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4@brief @see cl Database 



7import re 

8import copy 



11class DatabaseJoinGroup: 


13 """ 

14 This class is not neant to be working alone. 

15 It contains functions for a database able to build 

16 SQL requests for frequent needs such as join SQL requests. 

17 @see cl Database 

18 """ 


20 class JoinTreeNode: 


22 """define a node meant to be included in a graph to define a big join 

23 """ 


25 def __init__(self, table, 

26 parent_key=None, 

27 key=None, 

28 where=None, 

29 prefix=None, 

30 avoid_prefix=False): 

31 """constructor 

32 this node defines a join on two tables (parent_table, table) 

33 on two keys (parent_key, key). The keys can be tuple or string. 


35 @param table table name 

36 @param parent_key None if it is the root 

37 @param key None if it is the root 

38 @param where clause where 

39 where is a where clause defined as a dictionary: example: 


41 @code 

42 { "field": ("==", value), 

43 ("table","field"): (">=", value) } 

44 @endcode 


46 You may add field not connected to a table, 

47 they will not taken into account. 

48 @param prefix add a prefix, avoid different fields collide 

49 @param avoid_prefix avoid using a prefix to build SQL queries, use syntax ``( ... ) AS ...`` 

50 """ 

51 self.table = table 

52 self.parent_key = parent_key 

53 self.key = key 

54 self.where = {} 

55 self.predecessor = None 

56 self.successor = [] 

57 self.prefix = None 

58 self._count_as = 0 

59 self._avoid_prefix = avoid_prefix 

60 if self.parent_key is None and self.key is not None: 

61 raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover 

62 "parent_key is missing") 


64 if where is not None: 

65 if not isinstance(where, dict): 

66 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

67 "parameter where: only dict or None expected (not %s)" % str( 

68 type(where))) 

69 for k, v in where.items(): 

70 if not isinstance(k, tuple): 

71 k = tuple(k.split(".")) 

72 if len(k) == 1: 

73 self.where[k[0]] = v 

74 elif len(k) == 2: 

75 if k[-2] == self.table: 

76 self.where[k[-1]] = v 

77 else: 

78 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

79 "not able to deal with than clause %s:%s" % 

80 (str(k), str(v))) 


82 def __str__(self): 

83 """usual 

84 """ 

85 mes = ["*nb succ: %d" % len(self.successor)] 

86 for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): 

87 if k not in ["table", "parent_key", "where", "key"]: 

88 continue 

89 s = k + " " * (12 - len(k)) 

90 s += str(v) 

91 mes.append(s) 

92 i = 0 

93 for n in self.successor: 

94 r = str(n) 

95 li = r.split("\n") 

96 li = [" " + s2 for s2 in li] 

97 r = "\n".join(li) 

98 mes.append("node %d" % i) 

99 mes.append(r) 

100 i += 1 

101 return "\n".join(mes) + "\n" 


103 def append(self, n): 

104 """add a successor 

105 @param n new successor 

106 """ 

107 if n.predecessor is not None: 

108 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

109 "This node was already added in another part of the tree. You must duplicate it.") 

110 self.successor.append(n) 

111 n.predecessor = self 


113 def get_nb_successor(self): 

114 """ 

115 @return the number of successors 

116 """ 

117 return len(self.successor) 


119 def check_prefix(self, nb=-1): 

120 """ 

121 @param nb index of this node is the predecessor list of successor 

122 check the prefixes, all one if there is none 

123 """ 

124 if self._avoid_prefix: 

125 self.PREFIX = "" 

126 return 

127 if "PREFIX" in self.__dict__: 

128 return 

129 if self.prefix is None: 

130 if nb == -1: 

131 self.prefix = "" 

132 else: 

133 self.prefix = chr(97 + nb) 

134 for i, n in enumerate(self.successor): 

135 n.check_prefix(i) 

136 self.PREFIX = "" if self.prefix is None else self.prefix 

137 self.PREFIX = self._build_predecessor_prefix() + self.PREFIX 


139 def _build_predecessor_prefix(self): 

140 """ 

141 private method 

142 """ 

143 if self._avoid_prefix: 

