Source code for pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch

Creates batch file to set up the environment

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from codecs import open

[docs]def create_win_batches(folders, verbose=False, selection=None, fLOG=print, module_list=None): """ create batchs for the setup, they will be placed in *folders["config"]* :param folders: dictionary with the keys *tools*, *config*, *python*, *workspace* :param verbose: verbose :param fLOG: logging function :param selection: list of batchs to create :param module_list: list of python modules to install, to know which script to install or not :return: operations (list of what was done) .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Add batch file for glue and to run some checkings. :githublink:`%|py|28` """ if selection is None: raise ValueError("selection cannot be None") if module_list is None: raise ValueError("module_list cannot be None") has_jupyter = False has_spyder = False has_rss = False has_glue = False has_orange = False has_sqlite_bro = False for mod in module_list: if == "jupyter": has_jupyter = True if == "orange3": has_orange = True if == "spyder": has_spyder = True if == "pyrsslocal": has_rss = True if == "glueviz": has_glue = True if == "sqlite_bro": has_sqlite_bro = True list_functions = [create_win_env, create_win_scite, create_win_putty, create_win_sqllitespy, create_win_python_console, update_all_packages, run_checkings, win_replace_shebang, win_check_installation, ] if has_jupyter: list_functions.extend([create_win_jupyter_console, create_win_jupyter_qtconsole, create_win_jupyter_notebook, win_install_kernels, ]) if has_orange: list_functions.append(create_win_orange) if has_spyder: list_functions.append(create_win_spyder) if has_rss: list_functions.append(create_win_rss) if has_sqlite_bro: list_functions.append(create_win_sqlite_bro) if has_glue: list_functions.append(create_win_glue) if "r" in selection: list_functions.append((create_win_r_console, "r")) list_functions.append((create_win_r_gui, "r")) if "julia" in selection: list_functions.append((create_win_julia_console, "julia")) operations = [] for func in list_functions: if isinstance(func, tuple): func, name = func else: name = None if name is None or name in selection: op = func(folders) if verbose: for o in op: fLOG("[pymy] " + " ".join(o)) operations.extend(op) return operations
[docs]def create_win_env(folders): """ create a batch file to set up the environment :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|116` """ tools = folders["tools"] text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT=%~dp0', 'set PYTHON_TOOLS=%CURRENT%..\\tools', 'set PYTHON_WINHOME=%CURRENT%..\\python', 'set PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS=%CURRENT%..\\python\\Scripts', 'set WORKSPACE=%CURRENT%..\\workspace', 'set PATH=%PYTHON_WINHOME%;%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%;%PATH%'] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "R")): text.append('set R_HOME=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\R') text.append('set R_LIBS=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\R\\library') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "Julia")): text.append('set JULIA_HOME=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Julia') text.append('set JULIA_PKGDIR=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Julia\\pkg') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "TDM")): text.append('set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\TDM\\bin') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "MinGW")): text.append('set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\MinGW\\bin') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "Graphviz")): text.append('set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Graphviz\\bin') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tools, "JDK")): text.append('set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\JDK\\bin') text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "env.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_jupyter_console(folders): """ create a batch file to start jupyter :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|153` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set JUPYTERC=%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\jupyter-console.exe', '"%JUPYTERC%" console'] # command jupyter console does not work yet even if the documentation says # so text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "jupyter_console.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_orange(folders): """ create a batch file to start orange :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|175` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set ORANGE=%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\orange-canvas.exe', '"%ORANGE%"'] # command jupyter console does not work yet even if the documentation says # so text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "orange_canvas.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_jupyter_qtconsole(folders): """ create a batch file to start Jupyter QtConsole :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|197` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set JUPYTERQTC=%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\jupyter-qtconsole.exe', 'start "jupyter-qtconsole" /B "%JUPYTERQTC%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "jupyter_qtconsole.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_jupyter_notebook(folders): """ create a batch file to start Jupyter Notebook :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|217` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set JUPYTERNB=%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\jupyter-notebook.exe', '"%JUPYTERNB%" "--notebook-dir=%WORKSPACE%" "--config=%CURRENT2%profile_win_profile\\"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "jupyter_notebook.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_scite(folders): """ create a batch file to start scite :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|237` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set SCITE=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Scite\\wscite\\scite.exe', 'start "scite" /B "%SCITE%" "%1"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "scite.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_putty(folders): """ create a batch file to start scite :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|257` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call %CURRENT2%env.bat', 'set PUTTY=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Putty\\putty.exe', '"start "putty" /B "%PUTTY%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "putty.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_sqllitespy(folders): """ create a batch file to start sqlitespy :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|277` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set SQLITESPY=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\SQLiteSpy\\SQLiteSpy.exe', 'cd "%WORKSPACE%"', 'start "SqliteSpy" /B "%SQLITESPY%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "sqlitespy.