module render.email_message_list_renderer

Inheritance diagram of pymmails.render.email_message_list_renderer

Short summary

module pymmails.render.email_message_list_renderer

Functions to dump emails

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Defines a way to render a list of emails with a template template based on Jinja2. …



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returns self._buffer_write



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Renders a mail.


Writes a list of mails in a folder and writes a summary.


@file @brief Functions to dump emails

class pymmails.render.email_message_list_renderer.EmailMessageListRenderer(title, email_renderer, tmpl_begin=None, tmpl_iter=None, tmpl_end=None, css=None, style_table='dataframe100l', style_highlight='dataframe100l_hl', buffer_write=None, fLOG=<function noLOG>)

Bases: Renderer

Defines a way to render a list of emails with a template template based on Jinja2.

Render a list of emails

The following example extracts all mails in a folder of a gmail inbox, dumps them in a folder and produces a summary which connects to them.

from pymmails import EmailMessageRenderer, EmailMessageListRenderer, MailBoxImap
box = MailBoxImap(user, pwd, server)
mails = box.enumerate_mails_in_folder("<your_folder)")

email_render = EmailMessageRenderer()

render = EmailMessageListRenderer(title="list of mails", email_renderer=email_render)
render.write(iter=mails, location=temp, filename="summary.html")

@param title title @param email_renderer email renderer (see @see cl EmailMessageRenderer) @param tmpl_begin template which begins the summary @param tmpl_iter template which adds an element @param tmpl_end template which ends the summary @param css template style @param style_table style for the table @param style_highlight style for highlighted cells @param buffer_write instance of class @see cl BufferFilesWriting @param fLOG logging function

__init__(title, email_renderer, tmpl_begin=None, tmpl_iter=None, tmpl_end=None, css=None, style_table='dataframe100l', style_highlight='dataframe100l_hl', buffer_write=None, fLOG=<function noLOG>)

@param title title @param email_renderer email renderer (see @see cl EmailMessageRenderer) @param tmpl_begin template which begins the summary @param tmpl_iter template which adds an element @param tmpl_end template which ends the summary @param css template style @param style_table style for the table @param style_highlight style for highlighted cells @param buffer_write instance of class @see cl BufferFilesWriting @param fLOG logging function

render(location, iter, attachments=None, file_css='mail_style.css')

Renders a mail.

@paramp location location where this mail should be saved @param iter iterator on tuple (object, function to call to render the object) @param attachments used to produce a JSON list @param file_css css file (where it is supposed to be stored) @return html, css (content), attachements as JSON

The method populate fields now, message, css, render, location, title.

write(location, iter, filename, attachments=None, overwrite=False, file_css='mail_style.css', file_jsatt='_summaryattachements.json', encoding='utf8', attach_folder='attachments')

Writes a list of mails in a folder and writes a summary.

@param location location @param mail instance of @see cl EmailMessage @param attachments list of attachments (see @see me dump_attachments) @param overwrite the function does not overwrite @param file_css css file (where it is supposed to be stored) @param file_jsatt list of attachments in json format

[{'a': 'href', 'name': 'anchor', ...}, ...]

@param encoding encoding @param attach_folder attachments folder @return list of written local files

The method calls method flush.