Source code for pymyinstall.win_installer.win_setup_main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to prepare a setup on Windows

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
import datetime

from ..installhelper.install_cmd_helper import update_pip, run_cmd, python_version
from ..installhelper.module_dependencies import missing_dependencies

from .win_batch import create_win_batches
from .win_ipy_kernels import install_kernels
from .win_innosetup_helper import run_innosetup, innosetup_replacements
from .win_fix_compiler_c import switch_to_VS_compiler, switch_to_mingw_compiler
from .win_patch import win_patch_paths
from .win_setup_main_helper import dtnow, copy_icons, win_download, win_install, create_links_tools
from .win_setup_main_helper import win_download_notebooks, win_install_julia_step, win_install_r_step
from .win_packages import win_install_packages_other_python, get_modules_version
from .win_extract import clean_msi
from .win_ipython_helper import ipython_create_profile, ipython_update_profile, install_jupyter_extension
from .win_setup_r import get_package_description
from .win_exception import WinInstallMissingDependency
from .tutorial import copy_tutorial
from .win_setup_main_checkings import distribution_checkings

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from codecs import open
    FileNotFoundError = Exception

license = """
Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Xavier Dupré

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


_default_notebooks = [
    ("docs/ensae", ["",
    ("docs/actuariat", ["",

[docs]def architecture(): """ :return: either 32bit or 64bit :githublink:`%|py|73` """ o, b = python_version() return b
[docs]def win_python_setup(folder="dist/win_python_setup_" + architecture(), download_folder="build/win_python_setup_" + architecture(), module_list=None, verbose=False, fLOG=print, download_only=False, no_setup=False, notebooks=None, selection=None, documentation=True, last_function=None, r_packages=True, julia_packages=True, tutorial=None, source=None, embed=True): """ Prepares a Windows distribution of Python based on InnoSetup, inspired from WinPython but more easier to tweak I hope. :param folder: where to prepare the python version :param module_list: list of module to install (see :func:`small_installation` = default options) :param fLOG: logging function :param download_only: only downloads :param no_setup: skip the building of the setup :param verbose: print more information :param notebooks: notebooks to copy to the workspace, list of ("subfolders", url) :param selection: selection of tools to install, example: ``{"R", "mingw", "tdm"}``, empty by default :param last_function: function to execute just before running InnoSetup, see ` < ensae_teaching_cs/automation/>`_ for an example :param r_packages: install R packages :param julia_packages: install Julia packages :param documentation: add documentation :param tutorial: list of folders to copy in ``workspace/tutorial``, it can refer to internal tutorials (see folder ``win_installer/tutorial``) :param source: source of python packages (see :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>`) :param embed: custom *Python* or embedded distribution (False) :return: list of completed operations The available tools to install must be chose among: * `R <>`_ * `Julia <>`_ * `MinGW <>`_ * `TDM-GCC <>`_ * `VS <>`_ * `Java JDK <>`_ By default, only R is included. Julia requires too much work. The command line does not always end. The building of the package is sometimes reluctant to work. And the Julia kernel is exclusive: it cannot be setup with others kernel. Maybe the version 0.5 will fix those issues. The signature of function ``last_function`` should be the following:: def last_function(inno_script, folders, verbose=False, fLOG=print): # something specific to do # before compiling the setup # such adding new tools # or replacing icons # the inno setup script is located in folders["logs"] The parameters *folders* is a dictionary which gives access to the main folders of the distribution. The setup will also contains `pandoc <>`_, `7z <>`_, `SQLiteSpy <>`_, `Scite <>`_, `MinGW <>`_, `Graphviz <>`_. The function first downloads everything. It does not do it twice, so you can run the function again and directly go to where it was interrupted. If there is no notebooks, the setup will add some anyway. It uses `InnoSetup <>`_ to build the setup. The distribution will contain the following subfolders: * *tools*: subfolders for R, Julia, MinGW, Scite, pandoc, 7z, Putty... * *python*: subfolder for python interpreter * *workspace*: current folder for the notebooks * *build*: location of downloaded modules and tools Comments and remarks: * 7z setup needs a last click to complete * pandoc needs a last click to complete * R must be manually installed in the right folder * TDM-GCC is manually installed in the right folder * Julia produces a file exe, for the time being it must be done manually * MinGW is also installed manually, the command line is different from others tools, once it is installed, you should run the command line:: mingw-get install binutils gcc g++ mingw32 fortran gdb mingw32 mingw w32api g77 * Python setups needs a last click to complete * Julia command line sometimes gets stuck, the setup needs to be stopped and restarted. It happens while installing the packages and also while building IJulia (the package to use Julia in a notebook). The Julia should be stopped instead of stopping the python script. That trick shows the standard output of Julia. * Julia kernel cannot be used with the others: it requires a different configuration which prevents others kernel to be available at the same time. We will skip for the time being. * If the R kernel fails to start, you should manually run the script `R_install.r <>`_. With Julia, initialisation, installation or building takes time. The function writes a file ``log.step.