Generic Benchmarks

Benchmark factorisation

pymlbenchmark.benchmark.BenchPerfTest (self, kwargs)

Defines a bench perf test. See example Benchmark of PolynomialFeatures + partialfit of SGDClassifier.

pymlbenchmark.benchmark.BenchPerf (self, pbefore, pafter, btest, filter_test = None, profilers = None)

Factorizes code to compare two implementations. See example Benchmark of PolynomialFeatures + partialfit of SGDClassifier.


pymlbenchmark.plotting.plot_bench_results (df, row_cols = None, col_cols = None, hue_cols = None, cmp_col_values = (‘lib’, ‘skl’), x_value = ‘N’, y_value = ‘mean’, err_value = (‘lower’, ‘upper’), title = None, box_side = 6, labelsize = 8, fontsize = ‘small’, label_fct = None, color_fct = None, ax = None)

Plots benchmark results.

pymlbenchmark.plotting.plot_bench_xtime (df, row_cols = None, col_cols = None, hue_cols = None, cmp_col_values = (‘lib’, ‘skl’), x_value = ‘mean’, y_value = ‘xtime’, parallel = (1.0, 0.5), title = None, box_side = 6, labelsize = 10, fontsize = ‘small’, label_fct = None, color_fct = None, ax = None)

Plots benchmark acceleration.