Source code for pymyinstall.packaged.automate_install

Install or update all packages.

.. faqref::
    :title: Skipped modules

    Some modules are still marked as a dependency by others
    even if they are not needed or cannot be installed.

    * `enum-compat <>`_:
      not needed after Python 3.5
    * `prettytable <>`_:
      should be repladed by `PTable <>`_.

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import warnings
import time
from textwrap import wrap
from ..installhelper import ModuleInstall, has_pip, update_pip, is_installed, get_module_dependencies
from ..installhelper.module_install_exceptions import MissingVersionOnPyPiException, MissingPackageOnPyPiException, MissingReferenceException
from ..installhelper.module_dependencies import missing_dependencies
from .packaged_exception import ModuleNotFoundError
from .packaged_config import small_set

[docs]def _build_reverse_index(): """ builds a reverse index of the module, :githublink:`%|py|32` """ res = {} mods = small_set() for m in mods: res[] = m if m.mname is not None and m.mname != res[m.mname] = m if not in (, m.mname): res[] = m return res
_reverse_module_index = _build_reverse_index()
[docs]def find_module_install(name, must_exist=False): """ Checks if there are specific instructions to run before installing module *name*, on Windows, some modules requires compilation, if not uses default option with *pip*. :param name: module name, the name can include a specific version number with '==' :param must_exist: if True, raise an exception if not found :return: :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>` :githublink:`%|py|57` """ if isinstance(name, ModuleInstall): return name if name in {"pip", "python"}: return None if '=' in name: spl = name.split('==') if len(spl) != 2: raise ValueError( "[find_module_install] unable to interpret " + name) name = spl[0] version = spl[1] else: version = None if name in _reverse_module_index: mod = _reverse_module_index[name] else: names = [name[0].upper() + name[1:], name.replace("-python", ""), name + "-python"] if name == "pytables": names.append("tables") elif name == "pyopengl-accelerate": names.append("PyOpenGL_accelerate") elif name == "pywin32": names.append("pywin32") # pypiwin32 for n in names: if n in _reverse_module_index: return _reverse_module_index[n] if must_exist: raise MissingReferenceException( "Unable to find reference for module '{0}'\nCheck '{0}'".format(name)) mod = ModuleInstall(name, "pip") if version is not None: mod.version = version return mod
[docs]def reorder_module_list(list_module): """ reorder a list of modules to install, a module at position *p* should not depend not module at position *p+1* :param list_module: list of module (:class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>`) :return: list of modules The function uses modules stored in :mod:`pyminstall.packaged.packaged_config`, it does not go to pypi. If a module was not registered, it will be placed at the end in the order it was given to this function. :githublink:`%|py|110` """ inset = { m for m in list_module} res = [] for mod in small_set(): if in inset and inset[] is not None: res.append(mod.copy(version=inset[].version)) inset[] = None for mod in list_module: if inset[] is not None: res.append(mod) return res
[docs]class FileShouldNotBeFound(Exception): """ Raised by function :func:`check_sys_path <pymyinstall.packaged.automate_install.check_sys_path>`. :githublink:`%|py|126` """ pass
[docs]def check_sys_path(): """ An issue is happening during unit test as pymyinstall could be imported from two locations. We check this is not the case. :githublink:`%|py|135` """ exp = "pymyinstall_ut_skip_pyquickhelper_%d%d_std" % sys.version_info[:2] exp = os.path.join(exp, "src") for path in sys.path: if exp in path: raise FileShouldNotBeFound( "'{0}' was found in sys.path:\n{1}\n----\ncwd='{2}'\nexe='{3}'".format(path, "\n".join(sys.path), os.getcwd(), sys.executable))
[docs]def update_all(temp_folder=".", fLOG=print, verbose=True, list_module=None, reorder=True, skip_module=None, schedule_only=False, source=None, download_only=False): """ Updates modules in *list_module* if None, this list will be returned by :func:`ensae_fullset`, the function starts by updating :epkg:`pip`. :param temp_folder: temporary folder :param verbose: more display :param list_module: None or of list of str or :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>` or a name set :param fLOG: logging function :param reorder: reorder the modules to update first modules with less dependencies (as much as as possible) :param skip_module: module to skip (list of str) :param schedule_only: if True, the function returns the list of modules scheduled to be installed :param source: overwrite the wheels location, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :param download_only: only downloads the module, no installation *list_module* can be a set of modules of a name set. Name sets can be accesses by function :func:`get_package_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config.get_package_set>`. See the function to get the list of possible name sets. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Catch an exception while updating modules and walk through the end of the list. The function should be run a second time to make sure an exception remains. It can be due to python keeping in memory an updated module. Parameters *source*, *download_only* were added. :githublink:`%|py|172` """ check_sys_path() if not os.path.exists(temp_folder): os.makedirs(temp_folder) if not has_pip(): fLOG("install pip") from .get_pip import main # pylint: disable=E0401 main() if skip_module is None: skip_module = [] if list_module is None: from ..packaged import small_set list_module = small_set() elif isinstance(list_module, str): from .packaged_config import get_package_set f = get_package_set(list_module) list_module = f() else: list_module = [find_module_install(mod) if isinstance( mod, str) else mod for mod in list_module] list_module = [_ for _ in list_module if not in skip_module] check_sys_path() if reorder: list_module = reorder_module_list(list_module) if verbose: fLOG("update pip if needed") if "pip" not in skip_module: update_pip() modules = list_module again = [] errors = [] schedule = [] for mod in modules: check_sys_path() is_installed = mod.is_installed_version() if not is_installed: continue if verbose: fLOG("[wait] 0.5 seconds") time.sleep(0.5) if verbose: fLOG("[update-check] ##",, "## [begin]") try: has_update = mod.has_update() except (MissingVersionOnPyPiException, MissingPackageOnPyPiException) as e: # this happens for custom made version such as xgboost fLOG(" - unable to check updates", e) has_update = False if not has_update: if verbose: fLOG("[update-check] ##",, "## [end no update]") continue ver = mod.get_pypi_version() inst = mod.get_installed_version() schedule.append(mod) if not schedule_only: m = " - updating module {0} --- {1} --> {2} (kind={3})" \ .format(, inst, ver, mod.kind) fLOG(m) try: if download_only: b =, source=source) else: b = mod.update(temp_folder=temp_folder, log=verbose, source=source) except (SystemExit, Exception) as e: b = False m = " - failed to update module {0} --- {1} --> {2} (kind={3}) due to {4} ({5})" \ .format(, inst, ver, mod.kind, str(e), type(e)) fLOG(m) errors.append((mod, e)) if b: again.append(m) if verbose: fLOG("[update-check] ##",, "## [end]") if schedule_only: return schedule if verbose: fLOG("") fLOG("updated modules") for m in again: fLOG(" ", m) if len(errors) > 0: fLOG("failed modules") for m in errors: fLOG(" ", m[0], m[1]) return None
[docs]def install_all(temp_folder=".", fLOG=print, verbose=True, list_module=None, reorder=True, skip_module=None, up_pip=True, skip_missing=False, deps=False, schedule_only=False, deep_deps=False, _memory=None, source=None, download_only=False, force=False): """ Installs modules in *list_module* if None, this list will be returned by :func:`ensae_fullset`, the function starts by updating pip. :param temp_folder: temporary folder :param verbose: more display :param list_module: None or of list of str or :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>` or a name set :param fLOG: logging function :param reorder: reorder the modules to update first modules with less dependencies (as much as as possible) :param skip_module: module to skip (list of str) :param up_pip: upgrade pip (pip must not be in *skip_module*) :param skip_missing: skip the checking of the missing dependencies :param deps: install the dependencies of the installed modules :param schedule_only: if True, the function returns the list of modules scheduled to be installed :param deep_deps: check dependencies for dependencies :param _memory: stores installed packages, avoid going into an infinite loop :param source: overwrite the location of the wheels, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :param download_only: only downloads the module, no installation :param force: force the installation or the download :return: output streams *list_module* can be a set of modules of a name set. Name sets can be accesses by function :func:`get_package_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config.get_package_set>`. See the function to get the list of possible name sets. About *name set*, the function can install a set of modules but these set of modules have dependencies: * :func:`extended_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config_3_extended.extended_set>`, :func:`sphinx_theme_set` requires :func:`small_set` * :func:`ml_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config_4_ml.ml_set>`, :func:`ensae_set`, :func:`teachings_set`, :func:`iot_set`, :func:`scraping_set` requires :func:`small_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config_1_small.small_set>` and :func:`extended_set` If you want to install a specific module with its dependencies, I suggest to use option *deep_deps*. .