Source code for pymmails.grabber.email_message

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
define an Email grabbed from a server.


import os
import re
import json
import datetime
import email
from email.generator import BytesGenerator, Generator
import email.header
import email.message
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
import mimetypes
import hashlib
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
import dateutil.parser
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG

from .mail_exception import MailException
from .additional_mime_type import additional_mime_type_ext_type

[docs]class EmailMessage(email.message.Message): """ overloads the message to class to add some functionalities such as a display using HTML :githublink:`%|py|32` """ expMail1 = re.compile('(\\"([^;,]*?)\\" )?<([^;, ]+?@[^;, ]+)>') expMail2 = re.compile('(([^;,]*?) )?<([^;, ]+?@[^;, ]+)>') expMail3 = re.compile('(\\"([^;,]*?)\\" )?([^;, ]+?@[^;, ]+)') expMail4 = re.compile('((=[?]([^;,]+?)[?]=)? ?<([^;, ]+?@[^;, ]+)>)') expMailA = re.compile( '({0})|({1})|({2})'.format( expMail1.pattern, expMail2.pattern, expMail3.pattern)) subset = ["Date", "From", "Subject", "To", "X-bcc"] avoid = ["X-me-spamcause", "X-YMail-OSG"] additionnalMimeType = additional_mime_type_ext_type _date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
[docs] def as_bytes(self): """ converts the mail into a binary string :return: bytes See `Message.as_bytes <>`_ :githublink:`%|py|57` """ fp = BytesIO() g = BytesGenerator(fp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=60) g.flatten(self) return fp.getvalue()
[docs] def as_string(self, unixfrom=False, maxheaderlen=None, policy=None): """ Converts the mail into a string. :return: string See `Message.as_string <>`_ :githublink:`%|py|70` """ fp = StringIO() g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=60) g.flatten(self) return fp.getvalue()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_from_bytes(b): """ Creates an instance of :class:`EmailMessage <pymmails.grabber.email_message.EmailMessage>` from a binary string (bytes) (see :meth:`as_bytes <pymmails.grabber.email_message.EmailMessage.as_bytes>`). :param b: binary string :return: instance of :class:`EmailMessage <pymmails.grabber.email_message.EmailMessage>` :githublink:`%|py|84` """ return email.message_from_bytes(b, _class=EmailMessage)
@property def body(self): """ return the body of the message :githublink:`%|py|91` """ messages = [] for part in self.walk(): if part.get_content_type() == "text/html": b = part.get_payload(decode=1) if b is not None: encs = [part.get_content_charset(), "utf8"] s = None for enc in encs: try: s = b.decode(enc) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if s is None: raise UnicodeDecodeError( "unable to decode: {0}".format(b)) messages.append(s) return "\n------------------------------------------\n\n".join( messages)
[docs] def get_all_charsets(self, part=None): """ returns all the charsets :githublink:`%|py|114` """ if part is None: charsets = set({}) for c in self.get_charsets(): if c is not None: charsets.update([c]) return charsets else: charsets = set({}) for c in part.get_charsets(): if c is not None: charsets.update([c]) return charsets
[docs] def get_nb_attachements(self): """ return the number of attachments :return: int :githublink:`%|py|133` """ r = 0 for part in self.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue r += 1 return r
@property def body_html(self): """ return the body of the messag :githublink:`%|py|147` """ messages = [] for part in self.walk(): if part.get_content_type() == "text/html": b = part.get_payload(decode=1) if b is not None: chs = list(self.get_all_charsets(part)) if len(chs) > 0: try: ht = b.decode(chs[0]) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: ht = b.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: try: ht = b.decode("latin-1") except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Exception( # pylint: disable=W0707 "unable to decode %r: %r" % (chs[0], b)) else: try: ht = b.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: ht = b.decode("utf-8", errors='ignore') #raise MailException("unable to decode: " + str(b)) from e htl = ht.lower() pos = htl.find("<body") pos2 = htl.find("</body>") if pos != -1 and pos2 != -1: ht = '<div ' + ht[pos + 5:pos2] + "</div>" elif pos != -1: ht = '<div ' + ht[pos + 5:] + "</div>" elif pos2 != -1: ht = '<div>' + ht[:pos2] + "</div>" else: ht = '<div>' + ht + "</div>" messages.append(ht) text = "<hr />".join(messages) return text
