Source code for pymyinstall.installhelper


from .install_cmd_helper import run_cmd, update_pip, has_pip, add_shortcut_to_desktop_for_module, get_pip_program
from .install_venv_helper import run_cmd_path, run_venv_script, venv_install, create_virtual_env
from .module_install import ModuleInstall
from .module_dependencies import missing_dependencies
from .module_install_version import get_module_dependencies, get_module_version, get_pypi_version, get_module_metadata
from .module_install_version import version_consensus, numeric_version, compare_version, is_installed, get_wheel_version
from .status_helper import get_installed_modules

[docs]def module_as_table(list_module, as_df=False): """ Returns a list of dictionaries or a dataframe for a list of modules. :param list_module: list of :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>` :param as_df: as a dataframe or not :return: list of dictionaries or dataframe :githublink:`%|py|22` """ res = [_.as_dict() for _ in list_module] if as_df: import pandas return pandas.DataFrame(res) else: return res