2016-09-08 Build dlib on WindowsΒΆ

dlib is a library for image processing. It is implemented in C++ but there is a Python wrapper. This is how you build it on Windows. First, install:

You need to build boost with your own interpreter. For that, you need to create a file user-config.jam in c:\users\<username> which contains. Just replace the path by yours:

using python
    : 3.5                   # Version
    : C:\\Python35_x64\\python.exe      # Python Path
    : C:\\Python35_x64\\include         # include path
    : C:\\Python35_x64\\libs            # lib path(s)

To build boost, two steps are neded from a command line where it was installed (sources)

b2 -a --with-python address-model=64 toolset=msvc runtime-link=static --debug-configuration

The flag --debug-configuration allows to check the right Python was used. After cmake is isntalled, we can build dlib with the sources obtained from pypi.

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\CMake\bin
set BOOST_ROOT=C:\atools\local\boost_1_61_0
set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\atools\local\boost_1_61_0\stage\lib

And finally:

c:\Python35_x64\python setup.py bdist_wheel