Source code for pyenbc.remote.ssh_remote_connection

A class to help connect with a remote machine and send command line.


import time
import socket
import os
import io
import warnings

from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG
from pyquickhelper.filehelper import is_file_string

[docs]class ASSHClient(): """ A simple class to access to remote machine through SSH. It requires modules `paramiko <>`_, `pycrypto <>`_, `ecdsa <>`_. This class is used in magic command :meth:`remote_open <pyenbc.remote.magic_remote_ssh.MagicRemoteSSH.remote_open>`. On Windows, the installation of pycrypto can be tricky. See `Pycrypto on Windows <>`_. Those modules are part of the `Anaconda <>`_ distribution. :githublink:`%|py|29` """
[docs] def __init__(self, server, username, password): """ constructor :param server: server :param username: username :param password: password :githublink:`%|py|38` """ self.server = server self.username = username self.password = password self.connection = None self.session = None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|48` """ return "ASSHClient"
[docs] def connect(self): """ connect :githublink:`%|py|54` """ import paramiko # pylint: disable=C0415 self.connection = paramiko.SSHClient() self.connection.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.connection.connect( self.server, username=self.username, password=self.password)
[docs] def execute_command(self, command, no_exception=False, fill_stdin=None): """ execute a command line, it raises an error if there is an error :param command: command :param no_exception: if True, do not raise any exception :param fill_stdin: data to send on the stdin input :return: stdout, stderr Example of commands:: ssh.execute_command("ls") ssh.execute_command("hdfs dfs -ls") :githublink:`%|py|78` """ stdin, stdout, stderr = self.connection.exec_command(command) if fill_stdin is not None: if isinstance(fill_stdin, list): fill_stdin = "\n".join(stdin) if isinstance(fill_stdin, str): stdin.write(fill_stdin) stdin.flush() else: raise TypeError( "fill_stdin must be a string, not: {0}".format( type(fill_stdin))) stdin.close() err = out = # weird... if isinstance(err, str) and err.startswith("b'"): err = eval(err) if isinstance(out, str) and out.startswith("b'"): out = eval(out) if isinstance(err, bytes): err = err.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(out, bytes): out = out.decode("utf-8") if not no_exception and len(err) > 0: raise Exception( "unable to run: {0}\nOUT:\n{1}\nERR:\n{2}".format( command, out, err)) return out, err
[docs] def close(self): """ close the connection :githublink:`%|py|120` """ self.connection.close() self.connection = None
[docs] def upload(self, localpath, remotepath): """ upload a file to the remote machine (not on the cluster) :param localpath: local file (or a list of files) :param remotepath: remote file .. versionchanged:: 1.1 it can upload multiple files if localpath is a list :githublink:`%|py|133` """ sftp = self.connection.open_sftp() if isinstance(localpath, str): if not os.path.exists(localpath): raise FileNotFoundError(localpath) sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) else: for f in localpath: if not os.path.exists(f): raise FileNotFoundError(f) sftp.put(f, remotepath + "/" + os.path.split(f)[-1]) sftp.close()
[docs] def upload_cluster(self, localpath, remotepath): """ the function directly uploads the file to the cluster, it first goes to the bridge, uploads it to the cluster and deletes it from the bridge :param localpath: local filename (or list of files) :param remotepath: path to the cluster :return: filename .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|156` """ if isinstance(localpath, str): filename = os.path.split(localpath)[-1] self.upload(localpath, filename) self.execute_command( "hdfs dfs -put {0} {1}".format(filename, remotepath)) self.execute_command("rm {0}".format(filename)) else: self.upload(localpath, ".") for afile in localpath: filename = os.path.split(afile)[-1] self.execute_command( "hdfs dfs -put {0} {1}".format(filename, remotepath)) self.execute_command("rm {0}".format(filename)) return remotepath
[docs] def download(self, remotepath, localpath): """ download a file from the remote machine (not on the cluster) :param localpath: local file :param remotepath: remote file (it can be a list, localpath is a folder in that case) .. versionchanged:: 1.1 remotepath can be a list of paths :githublink:`%|py|181` """ sftp = self.connection.open_sftp() if isinstance(remotepath, str): sftp.get(remotepath, localpath) else: for path in remotepath: filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] sftp.get(path, localpath + "/" + filename) sftp.close()
