Source code for

import copy
import io
import os
import warnings
from functools import partial
from inspect import signature

import numpy as np
import onnx
import torch

import onnxruntime as ort
from import SymbolicShapeInference

from . import ORTTrainerOptions, _checkpoint_storage, _utils, amp, checkpoint, optim, postprocess
from .model_desc_validation import _ORTTrainerModelDesc

class TrainStepInfo(object):
    r"""Private class used to store runtime information from current train step.

    After every train step, :py:meth:`ORTTrainer.train_step` updates the internal instance of
    :py:class:`.TrainStepInfo` residing on :py:class:`.ORTTrainer` with relevant information
    from the forward pass.

    This class shouldn't be accessed directly by the user, unless they really know what they are doing.
    Instead, :py:class:`.ORTTrainer` passes it to relevant class methods automatically,
    such as :py:method:`._LRScheduler.get_lr` or :py:class:`.LossScaler.update`.

        optimizer_config (optim._OptimizerConfig): reference to optimizer config
        all_finite (bool, default is True): flag that indicates whether all gradients are still finite after last step
        fetches (list of str, default is []): list of output names to fetch from train_step/eval_step. Set it to [] to reset normal behavior.
        optimization_step (int): indicates the number of optimizations performed. Used for learning rate scheduling
        step (int): indicates current training step. Used for gradient accumulation


        .. code-block:: python

            info = TrainStepInfo(optimizer_config=optim.SGDConfig(lr=0.01))
            if info.all_finite:
                print(f'Yay, all gradients are finite at {step} step!')


    def __init__(self, optimizer_config, all_finite=True, fetches=[], optimization_step=0, step=0):
        assert isinstance(optimizer_config, optim._OptimizerConfig), "optimizer_config must be a optim._OptimizerConfig"
        assert isinstance(all_finite, bool), "all_finite must be a bool"
        assert isinstance(fetches, list) and all(
            [isinstance(item, str) for item in fetches]
        ), "fetches must be a list of str"
        assert isinstance(optimization_step, int) and optimization_step >= 0, "optimization_step must be a positive int"
        assert isinstance(step, int) and step >= 0, "step must be a positive int"

        self.optimizer_config = optimizer_config
        self.all_finite = all_finite
        self.fetches = fetches
        self.optimization_step = optimization_step
        self.step = step

[docs]class ORTTrainer(object): r"""Pytorch frontend for ONNX Runtime training Entry point that exposes the C++ backend of ORT as a Pytorch frontend. Args: model (torch.nn.Module or onnx.ModelProto): either a PyTorch or ONNX model. When a PyTorch model and :py:attr:`loss_fn` are specified, :py:attr:`model` and :py:obj:`loss_fn` are combined. When a ONNX model is provided, the loss is identified by the flag :py:obj:`is_loss=True` in one of the :py:attr:`.model_desc.outputs` entries. model_desc (dict): model input and output description. This is used to identify inputs and outputs and their shapes, so that ORT can generate back propagation graph, plan memory allocation for training, and perform optimizations. :py:attr:`model_desc` must be consistent with the training :py:attr:`model` and have the following (:py:obj:`dict`) schema :py:obj:`{ 'inputs': [tuple(name, shape)], 'outputs': [tuple(name, shape, is_loss)]}`. :py:attr:`name` is a string representing the name of input or output of the model. For :py:obj:`model_desc['inputs']` entries, :py:attr:`name` must match input names of the original PyTorch model's :py:meth:`torch.nn.Module.forward` method. For ONNX models, both name and order of input names must match. For :py:obj:`model_desc['outputs']` entries, the order must match the original PyTorch's output as returned by :py:meth:`torch.nn.Module.forward` method. For ONNX models, both name and order of output names must match. :py:attr:`shape` is a list of string or integers that describes the shape of the input/output. Each dimension size can be either a string or an int. String means the dimension size is dynamic, while integers mean static dimensions. An empty list implies a scalar. Lastly, :py:attr:`is_loss` is a boolean (default is False) that flags if this output is considered a loss. ORT backend needs to know which output is loss in order to generate back propagation graph. Loss output must be specified when either :py:attr:`loss_fn` is specified or when loss is embedded in the model. Note that only one loss output is supported per model. optimizer_config (optim._OptimizerConfig): optimizer config. One of :py:class:`.optim.AdamConfig`, :py:class:`.optim.LambConfig` or :py:class:`.optim.SGDConfig`. loss_fn (callable, default is None): a PyTorch loss function. It takes two inputs [prediction, label] and outputs a scalar loss tensor. If provided, :py:attr:`loss_fn` is combined with the PyTorch :py:attr:`model` to form a combined PyTorch model. Inputs to the combined PyTorch model are concatenation of the :py:attr:`model`'s input and :py:attr:`loss_fn`'s label input. Outputs of the combined PyTorch model are concatenation of :py:attr:`loss_fn`'s loss output and :py:attr:`model`'s outputs. options (ORTTrainerOptions, default is None): options for additional features. Example: .. code-block:: python model = ... loss_fn = ... model_desc = { "inputs": [ ("input_ids", ["batch", "max_seq_len_in_batch"]), ("attention_mask", ["batch", "max_seq_len_in_batch"]), ("token_type_ids", ["batch", "max_seq_len_in_batch"]), ("masked_lm_labels", ["batch", "max_seq_len_in_batch"]), ("next_sentence_label", ["batch", 1]) ], "outputs": [ ("loss", [], True), ], } optim_config = optim.LambConfig(param_groups = [ { 'params' : ['model_param0'], 'alpha' : 0.8, 'beta' : 0.7}, { 'params' : ['model_param1' , 'model_param_2'], 'alpha' : 0.0} ], alpha=0.9, beta=0.999) ort_trainer = ORTTrainer(model, model_desc, optim_config, loss_fn) .. deprecated:: 1.10 Use :class:`ORTModule` instead. """ def __init__(self, model, model_desc, optim_config, loss_fn=None, options=None): warnings.warn( "ORTTrainer is deprecated and will be removed in ort release 1.14. Please use ORTModule instead.", FutureWarning, ) assert model is not None, "'model' is required and must be either a 'torch.nn.Module' or ONNX model" assert isinstance(model_desc, dict), "'model_desc' must be a 'dict'" assert isinstance( optim_config, optim._OptimizerConfig ), "'optim_config' is required and must be any of 'AdamConfig', 'LambConfig' or 'SGDConfig'" assert loss_fn is None or ( callable(loss_fn) and len(signature(loss_fn).parameters) == 2 ), "'loss_fn' must be either 'None' or a callable with two parameters" assert options is None or isinstance( options, ORTTrainerOptions ), "'options' must be either 'None' or 'ORTTrainerOptions'" # Model + Loss validation # Supported combinarios are # ---------------------------------------- # | | Model | Loss | # ---------------------------------------- # | 1 | torch.nn.Module | None | # | 2 | torch.nn.Module | torch.nn.Module | # | 3 | ONNX | None | # ---------------------------------------- self._torch_model = None self._onnx_model = None if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): assert loss_fn is None or isinstance( model, torch.nn.Module ), "'loss_fn' must be either 