Source code for pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines different set of modules to install.

from .packaged_config_0_minimal import minimal_set
from .packaged_config_1_small import small_set

_modules_set = [minimal_set, small_set]

[docs]def _function_set_name(f): """ return the name of a function (not the module) :param f: function :return: name .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|23` """ name = f.__name__ return name.split(".")[-1]
[docs]def _build_set_correspondance(module_set): """ builds a dictionary which returns a dictionary *{ name: function_set }*. :param module_set: list of functions :return: dictionary :githublink:`%|py|34` """ res = {} for f in module_set: name = _function_set_name(f) res[name] = f name = name.replace("_set", "") res[name] = f return res
_module_set_name = _build_set_correspondance(_modules_set)
[docs]def get_package_set(name): """ return a list of modules included in one the functions imported in this module :param name: set name :return: list of modules See :ref:`l-name-set-table` to get the list of available sets. :githublink:`%|py|55` """ if name not in _module_set_name: keys = [_.replace("_set", "") for _ in _module_set_name.keys()] keys = list(sorted(set(keys))) raise ValueError("unable to find set for {0}\navailable sets:\n{1}".format( name, "\n".join(keys))) return _module_set_name[name]
[docs]def name_sets_dataframe(module_set=None): """ returns a RST tables which described all the available sets :param module_set: list of module sets or None to get all the sets described in this module :return: list of dictionaries ``[ { "name": name1, "description": description } ]`` the functions requires :githublink:`%|py|72` """ if module_set is None: module_set = _modules_set def process_doc(doc): lines = [_.strip() for _ in doc.split("\n")] res = [] for line in lines: if "@return" in line: break if not line.startswith(".. index::"): res.append(line) return (" ".join(res)).strip() res = [{"name": _function_set_name(f).replace("_set", ""), "description": process_doc(f.__doc__)} for f in module_set] so = [(_["name"], _) for _ in res] so.sort() return [_[1] for _ in so]
[docs]def classifiers2string(li): """ Shortens the list of classifiers into a string. :param li: list :return: string Example:: ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License'] :githublink:`%|py|105` """ if li is None: return "" res = [] for cl in sorted(set(li)): if cl == "Programming Language :: Python": s = "Python" else: s = cl.replace("Programming Language :: Python :: ", "") s = s.replace("License :: ", "") s = s.replace("OSI Approved :: ", "OSI Approved ") s = s.replace("Development Status :: ", "") s = s.replace("Operating System :: Microsoft :: ", "") s = s.replace("Operating System :: ", "") s = s.replace("Implementation :: ", "") s = s.replace("Programming Language :: ", "") s = s.replace("Environment :: ", "") s = s.replace("POSIX :: ", "") s = s.replace("BSD :: ", "") if s == "3 :: Only": s = "py3" elif s == "2 :: Only": s = "py2" elif s == "MacOS :: MacOS X": s = "MacOS/X" elif s == "POSIX :: Linux": s = "Linux" elif s == "POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD": s = "FreeBSD" elif s == "X11 Applications :: Qt": s = "Qt" elif s.startswith("Windows"): s = "Windows" if ("Framework" not in s and "Topic" not in s and "Intended Audience" not in s and "Natural Language" not in s): res.append(s) return ", ".join(res)