[docs] def download_cluster(self, remotepath, localpath, merge=False): """ download a file directly from the cluster to the local machine :param localpath: local file :param remotepath: remote file (it can be a list, localpath is a folder in that case) :param merge: True to use getmerge instead of get .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|199` """ cget = "getmerge" if merge else "get" if isinstance(remotepath, str): filename = os.path.split(localpath)[-1] self.execute_command( "hdfs dfs -{2} {0} {1}".format(remotepath, filename, cget)), localpath) self.execute_command("rm {0}".format(filename)) else: tod = [] for afile in remotepath: filename = os.path.split(afile)[-1] self.execute_command( "hdfs dfs -{2} {0} {1}".format(afile, filename, cget)) tod.append(filename), localpath) for afile in tod: self.execute_command("rm {0}".format(afile)) return remotepath
_allowed_form = {None: None, "plain": None, "html": None}
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_out_format(format): """ Returns a function which converts an :epkg:`ANSI` string into a different format. :param format: string :return: function :githublink:`%|py|230` """ if format not in ASSHClient._allowed_form: raise KeyError( "unexpected format, it should be in " + ",".join( ASSHClient._allowed_form.keys())) func = ASSHClient._allowed_form[format] if func is None: if format is None: def idfunc(s): "local function" return s func = idfunc elif format == "plain": import ansiconv # pylint: disable=C0415 def convert_plain(s): "local function" return ansiconv.to_plain(s) func = convert_plain elif format == "html": from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() def convert_html(s): "local function" return conv.convert(s) func = convert_html ASSHClient._allowed_form[format] = func return func
[docs] def open_session(self, no_exception=False, timeout=1.0, add_eol=True, prompts=("~$", ">>>"), out_format=None): """ Opens a session with method `invoke_shell <>`_. :param no_exception: if True, do not raise any exception in case of error :param timeout: timeout in s :param add_eol: if True, the function will add a EOL to the sent command if it does not have one :param prompts: if function terminates if the output ends by one of those strings. :param out_format: None, plain, html .. exref:: :title: How to open a remote shell? :tag: Hadoop :: ssh = ASSHClient( "<server>", "<login>", "<password>") ssh.connect() out = ssh.send_recv_session("ls") print( ssh.send_recv_session("python") ) print( ssh.send_recv_session("print('3')") ) print( ssh.send_recv_session("import sys\\nsys.executable") ) print( ssh.send_recv_session("sys.exit()") ) print( ssh.send_recv_session(None) ) ssh.close_session() ssh.close() The notebook :ref:`exampleofsshclientcommunicationrst` illustrates the output of these instructions. :githublink:`%|py|294` """ if self.connection is None: raise Exception("No open connection.") if self.session is not None: raise Exception( "A session is already open. Cannot open a second one.") if out_format not in ASSHClient._allowed_form: raise KeyError( "unexpected format, it should be in {0}".format( ";".join( str(_) for _ in ASSHClient._allowed_form.keys()))) self.session = self.connection.invoke_shell(width=300, height=1000) self.session_params = { "no_exception": no_exception, "timeout": timeout, "add_eol": add_eol, "prompts": [] if prompts is None else prompts, "out_format": out_format, "out_func": ASSHClient._get_out_format(out_format) } self.session.settimeout(timeout) return self.session
[docs] def close_session(self): """ close a session :githublink:`%|py|322` """ if self.session is None: raise Exception("No open session. Cannot close anything.") self.session.close() self.session = None
[docs] def send_recv_session(self, fillin): """ Send something through a session, the function is supposed to return when the execute of the given command is done, but this is quite difficult to detect without knowing what exactly was send. So we add a timeout just to tell the function it has to return even if nothing tells the command has finished. It fillin is None, the function will just listen to the output. :param fillin: sent to stdin :return: stdout The output contains `escape codes <>`_. They can be converted to plain text or HTML by using the module `ansiconv <>`_ and `ansi2html <>`_. This can be specified when opening the session. :githublink:`%|py|348` """ prompts = self.session_params["prompts"] timeout = self.session_params["timeout"] add_eol = self.session_params["add_eol"] func = self.session_params["out_func"] if fillin is not None: self.session.send(fillin.encode("utf-8")) if add_eol and not fillin.endswith('\n'): self.session.send("\n".encode("utf-8")) buff = '' begin = time.perf_counter() while True: try: resp = self.session.recv(9999) except socket.timeout: resp = b"" dec = resp.decode("unicode_escape") buff += dec for p in prompts: if buff.endswith(p): break if time.perf_counter() - begin > timeout: break return func(buff.replace("\r", ""))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_lsout(out, local_schema=True): """ parses the output of a command ls :param out: output :param local_schema: schema for the bridge or the cluster (False) :return: DataFrame .