:orphan: |rss_image| **python - 1/1** :ref:`Blog ` :ref:`installation (12) ` :ref:`python (3) ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. index:: python .. _ap-cat-python-0: python - 1/1 ++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install Python 3.7 and many packages on Linux Debian 9 :date: 2018-12-29 :keywords: python 3.7,debian :categories: python :rawfile: 2018/2018-12-29_python37_2.rst Same steps four months later: :ref:`Install Python 3.7 and many packages on Linux Debian 9 `. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install Python 3.7 and many packages on Linux Debian 9 :date: 2018-08-19 :keywords: python 3.7 :categories: python :rawfile: 2018/2018-08-19_python37.rst Below you can find the instruction to get many modules on :epkg:`Debian 9` on :epkg:`Python` 3.7. The first packages are quite common but the last instructions are needed to build all the content for my teachings. It begins with: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Standalone Python Distribution :date: 2017-02-12 :keywords: Python,standalone,py2to3,grammar.txt :categories: python :rawfile: 2017/2017-02-12_grammar.rst I tried to build a standalone distribution and I faced this issue `Can't use lib2to3 with embeddable zip file. `_. Really annoying one. No fix is proposed assuming a standalone should not be used for that. ---- |rss_image| **python - 1/1** :ref:`2019-11 (2) ` :ref:`2019-12 (1) ` :ref:`2020-02 (1) ` :ref:`2020-09 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (5) `