[docs] def enumerate_attachments(self): """ enumerate the attachments as 4-uple (filename, content, message_id, content_id) :return: iterator on tuple (filename, content, message_id, content_id) :githublink:`%|py|193` """ for part in self.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue fileName = part.get_filename() fileName = self.decode_header("file", fileName) if fileName is not None and fileName.startswith( "=?") and fileName.startswith("?="): fileName = fileName.strip("=?").split("=")[-1] if fileName is None or "?" in fileName: fileName = "unknown_type" cont = part.get_payload(decode=True) cont_id = part["Message-ID"] cont_id2 = part["Content-ID"] ext = EmailMessage.additionnalMimeType.get( part.get_content_subtype(), None) if ext is None: ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type()) if ext is not None: fileName += ext elif cont is not None: if cont.startswith(b"%PDF"): fileName += ".pdf" elif part.get_content_maintype() == "text": if cont.startswith(b"<html>"): fileName += ".html" else: fileName += ".txt" else: raise MailException("unable to guess type: " + part.get_content_maintype() + "\nsubtype: " + str(part.get_content_subtype()) + " ext: " + str(ext) + " def: " + EmailMessage.additionnalMimeType.get(part.get_content_subtype(), "-") + "\n" + str([cont])) else: cont = part.get_payload(decode=True) cont_id = part[ "Message-ID"].strip("<>") if part["Message-ID"] else None cont_id2 = part[ "Content-ID"].strip("<>") if part["Content-ID"] else None yield fileName, cont, cont_id, cont_id2
[docs] def __sortkey__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|251` """ key = [self.get_date(), self.get_from(), self.get_to(), self.UniqueID, self["subject"]] for i, k in enumerate(key): if isinstance(k, tuple): if None in k: key[i] = tuple("" if _ is None else _ for _ in k) elif k is None: key[i] = "" return tuple(key)
[docs] def __lt__(self, at): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|265` """ try: return self.__sortkey__() < at.__sortkey__() except TypeError as e: raise Exception("issue with\n{0}\n{1}".format( self.__sortkey__(), at.__sortkey__())) from e
#: use for method @see me call_decode_header _search_encodings = ["iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", "UTF-8", "utf-8"]
[docs] @staticmethod def call_decode_header(st, is_email=False): """ call `email.header.decode_header <>`_ :param st: string or `email.header.Header <>`_ :param is_email: does something specific for emails :return: text, encoding :githublink:`%|py|283` """ if isinstance(st, email.header.Header): text, encoding = email.header.decode_header(st)[0] if isinstance(text, bytes): if encoding is None: raise ValueError( "encoding cannot be None if the returned string is bytes") if encoding == "unknown-8bit": try: res = text.decode("utf8") except UnicodeDecodeError: res = text.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") # raise ValueError("encoding {0} is unexpected in\n{1}".format(encoding, st)) from e return res, "ascii" else: return text.decode(encoding), encoding else: return text, encoding elif isinstance(st, str): if is_email: zall = EmailMessage.expMail4.findall(st) if zall: res = [] for add in zall: head, enc = EmailMessage.call_decode_header( add[0], is_email=False) fin = "{0} <{1}>".format(head, add[-1]) res.append(fin) return "; ".join(res), enc else: return EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st, is_email=False) else: text, encoding = email.header.decode_header(st)[0] if isinstance(text, bytes): position = None if encoding is None: # maybe the string contrains several encoding for enc in EmailMessage._search_encodings: look = "=?