144 return "" 

145 r = "" 

146 n = self.predecessor 

147 while n is not None: 

148 r += n.prefix 

149 n = n.predecessor 

150 return r 


152 def clean(self): 

153 """ 

154 remove all sql,fields members 

155 """ 

156 if "SELECT" in self.__dict__: 

157 del self.__dict__["SELECT"] 

158 del self.__dict__["FIELDS"] 

159 del self.__dict__["PREFIX"] 

160 for n in self.successor: 

161 n.clean() 


163 def _in_select(self, db): 

164 """return the SQL select on the table 

165 @param db database 

166 @return list of tuple (fieldas, table, field, which), where 

167 """ 

168 fields = db.get_table_columns_list(self.table) 

169 where = {} 

170 for f, t in fields: 

171 if f in self.where: 

172 where["%s.%s" % (self.table, f)] = self.where[f] 

173 elif (self.table, f) in self.where: 

174 where["%s.%s" % (self.table, f)] = self.where 

175 elif "." in f: 

176 table, z = f.split(".")[-2:] 

177 if table == self.table and z in self.where: 

178 where["%s.%s" % (table, z)] = self.where[z] 


180 prefix = self.PREFIX 

181 fas = [] 

182 for f, t in fields: 

183 fas.append((prefix + f, self.table, f, True)) 

184 return fas, where 


186 def _build_select(self, db, fas, where, tfrom=None): 

187 """build a select SQL request 

188 @param db database 

189 @param fas list of tuple table,f,fas 

190 @param where where clause 

191 @param tfrom from clause, if None, --> self.table 

192 @return string 

193 """ 

194 lines = [] 

195 lines.append("SELECT") 

196 alkey = True 

197 if len(fas) > 0: 

198 mx = max([len(s[0]) for s in fas]) + 1 

199 name_changed = 0 

200 for well in fas: 

201 fn, t, fo = well[:3] 

202 if fn == self.key: 

203 if alkey: 

204 alkey = False 

205 doit = True 

206 else: 

207 doit = False 

208 else: 

209 doit = True 


211 if doit: 

212 s = " " * (mx - len(fn)) 

213 if len(well) == 4 and well[3]: 

214 s = " %s%s AS %s," % (fo, s, fn) 

215 name_changed += 1 

216 else: 

217 s = " %s," % fn 

218 lines.append(s) 


220 lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] # kill the last comma 

221 else: 

222 raise Exception("fas should not be empty") 


224 if tfrom is None: 

225 tfrom = self.table 


227 if "\n" in tfrom: 

228 lines.append( 

229 "FROM (\n%s) AS temp_tbl%d" % 

230 (tfrom, self._count_as)) 

231 self._count_as += 1 

232 else: 

233 lines.append("FROM %s" % tfrom) 


235 if len(where) > 0: 

236 wh = db._build_where_condition(where) 

237 lines.append(wh) 


239 return "\n".join(lines) 


241 def _find_in_fas(self, fas, a, b): 

242 """find a,b in fas (column 1 and 2) 

243 @param fas list [ (new_name, table, name)] 

244 @param a table name 

245 @param b name 

246 """ 

247 for name, tbl, field in fas: 

248 if a == tbl and b == field: 

249 return name 

250 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

251 "unable to find field %s.%s in (%s)" % 

252 (a, b, str(fas))) 


254 def _build_join(self, db, fas, select, n): 

255 """ 

256 see :meth:`build_sql <pyensae.sql.database_join_group.build_sql>` 


258 @param db database 

259 @param fas list [(new_name, table, name)] 

260 @param select condition 

261 @param n node 

262 """ 


264 other_select = n.SELECT 

265 parent_key = n.parent_key 

266 key = n.key 


268 other_select = other_select.split("\n") 

269 other_select = [" " + s for s in other_select] 

270 other_select = "\n".join(other_select) 

271 select = select.split("\n") 

272 select = [" " + s for s in select] 

273 select = "\n".join(select) 


275 res = self._build_select(db, fas, {}, select) 

276 res += "\nINNER JOIN (\n" 

277 res += other_select + ")" 

278 res += "\nON " 


280 ppref = n.predecessor.PREFIX 

281 pref = n.PREFIX 


283 if isinstance(parent_key, str): 

284 if parent_key.startswith("<PREFIX>"): 

285 a, b = parent_key[8:].split(".") 

