.. blogpost:: :title: opencv, cannot find DLL :keywords: opencv :date: 2018-07-29 :categories: module I recently faced an issue with `opencv-python `_ and :epkg:`python` 3.7: ``import cv2`` returned the following error: :: ImportError: DLL load failed: Le module spécifié est introuvable. Too configurations are working for me: * Python 3.6, OpenCV-Python 3.4.1, Windows Server 2012. * Python 3.7, OpenCV-Python 3.4.2, Windows 10. Not working : * Python 3.6, OpenCV-Python 3.4.2, Windows Server 2012. * Python 3.7, OpenCV-Python 3.4.2, Windows Server 2012. I guess I'll have to recompile it to understand what is different.