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|386` """ import pandas # pylint: disable=C0415 if local_schema: names = ["attributes", "code", "alias", "folder", "size", "unit", "name"] else: names = ["attributes", "code", "alias", "folder", "size", "date", "time", "name"] kout = out out = out.replace("\r", "").split("\n") out = [_ for _ in out if len(_.split()) > 3] if len(out) == 0: df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=names) return df try: out_ = [_.split() for _ in out] if len(out_) > 0 and len(out_[0]) != len(names): if names[5] == "date" and len(out_[0]) == len(names) + 1: # we merge 2 columns out_ = [_[:5] + [" ".join(_[5:7])] + _[7:] for _ in out_] df = pandas.DataFrame(data=out_, columns=names) except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: out = "\n".join(out) buf = io.StringIO(out) try: df = pandas.read_fwf(buf, names=names, index=False) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "unable to parse output:\nSCHEMA:\n{1}\nOUT:\n{0}".format(kout, ",".join(names))) from e df["isdir"] = df.apply(lambda r: r["attributes"][0] == "d", axis=1) return df
[docs] def ls(self, path): """ return the content of a folder on the bridge as a DataFrame :param path: path on the bridge :return: DataFrame .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|428` """ out, err = self.execute_command("ls -l " + path) if len(err) > 0: raise Exception("unable to execute ls " + path + "\nERR:\n" + err) return ASSHClient.parse_lsout(out)
[docs] def dfs_ls(self, path): """ return the content of a folder on the cluster as a DataFrame :param path: path on the cluster :return: DataFrame .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|442` """ out, err = self.execute_command("hdfs dfs -ls " + path) if len(err) > 0: raise Exception( "unable to execute hdfs dfs -ls " + path + "\nERR:\n" + err) return ASSHClient.parse_lsout(out, False)
[docs] def exists(self, path): """ tells if a file exists on the bridge :param path: path :return: boolean .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|460` """ try: df = except Exception as e: if "No such file or directory" in str(e): return False ex = df[ == path] return len(ex) > 0
[docs] def dfs_exists(self, path): """ tells if a file exists on the cluster :param path: path :return: boolean .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|477` """ try: df = self.dfs_ls(path) except Exception as e: if "No such file or directory" in str(e): return False else: raise e if len(df) == 0: # it is a folder return True ex = df[ == path] if len(ex) > 0: return True ex = df[df.apply(lambda r: r["name"].startswith(path + "/"), axis=1)] if len(ex) > 0: return True return False
[docs] def dfs_mkdir(self, path): """ creates a directory on the cluster :param path: path .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|503` """ return self.execute_command("hdfs dfs -mkdir " + path)
[docs] def dfs_rm(self, path, recursive=False): """ removes a file on the cluster :param path: path :param recursive: boolean .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|514` """ cmd = "hdfs dfs -rm " if recursive: cmd += "-r " out, err = self.execute_command(cmd + path, no_exception=True) if out.startswith("Moved"): return out, err else: raise Exception( "unable to remove " + path + "\nOUT\n" + out + "\nERR:\n" + err)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_command_line_parameters(params, command_name="-param"): """ builds a string for ``pig`` based on the parameters in params :param params: dictionary :param command_name: ``-param`` or ``-hiveconf`` :return: string .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|540` """ if params is None: return "" res = [] for k, v in sorted(params.items()): if '"' in v: v = v.replace('"', '\\"') one = '{2} {0}="{1}"'.format(k, v, command_name) res.append(one) return " ".join(res)