%s?" % enc if look in st: position = st.find(look) if position == 0: # otherwise we face an infinite loop position = None if position is not None: first = st[:position] second = st[position:] dec1, enc1 = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(first) dec2, enc2 = EmailMessage.call_decode_header( second) if isinstance(dec1, str) and isinstance(dec2, str): enc = enc2 if enc1 is None else enc1 return dec1 + dec2, enc else: mes = ('decoding issue\n File "{0}", line {1},\nunable to decode ' + 'string:\n{2}\neven split into:\n1: {3}\n2: {4}') warnings.warn(mes.format(__file__, 250, st.replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " "), first.replace("\r", " ").replace( "\n", " "), second.replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " "))) return st, None else: warnings.warn( 'decoding issue\n File "{0}", line {1},\nunable to decode string:\n{2}'.format( __file__, 260, st.replace( "\r", " ").replace( "\n", " "))) return st, None else: return text.decode(encoding), encoding else: return text, encoding else: raise TypeError("cannot decode type: {0}".format(type(st)))
[docs] def get_from_str(self): """ return a string for the receivers :return: string :githublink:`%|py|370` """ l, a = self.get_from() res = [] if l: res.append(l) else: res.append(a) return ";".join(res)
[docs] def get_from(self): """ returns a tuple (label, email address) or a list of groups from the regular expression :return: tuple ( label, email address) :githublink:`%|py|385` """ st = self["from"] if isinstance(st, email.header.Header): text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st, is_email=True) if text is None: raise MailException( "unable to parse: " + str(text) + "\n" + str(st)) else: text = st cp = if not cp: cp = if not cp: cp = if not cp: if text.startswith('"=?utf-8?'): text = text.strip('"') text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header( text, is_email=True) gr = cp.groups() name, mail = gr[1], gr[2] if name is None: name = self.get_name(_fallback_get_from=False) elif name.startswith("=?"): name = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(name)[0] if name is None: name = gr[1] return name, mail
[docs] def get_name(self, _fallback_get_from=True): """ return the sender name of an email (if available) :param _fallback_get_from: internal parameter, avoir recursion :return: name (or None if not found) :githublink:`%|py|424` """ st = self["from"] if isinstance(st, email.header.Header): text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st, is_email=True) if text is None: raise MailException( "unable to parse: " + str(text) + "\n" + str(st)) elif st.startswith("=?"): text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st) else: text = st if "<" in text: r = text.split("<")[0].strip() return r if r else None elif text is None and _fallback_get_from: return self.get_from()[0] else: return text
[docs] def get_to_str(self, cc=False, field="to"): """ return a string for the receivers :param cc: get receivers or second receivers :param field: field to use, ``to`` or ``Delivered-To`` (the second one is used as a backup anyway) :return: string :githublink:`%|py|455` """ to = self.get_to(cc=cc, field=field) if to is None: return "" res = [] for li, a in to: # pylint: disable=E1133 if li: res.append(li) else: res.append(a) return ";".join(res)
[docs] def get_to(self, cc=False, field="to"): """ return the receivers :param cc: get receivers or second receivers :param field: field to use, ``to`` or ``Delivered-To`` (the second one is used as a backup anyway) :return: list of tuple [ ( label, email address) ] :githublink:`%|py|475` """ st = self[field if not cc else "cc"] if st is None and not cc: st = self["Delivered-To"] if st is None: return None text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st, is_email=True) if text is None: raise MailException("unable to parse: " + str(st)) def find_unnone(ens): "local function" for c in ens: if c is not None: return c return None text = text.replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") cp = [] for st in EmailMessage.expMailA.finditer(text): gr = st.groups() if len(gr) != 12: raise MailException( "unexpected error due to a change in regular expressions") values = gr[2], gr[3], gr[6], gr[7], gr[10], gr[11] label = find_unnone(values[::2]) add = find_unnone(values[1::2]) if label is not None: label = label.strip(" \r\n\t") text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header( label, is_email=True) if text.startswith('"=?utf-8?'): text = text.strip('"') text = EmailMessage.call_decode_header( text, is_email=True)[0] cp.append((text, add)) else: cp.append((None, add)) return cp if cp else None
