Source code for

Downloads stock prices (from Yahoo website) and other prices.

import os
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import datetime
import pandas
import numpy
from pyquickhelper.filehelper import is_file_string

[docs]class StockPricesException(Exception): """ Raised by StockPrices classes. :githublink:`%|py|17` """ pass
[docs]class StockPricesHTTPException(StockPricesException): """ Raised by StockPrices classes. :githublink:`%|py|24` """ pass
[docs]class StockPrices: """ Defines a class containing stock prices, provides basic functions, the class uses :epkg:`pandas` to load the data. .. exref:: :title: Retrieve stock prices from the Yahoo source :: from import StockPrices prices = StockPrices(tick="NASDAQ:MSFT") print(prices.dataframe.head()) The class loads a stock price from either a url or a folder where the data was cached. If a filename ``<folder>/<tick>.<day1>.<day2>.txt`` already exists, it takes it from here. Otherwise, it downloads it. A couple of providers have been implemented but it is not easy to keep them up to date as policies from website change on a regular basis. If *url* is ``'yahoo'``, the data will be download using `CAC 40 <^FCHI+Components>`_. The CAC40 composition is described by `Wikipedia CAC 40 <>`_. However `Yahoo Finance <>`_ introduced the use of cookies in May 2017 and it is not so easy to automate. The default provider could be *Google Finance* which has now been integrated into the search engine. Tick names depends on the data prodiver. More details: `European Markets Information <>`_. You can also go to `quandl <>`_ and get the tick for the module `quandl <>`_. As of May 14th, the following error appears when using ``url='yahoo'`` which comes from an error in :epkg:`pandas_reader`:: ImmediateDeprecationError(DEP_ERROR_MSG.format('Yahoo Daily')) pandas_datareader.exceptions.ImmediateDeprecationError: Yahoo Daily has been immediately deprecated due to large breaks in the API without the introduction of a stable replacement. Pull Requests to re-enable these data connectors are welcome. See ``url='yahoo_new'`` should solve the issue. It relies on :epkg:`yahoo_historial`. Data can be downloaded for a specific period of time. If not specified, it takes the largest available. .. exref:: :title: Compute the average returns and correlation matrix :: import pyensae, pandas from import StockPrices from pyensae.datasource import download_data # download the CAC 40 composition from my website (for Yahoo) download_data('cac40_2013_11_11.txt', website='xd') # download all the prices (if not already done) and store them into files actions = pandas.read_csv("cac40_2013_11_11.txt", sep="\\t") # we remove stocks with not enough historical data stocks = { k:StockPrices(tick = k) for k,v in actions.values } dates = StockPrices.available_dates(stocks.values()) stocks = {k:v for k,v in stocks.items() if len(v.missing(dates)) <= 10} print("nb left", len(stocks)) # we remove dates with missing prices dates = StockPrices.available_dates(stocks.values()) ok = dates[dates["missing"] == 0] print("all dates before", len(dates), " after:" , len(ok)) for k in stocks: stocks[k] = stocks[k].keep_dates(ok) # we compute correlation matrix and returns ret, cor = StockPrices.covariance(stocks.values(), cov = False, ret = True) You should also look at `pyensae et notebook <>`_. If you use `Google Finance <>`_ as a provider, the tick name is usually prefixed by the market places (NASDAQ for example). The export does not work for all markets places. Another provider was added, ``yahoo_new`` which delegates the task of getting data from `Yahoo Finance <>`_ to module `yahoo-historical <>`_. :githublink:`%|py|122` """
