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18 statements  

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Defines a set of modules for more machine learning or student projects. 


6from ..installhelper.module_install import ModuleInstall 



9def cloud_set(): 

10 """ 

11 modules introduced by students or needed for student projects, it requires the modules in set *extended* 

12 """ 

13 mod = [ 

14 ModuleInstall("botocore", "pip", usage="AWS", 

15 purpose="A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services. " + 

16 "The botocore package is the foundation for the AWS CLI as well as boto3."), 

17 ModuleInstall("s3transfer", "pip", usage="AWS", 

18 purpose="An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager"), 

19 ModuleInstall("boto3", "pip", usage="AWS", 

20 purpose="A Python interface to Amazon Web Services"), 

21 ModuleInstall("s3fs", "pip", usage="AWS", 

22 purpose="Convenient Filesystem interface over S3"), 

23 ModuleInstall("boto", "pip", 

24 purpose="Amazon Web Services Library"), 

25 ModuleInstall("google-auth-httplib2", "pip", mname="google_auth_httplib2", 

26 purpose="This library provides an httplib2 transport for google-auth."), 

27 ModuleInstall("google-auth", "pip", mname="google_auth", 

28 purpose="This library simplifies using Google’s various server-to-server " + 

29 "authentication mechanisms to access Google APIs."), 

30 ModuleInstall("google-api-python-client", "pip", mname="googleapiclient", 

31 purpose="The Google API Client for Python is a client library for accessing the Plus, " + 

32 "Moderator, and many other Google APIs."), 

33 ModuleInstall("googlemaps", "pip", 

34 purpose="Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services"), 

35 ModuleInstall("python-gmaps", "pip", mname="gmaps", 

36 purpose="Google Maps API client"), 

37 ] 


39 mod.append(ModuleInstall("adal", "pip", 

40 purpose="The ADAL for Python library makes it easy for python application to authenticate " + 

41 "to Azure Active Directory (AAD) in order to access AAD protected web resources.")) 

42 mod.append(ModuleInstall("msrest", "pip", 

43 purpose="AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime.")) 

44 mod.append(ModuleInstall("msrestazure", "pip", 

45 purpose="AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module.")) 

46 for name in ['azure-nspkg', 

47 'azure-common', 

48 'azure-mgmt-nspkg', 

49 'azure-mgmt-authorization', 

50 'azure-mgmt-common', 

51 'azure-storage', 

52 'azure-mgmt-batch', 

53 'azure-mgmt-cdn', 

54 'azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices', 

55 'azure-mgmt-commerce', 

56 'azure-mgmt-compute', 

57 'azure-mgmt-logic', 

58 'azure-graphrbac', 

59 'azure-mgmt-network', 

60 'azure-mgmt-notificationhubs', 

61 'azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded', 

62 'azure-mgmt-redis', 

63 'azure-mgmt-resource', 

64 'azure-mgmt-scheduler', 

65 'azure-mgmt-storage', 

66 'azure-mgmt-web', 

67 'azure-batch', 

68 'azure-servicebus', 

69 'azure-servicemanagement-legacy', 

70 'azure-mgmt', 

71 # addition 2017-05 

72 "azure-keyvault", 

73 "azure-datalake-store", 

74 "azure-servicefabric", 

75 "azure-mgmt-devtestlabs", 

76 "azure-mgmt-documentdb", 

77 "azure-mgmt-containerregistry", 

78 "azure-mgmt-keyvault", 

79 "azure-mgmt-dns", 

80 "azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics", 

81 "azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg", 

82 "azure-mgmt-trafficmanager", 

83 "azure-mgmt-rdbms", 

84 "azure-mgmt-datalake-store", 

85 "azure-mgmt-iothub", 

86 "azure-mgmt-sql", 

87 "azure-mgmt-monitor", 

88 # addition 2018-02 

89 'azure_storage_common', 

90 'azure_cosmosdb_nspkg', 

91 'azure_cosmosdb_table', 

92 'azure_eventgrid', 

93 'azure_mgmt_advisor', 

94 'azure_mgmt_applicationinsights', 

95 'azure_mgmt_batchai', 

96 'azure_mgmt_billing', 

97 'azure_mgmt_consumption', 

98 'azure_mgmt_containerinstance', 

99 'azure_mgmt_containerservice', 

100 'azure_mgmt_cosmosdb', 

101 'azure_mgmt_datafactory', 

102 'azure_mgmt_eventgrid', 

103 'azure_mgmt_eventhub', 

104 'azure_mgmt_hanaonazure', 

105 'azure_mgmt_iothubprovisioningservices', 

106 'azure_mgmt_loganalytics', 

107 'azure_mgmt_machinelearningcompute', 

108 'azure_mgmt_managementpartner', 

109 'azure_mgmt_marketplaceordering', 

110 'azure_mgmt_media', 

111 'azure_mgmt_msi', 

112 'azure_mgmt_recoveryservices', 

113 'azure_mgmt_recoveryservicesbackup', 

114 'azure_mgmt_relay', 

115 'azure_mgmt_reservations', 

116 'azure_mgmt_search', 

117 'azure_mgmt_servermanager', 

118 'azure_mgmt_servicebus', 

119 'azure_mgmt_servicefabric', 

120 'azure_mgmt_subscription', 

121 'azure_storage_blob', 

122 'azure_storage_file', 

123 'azure_storage_queue', 

124 'azure-storage-nspkg', 

125 # addition 2019-01 

126 'azure_loganalytics', 

127 'azure_applicationinsights', 

128 'azure_mgmt_iotcentral', 

129 'azure_mgmt_datamigration', 

130 'azure_mgmt_maps', 

131 'azure_mgmt_policyinsights', 

132 'azure_mgmt_managementgroups', 

133 'azure_mgmt_devspaces', 

134 'azure_mgmt_signalr', 

135 ]: 


137 # azure part 

138 mname = name.replace("-", ".").replace("_", ".") 

139 if mname in ("azure.nspkg", "azure.mgmt.nspkg", 

140 "azure.servicemanagement.legacy"): 

141 skip_import = True 

142 else: 

143 skip_import = False 

144 if mname == name: 

145 mname = None 

146 m = ModuleInstall( 

147 name, "pip", mname=mname, pip_options=["--pre"], 

148 purpose="Python wrapper for Azure API (HDInsight, Blog Storage)", usage="AZURE", 

149 skip_import=skip_import) 

150 mod.append(m) 


152 mod.append(ModuleInstall("azureml", "pip", 

153 purpose="Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Python client library")) 


155 return [_ for _ in mod if _ is not None]