286 parent_key = (self._find_in_fas(fas, a, b),) 

287 else: 

288 parent_key = (ppref + parent_key,) 


290 if key.startswith("<PREFIX>"): 

291 a, b = key[8:].split(".") 

292 key = (self._find_in_fas(fas, a, b),) 

293 else: 

294 key = (pref + key,) 


296 else: 

297 pk = [] 

298 k = [] 

299 for m, n in zip(parent_key, key): 

300 if m.startswith("<PREFIX>"): 

301 a, b = m[8:].split(".") 

302 pk.append(self._find_in_fas(fas, a, b)) 

303 else: 

304 pk.append(ppref + m) 


306 if n.startswith("<PREFIX>"): 

307 a, b = n.split(".") 

308 k.append(self._find_in_fas(fas, a, b)) 

309 else: 

310 k.append(pref + n) 


312 parent_key = tuple(pk) 

313 key = tuple(k) 


315 oni = [] 

316 for k, l in zip(parent_key, key): 

317 oni.append("%s == %s" % (k, l)) 

318 oni = " AND \n ".join(oni) 

319 res += oni 

320 return res 


322 def build_sql(self, db): 

323 """ 

324 build the sql request 


326 @param db database 


328 The function adds two attributes: 

329 - SELECT: sql request for a node 

330 - FIELDS: list of [ (final_name, table, original_name) 

331 """ 

332 self.check_prefix() 


334 for n in self.successor: 

335 n.build_sql(db) 


337 fas, where = self._in_select(db) 

338 fields = [f[:3] for f in fas] 

339 select = self._build_select(db, fas, where) 


341 if self.get_nb_successor() == 0: 

342 pass 

343 else: 

344 for n in self.successor: 

345 fields.extend(n.FIELDS) 

346 select = self._build_join(db, fields, select, n) 


348 self.SELECT = select 

349 self.FIELDS = fields 


351 def __init__(self): 

352 """ 

353 constructor 

354 """ 

355 self._count_as = 0 


357 ################################################## 

358 # the class itself: multiple joins using this tree 

359 ################################################## 


361 def inner_joins(self, root, execute=False, create_index=False, created_table=None, 

362 duplicate_column=True, order=None, unique=False, distinct=False, 

363 fields=None, nolog=True): 

364 """create several SQL inner join requests (included into each others) 

365 @param root JoinTreeNode (the root) 

366 @param execute if True, execute the query 

367 @param create_index if True, creates an index on the second table if it does not exist: it accelerates the inner join 

368 @param created_table if execute is True, you must specify a table name to be created 

369 @param duplicate_column do not include columns from the second table if their name is already in the first one 

370 @param order order clause, list of 2-tuple (column, way) way is None or DESC 

371 @param unique unique or not 

372 @param distinct add the keyword DISTINCT 

373 @param fields restriction to fields given by fields or no restriction if None 

374 @param nolog if True, do not log the query 

375 @return SQL request, list of fields ("source", "new name") 


377 @warning Some options are not available yet: 

378 - create_index True 

379 - duplicate_column False 

380 - order != [] 

381 - unique True 


383 @todo Three tasks (however, this won't probably happen) 

384 - Finish The function inner_joins (parameters create_index, duplicate_column, order, unique). 

