module external.onnxruntime_perf_binclass

Inheritance diagram of pymlbenchmark.external.onnxruntime_perf_binclass

Short summary

module pymlbenchmark.external.onnxruntime_perf_binclass

Implements a benchmark for a binary classification about performance for OnnxInference.

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Specific test to compare computing time predictions with scikit-learn and onnxruntime for a binary …



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Returns a random datasets.


Returns a few functions, tests methods perdict, predict_proba for both scikit-learn and OnnxInference


Implements a benchmark for a binary classification about performance for OnnxInference.

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class pymlbenchmark.external.onnxruntime_perf_binclass.OnnxRuntimeBenchPerfTestBinaryClassification(estimator, dim=None, N_fit=100000, runtimes=('python_compiled', 'onnxruntime1'), onnx_options=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, **opts)

Bases: OnnxRuntimeBenchPerfTest

Specific test to compare computing time predictions with scikit-learn and onnxruntime for a binary classification. See example Benchmark of onnxruntime on LogisticRegression. The class requires the following modules to be installed: onnx, onnxruntime, skl2onnx, mlprodict.

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  • estimator – estimator class

  • dim – number of features

  • N_fit – number of observations to fit an estimator

  • runtimes – runtimes to test for class OnnxInference

  • opts – training settings

  • onnx_options – ONNX conversion options

  • dtype – dtype (float32 or float64)

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_get_random_dataset(N, dim)

Returns a random datasets.

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fcts(dim=None, **kwargs)

Returns a few functions, tests methods perdict, predict_proba for both scikit-learn and OnnxInference multiplied by the number of runtime to test.

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