'None' or 'torch.nn.Module'" self._torch_model = model self.loss_fn = loss_fn # TODO: Remove when experimental checkpoint functions are removed. self._torch_state_dict_keys = list(model.state_dict().keys()) elif isinstance(model, onnx.ModelProto): assert loss_fn is None, "'loss_fn' must not be specified when 'model' is an ONNX model" self._onnx_model = model self.loss_fn = None else: raise ValueError("'model' must be either 'torch.nn.Module' or 'onnx.ModelProto'") self.model_desc = _ORTTrainerModelDesc(model_desc) self.optim_config = optim_config # ORTTrainerOptions if not options: options = ORTTrainerOptions() self.options = options if self.options.mixed_precision.enabled and not self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler: # TODO: Move this to self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler = amp.loss_scaler.DynamicLossScaler() # Post processing ONNX model given as input if self._onnx_model: if self.options._internal_use.enable_internal_postprocess: self._onnx_model = postprocess.run_postprocess(self._onnx_model) if self.options._internal_use.extra_postprocess: self._onnx_model = self.options._internal_use.extra_postprocess(self._onnx_model) assert isinstance(self._onnx_model, onnx.ModelProto), "'extra_postprocess' must return a ONNX model" # When input model is already ONNX (and not exported from Pytorch within ORTTrainer), # append 'dtype' from ONNX into model description's for idx_i, i_desc in enumerate(self.model_desc.inputs): dtype = None for onnx_input in self._onnx_model.graph.input: if == dtype = _utils.dtype_onnx_to_torch(onnx_input.type.tensor_type.elem_type) self.model_desc.add_type_to_input_description(idx_i, dtype) break assert dtype is not None, f"ONNX model with unknown input type ({})" for idx_o, o_desc in enumerate(self.model_desc.outputs): dtype = None for onnx_output in self._onnx_model.graph.output: if == dtype = _utils.dtype_onnx_to_torch(onnx_output.type.tensor_type.elem_type) self.model_desc.add_type_to_output_description(idx_o, dtype) break assert dtype is not None, f"ONNX model with unknown output type ({})" try: from torch.utils.cpp_extension import ROCM_HOME self.is_rocm_pytorch = True if ((torch.version.hip is not None) and (ROCM_HOME is not None)) else False except ImportError: self.is_rocm_pytorch = False # TODO: Remove when experimental checkpoint functions are removed. self._state_dict = {} self._train_step_info = TrainStepInfo(self.optim_config) self._training_session = None self._load_state_dict = None self._init_session( provider_options=self.options._validated_opts["provider_options"], session_options=self.options.session_options, )
[docs] def eval_step(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Evaluation step method Args: *args: Arbitrary arguments that are used as model input (data only) **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments that are used as model input (data only) Returns: ordered :py:obj:`list` with model outputs as described by :py:attr:`.ORTTrainer.model_desc` """ # Get data. CombineTorchModelLossFn takes label as last input and outputs loss first sample_input = self._prepare_model_input(self.model_desc.inputs, None, None, *args, **kwargs) # Export model to ONNX if self._onnx_model is None: if self._torch_model is not None: self._init_onnx_model(sample_input) else: raise RuntimeError("Model is uninitialized. Only ONNX and PyTorch models are supported") # Prepare input/output description inputs_desc = self.model_desc.inputs outputs_desc = self.model_desc.outputs if self._train_step_info.fetches: outputs_desc = [o_desc for o_desc in outputs_desc if in self._train_step_info.fetches] if len(outputs_desc) != len(self._train_step_info.fetches): raise RuntimeError("The specified fetches list contains invalid output names") # Normalize input if not isinstance(sample_input, (list, tuple)): sample_input = (sample_input,) # RunOptions run_options = ort.RunOptions() run_options.only_execute_path_to_fetches = True run_options.training_mode = False # Run a eval step and return session_run_results = self._training_session_run_helper( False, sample_input, inputs_desc, outputs_desc, run_options ) # Output must be returned in the same order as defined in the model description results = [session_run_results[] for o_desc in outputs_desc] return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
[docs] def save_as_onnx(self, path): r"""Persists ONNX model into :py:attr:`path` The model will be saved as a Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf) file as per ONNX standard. The graph includes full information, including inference and training metadata. Args: path (str): Full path, including filename, to save the ONNX model in the filesystem Raises: RuntimeWarning: raised when neither `train_step` or `eval_step` was called at least once ValueError: raised when `path` is not valid path """ if not self._training_session: warnings.warn( "Training session is not initialized yet. " "'train_step' or 'eval_step' methods must be executed at least once before calling 'save_as_onnx()'." ) return state_tensors = self._training_session.get_state() self._update_onnx_model_initializers(state_tensors) assert isinstance(path, str), "'path' must be a valid path string" dir_name = os.path.dirname(path) file_name = os.path.basename(path) if (dir_name and not os.path.exists(dir_name)) or not file_name: warnings.warn("'path' is not valid or does not exist") return with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(self._onnx_model.SerializeToString())
def _check_model_export(self, input): from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from onnx import TensorProto, helper, numpy_helper onnx_model_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._onnx_model) # Mute the dropout nodes dropout_nodes = [n for n in onnx_model_copy.graph.node if n.op_type == "Dropout"] for node in dropout_nodes: ratio_node = [n for n in onnx_model_copy.graph.node if node.input[1] in n.output][0] training_mode_node = [n for n in onnx_model_copy.graph.node if node.input[2] in n.output][0] training_mode_node.attribute.pop() ratio_node.attribute.pop() new_training_mode_arr = np.array(False, dtype=bool) new_ratio_arr = np.array(0.0, dtype=np.float32) new_training_mode = numpy_helper.from_array(new_training_mode_arr) new_ratio = numpy_helper.from_array(new_ratio_arr) training_mode_node.attribute.add().t.CopyFrom(new_training_mode) ratio_node.attribute.add().t.CopyFrom(new_ratio) training_mode_node.attribute[0].type = 4 ratio_node.attribute[0].type = 4 training_mode_node.attribute[0].name = "value" ratio_node.attribute[0].name = "value" _inference_sess = ort.InferenceSession( onnx_model_copy.SerializeToString(), providers=ort.get_available_providers() ) inf_inputs = {} for i, input_elem in enumerate(input): inf_inputs[_inference_sess.get_inputs()[i].name] = input_elem.cpu().numpy() _inference_outs =, inf_inputs) for torch_item, ort_item in zip(self.torch_sample_outputs, _inference_outs): assert_allclose( torch_item, ort_item, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-6, err_msg="Mismatch between outputs of PyTorch model and exported ONNX model. " "Note that different backends may exhibit small computational differences." "If this is within acceptable margin, or if there is random generator " "in the model causing inevitable mismatch, you can proceed training by " "setting the flag debug.check_model_export to False.", )