385 - Improve the handling of keyword DISTINCT 

386 - Handle keyword fields 

387 """ 

388 if order is None: 

389 order = [] 

390 if create_index: 

391 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

392 "create_index = True: this option is not available") 

393 if not duplicate_column: 

394 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

395 "duplicate_column = False: this option is not available") 

396 if len(order) > 0: 

397 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

398 "order != []: this option is not available") 

399 if unique: 

400 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

401 "unique = True: this option is not available") 

402 if fields is not None: 

403 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

404 "fields != None: this option is not possible yet %s." % 

405 (str(fields))) 


407 root.build_sql(self) 

408 select = root.SELECT 

409 fields = root.FIELDS 


411 if distinct: 

412 if not select.startswith("SELECT"): 

413 raise ValueError("algorithm problem") # pragma: no cover 

414 select = "SELECT DISTINCT" + select[len("SELECT"):] 


416 if execute: 

417 if created_table is None: 

418 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

419 "unable to execute the SQL query: not specified name for the table to create") 

420 if created_table in self.get_table_list(): 

421 raise ValueError("table %r already exists" % created_table) 


423 select = "CREATE TABLE %s AS \n" % created_table + select 

424 self.execute(select, nolog=nolog) 


426 return select, fields 


428 ################################################## 

429 # the other methods 

430 ################################################## 


432 def _build_where_condition(self, where, add_keyword_where=True): 

433 """builds a where condition (including the WHERE keyword) 

434 @param where condition where to interpret 

435 @code 

436 { "field": ("==", value) } 

437 @endcode 

438 @param add_keyword_where add the keyword where ? 

439 @return sql syntax 


441 @todo This function should deal with a tree to express AND and OR logical links. 

442 (However, this probably won't happen.) 

443 """ 

444 sql = "" 

445 if where is not None and len(where) > 0: 

446 if add_keyword_where: 

447 sql += " WHERE " 

448 if isinstance(where, str): 

449 sql += where 

450 elif isinstance(where, dict): 

451 a = [] 

452 for k, v in where.items(): 

453 if v[1] not in ['==', '<=', '>=', '>', '<', '!=']: 

454 v = (v[1], v[0]) 

455 if v[1] not in ['==', '<=', '>=', '>', '<', '!=']: 

456 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

457 "unable to understand where %s,%s " % 

458 (k, str(v))) 

459 if v[1] == '==' and self.isMSSQL(): 

460 v = (v[0], '=') 

461 v = (v[0], " %s " % v[1]) 

462 if isinstance(v[0], str): 

463 if "'" in v[0]: 

464 s = k + v[1] + "'" + v[0].replace("'", "''") + "'" 

465 else: 

466 s = k + v[1] + "'" + v[0] + "'" 

467 else: 

468 s = k + v[1] + str(v[0]) 

469 a.append(s) 

470 sql += " AND ".join(a) 

471 else: 

472 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

473 "unable to interpret this where condition %s" % 

474 (str(where))) 

475 return sql 


477 def histogram(self, table, columns, col_sums=None, values=None, sql_add=None, 

478 execute=False, created_table=None, new_column="histogram", 

479 nolog=False): 

480 """ 

481 create a SQL request to compute an histogram 


483 @param table table 

484 @param columns column or columns (in a tuple) to be histogrammized 

485 @param col_sums candidate columns for a sum 

486 @param values specific values, several cases: 

487 - if None: does a GROUP BY 

488 - if dictionary of tuple: ``{'cat1':('val1', 'val2', ...) }`` 

489 then groups together several values into one category 

490 - if list of float: does an histogram on a real variable 

491 @param new_column name of the new column 

492 @param sql_add string to be added at the end of the SQL request 

493 @param execute if True, execute the request 

494 @param created_table the histogram can be stored into a table whose name is given by this parameter 

495 @param nolog if True, do not log the query 

496 @return SQL request 


498 """ 

499 if col_sums is None: 

500 col_sums = [] 

501 if isinstance(columns, str): 

502 columns = (columns,) 


504 cols = self.get_table_columns_list(table) 

505 for column in columns: 

506 if column not in [x[0] for x in cols]: 

507 raise ValueError( 

508 "%r is not a column of table %r\n- columns:\n%r" % 

509 (column, table, "\n".join( 

510 [ 

511 str(x) for x in cols]))) 


513 if sql_add is None or len(sql_add) == 0: 

514 sql_add = "" 

515 else: 

516 sql_add = ",\n " + sql_add 


518 sum_column = [] 

519 for c in col_sums: 

520 s = "SUM(%s) AS sum_%s" % (c, c) 

521 sum_column.append(s) 

522 str_sum = ", ".join(sum_column) 

