Source code for pymyinstall.win_installer.win_setup_main_helper

Helpers for function :func:`win_python_setup <pymyinstall.win_installer.win_setup_main.win_python_setup>`

from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import sys
import fnmatch
import subprocess

from ..installcustom.install_custom_pandoc import install_pandoc
from ..installcustom.install_custom_R import install_R
from ..installcustom.install_custom_julia import install_julia
from ..installcustom.install_custom_scite import install_scite
from ..installcustom.install_custom_putty import install_putty
from ..installcustom.install_custom_sqlitespy import install_sqlitespy
from ..installcustom.install_custom_python import install_python
from ..installcustom.install_custom_mingw import install_mingw
from ..installcustom.install_custom_tdm_gcc import install_tdm_gcc
from ..installcustom.install_custom_7z import install_7z
from ..installcustom.install_custom_graphviz import install_graphviz
from ..installcustom.install_custom_vs import install_vs
from ..installcustom.install_custom import download_page
from ..installcustom.install_custom_javajdk import install_javajdk
from ..installcustom.install_custom_jenkins import install_jenkins
from ..installcustom.install_custom_git import install_git
from ..installcustom.install_custom_miktex import install_miktex
from ..installcustom.install_custom_inkscape import install_inkscape
from ..installhelper.link_shortcuts import add_shortcut
from ..installhelper import run_cmd
from ..packaged import minimal_set

from .win_packages import _is_package_in_list
from .pywin32_helper import import_pywin32
from .win_extract import extract_msi, extract_exe, extract_archive, extract_copy
from .win_exception import WinInstallException
from .win_setup_mark_step import mark_step, is_step_done
from .win_setup_r import r_run_script, _script as _script_r
from .win_setup_julia import julia_run_script, _script_install as _script_julia_install
from .win_setup_julia import _script_build as _script_julia_build, _script_init as _script_julia_init

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from codecs import open
    FileNotFoundError = Exception

