Source code for pymyinstall.installcustom.install_custom_mingw

Various functions to install `MinGW <>`_.

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os

from .install_custom import download_from_sourceforge

[docs]def install_mingw(dest_folder=".", fLOG=print, install=True, version=None): """ install `MinGW <>`_ (only on Windows) :param dest_folder: where to download the setup :param fLOG: logging function :param install: install (otherwise only download) :param version: version to install (unused) :return: temporary file Packages to install: * gcc * g77 3.4.5 * binutils * mingw-runtime * w32api * gcc-core - C compiler * gcc-g++ - C++ compiler * gcc-objc - Objective C compiler * gcc-gfortran - Fortran 90/95 compiler * gcc-java - Java compiler * gcc-ada - Ada compiler * mingw-gdb - Windows native build of GNU debugger * mingw32-make - Windows native build of GNU make * mingw-utils - Miscellaneous utilities :: mingw-get install binutils gcc g++ mingw32 fortran gdb mingw32 mingw w32api g77==3.4.5 :githublink:`%|py|42` """ if version is not None: raise ValueError("cannot specify a version") if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): raise NotImplementedError( "MinGW can only be installed on Windows at the moment") name = "mingw-get-setup.exe" newurl = "{0}/download?use_mirror=autoselect".format( name) outfile = os.path.join(dest_folder, name) fLOG("[pymy] mingw, download from ", newurl) file = download_from_sourceforge( newurl, outfile, fLOG=fLOG, temp_folder=dest_folder) if install: raise NotImplementedError() return file