<julia_step>.txt`` to tell the step has completed once. You can remove this file to do it again. .. exref:: :title: Prepare a standalone distribution The function downloads everything. The installation of tools is still manual. Package installation is automated. :: from pymyinstall import win_python_setup from pymyinstall.packaged import ensae_fullset list_modules = ensae_fullset() win_python_setup(module_list=list_modules, verbose=False, download_only=False) This works only for Windows. .. warning:: The Julia installation might be stuck after the installation or the build. In that case, the script python should be stopped by *stopping the Julia process* from the Task Manager and started again. If it has completed, it will go to the next step. .. index:: issue **Known issues while preparing the setup:** * Some modules generates utf-8 encoding errors while being installed. The python scripts stops. It should be started again, it will detect the module was insalled and will go to the next one in the list. * The setup are started by the Python script but the user needs to manually click on the final ok button to proceed. **Known issues after the setup is installed:** * The first run of Spyder after the installation usually fails (failure of python.exe). The second one succeeds. You should run Spyder from the installation setup before compiling the setup. .. index:: missing modules, vcomp110.dll, llvmlite, numba, issue, theano, xgboost **Known extra steps needed by some modules** * **llvmlite**, **numba**, on Windows, if the dll *api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll* is missing, it is explained in `api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error <>`_, `Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 <>`_ needs to be installed. * **theano** requires `TDM-GCC <>`_, read `Installation of Theano on Windows <>`_ * **xgboost** if DLL ``vcomp110.dll`` is missing, you should read blog :ref:`blog_xgboost_install` to understand how to get it. .. todo:: Use chocolatey to process installation. .. todo:: Fix Julia installation. :githublink:`%|py|244` """ if selection is None: selection = set() if notebooks is None: notebooks = _default_notebooks if not isinstance(selection, set): selection = set(selection) selection.add("pandoc") selection.add("7z") selection.add("scite") selection.add("putty") selection.add("sqlitespy") selection.add("graphviz") selection.add("python") selection.add("jenkins") selection = set(_.lower() for _ in selection) _allowed = {"pandoc", "7z", "scite", "putty", "sqlitespy", "scite", "python", "tdm", "vs", "r", "graphviz", "jenkins", "jdk"} for s in selection: s_ = s.split("==")[0] if s_ not in _allowed: raise ValueError("{0} unknown, should be in {1}".format( s, ", ".join(sorted(_allowed)))) fLOG("[pymy] --- selection", selection) ##### # we change for the version ##### versions = {} for sel in selection: if "==" in sel: spl = sel.split("==") versions[spl[0].lower()] = spl[1] else: versions[sel.lower()] = None selection = versions ###### # next ###### operations = [] operations.append(("time", dtnow())) folder = os.path.abspath(folder) download_folder = os.path.abspath(download_folder) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) operations.append(("mkdir", folder)) if not os.path.exists(download_folder): os.makedirs(download_folder) operations.append(("mkdir", download_folder)) ################### # definition of folders ################### operations.append(("time", dtnow())) folders = dict(tools=os.path.join(folder, "tools"), workspace=os.path.join(folder, "workspace"), python=os.path.join(folder, "python"), config=os.path.join(folder, "config"), logs=os.path.join(folder, "logs"), build=download_folder, ) for k, v in folders.items(): if not os.path.exists(v): os.mkdir(v) ########################### # download the documentation ########################### if documentation: operations.append(("documentation", "-")) op = win_download_notebooks( notebooks, folders["workspace"], verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ###################### # download of everything ###################### for mod in module_list: mod.fLOG = fLOG operations.append(("download", "-")) op = win_download(folder=download_folder, module_list=module_list, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG, selection=selection, source=source, embed=embed) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ######## # license ######## fLOG("[pymy] --- license") with open(os.path.join(folder, "license.