523 if len(str_sum) > 0: 

524 str_sum = ", " + str_sum 


526 if values is None: 

527 sql = "SELECT %s AS %s, COUNT(%s) AS %s_nb%s%s\nFROM %s\nGROUP BY %s" % \ 

528 (", ".join(columns), 

529 new_column, 

530 "*", 

531 new_column, 

532 str_sum, 

533 sql_add, 

534 table, 

535 ", ".join(columns)) 

536 select = sql 


538 elif isinstance(values, dict): 

539 values_rev = {} 

540 for k, vv in values.items(): 

541 for v in vv: 

542 if v not in values_rev: 

543 values_rev[v] = [] 

544 values_rev[v].append(k) 

545 for k, v in values_rev.items(): 

546 if len(v) > 1: 

547 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

548 "a category is shared by several values %r and %r" % 

549 (k, ", ".join(v))) 

550 for k in values_rev: 

551 values_rev[k] = values_rev[k][0] 


553 def filterfunctionhistogramdict1(v): 

554 return values_rev.get(v, "none") 


556 def filterfunctionhistogramdict2(a, b): 

557 return values_rev.get((a, b), "none") 


559 def filterfunctionhistogramdict3(a, b, c): 

560 return values_rev.get((a, b, c), "none") 


562 def filterfunctionhistogramdict4(a, b, c, d): 

563 return values_rev.get((a, b, c, d), "none") 


565 def filterfunctionhistogramdict5(a, b, c, d, e): 

566 return values_rev.get((a, b, c, d, e), "none") 


568 self.add_function( 

569 "filterfunctionhistogramdict1", 

570 1, 

571 filterfunctionhistogramdict1) 

572 self.add_function( 

573 "filterfunctionhistogramdict2", 

574 2, 

575 filterfunctionhistogramdict2) 

576 self.add_function( 

577 "filterfunctionhistogramdict3", 

578 3, 

579 filterfunctionhistogramdict3) 

580 self.add_function( 

581 "filterfunctionhistogramdict4", 

582 4, 

583 filterfunctionhistogramdict4) 

584 self.add_function( 

585 "filterfunctionhistogramdict5", 

586 5, 

587 filterfunctionhistogramdict5) 


589 st = ",".join(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"][:len(cols)]) 

590 sql = "\n -- def filterfunctionhistogramdict%d (%s) : return %s.get (%s, 'none')\n\n" % ( 

591 len(columns), st, str(values_rev), st) 

592 sql += "\n SELECT " + \ 

593 ",\n ".join([x[0] for x in cols]) 

594 sql += ",\n filterfunctionhistogramdict%d (%s) AS histo_temp_col" % ( 

595 len(columns), ", ".join(columns),) 

596 sql += "\n FROM %s" % table 

597 sql = "(" + sql + ") AS temp_tbl%d" % self._count_as 

598 self._count_as += 1 


600 select = "SELECT histo_temp_col AS %s,COUNT(histo_temp_col) AS %s_nb\n %s\n %s\nFROM %s\nGROUP BY histo_temp_col" % \ 

601 (new_column, new_column, str_sum, sql_add, sql) 


603 elif isinstance(values, list): 

604 values = sorted(copy.copy(values)) 

605 values2 = values[1:] + [max(1e10, max(values) + 1), ] 

606 names = list(values) 

607 couple = list(zip(range(0, len(values)), values, values2, names)) 


609 def filterfunctionhistogramlist(v): 

610 for i, x, x_, n in couple: 

611 if v < x_: 

612 return n 

613 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

614 "unable to process, " + 

615 str(v) + 

616 " is a value higher than 1e10") 

617 self.add_function( 

618 "filterfunctionhistogramlist", 

619 1, 

620 filterfunctionhistogramlist) 


622 sql = "" 

623 sql += "\n SELECT " + ",\n ".join([x[0] for x in cols]) 

624 sql += ",\n filterfunctionhistogramlist (%s) AS histo_temp_col" % ( 

625 ", ".join(columns),) 

626 sql += "\n FROM %s" % table 

627 sql = "(" + sql + ")" 