[docs]def dtnow(): """ shortcut, return ```` :githublink:`%|py|53` """ return
[docs]def copy_icons(src, dest): """ copy all files from src to dest :param src: source :param dest: destination :return: operations :githublink:`%|py|64` """ operations = [] if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) operations.append(("mkdir", dest)) files = os.listdir(src) for file in files: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src, file)): continue d = os.path.join(dest, file) if not os.path.exists(d): shutil.copy(os.path.join(src, file), dest) operations.append(("copy", file)) return operations
[docs]def win_download(folder=None, module_list=None, verbose=False, fLOG=print, download_only=True, selection=None, source=None, embed=True): """ The function downloads everything needed to prepare a setup. :param folder: where to prepare the python version (the user must replace None) :param module_list: list of module to install (see :func:`minimal_set <pymyinstall.packaged.packaged_config_0_minimal.minimal_set>` = default options) :param fLOG: logging function :param download_only: only downloads (unused, True by default) :param verbose: print more information :param selection: selection of tools to install (dictionary { toolname: version or None}) :param source: source of python packages (see :class:`ModuleInstall <pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install.ModuleInstall>`) :param embed: use embedded version (or custom one) :return: list of completed operations List of available tools: * scite * putty * mingw * SQLiteSpy * python * R * vs * julia * 7z * graphviz * tdm * jdk (java) * jenkins * git * miktex * inkscape :githublink:`%|py|113` """ if selection is None: raise ValueError("selection must be specified") available = os.listdir(folder) def is_here(program, no_wheel=False): b = _is_package_in_list(program, available, no_wheel=no_wheel) return b operations = [] if not is_here("scite") and "scite" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "scite") r = install_scite(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("scite", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("putty") and "putty" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "putty") r = install_putty(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("putty", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("mingw") and "mingw" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "mingw") r = install_mingw(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("mingw", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("miktex") and "miktex" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "miktex") r = install_miktex(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("miktex", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("inkscape") and "inkscape" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "inkscape") r = install_inkscape(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("inkscape", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("tdm") and "tdm" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "tdm") r = install_tdm_gcc(dest_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("tdm", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("git") and "git" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "git") r = install_git(folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("git", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("SQLiteSpy") and "sqlitespy" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "sqllitespy") r = install_sqlitespy(temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("sqlitespy", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("python") and "python" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "python") r = install_python( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("python", None), custom=not embed) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("R-") and "r" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "R") r = install_R( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("r", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("vs") and "vs" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "Visual Studio Express") r = install_vs(folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("vs", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("julia") and "julia" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "julia") r = install_julia( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("julia", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("pandoc") and "pandoc" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "pandoc") r = install_pandoc( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("pandoc", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("7z") and "7z" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "7z") r = install_7z( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("7z", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("done") if not is_here("graphviz", no_wheel=True) and "graphviz" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "graphviz") r = install_graphviz( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("graphviz", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("jdk", no_wheel=True) and "jdk" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "java jdk") r = install_javajdk( temp_folder=folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True, version=selection.get("java jdk", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if not is_here("jenkins", no_wheel=True) and "jenkins" in selection: if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] --- download", "jenkins") r = install_jenkins(folder, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, version=selection.get("jenkins", None)) operations.append(("download", r)) fLOG("[pymy] done") if module_list is None: module_list = minimal_set() for mod in module_list: if is_here( + "-"): continue if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] download module", res =, source=source) if isinstance(res, list): for r in res: operations.append(("download", r)) else: operations.append(("download", res)) return operations
