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Build xgboost 0.4a30 for Python 3.4 and 3.5


xgboost does not support the Windows compilation anymore so I had to look for a way to compile xgboost for Windows. I tried to start from the source but it seemed quite complex plus the owners mention they don’t support it anymore. Instead, I chose to use the source included the release package on PyPi. I copy paste some of the instructions I used from the previous blog post I wrote on that topic since I did not start from a fresh and empty environment. The steps I did not do again are marked with a *. This is the process I followed:


Directly import from Github


If you want to do something like:



pythonnet for Python 3.5


People usually install modules from Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages on Windows. This also goes for pythonnet which was compiled this github repository. This release works somehow for Python 3.5 but fails if some functionalities are required. You can try:



PyCrypto and pycryptodome


pycrypto is not longer maintained, it should be replaced by pycryptodome. The second module is a fork of the first. You can check on gihub Legrandin/pycryptodome for the latest release.


Install a package on Anaconda


Some packages are specifically compiled for Anaconda distribution. That’s why it is better to install them with the command:



Wordcloud to draw clouds of words


wordcloud is a nice module to draw tag clouds in Python. We can read the blog post A Wordcloud in Python or see the gallery. An example of what it can do:


A few interested modules not included in this one


The following might be included in a near future.


Pycrypto on Python 3.5


Fortunately, somebody already did that and it is available here: sfbahr/PyCrypto-Wheels.


Install Anaconda through SSH connection


The following page Install/Uninstall Anaconda Server describes how to install Anaconda through a SSH connection and only a command line. It starts from Miniconda which is Anaconda without this exhaustive list of modules. By default, the page gives the instruction for Python 2.7. I just changed them to get Python 3.4.


Install cvxpy on Windows


After I installed CVXcanon (see previous blog), I went through an issue canonInterface is not found. I corrected with the following modification: change import instruction to use CVXcanon explicitely.


RSS install - 1/2 ==> 2019-11 (2) 2019-12 (1) 2020-02 (1) 2020-09 (1) 2021-01 (5)