629 select = "SELECT histo_temp_col AS %s,COUNT(histo_temp_col) AS %s_nb\n %s\n %s\nFROM %s\nGROUP BY histo_temp_col" % \ 

630 (new_column, new_column, str_sum, sql_add, sql) 


632 else: 

633 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

634 "values has not a type (%s) not in [None, dict, list]" % 

635 (str( 

636 type(values)))) 


638 if execute: 

639 if created_table is None: 

640 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

641 "unable to execute the SQL query: not specified name for the table to create") 

642 if created_table in self.get_table_list(): 

643 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

644 "table %r already exists" % created_table) 


646 select = "CREATE TABLE %s AS \n" % created_table + select 

647 self.execute(select, nolog=nolog) 


649 return select 


651 def inner_join(self, table1, table2, field1, field2=None, where=None, execute=False, 

652 create_index=True, created_table=None, prefix="", duplicate_column=True, 

653 prefix_all="", order=None, unique=True, params=None, nolog=True): 

654 """create a SQL inner join request 

655 @param table1 first table 

656 @param table2 second table 

657 @param field1 inner join on field1 from table1 

658 @param field2 inner join on field2 from table2 (if None --> field2 = field1 

659 @param where where clause (if None, do not add it), dictionary or string 

660 @param execute if True, execute the query 

661 @param create_index if True, creates an index on the second table if it does not exist: it accelerates the inner join 

662 @param created_table if execute is True, you must specify a table name to be created 

663 @param prefix prefix for fields from the second table 

664 @param duplicate_column do not include columns from the second table if their name is already in the first one 

665 @param prefix_all prefix for all fields 

666 @param order order clause, list of 2-tuple (column, way) way is None or DESC 

667 @param unique unique or not 

668 @param params special parameters for inner_joins method 

669 @param nolog if True, do not log the query, otherwise, skip that part 

670 @return SQL request, list of fields ("source", "new name") 

671 """ 

672 if order is None: 

673 order = [] 

674 if params is None: 

675 params = {} 

676 if field2 is None: 

677 field2 = field1 


679 cols1 = self.get_table_columns_list(table1) 

680 cols1 = [f[0] for f in cols1] 

681 if len(cols1) == 0: 

682 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

683 "table %r has no field" % table1) 


685 joinsm = table2 == '________________' 

686 if joinsm: 

687 cols2 = [f[1] for f in params["fields"]] 

688 if len(cols2) == 0: 

689 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

690 "imported table has no field") 

691 table2 = params["sql"].split("\n") 

692 table2 = [" " + s for s in table2] 

693 table2 = "\n".join(table2) 

694 table2 = "(%s)" % (table2.strip("\n\r "),) 

695 else: 

696 cols2 = self.get_table_columns_list(table2) 

697 cols2 = [f[0] for f in cols2] 

698 if len(cols2) == 0: 

699 raise Exception("table %s has no field" % table2) 


701 if isinstance(field1, tuple): 

702 for k in field1: 

703 if k not in cols1: 

704 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

705 "unable to find field %r in table %r" % 

706 (k, table1)) 

707 for k in field2: 

708 if k not in cols2: 

709 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

710 "unable to find field %r in table %r" % 

711 (k, table2)) 

712 else: 

713 if field1 not in cols1: 

714 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

715 "unable to find field %r in table %r" % 

716 (field1, table1)) 

717 if field2 not in cols2: 

718 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

719 "unable to find field %r in table %r" % 

720 (field2, table2)) 

721 field1 = (field1,) 

722 field2 = (field2,) 


724 if create_index and joinsm: 

725 li = self.get_index_list() 

726 ind = False 

727 for name, tbl_name, sql in li: 

728 if tbl_name != table2: 

729 continue 

730 fields = re.compile("[(](\\w*)[)]").search(sql).groups() 

731 if len(fields) == 0: 

732 continue 

733 field = fields[0] 

734 if field not in field2: 

735 continue 

736 ind = True 


738 if not ind: 

739 self.LOG( # pragma: no cover 

740 "creating an index on table %r, field %r" % 

741 (table2, ", ".join(field2))) 

