(x, -np.inf, 0)) - 1) * 2.0 * 3.0 ) expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y], name="test_selu") **_selu_default** :: default_alpha = 1.67326319217681884765625 default_gamma = 1.05070102214813232421875 node = onnx.helper.make_node( "Selu", inputs=["x"], outputs=["y"], ) x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32) y = ( np.clip(x, 0, np.inf) * default_gamma + (np.exp(np.clip(x, -np.inf, 0)) - 1) * default_alpha * default_gamma ) expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y], name="test_selu_default") **Differences** .. raw:: html
00Selu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output dataSelu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data
11(Tensor) where the scaled exponential linear unit function,(Tensor) where the scaled exponential linear unit function,
22y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0, y = gamma * x for x > 0,y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0, y = gamma * x for x > 0,
33is applied to the tensor elementwise.is applied to the tensor elementwise.
77* **alpha**:* **alpha**:
88 Coefficient of SELU default to 1.6732. Default value is 1.673200011253357. Coefficient of SELU default to 1.67326319217681884765625 (i.e.,
99* **consumed_inputs**: float32 approximation of 1.6732632423543772848170429916717). Default value is 1.6732631921768188.
10* **gamma**:
1011 legacy optimization attribute. Coefficient of SELU default to 1.05070102214813232421875 (i.e.,
1112* **gamma**: float32 approximation of 1.0507009873554804934193349852946). Default value is 1.0507010221481323.
12 Coefficient of SELU default to 1.0507. Default value is 1.0506999492645264.
1616* **X** (heterogeneous) - **T**:* **X** (heterogeneous) - **T**:
1717 Input tensor Input tensor
2121* **Y** (heterogeneous) - **T**:* **Y** (heterogeneous) - **T**:
2222 Output tensor Output tensor
2424**Type Constraints****Type Constraints**
2626* **T** in (* **T** in (
2727 tensor(double), tensor(double),
2828 tensor(float), tensor(float),
2929 tensor(float16) tensor(float16)
3030 ): ):
3131 Constrain input and output types to float tensors. Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
.. _l-onnx-op-selu-1: Selu - 1 ======== **Version** * **name**: `Selu (GitHub) `_ * **domain**: **main** * **since_version**: **1** * **function**: False * **support_level**: SupportType.COMMON * **shape inference**: False This version of the operator has been available **since version 1**. **Summary** Selu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the scaled exponential linear unit function, `y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0`, `y = gamma * x for x > 0`, is applied to the tensor elementwise. **Attributes** * **alpha**: Coefficient of SELU default to 1.6732. Default value is ``1.673200011253357``. * **consumed_inputs**: legacy optimization attribute. * **gamma**: Coefficient of SELU default to 1.0507. Default value is ``1.0506999492645264``. **Inputs** * **X** (heterogeneous) - **T**: Input tensor **Outputs** * **Y** (heterogeneous) - **T**: Output tensor **Type Constraints** * **T** in ( tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16) ): Constrain input and output types to float tensors.