[docs] def train_step(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Train step method After forward pass, an ordered list with all outputs described at :py:attr:`ORTTrainer.model_desc` is returned. Additional information relevant to the train step is maintend by :py:attr:`ORTTrainer._train_step_info`. See :py:class:`.TrainStepInfo` for details. Args: *args: Arbitrary arguments that are used as model input (data only) **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments that are used as model input (data only) Returns: ordered :py:obj:`list` with model outputs as described by :py:attr:`ORTTrainer.model_desc` """ # Export model to ONNX if self._onnx_model is None: sample_input = self._prepare_model_input(self.model_desc.inputs, None, None, *args, **kwargs) self._init_onnx_model(sample_input) # Debug Model Export if indicated if self.options.debug.check_model_export: self._check_model_export(sample_input) # Prepare inputs+lr and output descriptions inputs_desc = self._model_desc_inputs_with_lr outputs_desc = self.model_desc.outputs # Train step must be incremented *before* gradient accumulation code # Gradients are accumulated when # self._train_step_info.step % self.options.batch.gradient_accumulation_steps != 0, # and they are updated otherwise self._train_step_info.step += 1 # RunOptions run_options = None mixed_precision_without_fetches = False if self._train_step_info.fetches: outputs_desc = [o_desc for o_desc in outputs_desc if in self._train_step_info.fetches] if len(outputs_desc) != len(self._train_step_info.fetches): raise RuntimeError("The specified fetches list contains invalid output names") elif self._train_step_info.step % self.options.batch.gradient_accumulation_steps != 0: run_options = ort.RunOptions() run_options.only_execute_path_to_fetches = True outputs_desc = self._model_desc_outputs_with_gradient_accumulation elif self.options.mixed_precision.enabled: mixed_precision_without_fetches = True outputs_desc = self._model_desc_outputs_with_all_finite # Update Learning Rate if Necessary lr = if self.options.lr_scheduler: lr = self.options.lr_scheduler._step(self._train_step_info)[0] # Loss Scale for mixed precision loss_scale = None if self.options.mixed_precision.enabled: loss_scaler = self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler assert loss_scaler, "Loss scaler is required when mixed precision is enabled" loss_scale = loss_scaler.loss_scale inputs_desc = self._model_desc_inputs_with_lr_and_loss_scale # Get data. CombineTorchModelLossFn takes label as last input and outputs loss first input = self._prepare_model_input(inputs_desc, lr, loss_scale, *args, **kwargs) # Normalize input if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = (args,) # Run a train step and return session_run_results = self._training_session_run_helper(True, input, inputs_desc, outputs_desc, run_options) if mixed_precision_without_fetches: # After session run with all_fp32_gradients_finite, we need to clear the training I/O binding's output # Otherwise next run with only_execute_path_to_fetches will lead to gradient all reduce # because all_fp32_gradients_finite is still in the feed. self._train_io_binding.clear_binding_outputs() is_all_finite = session_run_results[] self._train_step_info.all_finite = is_all_finite if loss_scaler: loss_scaler.update(self._train_step_info) if is_all_finite: # Optimization step must be incremented *after* optimization is successful self._train_step_info.optimization_step += 1 elif self._train_step_info.step % self.options.batch.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: # Optimization step must be incremented *after* optimization is successful self._train_step_info.optimization_step += 1 # Output must be returned in the same order as defined in the model description # or in the order specified by TrainStepInfo.fetches, if applicable if self._train_step_info.fetches: results = [session_run_results[o_desc] for o_desc in self._train_step_info.fetches] else: results = [session_run_results[] for o_desc in self.model_desc.outputs] return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
def _convert_torch_model_loss_fn_to_onnx(self, inputs, device): # Dynamic axes dynamic_axes = {} for input in self.model_desc.inputs: symbolic_axis = {} for i, axis in enumerate(input.shape): if isinstance(axis, str): symbolic_axis[i] = axis if len(symbolic_axis): dynamic_axes[] = symbolic_axis for output in self.model_desc.outputs: symbolic_axis = {} for i, axis in enumerate(output.shape): if isinstance(axis, str): symbolic_axis[i] = axis if len(symbolic_axis): dynamic_axes[] = symbolic_axis if isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor): inputs = [inputs] if isinstance(inputs, dict): sample_inputs = [inputs[k.name_].to(device=device) for k in self.model_desc.inputs] elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)): sample_inputs = [ for i, input in enumerate(inputs) if i < len(self.model_desc.inputs) ] else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected input type. Only torch.Tensor, or dict/list/tuple of torch.Tensor is supported." ) # PyTorch ONNX exporter does not match argument names # This is an issue because the ONNX graph depends on all inputs to be specified # Validate loss_fn if self.loss_fn: sig_loss = signature(self.loss_fn) if len(sig_loss.parameters) != 2: raise RuntimeError("loss function should take two arguments - predict and label.") # Basic input names from model input_names = [ for input in self.model_desc.inputs] sig = signature(self._torch_model.forward) ordered_input_list = list(sig.parameters.keys()) # Label from loss_fn goes after model input if self.loss_fn: ordered_input_list = [*ordered_input_list, list(sig_loss.parameters.keys())[1]] class CombineTorchModelLossFnWrapInput(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, model, loss_fn, input_names): super().__init__() self.model = model self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.input_names = input_names def forward(self, *inputs): sig = signature(self.model.forward) input_dict = {} for key in sig.parameters.keys(): if key in self.input_names: input_dict[key] = inputs[self.input_names.index(key)] model_out = self.model(**input_dict) if self.loss_fn is None: return model_out label = inputs[-1] preds = model_out return self.loss_fn(preds, label), preds model = CombineTorchModelLossFnWrapInput(self._torch_model, self.loss_fn, input_names) # Do an inference to grab output types model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # Deepcopy inputs, since input values may change after model run. sample_inputs_copy = copy.deepcopy(sample_inputs) try: # Deepcopy model, in case model is stateful and changes after model run. model_copy = copy.deepcopy(model) except Exception: model_copy = model warnings.warn( "This model cannot be deep copied (or pickled), which is a required step for stateful models to be properly exported to ONNX." " Compute will continue, but unexpected results may occur!" ) sample_outputs = model_copy(*sample_inputs_copy) self.torch_sample_outputs = sample_outputs model.train() if isinstance(sample_outputs, torch.Tensor): sample_outputs = [sample_outputs] # Append 'dtype' for model description's inputs/outputs for idx_i, sample_input in enumerate(sample_inputs): if idx_i < len(self.model_desc.inputs): self.model_desc.add_type_to_input_description(idx_i, sample_input.dtype) for