[docs]def win_install(folders, download_folder, verbose=False, fLOG=print, names="Julia Scite 7z TDM MinGW R pandoc Python SQLiteSpy Putty Graphviz".split(), selection=None): """ Install setups :param folders: dictionary of folders, must contain key tools, python :param download_folder: where the setup are :param fLOG: logging function :param verbose: print more information :param names: name of subfolders to be created :param selection: selection of tools to install :return: list of completed operations, executable (to make shortcuts) The function installs every setup which starts by one of the string in *names* and whose extension is .exe, .msi, .zip, .7z. To install Python on Windows, see `Using Python on Windows <>`_, and `What's coming for the Python 3.5 installer? <>`_ :githublink:`%|py|300` """ operations = [] dfunc = {".zip": extract_archive, ".exe": extract_exe, ".msi": extract_msi, "putty.exe": extract_copy, ".7z": extract_archive} def location(file): ext = os.path.splitext(file)[-1] if ext not in [".msi", ".exe", ".zip", ".7z"]: return None lf = file.lower() for name in names: lname = name.lower() if name.lower() in selection and (lf.startswith(lname) or "-%s-" % lname in lf): if name == "Python": return folders["python"] else: return os.path.join(folders["tools"], name) return None def find_exe(loc, name): name = name.lower() if name.lower() == "mingw": name = "gcc" elif name.lower() == "tdm": name = "gcc" elif name.lower() == "jdk": name = "java" elif name.lower() == "graphviz": name = "dot" exp = name + ".exe" for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(loc): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.exe'): exe = os.path.join(root, filename) file = os.path.split(exe)[-1].lower() if file == exp: return exe return None # we sort to get 7z installed first as it is needed for exe files cands = os.listdir(download_folder) cands.sort() installed = {} for cand in cands: loc = location(cand) if loc is None: continue name = os.path.split(loc)[-1] if not os.path.exists(loc): os.mkdir(loc) # already installed, checking if there is any exe file exe = find_exe(loc, name) if exe is not None: # already done fLOG("[pymy] --- already installed", exe) else: fLOG("[pymy] --- install", cand, " in ", loc) full = os.path.join(download_folder, cand) if 'tdm' in cand and 'gcc' in cand: raise WinInstallException( "TM must be manually installed from the setup\n{0}\nin\n{1}".format(full, loc)) elif 'python' in cand: continue # see temploc = os.path.join(download_folder, "python") options = [os.path.join( download_folder, cand), "/quiet", "/layout", temploc] cmd = " ".join(options) fLOG("[pymy] run ", cmd) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) fLOG("[pymy] OUT:\n", out) if err: fLOG("[pymy] OUT:\n", err) options = [os.path.join(temploc, cand), "TargetDir={0}".format(loc), "InstallAllUsers=1", "AssociateFiles=0", "CompileAll=1", "Include_symbols=1", "SimpleInstall=1"] cmd = " ".join(options) fLOG("[pymy] run ", cmd) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) fLOG("[pymy] OUT:\n", out) if err: fLOG("[pymy] OUT:\n", err) else: ext = os.path.splitext(cand)[-1] filename = os.path.split(cand)[-1] func = dfunc.get(filename, dfunc[ext]) if ext == ".exe": func( full, loc, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG, szip=installed["7z"]) else: func(full, loc, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) operations.append(("install", cand)) fLOG("[pymy] done") # add main executable found = find_exe(loc, name) # for MinGW, we check that the executable mingw-get.exe was installed if found is None: if name == "MinGW" and cand == "mingw-get-setup.exe": exe = os.path.join(loc, "bin", "mingw-get.exe") if os.path.exists(exe): cmd = exe + \ " install binutils gcc g++ mingw32 fortran gdb mingw32 mingw w32api g77" if verbose: fLOG("[pymy] install MinGW", cmd) retcode = cmd, shell=True, stdout=sys.stderr) if retcode < 0: raise WinInstallException( "unable to execute:\nCMD:\n{0}".format(cmd)) found = find_exe(loc, name) elif name == "VS" and cand == "vs_community.exe": # Visual Studio needs to be manually installed # we copy the setup to VS shutil.copy(os.path.join(download_folder, cand), loc) found = os.path.join(loc, cand) if found is None: raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find executable for name={0} in {1}, found: {2}, exe={3}, function={4}".format( name, loc, found, exe, func)) installed[name] = found return operations, installed
[docs]def win_download_notebooks(notebooks, folder, verbose=False, fLOG=print): """ download notebooks and store them as documentation :param notebooks: list of tuple (place, url) :param folder: where to put them :param verbose: verbose :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of operations :githublink:`%|py|503` """ operations = [] for path, urls in notebooks: if not isinstance(urls, list): urls = [urls] for url in urls: name = url.split("/")[-1] dest = os.path.join(folder, path) if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) operations.append(("mkdir", dest)) dfile = os.path.join(dest, name) if not os.path.exists(dfile): if verbose: fLOG("download notebooks", name, "from", url) content = download_page(url) with open(dfile, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) operations.append(("docs", dfile)) return operations
[docs]def win_install_julia_step(folders, verbose=False, fLOG=print): """ does necessary steps to setup Julia :param folders: installation folders :param verbose: verbose :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of processed operations :githublink:`%|py|533` """ operations = [] if not is_step_done(folders["logs"], "julia_init"): ########################## # init Julia packages ######################### fLOG("[pymy] --- init julia packages") jl = os.path.join(folders["tools"], "Julia") output = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "out.init.julia.txt") out = julia_run_script( jl, folders["python"], _script_julia_init, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) with open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(out) operations.append(("Julia", _script_julia_init)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) mark_step(folders["logs"], "julia_init") if not is_step_done(folders["logs"], "julia_install"): ########################## # install Julia packages ######################### fLOG("[pymy] --- install julia packages") jl = os.path.join(folders["tools"], "Julia") output = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "out.install.julia.txt") out = julia_run_script( jl, folders["python"], _script_julia_install, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) with open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(out) operations.append(("Julia", _script_julia_install)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) mark_step(folders["logs"], "julia_install") if not is_step_done(folders["logs"], "julia_build"): ######################### # build Julia packages ######################### fLOG("[pymy] --- build julia packages") jl = os.path.join(folders["tools"], "Julia") output = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "") out = julia_run_script( jl, folders["python"], _script_julia_build, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) with open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(out) operations.append(("Julia", _script_julia_build)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) mark_step(folders["logs"], "julia_build") return operations
[docs]def win_install_r_step(folders, verbose=False, fLOG=print): """ does necessary steps to setup R :param folders: installation folders :param verbose: verbose :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of processed operations :githublink:`%|py|591` """ operations = [] if not is_step_done(folders["logs"], "r_install"): ###################### # install R packages ###################### fLOG("[pymy] --- install R packages") r = os.path.join(folders["tools"], "R") output = os.path.join(folders["logs"], "out.install.r.txt") out = r_run_script(r, _script_r, output) with open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(out) operations.append(("R", _script_r)) operations.append(("time", dtnow())) mark_step(folders["logs"], "r_install") else: fLOG( "--- skip installation of R packages or remove file log.step.r_install.txt") return operations