:orphan: |rss_image| **2021-01 - 1/1** :ref:`Blog ` :ref:`installation (12) ` :ref:`python (3) ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. index:: 2021-01 .. _ap-month-2021-01-0: 2021-01 - 1/1 +++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install pythonnet on debian is difficult :date: 2021-01-15 :keywords: python,debian,pythonnet :categories: installation :rawfile: 2021/2021-01-15_pythonnet.rst From `Install the .NET SDK or the .NET Runtime on Debian `_. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Build Tensorflow from source :date: 2021-01-11 :keywords: python,debian,tensorflow :categories: installation :rawfile: 2021/2021-01-11_tf.rst Tensorflow has no released for python 3.9 yet. To build it `from source `_, `bazel `_ must be installed first. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: AttributeError: module 'nbconvert.exporters' has no attribute 'WebPDFExporter' :date: 2021-01-11 :keywords: python,nbconvert,jupyter :categories: installation :rawfile: 2021/2021-01-11_nbconvert.rst I faced the following issue when running a notebook server juste the installation. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install Python 3.9 and many packages on Linux Debian 10 :date: 2021-01-09 :keywords: python,debian :categories: installation :rawfile: 2021/2021-01-09_debian.rst **Password** :: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Cannot load library libcairo-2.dll :date: 2021-01-06 :keywords: pycairo,cairo,libcairo :categories: installation :rawfile: 2021/2021-01-06_cairo.rst The following error may appear when using `pycairo `_. This module is usually not directly used but through :epkg:`matplotlib`. ... ---- |rss_image| **2021-01 - 1/1** :ref:`2019-11 (2) ` :ref:`2019-12 (1) ` :ref:`2020-02 (1) ` :ref:`2020-09 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (5) `