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(license) operations.append(("license", "license.txt")) if not download_only: ######################## # copy icons in tools/icons ####################### fLOG("[pymy] --- copy icons") op = copy_icons(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "icons"), os.path.join(folders["tools"], "icons")) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ############# # install setups ############# fLOG("[pymy] --- installation of python and tools") fLOG("[pymy] --- you might have to it yourself for R, Julia") op, installed = win_install( folders=folders, download_folder=download_folder, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG, selection=selection) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) if "pandoc" not in installed: raise FileNotFoundError("pandoc was not installed") if verbose: for k, v in installed.items(): fLOG("[pymy] INSTALLED:", k, "-->", v) ########## # clean msi ########## fLOG("[pymy] --- clean msi") op = clean_msi(folders["tools"], "*.msi", verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ################ # create links tools ################ fLOG("[pymy] --- create links") op = create_links_tools(folder, installed, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ######################### # create batch command files ######################### fLOG("[pymy] --- create batch command file") op = create_win_batches( folders, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG, selection=selection, module_list=module_list) operations.extend(op) ########### # update pip ########### fLOG("[pymy] --- update pip") operations.append(("python pip", "update")) op = update_pip(folders["python"]) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) if "julia" in selection and julia_packages: operations.append(("julia", "-")) ops = win_install_julia_step(folders, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(ops) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) if "r" in selection and r_packages: operations.append(("r", "-")) ops = win_install_r_step(folders, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(ops) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ###################### # installation of packages ###################### fLOG("[pymy] --- installation of python packages") operations.append(("python packaes", "start")) python_path = folders["python"] win_install_packages_other_python( python_path, download_folder, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG, module_list=module_list) fLOG("[pymy] done") operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ########################## # mingw, add file distutils.cfg ########################## if "mingw" in selection and "vs" not in selection: fLOG("[pymy] --- switch_to_mingw_compiler") op = switch_to_mingw_compiler(folders["python"]) for o in op: operations.append(("modify", o)) ########################## # Visual Studio, VS 2015 for Python 3.5 ########################## if "vs" in selection: fLOG("[pymy] --- switch_to_VS_compiler") op = switch_to_VS_compiler(folders["python"]) for o in op: operations.append(("modify", o)) ###################### # create jupyter profile ###################### has_jupyter = False for mod in module_list: if == "jupyter": has_jupyter = True if has_jupyter: fLOG("[pymy] --- create jupyter profile") operations.append(("jupyter", "create profile")) ipath = ipython_create_profile( folders["config"], folders["python"], fLOG=fLOG) operations.append(("profile", ipath)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ###################### # update ipython profile ###################### if has_jupyter: fLOG("[pymy] --- update jupyter profile") operations.append(("jupyter", "update profile")) ipython_update_profile(ipath) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ###################### # update jupyter extension ###################### if has_jupyter: fLOG("[pymy] --- install jupyter extension") operations.append(("jupyter", "update install jupyter extension")) install_jupyter_extension(folders["python"]) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ###################### # copy pywin32 dll to main folders ###################### fLOG("[pymy] --- pywin32 dll to main folders") operations.append(("pywin32", "dll")) fdll = os.path.join( python_path, "Lib", "site-packages", "pywin32_system32") if not os.path.exists(fdll): fdll = os.path.join( python_path, "Lib", "site-packages", "pypiwin32_system32") if not os.path.exists(fdll): raise FileNotFoundError(fdll) for dll in os.listdir(fdll): full = os.path.join(fdll, dll) if os.path.isdir(full): continue try: shutil.copy(full, python_path) except KeyError as a: # it means it already exists continue operations.append(("pywin32", "copy " + dll)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ######## # kernels ######## if has_jupyter: fLOG("[pymy] --- add kernels") operations.append(("kernel", "add")) res = install_kernels(folders["tools"], folders["python"]) for r in res: fLOG("[pymy] ADD: kernel", r) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ######### # checking ######### distribution_checkings(folders["python"], folders[ "tools"], fLOG=fLOG, module_list=module_list) ######## # tutorial ######## if tutorial is not None: fLOG("[pymy] --- copy tutorial") operations.append(("tutorial", "begin")) fold_tuto = os.path.join(folders["workspace"], "tutorial") if not os.path.exists(fold_tuto): fLOG("[pymy] --- create ", fold_tuto) operations.append(("create", fold_tuto)) os.mkdir(fold_tuto) for tuto in tutorial: fLOG("[pymy] copy tutorial", tuto) operations.append(("tutorial", tuto)) res = copy_tutorial(tuto, fold_tuto) for a, b, c in res: operations.append(("copy", c)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ################################ # prepare setup script for InnoSetup ############################### fLOG("[pymy] --- prepare setup script for InnoSetup") replacements = dict(__DISTPATH__=folder) new_script = innosetup_replacements(replacements=replacements, fLOG=fLOG, temp_folder=os.path.join(folders["logs"])) fLOG("[pymy] done") operations.append(("InnoSetup", "replacement")) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) if last_function is not None: ################# # run last_function ################# fLOG("[pymy] --- run last_function") operations.append(("start", "last_function")) last_function(new_script, folders, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ################## # check there is no missing modules ################## if not download_only: scr = "from pymyinstall.installhelper import missing_dependencies;r=missing_dependencies();" + \ "print('\\n'.join('\'{0}\' misses \'{1}\''.format(k,v) for k,v in sorted(r.items())))" cmd = '{0} -c "{1}"'.format(os.path.join( folders["python"], "python.exe"), scr) fLOG("[pymy] --- run dependencies") fLOG("[pymy] CMD:", cmd) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) if len(err) > 0: raise WinInstallMissingDependency(err) fLOG(out) miss = missing_dependencies() if len(miss) > 0: mes = "\n".join("'{0}' misses '{1}'".format(k, ", ".join(v)) for k, v in sorted(miss.items())) warnings.warn(mes) ################## # patch exe in scripts ################## if not download_only: fLOG( "--- patch paths, see") op = win_patch_paths( os.path.join(folders["python"], "Scripts"), "", fLOG=fLOG) operations.extend(op) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) ################# # print the list of modules (python) ################# if not download_only: fLOG("[pymy] --- pip freeze") mods = get_modules_version(folders["python"]) fLOG("[pymy] nb modules: {0}".format(len(mods))) if len(mods) == 0: raise ValueError( "unable to get module list from folder " + folders["python"]) with open(os.path.join(folders["config"], "installed.python.packages.txt"), "w") as f: mods = [(a.lower(), a, b) for a, b in mods.items()] for la, a, b in sorted(mods): f.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(a, b)) ################# # print the list of modules (R) ################# if not download_only: r_path = os.path.join(folders["tools"], "R") r_lib = os.path.join(r_path, "library") if os.path.exists(r_lib): fLOG("[pymy] --- list R packages") packs = os.listdir(r_lib) with open(os.path.join(folders["config"], "installed.R.packages.txt"), "w") as f: packs_ = [(p.lower(), p) for p in packs] for lp, pack in sorted(packs_): desc = get_package_description(r_path, pack) vers = desc.get("Version", "unknown") f.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(pack, vers)) if not no_setup: if not os.path.exists(folders["workspace"]): raise FileNotFoundError(folders["workspace"]) if len(os.listdir(folders["workspace"])) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( "folder {0} is empty, it should not".format(folders["workspace"])) # remove fLOG("[pymy] --- remove setup") dist = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "..", "dist", "setup") if os.path.exists(dist): exe = [_ for _ in os.listdir(dist) if ".exe" in _] else: exe = [] if len(exe) > 0: for e in exe: os.remove(os.path.join(dist, e)) ################################ # prepare setup script for InnoSetup ############################### fLOG("[pymy] --- building setup with InnoSetup") out = run_innosetup(new_script, fLOG=fLOG, temp_folder=os.path.join(folders["logs"])) with open(os.path.join(folders["logs"], "out.install.innosetup.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(out) fLOG("[pymy] done") operations.append(("InnoSetup", "done")) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) # copy fLOG("[pymy] --- copy setup") dist = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "..", "dist", "setup") to = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "..", "..") exe = [_ for _ in os.listdir(dist) if ".exe" in _] if len(exe) > 0: dt = suffix = "%d%02d%02d.%d" % (dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour) for e in exe: shutil.copy(os.path.join(dist, e), to) operations.append(("copy", e)) final = os.path.join(to, e) tof = final.replace(".exe", "_" + suffix + ".exe") operations.append(("rename", tof)) os.rename(final, tof) ########## # store logs ########## with open(os.path.join(folders["logs"], "log.setup.txt"), "a", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("\n") f.write("-------------------------------------------\n") f.write("NEW RUN\n") f.write("-------------------------------------------\n") for ab in operations: if isinstance(ab, tuple): if len(ab) == 2: a, b = ab elif len(ab) == 1: a, b = a, None else: a, b = ab[0], str(ab[1:]) if isinstance(b, str # unicode# ): b = b.replace(folder, "") b = b.replace(os.environ.get( "USERNAME", os.environ["USER"]), "---") f.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(a, b))