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|316` """ check_sys_path() fLOG("[install_all] begin, exe:", sys.executable) if _memory is None: _memory = {} deps = deps or deep_deps if not os.path.exists(temp_folder): os.makedirs(temp_folder) if not has_pip(): fLOG("install pip") from ..installhelper.get_pip import main main() if skip_module is None: skip_module = [] if list_module is None: list_module = small_set() elif isinstance(list_module, str # unicode# ): from .packaged_config import get_package_set f = get_package_set(list_module) list_module = f() else: list_module = [find_module_install(mod) if isinstance( mod, str) else mod for mod in list_module] list_module = [_ for _ in list_module if not in skip_module] check_sys_path() if reorder: list_module = reorder_module_list(list_module) if up_pip and "pip" not in skip_module: if verbose: fLOG("update pip if needed") update_pip() # More information. sorted_names = ", ".join(sorted( for _ in list_module)) ordered_names = ", ".join( for _ in list_module) fLOG('[install_all] sorted modules ----------------------------') fLOG("\n".join(wrap(sorted_names, width=100, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' '))) fLOG('[install_all] modules installation order ----------------') fLOG("\n".join(wrap(ordered_names, width=100, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' '))) fLOG('[install_all] begin ----------------------') modules = list_module again = [] errors = [] installed = [] schedule = [] out_streams_module = {} for mod in modules: check_sys_path() if in _memory: # already done continue if verbose: fLOG("[install-check] ##",, "## [begin]") if force or not mod.is_installed_version(): schedule.append(mod) if not schedule_only: ver = mod.version m = " - installing module '{0}' --- --> '{1}' (kind='{2}')" \ .format(, ver, mod.kind) fLOG(m) if deps: fLOG("[install-check-dep] ##",, "## [begin]") install_module_deps(, temp_folder=temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, deps=deps, deep_deps=deep_deps, _memory=_memory, source=source, download_only=download_only, force=force) fLOG("[install-check-dep] ##",, "## [end]") else: out_streams = [] try: if download_only: b = temp_folder=temp_folder, source=source) else: b = mod.install(temp_folder=temp_folder, log=verbose, source=source, out_streams=out_streams) except (SystemExit, Exception) as e: b = False m = " - failed to update module '{0}' --- '{1}' --> '{2}' (kind='{3}') due to '{4}' ('{5}')" \ .format(, '', ver, mod.kind, str(e), type(e)) fLOG(m) errors.append((mod, e)) if b: again.append(m) installed.append(mod) if verbose: ne = 0 for lll in out_streams: if lll[-1]: ne += 1 if ne > 0: fLOG("###################") fLOG("##",, "##") for jj in out_streams: for la, va in zip(("CMD", "OUT", "ERR-1"), jj): fLOG(la, va) fLOG("###################.") out_streams_module[] = out_streams if verbose: fLOG("[install-check] ##",, "## [end]") _memory[] = True if schedule_only: return schedule if verbose: fLOG("") fLOG("[install_all]" + (" downloaded modules" if download_only else "installed modules")) for m in again: fLOG(" ", m) fLOG("[install_all] end: ", len(errors), "errors") if len(errors) > 0: fLOG("[install_all] failed modules") for m in errors: fLOG(" ", m[0], m[1]) fLOG("[install_all] end failed modules") if not skip_missing: fLOG("[install_all] check dependencies") miss = missing_dependencies() if len(miss) > 0: mes = "\n".join("Module '{0}' misses '{1}'".format(k, ", ".join(v)) for k, v in sorted(miss.items())) warnings.warn("[install_all] missing dependencies\n" + mes) fLOG("[install_all] end check dependencies") for k, v in sorted(out_streams_module.items()): fLOG("[%s] #########################" % k) if isinstance(v, list): for _ in v: for la, va in zip(("CMD", "OUT", "ERR-2"), _): if va is not None and len(va) > 0: fLOG(la, va) else: for la, va in zip(("CMD", "OUT", "ERR-3"), v): if va is not None and len(va) > 0: fLOG(la, va) fLOG(".") return out_streams_module
[docs]def install_module_deps(name, temp_folder=".", fLOG=print, verbose=True, deps=True, deep_deps=False, _memory=None, source=None, download_only=False, force=False): """ Installs a module with its dependencies, if a module is already installed, it installs the missing dependencies. :param module: module name :param temp_folder: where to download :param fLOG: logging function :param verbose: more display :param deps: add dependencies :param deep_deps: check dependencies for dependencies :param _memory: stores installed packages, avoid going into an infinite loop :param source: overwrite the wheels location, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :param download_only: only downloads the module, no installation :param force: force the download or the update :return: list of installed modules The function does not handle properly contraints on versions. It checks in the registered list of modules if *name* is present. If it is the case, it uses it, otherwise, it uses *pip*. .