SQL Magic Commands with SQLite in a Notebook

Links: notebook, html, PDF, python, slides, GitHub

SQL from a notebooks, using magic commands to query a sqllite3 database.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

This notebook introduced some of the magic commands used to easily query a SQLite database with sqlite3. SQLite databases can be easily manipulated with open source tools such as SQLite Manager (add-on for firefox) or SQLiteSpy (only on Windows). However, it is very convenient to put the results of a SQL query into a DataFrame. That what’s this notebook is about.

Let’s start by importing some data.

import pyensae
import pyensae.datasource
%load_ext pyensae
pyensae.datasource.download_data("velib_vanves.zip", website = "xd")
import os
if os.path.exists("notebook_example.db3"):

We connect to the database:

%SQL_connect notebook_example.db3
<pyensae.sql.sql_interface_database.InterfaceSQLDatabase at 0x225e8b6eef0>

The database is empty so the table list should be empty:


So we import a flat file (TSV format only) into the database.

%SQL_import_tsv -t velib velib_vanves.txt

We check there is one more table:


We get the schema of the database:

%SQL_schema velib
{0: ('address', str),
 1: ('available_bike_stands', int),
 2: ('available_bikes', int),
 3: ('banking', int),
 4: ('bike_stands', int),
 5: ('bonus', int),
 6: ('contract_name', str),
 7: ('last_update', str),
 8: ('lat', str),
 9: ('lng', str),
 10: ('name', str),
 11: ('number', int),
 12: ('status', str),
 13: ('idr', int)}

And we execute the first query:

SELECT MAX(available_bike_stands +available_bikes) FROM velib
MAX(available_bike_stands +available_bikes)
0 71

Or another in one row:

%SQL -q "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM velib"
0 9461

We want to draw a random sample out of this table. We ask the database to recognize the following python function (its name cannot contain '_'):

import random
def arandomfunction():
    return random.randint(1,100)
%SQL_add_function arandomfunction

We then execute the following query. Because the first line contains a identifier, the query will only display the shape of the results dataframe and not its content which will be stored in df:

%%SQL --df=df
    SELECT *,arandomfunction() AS rnd FROM velib)
    WHERE rnd==1
address available_bike_stands available_bikes banking bike_stands bonus contract_name last_update lat lng name number status idr rnd
0 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 66 1 0 67 0 Paris 15/07/2013 16:40 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 25249 58
1 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 53 14 0 67 0 Paris 15/07/2013 22:20 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 108821 76
2 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 16/07/2013 13:50 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 337415 17
3 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 16/07/2013 14:15 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 343560 60
4 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 17/07/2013 04:05 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 547574 20
5 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 17/07/2013 14:10 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 696283 10
6 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 18/07/2013 02:05 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 872030 89
7 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 18/07/2013 03:30 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 892923 8
8 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 18/07/2013 03:40 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 895381 42
9 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 18/07/2013 07:45 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 955602 15

We look at the head:

address available_bike_stands available_bikes banking bike_stands bonus contract_name last_update lat lng name number status idr rnd
0 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 66 1 0 67 0 Paris 15/07/2013 16:40 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 25249 58
1 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 53 14 0 67 0 Paris 15/07/2013 22:20 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 108821 76
2 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 16/07/2013 13:50 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 337415 17
3 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 16/07/2013 14:15 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 343560 60
4 112 RUE VERCINGETORIX - 75014 PARIS 61 6 0 67 0 Paris 17/07/2013 04:05 48,83425925 2,313391647 14029 - GERGOVIE VERCINGETORIX 14029 OPEN 547574 20

If you into column rnd, you can see that it does not contain the value if was filtered on. It is probably because the python function is evaluated twice. We add this new dataframe to the database:

%SQL_import_df -t sample df

We check it is part the list of tables:

['sample', 'velib']

We do some more queries:


SELECT insample, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM (
    SELECT velib.*, sample.idr AS insample
    FROM velib OUTER JOIN sample
    ON velib.idr == sample.idr
unable to execute a SQL request (1)(file notebook_example.db3)
SELECT insample, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM (
    SELECT velib.*, sample.idr AS insample
    FROM velib OUTER JOIN sample
    ON velib.idr == sample.idr
RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported
'SELECT insample, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM (
    SELECT velib.*, sample.idr AS insample
    FROM velib OUTER JOIN sample
    ON velib.idr == sample.idr

We fix it:


SELECT insample, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM (
    SELECT velib.idr, sample.idr is not null insample
    FROM velib LEFT OUTER JOIN sample
    ON velib.idr == sample.idr
) GROUP BY insample
insample nb
0 0 9375
1 1 86

Autocompletion also works when the prefix is DB.CC.:

%%SQL --df=dfo
SELECT DB.CC.velib.available_bike_stands, COUNT(*)
FROM DB.CC.velib
GROUP BY DB.CC.velib.available_bike_stands
available_bike_stands COUNT(*)
0 4 60
1 5 7
2 6 7
3 7 1
4 8 1
5 9 4
6 10 37
7 11 62
8 12 53
9 13 27
(64, 2)

The autocompletion looks like:

from pyquickhelper.helpgen import NbImage

We finally draw a graph:

dfo.plot(x="available_bike_stands", y="COUNT(*)", kind="bar", figsize=(16,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x225e8fd37f0>

And we finally close the connection:
