RSS 2017-10 - 1/1 Blog installation (12) python (3)

2017-10 - 1/1

Last release of basemap.


basemap is discontinued and should be replaced by cartopy. I wonder how long it will take me to replace that dependency by the new one in all the notebooks using it. It won’t disappear before a couple of years but still… Cartopy, New Management, and EoL Announcement.


build protobuf on windows


The page Environment Setup explains how to build protobuf. don’t follow it, just follow the instructions in appveyor.yml.


Last release of Theano.


Theano development will be stopped after the 1.0 release. Other framworks and modules will have to be used, CNTK, TensorFlow, PyTorch, cupy, pycuda, pyopencl, cudamat (old), libgpuarraybob.kaldi also contains code GPU computation but does not expose it (cudamatrix). pyviennacl seems a bit old.


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