[docs] def get_date(self): """ return a datetime object for the field Date :githublink:`%|py|519` """ st = self["Date"] res, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st) if res is None: raise MailException("unable to parse: " + str(st)) try: p = dateutil.parser.parse(res) except Exception as e: # it can fail because of dates such as: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 11:43:56 # +0200 (Paris, Madrid (heure d'\ufffdt\ufffd)) if "(" in res: res = res[:res.find("(")] p = dateutil.parser.parse(res) return p else: if "," in res: b = res.split(",")[1] try: p = dateutil.parser.parse(b) except Exception as e: raise MailException( "unable to parse: " + str(res) + "\n" + str(st)) from e else: raise MailException( "unable to parse: " + str(res) + "\n" + str(st)) from e if p is None: raise MailException( "unable to parse: " + str(res) + "\n" + str(st)) return p
[docs] def get_date_str(self): """ return the date into a string :return: date as a string (iso format) :githublink:`%|py|564` """ return self.get_date().strftime(EmailMessage._date_format)
[docs] def default_filename(self): """ define a default filename (no extension) :return: str :githublink:`%|py|572` """ b = self.get_from()[1] if len(b) == 0: raise MailException("from is unknown: " + self["from"]) b = b.replace("@", "-at-").replace(".", "-") date = self.get_date() d = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (date.year, date.month, f = "d_{0}_p_{1}_ii_{2}".format(d, b, self.UniqueID) return f.replace( "\\", "-").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "-").replace("%", "-").replace("/", "-")
[docs] @staticmethod def interpret_default_filename(name): """ reverse engineer method :meth:`default_filename <pymmails.grabber.email_message.EmailMessage.default_filename>` :param name: filename :return: dictionary The function creates a dictionary with keys date, from, uid, name. :githublink:`%|py|592` """ pieces = name.split("_") res = {} for i, p in enumerate(pieces): if p == "d" and "date" not in res: res["date"] = pieces[i + 1] elif p == "p" and "from" not in res: res["from"] = pieces[i + 1] elif p == "ii" and "uid" not in res: res["uid"] = pieces[i + 1].split(".")[0] res["name"] = name return res
@property def UniqueID(self): """ builds a unique ID :githublink:`%|py|609` """ md5 = hashlib.md5() t = self["Message-ID"] if t is not None: md5.update(t.encode('utf-8')) else: for f in ["Subject", "To", "From", "Date"]: if self[f] is not None: md5.update(self[f].encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest()
[docs] def decode_header(self, field, st): """ decode a string encoded in the header :param field: field :param st: string :return: string (it never return None) :githublink:`%|py|627` """ if st is None: return "" elif isinstance(st, str): if st.startswith("Tr:") and field.lower() == "subject": pos = st.find("=?") return st[:pos] + self.decode_header(field, st[pos:]) else: text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st) return text if text is not None else "" elif isinstance(st, bytes): text, _ = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st) return self.decode_header(field, text) if text is not None else "" elif isinstance(st, email.header.Header): text = EmailMessage.call_decode_header(st)[0] return self.decode_header(field, text) if text is not None else "" else: raise MailException( "unable to process type " + str(type(st)) + "\n" + str(st))
[docs] def get_field(self, field): """ get a field and cleans it :param field: subject or ... :return: text :githublink:`%|py|653` """ subj = self[field] if subj is None: subj = self[field] if subj is not None: subj = self.decode_header(field, subj) return subj
@property def Fields(self): """ :return: list of available fields :githublink:`%|py|665` """ return list(sorted(self.keys()))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns all fields for an emails as a dictionary :return: dictionary { key : value } :githublink:`%|py|672` """ res = OrderedDict((k, self.get_field(k)) for k in self.Fields) res["attached"] = self.get_nb_attachements() return res