idx_o, sample_output in enumerate(sample_outputs): if idx_o < len(self.model_desc.outputs): self.model_desc.add_type_to_output_description(idx_o, sample_output.dtype) # Export the model to ONNX f = io.BytesIO() # Deepcopy inputs, since input values may change after model run. sample_inputs_copy = copy.deepcopy(sample_inputs) # Handle contrib OPs support from import pytorch_export_contrib_ops if self.options._internal_use.enable_onnx_contrib_ops: pytorch_export_contrib_ops.register() else: # Unregister in case they were registered in previous calls. pytorch_export_contrib_ops.unregister() # Export torch.nn.Module to ONNX torch.onnx.export( model, tuple(sample_inputs_copy), f, input_names=[ for input in self.model_desc.inputs], output_names=[ for output in self.model_desc.outputs], opset_version=self.options._internal_use.onnx_opset_version, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, do_constant_folding=False, training=torch.onnx.TrainingMode.TRAINING, ) onnx_model = onnx.load_model_from_string(f.getvalue()) # Remove 'model.' prefix introduced by CombineTorchModelLossFn class if isinstance(model, CombineTorchModelLossFnWrapInput): replace_name_dict = {} for n in onnx_model.graph.initializer: if"model."): replace_name_dict[] =[len("model.") :] = replace_name_dict[] for n in onnx_model.graph.node: for i, name in enumerate(n.input): if name in replace_name_dict: n.input[i] = replace_name_dict[name] return onnx_model def _create_ort_training_session(self, optimizer_state_dict={}, session_options=None, provider_options=None): # Validating frozen_weights names unused_frozen_weights = [ n for n in self.options.utils.frozen_weights if n not in [ for i in self._onnx_model.graph.initializer] ] if unused_frozen_weights: raise RuntimeError( "{} params from 'frozen_weights' not found in the ONNX model.".format(unused_frozen_weights) ) # Get loss name from model description loss_name = [ for item in self.model_desc.outputs if item.is_loss] assert len(loss_name) == 1, f"Only one loss output is supported ({len(loss_name)} were specified)" loss_name = loss_name[0] # Parse optimizer parameters optimizer_attributes_map = {} optimizer_int_attributes_map = {} trainable_params = set() for initializer in self._onnx_model.graph.initializer: if in self.options.utils.frozen_weights: continue # only trainable parameters are passed to the backend trainable_params.add( optimizer_attributes_map[] = {} optimizer_int_attributes_map[] = {} not_in_param_groups = True for param_group in self.optim_config.params: if not in param_group["params"]: continue # keep looking for a matching param_group not_in_param_groups = False for k, v in param_group.items(): # 'params' is not a hyper parameter, skip it. 'lr' per weight is not supported if k == "params" or k == "lr": continue if isinstance(v, float): optimizer_attributes_map[][k] = v elif isinstance(v, int): optimizer_int_attributes_map[][k] = v else: raise ValueError("Optimizer attributes must be either float or int.") # set default values for params not found in groups if not_in_param_groups: for k, v in self.optim_config.defaults.items(): if k == "lr": continue if isinstance(v, float): optimizer_attributes_map[][k] = v elif isinstance(v, int): optimizer_int_attributes_map[][k] = v else: raise ValueError("Optimizer attributes must be either float or int.") self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size = max(self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size, 1) self.options.distributed.data_parallel_size = ( self.options.distributed.world_size // self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size ) # TrainingParameters ort_parameters = ort.TrainingParameters() ort_parameters.loss_output_name = loss_name ort_parameters.use_mixed_precision = self.options.mixed_precision.enabled ort_parameters.world_rank = self.options.distributed.world_rank ort_parameters.world_size = self.options.distributed.world_size ort_parameters.gradient_accumulation_steps = self.options.batch.gradient_accumulation_steps ort_parameters.allreduce_post_accumulation = self.options.distributed.allreduce_post_accumulation ort_parameters.enable_adasum = self.options.distributed.enable_adasum ort_parameters.deepspeed_zero_stage = self.options.distributed.deepspeed_zero_optimization.stage ort_parameters.enable_grad_norm_clip = self.options.utils.grad_norm_clip ort_parameters.set_gradients_as_graph_outputs = False ort_parameters.use_memory_efficient_gradient = self.options.utils.memory_efficient_gradient ort_parameters.training_optimizer_name = ort_parameters.lr_params_feed_name = ort_parameters.weights_to_train = trainable_params ort_parameters.optimizer_attributes_map = optimizer_attributes_map ort_parameters.optimizer_int_attributes_map = optimizer_int_attributes_map if bool(optimizer_state_dict): ort_parameters.set_optimizer_initial_state(optimizer_state_dict) ort_parameters.attn_dropout_recompute = self.options.graph_transformer.attn_dropout_recompute ort_parameters.gelu_recompute = self.options.graph_transformer.gelu_recompute ort_parameters.transformer_layer_recompute = self.options.graph_transformer.transformer_layer_recompute ort_parameters.number_recompute_layers = self.options.graph_transformer.number_recompute_layers ort_parameters.data_parallel_size = self.options.distributed.data_parallel_size ort_parameters.horizontal_parallel_size = self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size ort_parameters.pipeline_parallel_size = self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.pipeline_parallel_size ort_parameters.num_pipeline_micro_batches = ( self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.num_pipeline_micro_batches ) ort_parameters.pipeline_cut_info_string = self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.pipeline_cut_info_string # We have special handling for dictionary-typed option. # sliced_schema._validated_opts is the original dictionary while sliced_schema is a _ORTTrainerOptionsInternal. ort_parameters.sliced_schema = self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.sliced_schema._validated_opts # We have special handling for dictionary-typed option. # sliced_axes._validated_opts is the original dictionary while sliced_schema is a _ORTTrainerOptionsInternal. ort_parameters.sliced_axes = self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.sliced_axes._validated_opts ort_parameters.sliced_tensor_names = self.options.distributed.pipeline_parallel.sliced_tensor_names ort_parameters.model_after_graph_transforms_path = ( self.options.debug.graph_save_paths.model_after_graph_transforms_path ) ort_parameters.model_with_gradient_graph_path = ( self.options.debug.graph_save_paths.model_with_gradient_graph_path ) ort_parameters.model_with_training_graph_path = ( self.options.debug.graph_save_paths.model_with_training_graph_path ) # SessionOptions session_options = ort.SessionOptions() if session_options is None else session_options session_options.use_deterministic_compute = self.options.debug.deterministic_compute if ( self.options.graph_transformer.attn_dropout_recompute or self.options.graph_transformer.gelu_recompute or self.options.graph_transformer.transformer_layer_recompute ): session_options.execution_order = ort.ExecutionOrder.PRIORITY_BASED if len(self.options.debug.graph_save_paths.model_with_training_graph_after_optimization_path) > 0: session_options.optimized_model_filepath = ( self.options.debug.graph_save_paths.model_with_training_graph_after_optimization_path ) # old ort session may already exists and occupies GPU memory when creating new session, this may cause OOM error. # for example, load_state_dict will be called before returing the function, and it calls _init_session again del self._training_session # Set provider-specific options if needed def get_providers(provider_options): providers = ort.get_available_providers() if provider_options: for provider_name in provider_options: if provider_name in providers: providers[providers.index(provider_name)] = (provider_name, provider_options[provider_name]) else: providers.insert(0, (provider_name, provider_options[provider_name])) # default: using cuda elif "cuda" in gpu_ep_options = {"device_id": _utils.get_device_index(} gpu_ep_name = "ROCMExecutionProvider" if self.is_rocm_pytorch else "CUDAExecutionProvider" if self.options.device.mem_limit > 0: gpu_ep_options["gpu_mem_limit"] = self.options.device.mem_limit if gpu_ep_name not in providers: raise RuntimeError( "ORTTrainer options specify a CUDA device but the {} provider is unavailable.".format( cuda_ep_name ) ) providers[providers.index(gpu_ep_name)] = (gpu_ep_name, gpu_ep_options) return providers # TrainingSession self._training_session = ort.TrainingSession( self._onnx_model.SerializeToString(), ort_parameters, session_options, get_providers(provider_options) ) # I/O bindings self._train_io_binding = self._training_session.io_binding() self._eval_io_binding = self._training_session.io_binding() def _init_onnx_model(self, inputs): if self._onnx_model is not None: return if self._torch_model is not None: # PyTorch model is moved to cpu to save GPU memory self._torch_model.cpu() # PyTorch buffers (created using 'register_buffer') shouldn't be trained torch_buffers = list(dict(self._torch_model.named_buffers()).keys()) self.options.utils.frozen_weights.extend(torch_buffers) # Export to ONNX self._onnx_model = self._convert_torch_model_loss_fn_to_onnx(inputs, "cpu") # Post processing for ONNX models expported from PyTorch if self.options._internal_use.enable_internal_postprocess: self._onnx_model = postprocess.run_postprocess(self._onnx_model) if self.options._internal_use.extra_postprocess: self._onnx_model = self.options._internal_use.extra_postprocess(self._onnx_model) optimizer_state_dict = {} if self._load_state_dict: optimizer_state_dict = self._load_state_dict() self._init_session( optimizer_state_dict, session_options=self.options.session_options, provider_options=self.options._validated_opts["provider_options"], ) def _init_session(self, optimizer_state_dict={}, session_options=None, provider_options=None): if self._onnx_model is None: return if self.options.utils.run_symbolic_shape_infer: self._onnx_model = SymbolicShapeInference.infer_shapes( self._onnx_model, auto_merge=True, guess_output_rank=True ) # Create training session used by train_step # pass all optimizer states to the backend self._create_ort_training_session( optimizer_state_dict, session_options=session_options, provider_options=provider_options ) # Update model description to update dtype when mixed precision is enabled # C++ backend modifies model's output dtype from float32 to float16 for mixed precision # Note that for training we must use float32 and for evaluation we must use float16 for idx, o_desc in enumerate(self.model_desc.outputs): if ( self.options.mixed_precision.enabled and o_desc.dtype == torch.float32 and not self._training_session.is_output_fp32_node( ): self.model_desc.add_type_to_output_description(idx, o_desc.dtype, torch.float16) # Update model description self._model_desc_inputs_with_lr = [*self.model_desc.inputs, self.model_desc.learning_rate] # Update Mixed Precision, if applicable if self.options.mixed_precision.enabled: self.model_desc.loss_scale_input = self._training_session.loss_scale_input_name self._model_desc_inputs_with_lr_and_loss_scale = [ *self._model_desc_inputs_with_lr, self.model_desc.loss_scale_input, ] self.model_desc.all_finite = _utils.get_all_gradients_finite_name_from_session(self._training_session) self._model_desc_outputs_with_all_finite = [*self.model_desc.outputs, self.model_desc.all_finite] elif self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler: raise ValueError("Loss Scaler cannot be specified when Mixed Precision is not enabled") # Update Loss Scaler Input Name, if applicable if self.options.mixed_precision.enabled and self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler: self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler.input_name = elif not self.options.mixed_precision.enabled and self.options.mixed_precision.loss_scaler: raise ValueError("Loss Scaler cannot be specified when Mixed Precision is not enabled") # Update Gradient Accumulation, if applicable if self.options.batch.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: self.model_desc.gradient_accumulation = _utils.get_gradient_accumulation_name_from_session( self._training_session ) self._model_desc_outputs_with_gradient_accumulation = [ *self.model_desc.outputs, self.model_desc.gradient_accumulation, ] # TODO: Remove when experimental checkpoint functions are removed if self._state_dict: checkpoint.experimental_load_state_dict(self, self._state_dict, self._load_state_dict_strict) self._state_dict_debug = self._state_dict self._state_dict = {} def _prepare_model_input(self, inputs_desc, lr, loss_scale, *inputs, **kwargs): # Normalize input to tuple of samples if type(inputs) == tuple and len(inputs) == 1 and type(inputs[0]) == list: input = tuple(inputs[0]) else: input = inputs # Append input from 'kwargs' for input_desc in inputs_desc: if in kwargs: input = input + (kwargs[],) # Append learning rate extra_inputs = 0 if lr is not None: lr = torch.tensor([lr]) input += (lr,) extra_inputs += 1 # Append loss scale if loss_scale is not None: assert self.options.mixed_precision.enabled, "Loss scale cannot be used without mixed precision" loss_scale = torch.tensor([loss_scale]) input += (loss_scale,) extra_inputs += 1 # Only assert length of input when fetches is not used assert self._train_step_info.fetches or len(self.model_desc.inputs) + extra_inputs == len(input) return input def _resolve_symbolic_dimensions(self, inputs, inputs_desc, outputs_desc): outputs = copy.deepcopy(outputs_desc) resolved_dims = {} for input, i_desc in zip(inputs, inputs_desc): for i_idx, i_axis in enumerate(i_desc.shape): if isinstance(i_axis, str): if i_axis not in resolved_dims: resolved_dims[i_axis] = input.size()[i_idx] else: assert resolved_dims[i_axis] == input.size()[i_idx], f"Mismatch in dynamic shape {i_axis}" for o_desc in outputs: for idx_o, o_axis in enumerate(o_desc.shape): if isinstance(o_axis, str): o_desc.shape[idx_o] = resolved_dims[o_axis] unknown_dim = [ for dim in o_desc.shape for o_desc in outputs if isinstance(dim, str)] if unknown_dim: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot execute model with unknown output dimensions ({unknown_dim}") return outputs def _training_session_run_helper(self, is_train, inputs, inputs_desc, outputs_desc, run_options=None): # Select IO binding if is_train: iobinding = self._train_io_binding else: iobinding = self._eval_io_binding # Get the list of the actual session inputs because unused inputs can be removed. input_nodes = self._training_session.get_inputs() input_node_names = [ for input_node in input_nodes] # Bind