[docs] def pig_submit(self, pig_file, dependencies=None, params=None, redirection="redirection.pig", local=False, stop_on_failure=False, check=False, no_exception=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Submits a :epkg:`PIG` script, it first upload the script to the default folder and submits it. :param pig_file: pig script (local) :param dependencies: others files to upload (still in the default folder) :param params: parameters to send to the job :param redirection: string empty or not :param local: local run or not (option `-x local <>`_) (in that case, redirection will be empty) :param stop_on_failure: if True, add option ``-stop_on_failure`` on the command line :param check: if True, add option ``-check`` (in that case, redirection will be empty) :param no_exception: sent to :meth:`execute_command <pyenbc.remote.ssh_remote_connection.ASSHClient.execute_command>` :param fLOG: logging function :return: out, err from :meth:`execute_command <pyenbc.remote.ssh_remote_connection.ASSHClient.execute_command>` If *redirection* is not empty, the job is submitted but the function returns after the standard output and error were redirected to ``redirection.out`` and ``redirection.err``. The first file will contain the results of commands `DESCRIBE <>`_ `DUMP <>`_, `EXPLAIN <>`_. The standard error receives logs and exceptions. The function executes the command line:: pig -execute -f <filename> With redirection:: pig -execute -f <filename> 2> redirection.pig.err 1> redirection.pig.out & .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|595` """ dest = os.path.split(pig_file)[-1] self.upload(pig_file, dest) if dependencies is not None: for py in dependencies: self.upload(py, os.path.split(py)[-1]) slocal = " -x local" if local else "" sstop_on_failure = " -stop_on_failure" if stop_on_failure else "" scheck = " -check" if check else "" if local or check: redirection = None if params is not None: sparams = ASSHClient.build_command_line_parameters(params) if len(sparams) > 0: sparams = " " + sparams else: sparams = "" if redirection is None: cmd = "pig{0}{1}{2} -execute -f {3}{4}".format( slocal, sstop_on_failure, scheck, dest, sparams) else: cmd = "pig{2}{3}{4} -execute -f {0}{5} 2> {1}.err 1> {1}.out &".format( dest, redirection, slocal, sstop_on_failure, scheck, sparams) if isinstance(cmd, list): raise TypeError("this should not happen:" + str(cmd)) fLOG("[pig_submit]:", cmd) out, err = self.execute_command(cmd, no_exception=no_exception) return out, err
[docs] def hive_submit(self, hive_file_or_query, params=None, redirection="redirection.hive", no_exception=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ submits a PIG script, it first upload the script to the default folder and submit it :param hive_file_or_query: pig script (local) :param params: parameters to send to the job :param redirection: string empty or not :param no_exception: sent to :meth:`execute_command <pyenbc.remote.ssh_remote_connection.ASSHClient.execute_command>` :param fLOG: logging function :return: out, err from :meth:`execute_command <pyenbc.remote.ssh_remote_connection.ASSHClient.execute_command>` If *redirection* is not empty, the job is submitted but the function returns after the standard output and error were redirected to ``redirection.hive.out`` and ``redirection.hive.err``. The function executes the command line:: hive -f <filename> Or:: hive -e <query> With redirection:: hive -execute -f <filename> 2> redirection.hive.err 1> redirection.hive.out & If there is no redirection, the function waits and return the output. .. exref:: :title: Submit a HIVE query :tag: Hadoop :: client = ASSHClient() hive_sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bikes20; CREATE TABLE bikes20 (sjson STRING); LOAD DATA INPATH "/user/__USERNAME__/unittest2/paris*.txt" INTO TABLE bikes20; SELECT * FROM bikes20 LIMIT 10; '''.replace("__USERNAME__", self.client.username) out,err = client.hive_submit(hive_sql, redirection=None) .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|692` """ if is_file_string(hive_file_or_query) and os.path.exists(hive_file_or_query): dest = os.path.split(hive_file_or_query)[-1] self.upload(hive_file_or_query, dest) command = "-f" else: command = "-e" dest = hive_file_or_query.replace( "\n", " ").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", " ") dest = dest.replace("'", "\\'") dest = "'{}'".format(dest.strip()) if params is not None: sparams = ASSHClient.build_command_line_parameters( params, "-hiveconf") if len(sparams) > 0: sparams = " " + sparams else: sparams = "" if redirection is None: cmd = "hive {0} {1}{2}".format( command, dest, sparams) else: cmd = "hive {0} {1}{2} 2> {3}.err 1> {3}.out &".format( command, dest, sparams, redirection) if isinstance(cmd, list): raise TypeError("this should not happen:" + str(cmd)) warnings.warn("Hive submission is not tested. It will probably fail.") fLOG("[hive_submit]:", cmd) out, err = self.execute_command(cmd, no_exception=no_exception) return out, err