[docs] def __init__(self, tick, url="google", folder="cache", begin=None, end=None, sep=",", intern=False, use_dtime=False): """ :param tick: tick name, ex ``NASDAQ:MSFT`` :param url: if yahoo, downloads the data from there if it was not done before url is possible, ``'google'``, ``'yahoo_new'``, ``'quandl'`` are predefined values :param folder: cache folder (created if it does not exists :param begin: first day (datetime), see below :param end: last day (datetime), see below :param sep: column separator :param intern: do not use unless you know what to do (see :meth:`__getitem__ <>`) :param use_dtime: if True, use DateTime instead of string :githublink:`%|py|139` """ if isinstance(url, pandas.DataFrame): self.datadf = url self.tickname = tick if "Date" not in url.columns: raise StockPricesHTTPException( "the dataframe does not contain any column 'Date': {0}".format( ",".join( _ for _ in url.columns))) elif isinstance(tick, str) and is_file_string(tick) and os.path.exists(tick): self.tickname = os.path.split(tick)[-1] with open(tick, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC'): raise StockPricesHTTPException( "pandas cannot parse the file, check your have access to internet: " + str(tick)) break try: self.datadf = pandas.read_csv(tick, sep=sep) except Exception as e: with open(tick, "r") as t: content = if "Firewall Authentication" in content: raise StockPricesException( "pandas cannot parse the file, check your have access to internet: " + str(tick)) from e raise else: if not os.path.exists(folder): try: os.mkdir(folder) except PermissionError as e: raise StockPricesException(("PermissionError, unable to create directory '{0}', " + "check you execute the program in a folder you have " + "permission to modify ({1})").format(folder, os.getcwd())) from e self.tickname = tick if begin is None: begin = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 3) if end is None: now = end = now - datetime.timedelta(1) sbeg = begin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") send = end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") name = os.path.join(folder, tick.replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_").replace("\\\\", "_") + ".{0}.{1}.txt".format(sbeg, send)) date_format = None if not os.path.exists(name): if url == "google": use_url = True url_string = "{0}".format( self.tickname) url_string += "&startdate={0}&enddate={1}&output=csv".format( begin.strftime('%b %d, %Y'), end.strftime('%b %d, %Y')) url = url_string.replace(" ", "+").replace(",", "%2C") date_format = "%b-%d-%Y" elif url == "quandl": import quandl # pylint: disable=C0415 df = quandl.get( "EURONEXT/BNP", start_date=begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end_date=end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) df.reset_index(drop=False).to_csv( name, sep=sep, index=False) use_url = False elif url == 'yahoo_new': from yahoo_historical import Fetcher data = Fetcher(tick, [begin.year, begin.month,], [end.year, end.month,]) df = data.getHistorical() df.to_csv(name, sep=sep, index=False) use_url = False elif url in ("yahoo", "google", "fred", "famafrench"): import as web # pylint: disable=C0415 df = web.DataReader(self.tickname, url, begin, end).reset_index(drop=False) df.to_csv(name, sep=sep, index=False) use_url = False else: raise StockPricesHTTPException( "Unable to download data '{0}' from the following website '{1}'".format(tick, url)) if use_url: self.url_ = url try: u = urllib.request.urlopen(url) text = u.close() except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: raise StockPricesHTTPException( "HTTPError, unable to load tick '{0}'\nURL: {1}".format(tick, url)) from e if len(text) < 10: raise StockPricesHTTPException( "nothing to download for '{0}' less than 10 downloaded bytes".format(tick)) try: f = open(name, "wb") f.write(text) f.close() except PermissionError as e: raise StockPricesException(("PermissionError, unable to create directory '{0}', " + "check you execute the program in a folder you have " + "permission to modify ({1})").format(folder, os.getcwd())) from e else: self.url_ = name try: self.datadf = pandas.read_csv(name, sep=sep) except Exception as e: with open(tick, "r") as t: content = if "Firewall Authentication" in content: raise StockPricesException( "pandas cannot parse the file, check your have access to internet '{0}'".format(tick)) from e raise if date_format is not None: self.datadf["Date"] = pandas.to_datetime(self.datadf["Date"]) self.datadf["Date"] = self.datadf["Date"].apply( lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) self.datadf.to_csv(name, sep=sep, index=False) if use_dtime: self.datadf["Date"] = pandas.to_datetime(self.datadf["Date"]) if not intern: try: self.datadf = self.datadf.sort_values("Date") except ValueError as e: if "'Date' is both an index level and a column label" in str(e): vals = self.datadf['Date'] ind = self.datadf.index if numpy.array_equal(vals, ind): self.datadf = self.datadf.sort_index() else: raise StockPricesException( "Columns Date and index are different.") from e else: raise except AttributeError: self.datadf = self.datadf.sort("Date") except KeyError as e: raise StockPricesException("schema: {}".format( ",".join(self.datadf.columns))) from e self.datadf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.datadf.set_index("Date", drop=False, inplace=True)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Overloads the ``getitem`` operator to get a :class:`StockPrice` object. :param key: key :return: StockPrice :githublink:`%|py|292` """ return StockPrices( self.tick, self.datadf.__getitem__(key), intern=True)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ :return: number of observations :githublink:`%|py|299` """ return len(self.datadf)
@property def shape(self): """ :return: number of observations :githublink:`%|py|306` """ return self.datadf.shape @property def tick(self): """ Returns the tick name. :githublink:`%|py|313` """ return self.tickname @property def dataframe(self): """ Returns the dataframe. :githublink:`%|py|320` """ return self.datadf
[docs] def df(self): """ Returns the dataframe. :githublink:`%|py|326` """ return self.datadf
[docs] def FirstDate(self): """ Returns the first date. :githublink:`%|py|332` """ return self.datadf["Date"].min()
[docs] def LastDate(self): """ Returns the first date. :githublink:`%|py|338` """ return self.datadf["Date"].max()
[docs] def missing(self, trading_dates): """ Returnq the list of missing dates from an overset of trading dates. :param trading_dates: trading_dates (DataFrame having the column ``Date`` or in the index) :return: missing dates (or None if issues) :githublink:`%|py|347` """ da = self.dataframe["Date"] da2 = {v: 1 for v in da} if isinstance(trading_dates, dict): se = trading_dates else: se = trading_dates[ "Date"] if "Date" in trading_dates.columns else trading_dates.index tbl = [{"Date": v} for v in se if v not in da2] if len(tbl) > 0: df = pandas.DataFrame(tbl) try: return df.sort_values("Date") except AttributeError: return df.sort("Date") else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def available_dates(listStockPrices, missing=True, field="Close"): """ Returns the list of values (Open or High or Low or Close or Volume) from each stock for all the available_dates for a list of stock prices. A missing date is a date for which there is at least one stock price and one missing stock price. if ``missing`` is true a column is added which gives the number of missing stock prices for this dates :param listStockPrices: list of StockPrices :param missing: True or False :param field: which field to use to fill the matrix :return: matrix with the available dates for each stock :githublink:`%|py|381` """ if field == "ohlc": field = ["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"] dates = [] if isinstance(field, str): for st in listStockPrices: lifi = list(st.dataframe.columns) index = lifi.index(field) for row in st.dataframe.values: date = row[0] dates.append( {"Date": date, "tick": st.tick, field: row[index]}) elif isinstance(field, (tuple, list)): for st in listStockPrices: lifi = list(st.dataframe.columns) indexes = [lifi.index(f) for f in field] for row in st.dataframe.values: date = row[0] r = {"Date": date, "tick": st.tick, } for i, f in zip(indexes, field): r[f] = row[i] dates.append(r) else: raise TypeError("field must be a string, a tuple or a list") df = pandas.DataFrame(dates) if isinstance(field, str): piv = df.pivot("Date", "tick", field) elif isinstance(field, (tuple, list)): pivs = [df.pivot("Date", "tick", f) for f in field] for fi, piv in zip(field, pivs): col = [c + "," + fi for c in piv.columns] piv.columns = col if len(pivs) == 1: piv = pivs[0] else: piv = pivs[0].merge(pivs[1], how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True) for p in pivs[2:]: piv = piv.merge( p, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True) else: raise TypeError("field must be a string, a tuple or a list") if missing: def count_nan(row): "count nans" n = 0 for k, v in row.items(): if k == "Date": continue if numpy.isnan(v): n += 1 return n piv["missing"] = piv.apply(lambda row: count_nan(row), axis=1) try: piv = piv.sort_index() except AttributeError: piv = piv.sort() return piv
