Source code for pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_use

Use grammar
This module requires `antlr4-python3-runtime <>`_.

import os
from antlr4 import ParseTreeWalker, CommonTokenStream, InputStream
from .tree_string_listener import TreeStringListener
from .tree_graph_listener import TreeGraphListener

[docs]def get_parser_lexer(language): """ Returns two classes, a parser and a lexer from :epkg:`antlr4`. :param language: to analyse :return: Parser, Lexer :githublink:`%|py|18` """ try: if language == "C#" or language == "CSharp": language = "CSharp4" if language == "R": from .RLexer import RLexer from .RParser import RParser return RParser, RLexer elif language == "CSharp4": from .CSharpLexer import CSharpLexer from .CSharpParser import CSharpParser return CSharpParser, CSharpLexer elif language == "SQLite": from .SQLiteLexer import SQLiteLexer from .SQLiteParser import SQLiteParser return SQLiteParser, SQLiteLexer elif language == "DOT": from .DOTLexer import DOTLexer from .DOTParser import DOTParser return DOTParser, DOTLexer elif language == "Pig": raise ImportError("Pig is not available yet") # from .PigLexer import PigLexer # from .PigParser import PigParser # return PigParser, PigLexer elif language == "Python3": from .Python3Lexer import Python3Lexer from .Python3Parser import Python3Parser return Python3Parser, Python3Lexer elif language == "SimpleWorkflow": from .SimpleWorkflowLexer import SimpleWorkflowLexer from .SimpleWorkflowParser import SimpleWorkflowParser return SimpleWorkflowParser, SimpleWorkflowLexer else: folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) if folder == "": folder = "." files = os.listdir(folder) raise ImportError( "unable to import parsers for language: " + language + "\navailable files:\n{0}".format( "\n".join(files))) except ImportError as e: folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) if folder == "": folder = "." files = os.listdir(folder) raise ImportError( "unable to import parsers for language: " + language + "\navailable files:\n{0}".format( "\n".join(files))) from e
[docs]def parse_code(code, class_parser, class_lexer): """ Parses a code and returns a tree. :param code: code to parse :param class_parser: parser :param class_lexer: lexer :return: parsed code .. exref:: :title: Check the syntax of a script PIG :: code = ''' A = LOAD 'filename.txt' USING PigStorage('\t'); STORE A INTO 'samefile.txt' ; ''' clparser, cllexer = get_parser_lexer("Pig") parser = parse_code(code, clparser, cllexer) tree = parser.compilation_unit() st = get_tree_string(tree, parser, None) print(st) :githublink:`%|py|98` """ if isinstance(code, str): # we assume it is a string code = InputStream(code) lexer = class_lexer(code) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = class_parser(stream) return parser
[docs]def get_tree_string(tree, parser, format=TreeStringListener): """ Returns a string which shows the parsed tree. :param tree: from :func:`parse_code <pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_use.parse_code>` :param parser: the parser used to build the tree, output of :func:`parse_code <pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_use.parse_code>` :param format: None or a class `ParseTreeListener <>`_ :return: string :githublink:`%|py|117` """ if format is None: return tree.toStringTree() else: walker = ParseTreeWalker() listen = format(parser) walker.walk(listen, tree) return str(listen)
[docs]def get_tree_graph(tree, parser, format=TreeGraphListener): """ Returns a graph with :epkg:`networkx`. :param tree: from :func:`parse_code <pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_use.parse_code>` :param parser: the parser used to build the tree, output of :func:`parse_code <pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_use.parse_code>` :param format: None or a class `ParseTreeListener <>`_ :return: string :githublink:`%|py|135` """ if format is None: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "format cannot be None") walker = ParseTreeWalker() listen = format(parser) walker.walk(listen, tree) return listen