[docs] def dump_attachments(self, attach_folder=".", buffer_write=None, metadata=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Dumps the mail into a folder using HTML format. If the destination files already exists, it skips it. If an attachments already has the same name, it chooses another one if the attachment is different (otherwise it keeps it as it is). :param attach_folder: destination folder :param buffer_write: None or instance of :class:`BufferFilesWriting <pymmails.helpers.buffer_files_writing.BufferFilesWriting>` :param metadata: if True, also dump metadata about attachments :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of attachments The results is a list of 3-uple: * full name of the attachments * message id * content id The metadata contains information about the mail it comes from. The data is stored in a json format (except for date). It is stored in a file with extension ``.metadata``. :githublink:`%|py|699` """ def local_exists(name): "local function" if buffer_write: return buffer_write.exists(name) else: return os.path.exists(name) def local_different(to, content): "local function" if buffer_write: c2 = buffer_write.read_binary_content(to) else: with open(to, "rb") as f: c2 = return c2 != content atts = [] for ai, att in enumerate(self.enumerate_attachments()): if att[1] is None: continue att_id = att[2] cont_id = att[3] to = os.path.split(att[0].replace(":", "_"))[-1] if to == '': to = 'empty_name' to = os.path.join(attach_folder, to) to = to.replace("\n", "_").replace("\r", "") to = os.path.abspath(to) spl = os.path.splitext(to) if "?" in to: raise MailException( "issue with attachments (mail to {0})\n{1}".format(to, att)) if local_exists(to): already = True # must be different otherwise we don't do anything different = local_different(to, att[1]) if different: i = 1 while local_exists(to): to = spl[0] + (".(%d)" % i) + spl[1] i += 1 else: already = False different = True fLOG("[dump_attachments] attachment:", to, "different={0} notnew={1}".format(different, already)) if different: if metadata: d2 = dict(index=ai, filename=os.path.split(to)[-1], mail=self.default_filename() + ".html", from_=self.get_from(), to=self.get_to(), date=self.get_date_str(), uid=self.UniqueID) d2 = OrderedDict(sorted(d2.items())) st = StringIO() json.dump(d2, st) meta_text = st.getvalue() meta_name = to + ".metadata" if buffer_write is None: with open(to, "wb") as f: f.write(att[1]) if metadata: with open(meta_name, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(meta_text) else: f =, text=False) f.write(att[1]) if metadata: f =, text=True) f.write(meta_text) atts.append((to, att_id, cont_id)) return atts
[docs] def dump(self, render, location, attach_folder="attachments", fLOG=noLOG, **params): """ Dumps a message using a call such as :class:`EmailMessageRenderer <pymmails.render.email_message_renderer.EmailMessageRenderer>`. :param render: instance of class :class:`EmailMessageRenderer <pymmails.render.email_message_renderer.EmailMessageRenderer>` :param location: location of the file to store :param attach_folder: folder for the attachments, it will be created if it does not exist :param buffer_write: None or instance of :class:`BufferFilesWriting <pymmails.helpers.buffer_files_writing.BufferFilesWriting>` :param fLOG: logging function :param params: others parameters, see :meth:`EmailMessageRenderer.write <pymmails.grabber.email_message_renderer.EmailMessageRenderer.write>` :return: list of stored files :githublink:`%|py|791` """ full_fold = os.path.join(location, attach_folder) atts = self.dump_attachments(full_fold, buffer_write=render.BufferWrite, fLOG=fLOG) return render.write(location=location, mail=self, filename=params.get( "filename", self.default_filename() + ".html"), attachments=atts, overwrite=params.get("overwrite", False), file_css=params.get("file_css", "mail_style.css"), encoding=params.get("encoding", "utf8"), prev_mail=params.get("prev_mail", None), next_mail=params.get("next_mail", None))
[docs] @staticmethod def read_metadata(metafile): """ read metadata assuming metafile contaings a json string :param metafile: json string :return: dictionary :githublink:`%|py|813` """ if isinstance(metafile, str): if len(metafile) < 5000 and os.path.exists(metafile): with open(metafile, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: d2 = json.load(f) else: f = StringIO(metafile) d2 = json.load(f) else: d2 = json.load(metafile) d2["date"] = datetime.datetime.strptime( d2["date"], EmailMessage._date_format) d2 = OrderedDict(sorted(d2.items())) return d2