input tensors for input, input_desc in zip(inputs, inputs_desc): if in input_node_names: device_index = _utils.get_device_index_from_input(input) iobinding.bind_input(, input.device.type, device_index, _utils.dtype_torch_to_numpy(input.dtype), list(input.size()), input.data_ptr(), ) # Bind output tensors outputs_desc_resolved = self._resolve_symbolic_dimensions(inputs, inputs_desc, outputs_desc) result = {} for output_desc in outputs_desc_resolved: target_device = if self.options.mixed_precision.enabled and == # Keep all finite flag on CPU to match backend implementation # This prevents CPU -> GPU -> CPU copies between frontend and backend target_device = "cpu" # the self.options.device may be a device that pytorch does not recognize. # in that case, we temporary prefer to leave the input/output on CPU and let ORT session # to move the data between device and host. # so output will be on the same device as input. try: test_pt_device = torch.device(target_device) except: # in this case, input/output must on CPU assert input.device.type == "cpu" target_device = "cpu" torch_tensor = torch.zeros( output_desc.shape, device=target_device, dtype=output_desc.dtype_amp if output_desc.dtype_amp else output_desc.dtype, ) iobinding.bind_output(, torch_tensor.device.type, _utils.get_device_index(target_device), _utils.dtype_torch_to_numpy(torch_tensor.dtype), list(torch_tensor.size()), torch_tensor.data_ptr(), ) result[] = torch_tensor # Run a train/eval step self._training_session.run_with_iobinding(iobinding, run_options) return result def _update_onnx_model_initializers(self, state_tensors): r"""Updates ONNX graph initializers with state_tensors's values Usually called to save or load an ONNX model. The tensors names of state_tensors are compared to all ONNX initializer tensors and when the name matches, the ONNX graph is updated with the new value. """ assert isinstance(state_tensors, dict), "state_tensors must be a dict" new_weights = [] replace_indices = [] for i, w in enumerate(self._onnx_model.graph.initializer): if in state_tensors: new_weights.append(onnx.numpy_helper.from_array(state_tensors[], replace_indices.append(i) replace_indices.sort(reverse=True) for w_i in replace_indices: del self._onnx_model.graph.initializer[w_i] self._onnx_model.graph.initializer.extend(new_weights) def _extract_model_states(self, state_dict, pytorch_format): """Extract model states from the training session and load into the state_dict""" model_states = self._training_session.get_model_state(include_mixed_precision_weights=False) state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()] = {} # extract trained model weights from the training session for precision in model_states: state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][precision] = {} for model_state_key in model_states[precision]: if pytorch_format: state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][precision][model_state_key] = torch.from_numpy( model_states[precision][model_state_key] ) else: state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][precision][model_state_key] = model_states[precision][ model_state_key ] # extract untrained (frozen) model weights for node in self._onnx_model.graph.initializer: if ( not in state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][_utils.state_dict_full_precision_key()] and in self.options.utils.frozen_weights ): if pytorch_format: state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][_utils.state_dict_full_precision_key()][ ] = torch.from_numpy(onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(node)) else: state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][_utils.state_dict_full_precision_key()][ ] = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(node) def _extract_trainer_options(self, state_dict): """Extract relevant trainer configuration and load it into the state_dict""" mixed_precision = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_mixed_precision_key() zero_stage = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_zero_stage_key() world_rank = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_world_rank_key() world_size = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_world_size_key() optimizer_name = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_optimizer_name_key() D_size = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_data_parallel_size_key() H_size = _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_horizontal_parallel_size_key() state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()] = {} state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][mixed_precision] = self.options.mixed_precision.enabled state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][ zero_stage ] = self.options.distributed.deepspeed_zero_optimization.stage state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][world_rank] = self.options.distributed.world_rank state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][world_size] = self.options.distributed.world_size state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][optimizer_name] = state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][D_size] = self.options.distributed.data_parallel_size state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][H_size] = self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size def _extract_train_step_info(self, state_dict): """Extract train step info settings and save it into the state_dict""" optimization_step = _utils.state_dict_train_step_info_optimization_step_key() step = _utils.state_dict_train_step_info_step_key() state_dict[_utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key()] = {} state_dict[_utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key()][optimization_step] = self._train_step_info.optimization_step state_dict[_utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key()][step] = self._train_step_info.step
[docs] def state_dict(self, pytorch_format=False): """Returns a dictionary with model, train step info and optionally, optimizer states The returned dictionary contains the following information: - Model and optimizer states - Required ORTTrainerOptions settings - Distributed training information, such as but not limited to ZeRO - Train step info settings Structure of the returned dictionary: - When `pytorch_format = False` :: schema: { "model": { type: dict, schema: { "full_precision": { type: dict, schema: { model_weight_name: { type: array } } } } }, "optimizer": { type: dict, schema: { model_weight_name: { type: dict, schema: { "Moment_1": { type: array }, "Moment_2": { type: array }, "Update_Count": { type: array, optional: True # present if optimizer is adam, absent otherwise } } }, "shared_optimizer_state": { type: dict, optional: True, # present optimizer is shared, absent otherwise. schema: { "step": { type: array, } } } } }, "trainer_options": { type: dict, schema: { "mixed_precision": { type: bool }, "zero_stage": { type: int }, "world_rank": { type: int }, "world_size": { type: int }, "optimizer_name": { type: str }, "data_parallel_size": { type: int }, "horizontal_parallel_size": { type: int } } }, "partition_info": { type: dict, optional: True, # present if states partitioned, else absent schema: { model_weight_name: { type: dict, schema: { "original_dim": { type: array }, "megatron_row_partition": { type: int } } } } } } }, "train_step_info": { type: dict, schema: { "optimization_step": { type: int }, "step": { type: int } } } } - When `pytorch_format = True` :: schema: { model_weight_name: { type: tensor } } Args: pytorch_format: boolean flag to select either ONNX Runtime or PyTorch state schema Returns: A dictionary with `ORTTrainer` state """ if not self._training_session: warnings.warn( "ONNX Runtime training session is not initialized yet. " "Please run train_step or eval_step at least once before calling ORTTrainer.state_dict().", UserWarning, ) return self._load_state_dict.args[0] if self._load_state_dict else {} state_dict = {} # load training session model states into the state_dict self._extract_model_states(state_dict, pytorch_format) if pytorch_format: if self.options.distributed.deepspeed_zero_optimization.stage > 0: warnings.warn("Incomplete state_dict: ZeRO enabled", UserWarning) if self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size > 1: warnings.warn("Incomplete state_dict: Megatron enabled", UserWarning) # if pytorch_format is true, return a flat dictionary with only model states # which is compatible with a PyTorch model return state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][_utils.state_dict_full_precision_key()] # load training session optimizer states into the state_dict state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()] = self._training_session.get_optimizer_state() # extract the relevant training configuration from the trainer and load them into the state_dict self._extract_trainer_options(state_dict) # Extract train step info settings and load it into the state_dict self._extract_train_step_info(state_dict) # add partition information in case of a distributed run if ( self.options.distributed.deepspeed_zero_optimization.stage > 0 or self.options.distributed.horizontal_parallel_size > 1 ): state_dict[_utils.state_dict_partition_info_key()] = self._training_session.get_partition_info_map() return state_dict
def _load_model_states(self, state_dict, strict): """Load the model states onto the onnx model graph""" if _utils.state_dict_model_key() not in state_dict: return # collect all initializer names from the current onnx graph assert self._onnx_model, "ONNX model graph is not exported" initializer_names = { for node in self._onnx_model.graph.initializer} # loaded_initializers dict will be loaded with all the model states from the state dictionary # that are found in the initializer_names dictionary loaded_initializers = {} # copy over model states from the input state dict onto the onnx model for precision, precision_states in state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()].items(): for state_key, state_value in precision_states.items(): if state_key in initializer_names: loaded_initializers[state_key] = state_value elif strict: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected key: {} in state_dict[model][{}]".format(state_key, precision)) # update onnx model from loaded initializers self._update_onnx_model_initializers(loaded_initializers) def _load_optimizer_states(self, current_state_dict, state_dict): """Load the optimizer states onto the training session state dictionary""" def _check_optimizer_mismatch(state_dict): """Assert that the loaded optimizer has the same config as the current training session config""" # the state_dict optimizer_name can be a byte string (if coming from checkpoint file) # or can be a regular string (coming from user) optimizer_name = state_dict[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()][ _utils.state_dict_trainer_options_optimizer_name_key() ] # optimizer_name can be either a regular string or a byte string. # if it is a byte string, convert to regular string using decode() # if it is a regular string, do nothing to it try: optimizer_name = optimizer_name.decode() except AttributeError: pass assert == optimizer_name, "Optimizer mismatch: expected {}, got {}".format(, optimizer_name ) if _utils.state_dict_optimizer_key() not in state_dict: return # check optimizer config names are the same for current session and the sessino being loaded _check_optimizer_mismatch(state_dict) # create an entry for the optimizer in the training session state dictionary if _utils.state_dict_optimizer_key() not in current_state_dict: current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()] = {} # copy over optimizer states from the input state dict onto the training session state dict for model_state_key, optimizer_dict in state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()].items(): if model_state_key not in current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()]: current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()][model_state_key] = {} for optimizer_state_key, optimizer_state_value in optimizer_dict.items(): current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()][model_state_key][ optimizer_state_key ] = optimizer_state_value def _load_state_dict_impl(self, state_dict, strict=True): """Load the state dictionary onto the onnx model and on the training session graph""" # clear the callable partial self._load_state_dict = None def _mismatch_keys(keys1, keys2, in_error_str, allow_unexpected=False): """Find out the missing and the unexpected keys in two dictionaries Throws a runtime error if missing or unexpected keys are found - Keys in keys1 not in keys2 will be marked as missing - Keys in keys2 not in keys1 will be marked as unexpected """ keys1 = set(keys1) keys2 = set(keys2) missing_keys = list(keys1 - keys2) unexpected_keys = list(keys2 - keys1) if len(missing_keys) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Missing keys: {} in {}".format(missing_keys, in_error_str)) if len(unexpected_keys) > 0 and not allow_unexpected: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected keys: {} in {}".format(unexpected_keys, in_error_str)) def _check_model_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected=False): """Check if there is any mismatch in the model sub state dictionary between the two state_dicts""" # check unxexpected and missing precision keys in the model state_dict compared to the training # session model state_dict _mismatch_keys( current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()], state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()], "state_dict[model]", allow_unexpected, ) # check for model state key mismatch for precision_key in current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()]: _mismatch_keys( current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][precision_key], state_dict[_utils.state_dict_model_key()][precision_key], "state_dict[model][{}]".format(precision_key), allow_unexpected, ) def _check_optimizer_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected=False): """Check if there is any mismatch in the optimizer sub state dictionary between the two state_dicts""" # check for model state key mismatch for the optimizer state_dict _mismatch_keys( current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()], state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()], "state_dict[optimizer]", allow_unexpected, ) # check for optimizer state keys mismatch for model_state_key in current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()]: _mismatch_keys( current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()][model_state_key], state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()][model_state_key], "state_dict[optimizer][{}]".format(model_state_key), allow_unexpected, ) def _check_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected=False): """Check if there is a mismatch in the keys (model and optimizer) in the two state_dicts""" # check presence of 'model' in the input state_dict if _utils.state_dict_model_key() in state_dict: _check_model_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected) else: warnings.warn("Missing key: model in state_dict", UserWarning) # check presence of 'optimizer' in the input state_dict if _utils.state_dict_optimizer_key() in state_dict: _check_optimizer_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected) else: warnings.warn("Missing key: optimizer in state_dict", UserWarning) # extract state dict from the current training session. this is to persist the states between # two training sessions. # for example, if user provided only the model states, the optimizer states from the current # training session must be persisted current_state_dict = {} if self._training_session: current_state_dict = self.state_dict() if strict: # for Zero enabled, the current trainer might not have the complete state, and we must allow # extra keys to be present in the state dict allow_unexpected = True if self.options.distributed.deepspeed_zero_optimization.stage > 0 else False _check_key_mismatch(current_state_dict, state_dict, allow_unexpected) # load the model states from the input state dictionary into the onnx graph self._load_model_states(state_dict, strict) # load the optimizer states from the input state dictionary into the training session states # dictionary self._load_optimizer_states(current_state_dict, state_dict) return ( current_state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()] if _utils.state_dict_optimizer_key() in current_state_dict else {} ) def _load_train_step_info(self, state_dict): """Load the train step info settings from state dict""" if _utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key() not in state_dict: warnings.warn("Missing key: train_step_info in state_dict", UserWarning) return optimization_step = _utils.state_dict_train_step_info_optimization_step_key() step = _utils.state_dict_train_step_info_step_key() self._train_step_info.optimization_step = state_dict[_utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key()][optimization_step] self._train_step_info.step = state_dict[_utils.state_dict_train_step_info_key()][step]
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, strict=True): """Loads state_dict containing model/optimizer states into ORTTrainer The state_dict dictionary may contain the following information: - Model and optimizer states - Required ORTTrainerOptions settings - Distributed training information, such as but not limited to ZeRO Args: state_dict: state dictionary containing both model and optimizer states. The structure of this dictionary should be the same as the one that is returned by ORTTrainer.state_dict for the case when pytorch_format=False strict: boolean flag to strictly enforce that the input state_dict keys match the keys from ORTTrainer.state_dict """ # if onnx graph has not been initialized, loading of states will be put on hold. # a copy of the state_dict and other arguments to the function will be stored until the onnx graph has # been initialized. Once the graph is initialized, the desired states will be loaded onto the grpah if not self._training_session: self._load_state_dict = partial(self._load_state_dict_impl, state_dict, strict=strict) return # load the train step info settings self._load_train_step_info(state_dict) # load states onto the frontend onnx graph optimizer_state_dict = self._load_state_dict_impl(state_dict, strict=strict) # create a new training session after loading initializer states onto the onnx graph # pass the populated states to the training session to populate the backend graph self._init_session( optimizer_state_dict, session_options=self.options.session_options, provider_options=self.options._validated_opts["provider_options"], )
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, path, user_dict={}, include_optimizer_states=True): """Persists ORTTrainer state dictionary on disk along with user_dict. Saves the state_dict along with the user_dict to a file specified by path. Args: path: string representation to a file path or a python file-like object. if file already exists at path, an exception is raised. user_dict: custom data to be saved along with the state_dict. This data will be returned to the user when load_checkpoint is called. include_optimizer_states: boolean flag indicating whether or not to persist the optimizer states. on load_checkpoint, only model states will be loaded if include_optimizer_states==True """ # extract state_dict to be saved in the checkpoint state_dict = self.state_dict() # if user_dict is provided, serialize to bytes and convert to hex string. # this helps in loading the types as they are given by the user since hdf5 # converts to numpy types otherwise if bool(user_dict): state_dict[_utils.state_dict_user_dict_key()] = _checkpoint_storage.to_serialized_hex(user_dict) # if include_optimizer_states is False, only save the model states in the checkpoint file if not include_optimizer_states: if _utils.state_dict_optimizer_key() in state_dict: del state_dict[_utils.state_dict_optimizer_key()], path)
def _aggregation_required(self, loaded_trainer_options): """Checks if aggregation is required for the loading the state_dict into the ORTTrainer""" # To load states in the backend, aggregation is required for every ZeRO # or Megatron checkpoint return ( loaded_trainer_options[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_zero_stage_key()] > 0 or loaded_trainer_options[_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_horizontal_parallel_size_key()] > 1 )
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, *paths, strict=True): """Loads the saved checkpoint state dictionary into the ORTTrainer Reads the saved checkpoint files specified by paths from disk and loads the state dictionary onto the ORTTrainer. Aggregates the checkpoint files if aggregation is required. Args: paths: one or more files represented as strings where the checkpoint is saved strict: boolean flag to strictly enforce that the saved checkpoint state_dict keys match the keys from ORTTrainer.state_dict Returns: dictionary that the user had saved when calling save_checkpoint """ state_dict = {} # check if aggregation is required loaded_trainer_options = _checkpoint_storage.load(paths[0], key=_utils.state_dict_trainer_options_key()) if self._aggregation_required(loaded_trainer_options): # if aggregation is required, aggregation logic must be run on the saved checkpoints state_dict = checkpoint.aggregate_checkpoints(paths, pytorch_format=False) else: # if aggregation is not required, there must only be a single file that needs to be loaded assert len(paths) == 1, "Expected number of files to load: 1, got {}".format(len(paths)) state_dict = _checkpoint_storage.load(paths[0]) # extract user dict from the saved checkpoint user_dict = {} if _utils.state_dict_user_dict_key() in state_dict: user_dict = _checkpoint_storage.from_serialized_hex(state_dict[_utils.state_dict_user_dict_key()]) del state_dict[_utils.state_dict_user_dict_key()] self.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) return user_dict