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|493` """ check_sys_path() if _memory is None: _memory = {} deps = deps or deep_deps installed = [] first_name = name memory2 = {} if not is_installed(name): install_all(temp_folder=temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, list_module=[name], reorder=True, up_pip=False, skip_missing=True, _memory=memory2, deps=False, deep_deps=False, source=source, download_only=download_only, force=force) installed.append(name) stack = [name] while len(stack) > 0: check_sys_path() name = stack[-1] del stack[-1] if name in _memory: # already done, avoid loops on continue if name == first_name: _memory.update(memory2) res = get_module_dependencies(name, refresh_cache=True, use_pip=True) if res is None: raise ImportError("unable to check dependencies of module {0}\ninstalled:\n{1}".format( name, "\n".join(installed))) list_m = [k for k, v in res.items()] fLOG("[deps] [{}] requires".format(name), list_m) inst = [k for k in list_m if deep_deps or not is_installed(k)] fLOG("[deps] installation of ", inst) install_all(temp_folder=temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, list_module=inst, reorder=True, up_pip=False, skip_missing=True, deep_deps=deep_deps, _memory=_memory, source=source, download_only=download_only) stack.extend(inst) installed.extend(inst) for i in inst: _memory[i] = True return list(sorted(set(installed)))
[docs]def install_module(module_name, temp_folder=".", fLOG=print, verbose=True, reorder=True, skip_module=None, up_pip=True, skip_missing=False, deps=False, schedule_only=False, deep_deps=False, _memory=None, source=None, download_only=False, force=False): """ Installs a module. :param module_name: module to install :param temp_folder: temporary folder :param verbose: more display :param fLOG: logging function :param reorder: reorder the modules to update first modules with less dependencies (as much as as possible) :param skip_module: module to skip (list of str) :param up_pip: upgrade pip (pip must not be in *skip_module*) :param skip_missing: skip the checking of the missing dependencies :param deps: install the dependencies of the installed modules :param schedule_only: if True, the function returns the list of modules scheduled to be installed :param deep_deps: check dependencies for dependencies :param _memory: stores installed packages, avoid going into an infinite loop :param source: overwrite the wheels location, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :param download_only: only downloads the module, no installation :param force: force the download or the install .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|566` """ if not isinstance(module_name, list): module_name = [module_name] install_all(list_module=module_name, temp_folder=temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, reorder=reorder, skip_module=skip_module, up_pip=up_pip, skip_missing=skip_missing, deps=deps, schedule_only=schedule_only, deep_deps=deep_deps, _memory=_memory, source=source, download_only=download_only, force=force)
[docs]def update_module(module_name, temp_folder=".", fLOG=print, verbose=True, reorder=True, skip_module=None, schedule_only=False, source=None): """ Updates modules in *list_module* if None, this list will be returned by :func:`ensae_fullset`, the function starts by updating pip. :param module_name: module to update :param temp_folder: temporary folder :param verbose: more display :param fLOG: logging function :param reorder: reorder the modules to update first modules with less dependencies (as much as as possible) :param skip_module: module to skip (list of str) :param schedule_only: if True, the function returns the list of modules scheduled to be installed :param source: overwrite the wheels location, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :githublink:`%|py|593` """ if not isinstance(module_name, list): module_name = [module_name] update_all(list_module=module_name, temp_folder=temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, reorder=reorder, skip_module=skip_module, schedule_only=schedule_only, source=source)
[docs]def download_module(module_name, temp_folder=".", force=False, unzipFile=True, file_save=None, deps=False, source=None, fLOG=print): """ Downloads the module without installation. :param temp_folder: destination :param force: force the installation even if already installed :param unzipFile: if it can be unzipped, it will be (for github, mostly) :param file_save: for debug purposes, do not change it unless you know what you are doing :param deps: download the dependencies too (only available for pip) :param source: overwrite the wheels location, see :meth:`get_exewheel_url_link2 <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall.get_exewheel_url_link2>` :return: downloaded files :githublink:`%|py|615` """ if not isinstance(module_name, list): module_name = [module_name] res = [] for mod in module_name: if not isinstance(mod, ModuleInstall): mod = find_module_install(mod, True) if mod is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "unable to find an objec for module: " + ", ".join(module_name)) k = mod.fLOG mod.fLOG = fLOG f =, force=force, unzipFile=unzipFile, file_save=file_save, deps=deps, source=source) mod.fLOG = k res.append(f) return res