module mlhelper.missing

Short summary

module pyensae.mlhelper.missing

Missing values and pandas.

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truncated documentation


After aggregation, it usually happens that the series is sparse. This function adds rows for missing time.


Missing values and pandas.

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pyensae.mlhelper.missing.add_missing_indices(df, column, all_values, values=None, fillvalue=nan)

After aggregation, it usually happens that the series is sparse. This function adds rows for missing time.

  • df – dataframe to extend

  • column – column with time

  • all_values – all the values we want

  • values – columns which contain the values, the others are considered as the keys


new dataframe

Add missing values in one column.


import pandas
from pyensae.mlhelper import add_missing_indices
df = pandas.DataFrame([{"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 1}, {"x": 5, "y": 6, "z": 2}])
df2 = add_missing_indices(df, "x", [3, 4, 5, 6])


       x  y  z
    0  3  4  1
    4  3  6  2
    1  4  4  1
    5  4  6  2
    2  5  4  1
    6  5  6  2
    3  6  4  1
    7  6  6  2


import pandas
from pyensae.mlhelper import add_missing_indices
df = pandas.DataFrame([{"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 1}, {"x": 5, "y": 6, "z": 2}])
df2 = add_missing_indices(df, "x", values=["y"], all_values=[3, 4, 5, 6])


       x    y  z
    0  3  4.0  1
    4  3  NaN  2
    1  4  NaN  1
    5  4  NaN  2
    2  5  NaN  1
    6  5  6.0  2
    3  6  NaN  1
    7  6  NaN  2

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