[docs] def head(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|446` """ return self.dataframe.head()
[docs] def tail(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|452` """ return self.dataframe.tail()
[docs] def keep_dates(self, trading_dates): """ removes undesired dates :param trading_dates: dates :return: new series :githublink:`%|py|461` """ da = self.dataframe["Date"] da2 = {v: 1 for v in da} if isinstance(trading_dates, dict): se = trading_dates else: se = trading_dates[ "Date"] if "Date" in trading_dates.columns else trading_dates.index tbl = {v: 1 for v in se if v in da2} if len(tbl) > 0: ave = self.dataframe.apply(lambda row: row["Date"] in tbl, axis=1) return StockPrices(self.tickname, self.dataframe.loc[ave, :]) else: raise StockPricesException("no trading dates left")
[docs] def returns(self): """ Builds the series of returns. :param col: column to use to compute the returns :return: StockPrices :githublink:`%|py|484` """ df = self.dataframe fd = self.FirstDate() ld = self.LastDate() plus = df["Date"] > fd # dates from FirstDate+1 to LastDate moins = df["Date"] < ld # dates from FirstDate to LastDate-1 res = df.loc[plus, ["Date", "Volume"]] for k in df.columns: if k in ["Date", "Volume"]: continue m = numpy.array(df.loc[moins, k]) p = numpy.array(df.loc[plus, k]) res[k] = (p - m) / m return StockPrices(self.tickname, res)
[docs] @staticmethod def covariance( listStockPrices, missing=True, field="Close", cov=True, ret=False): """ Computes the covariances matrix (of returns). :param listStockPrices: list of StockPrices :param field: which field to use to fill the matrix :param cov: if True, returns the covariance, otherwise, the correlations :param ret: if True, also add the returns :return: square dataframe or 2 dataframe (returns, correlation) :githublink:`%|py|514` """ listStockPrices = [v.returns() for v in listStockPrices] mat = StockPrices.available_dates(listStockPrices, False, field) npmat = numpy.matrix(mat) cov = numpy.cov( npmat.transpose()) if cov else numpy.corrcoef( npmat.transpose()) names = [v.tick for v in listStockPrices] ret_mat = pandas.DataFrame(cov, columns=names, index=names) if ret: rows = [{"tick": v.tick, "return": v.dataframe[field].mean()} for v in listStockPrices] ret = pandas.DataFrame(rows) ret.set_index("tick", drop=True, inplace=True) return ret, ret_mat else: return ret_mat
[docs] def plot(self, begin=None, end=None, field="Close", date_format=None, existing=None, axis=1, ax=None, label_prefix=None, color=None, **args): """ See :meth:`draw <>`. :githublink:`%|py|540` """ return StockPrices.draw(self, begin=begin, end=end, field=field, date_format=date_format, existing=existing, axis=axis, ax=ax, label_prefix=label_prefix, color=color, **args)
[docs] @staticmethod def draw(listStockPrices, begin=None, end=None, field="Close", date_format=None, existing=None, axis=1, ax=None, label_prefix=None, color=None, **args): """ Draws a graph showing one or several time series. The example was taken ` <>`_. :param listStockPrices: list of :class:`StockPrices <>` (or one :class:`StockPrices <>` if it is the only one) :param begin: first date (datetime) or None to take the first one :param end: last included date (datetime) or None to take the last one :param field: Open, High, Low, Close, Adj Close, Volume :param date_format: ``%Y`` or ``%Y-%m`` or ``%Y-%m-%d`` or None if you prefer the function to choose :param args: other arguments to send to ``plt.subplots`` :param axis: 1 or 2, it only works if existing is not None. If axis is 2, the function draws the curves on the second axis. :param label_prefix: to prefix curve label :param color: curve color :param args: other parameters to give method ``plt.subplots`` :param ax: use existing `axes <>`_ :return: `axes <>`_ The parameter ``figsize`` of the method `subplots <>`_ can change the graph size (see the example below). .. exref:: :title: graph of a financial series :: from import StockPrices stocks = [ StockPrices("NASDAQ:MSFT", folder = cache), StockPrices("NASDAQ:GOOGL", folder = cache), StockPrices("NASDAQ:AAPL", folder = cache)] fig, ax, plt = StockPrices.draw(stocks) fig.savefig("image.png") fig, ax, plt = StockPrices.draw(stocks, begin="2010-01-01", figsize=(16,8)) You can also chain the graphs and add a series on a second graph: :: from import StockPrices stock = StockPrices("NASDAQ:MSFT", folder = cache) stock2 = StockPrices "NASDAQ:GOOGL", folder = cache) fig, ax, plt = stock.plot(figsize=(16,8)) fig, ax, plt = stock2.plot(existing=(fig,ax), axis=2) .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Parameter *existing* was removed and parameter *ax* was added. If the date overlaps, the method `autofmt_xdate <>`_ should be called. :githublink:`%|py|605` """ if isinstance(listStockPrices, StockPrices): listStockPrices = [listStockPrices] data = StockPrices.available_dates( listStockPrices, missing=False, field=field) if begin is None: if end is not None: data = data[data.index <= end] else: if end is not None: data = data[(data.index >= begin) & (data.index <= end)] else: data = data[data.index >= begin] dates = [datetime.datetime.strptime(_, '%Y-%m-%d') for _ in data.index] begin = dates[0] end = dates[-1] def price(x): "local formatting" return '%1.2f' % x import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylint: disable=C0415 import matplotlib.dates as mdates # pylint: disable=C0415 if ax is not None: ex_h, ex_l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ex_l = tuple(ex_l) ex_h = tuple(ex_h) if axis == 2: ax = ax.twinx() fig = None else: if 'label' in args: args_ = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k not in ('label', )} else: args_ = args fig, ax = plt.subplots(**args_) ex_h, ex_l = tuple(), tuple() curve = [] if field == "ohlc": from mplfinance.original_flavor import candlestick_ohlc # pylint: disable=E0401 ohlc = list(list(data.iloc[i, :4]) for i in range(0, data.shape[0])) ohlc = [[mdates.date2num(t)] + v for t, v in zip(dates, ohlc)] candlestick_ohlc(ax, ohlc, colorup="g") else: if label_prefix is None: label_prefix = "" add_args = {} if color: add_args['c'] = color for stock in data.columns: if axis == 2: curve.append( ax.plot(dates, data[stock], "r", linestyle='solid', label=label_prefix + str(stock), **add_args)) else: curve.append( ax.plot(dates, data[stock], linestyle='solid', c=color, label=label_prefix + str(stock), **add_args)) if existing is None: ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') if len(dates) < 30: days = mdates.DayLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(days) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(days) if date_format is not None: fmt = mdates.DateFormatter(date_format) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d")) elif len(dates) < 500: months = mdates.MonthLocator() days = mdates.DayLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m")) if date_format is not None: fmt = mdates.DateFormatter(date_format) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m")) else: years = mdates.YearLocator() months = mdates.MonthLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) if date_format is not None: fmt = mdates.DateFormatter(date_format) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) else: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y")) ax.set_xlim(begin, end) ax.format_ydata = price if fig is not None: fig.autofmt_xdate() if axis == 2: if isinstance(curve, list): curve = [_[0] for _ in curve] ax.legend(ex_h + tuple(curve), ex_l + tuple(data.columns)) else: ax.grid(True) ax.legend(ex_l + tuple(data.columns)) return ax
[docs] def to_csv(self, filename, sep="\t", index=False, **params): """ Saves the file in text format, see `to_csv <>`_ :param filename: filename :param sep: separator :param index: to keep or drop the index :param params: other parameters :githublink:`%|py|727` """ self.dataframe.to_csv(filename, sep=sep, index=index, **params)
[docs] def to_excel(self, excel_writer, **params): """ Saves the file in Excel format, see `to_excel <>`_ :githublink:`%|py|734` """ self.dataframe.to_excel(excel_writer, **params)