742 self.create_index("index_" + table2.replace(".", "_") + "_" + "_".join(field2), 

743 table2, field2, unique=unique) 


745 keyfields = {} 

746 for k in field1: 

747 if k in cols2: 

748 if k not in field2: 

749 keyfield = ("%s.%s" % (table1, k), table1 + "_" + k) 

750 else: 

751 keyfield = ("%s.%s" % (table1, k), k) 

752 else: 

753 keyfield = (k, k) 

754 keyfields[k] = keyfield 


756 if "." in table1: 

757 ptable1 = table1.split(".")[1] 

758 else: 

759 ptable1 = table1 

760 if "." in table2: 

761 ptable2 = table2.split(".")[1] 

762 else: 

763 ptable2 = table2 


765 fields = [] 

766 for c in cols1: 

767 if ":" in c: 

768 continue 

769 if c in keyfields: 

770 fields.append(keyfields[c]) 

771 elif c in cols2: 

772 if duplicate_column: 

773 fields.append( 

774 ("%s.%s" % 

775 (ptable1, c), "%s_%s" % 

776 (ptable1, c))) 

777 else: 

778 fields.append(("%s.%s" % (ptable1, c), c)) 

779 else: 

780 fields.append((c, c)) 


782 for c in cols2: 

783 if ":" in c: 

784 continue 

785 if c in field2: 

786 continue 

787 if c in cols1: 

788 if duplicate_column: 

789 fields.append( 

790 ("%s.%s" % 

791 (ptable2, c), prefix + "%s_%s" % 

792 (ptable2, c))) 

793 else: 

794 fields.append((c, prefix + c)) 


796 mx = max([len(f[0]) for f in fields]) + 1 

797 rem = params.get("as_remove", None) 


799 if rem is None: 

800 fields = [(f[0] + " " * (mx - len(f[0])), prefix_all + f[1]) 

801 for f in fields] 

802 else: 

803 cfields = fields 

804 fields = [] 

805 for f in cfields: 

806 a = f[0] + " " * (mx - len(f[0])) 

807 b = (prefix_all + f[1]).replace(rem, "") 

808 if b in cols1: 

809 b = (prefix_all + f[1]).replace(rem, "_") 

810 fields.append((a, b)) 


812 all = [" AS ".join(f) for f in fields] 

813 select = ",\n ".join(all) 

814 select = "SELECT " + select + "\nFROM %s\n" % table1 


816 if unique: 

817 select += "INNER JOIN %s\n" % table2 

818 else: 

819 select += "JOIN %s\n" % table2 


821 nb = 0 

822 for k1, k2 in zip(field1, field2): 

823 if nb > 0: 

824 select += " AND " 

825 else: 

826 select += "ON " 


828 if k1 in cols2: 

829 select += "%s.%s " % (table1, k1) 

830 else: 

831 select += "%s " % k1 


833 if k2 in cols1 and not joinsm: 

834 select += "== %s.%s\n" % (table2, k2) 

835 else: 

836 select += "== %s\n" % k2 


838 nb += 1 


840 if where is not None and len(where) > 0: 

841 select += "WHERE " + where + "\n" 


843 if order is not None and len(order) > 0: 

844 te = [] 

845 for o in order: 

846 if isinstance(o, tuple): 

847 if o[0] in cols1 and o[0] in cols2: 

848 te.append(ptable1 + "." + o[0] + " " + o[1]) 

849 else: 

850 te.append(o[0] + " " + o[1]) 

851 else: 

852 if o in cols1 and o in cols2: 

853 te.append(ptable1 + "." + o) 

854 else: 

855 te.append(o) 

856 select += "ORDER BY " + ", ".join(te) + "\n" 


858 #select += ";" 


860 if execute: 

861 if created_table is None: 

862 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

863 "unable to execute the SQL query: not specified name for the table to create") 

864 if created_table in self.get_table_list(): 

865 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

866 "table %r already exists" % created_table) 


868 select = "CREATE TABLE %s AS \n" % created_table + select 

869 self.execute(select, nolog=nolog) 


871 fields = [(a_.strip(), b_) for a_, b_ in fields] 

872 return select, fields