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_python_console(folders): """ create a batch file to start python :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|298` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set PYTHON=%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\python.exe', '"%PYTHON%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "python_console.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_julia_console(folders): """ create a batch file to start julia :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|318` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set JULIA=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\Julia\\bin\\julia.exe', '"%JULIA%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "julia_console.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_spyder(folders): """ create a batch file to start spyder :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) .. index:: Spyder, PySide, PyQt, PySide2 This installation uses `PySide2 <>`_ instead of `PyQt <>`_. set QT_API=pyside :githublink:`%|py|345` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set QT_API=pyside', '"%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\spyder.bat" "--workdir=%WORKSPACE%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "spyder.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_r_console(folders): """ create a batch file to start R :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|365` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set REXE=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\R\\bin\\x64\\R.exe', '"%REXE%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "r_console.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_r_gui(folders): """ create a batch file to start R Gui :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|385` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', 'set RGUI=%PYTHON_TOOLS%\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rgui.exe', 'start "RGui" /B "%RGUI%"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "r_gui.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def win_install_kernels(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to install kernels :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|406` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', ('"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\pythonw.exe" -u -c "from pymyinstall.win_installer ' + 'import inno_install_kernels;inno_install_kernels(\'CURRENT2\', \'%1\')"')] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "add_kernels.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def win_replace_shebang(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to replace the shebang :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|427` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\pythonw.exe" -u -c "import os;' + 'from pymyinstall.win_installer import win_patch_paths;win_patch_paths(\'PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS\', None)"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "replace_shebang.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def win_check_installation(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to check the installation when well :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix (unused) :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|448` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\python.exe" -u -c "import sys;from pymyinstall.win_installer import import_every_module;' + 'import_every_module(sys.executable, None, fLOG=print)"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "win_check_installation.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_rss(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to start RSS reader :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) :githublink:`%|py|469` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\python.exe" -u -c "from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG;' + 'from pyquickhelper.pycode.blog_helper import rss_update_run_server;fLOG(OutputPrint=True);' + 'rss_update_run_server(r\'%CURRENT2%rss_database.db3\', r\'%CURRENT2%rss_list.xml\')"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "run_fetch_rss.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) text = """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <opml version="1.0"> <head> <title>teachings subscriptions</title> </head> <body> <outline text="XD blog" title="XD blog" type="rss" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl="" /> </body> </opml> """.replace(' ', "") rss_name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "rss_list.xml") with open(rss_name, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name), ('rss', rss_name)]
[docs]def create_win_glue(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to start Glue :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|512` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\glue.exe" %1'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "run_glue.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def create_win_sqlite_bro(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to start SqliteBro :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|534` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINSCRIPTS%\\sqlite_bro.exe" %1'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "sqlite_bro.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def update_all_packages(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to update all packages :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Bug fix, update script to import function update_all (fails in 1.2). :githublink:`%|py|557` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', '"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\python.exe" -u -c "from pymyinstall.packaged import update_all;' + 'update_all(temp_folder=\'%WORKSPACE%/update_modules\', verbose=True)"'] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "run_update_all_packages.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]
[docs]def run_checkings(folders, suffix=""): """ create a batch file to update all packages :param folders: see :func:`create_win_batches <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_batch.create_win_batches>` :param suffix: add a suffix :return: operations (list of what was done) .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|580` """ text = ['@echo off', 'set CURRENT2=%~dp0', 'call "%CURRENT2%env.bat"', ('"%PYTHON_WINHOME%\\python.exe" -u -c "from pymyinstall.win_installer import ' + 'distribution_checkings;distribution_checkings(None, None)"')] text = "\n".join(text) name = os.path.join(folders["config"], "run_checkings.bat") with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return [('batch', name)]