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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Defines a set of modules for more machine learning, tools, networks, visualization. 


6import sys 

7from ..installhelper.module_install import ModuleInstall 

8from .config_helper import is_64bit 



11def extended_set(): 

12 """ 

13 list of modules to install, an rich set, to work with data and more, it requires the modules in set *small* 

14 """ 

15 mod = [ 

16 ModuleInstall("m2r", "pip", 

17 purpose="M2R converts a markdown file including reStructuredText (rst) markups to a valid rst format."), 

18 ModuleInstall("CommonMark", "pip", mname="commonmark", 

19 purpose="Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec"), 

20 ModuleInstall("recommonmark", "pip", 

21 purpose="For pymc3???"), 

22 ModuleInstall("algopy", "pip", usage="OPTIM", 

23 purpose="ALGOPY: Taylor Arithmetic Computation and Algorithmic Differentiation"), 

24 ModuleInstall("numdifftools", "pip", usage="OPTIM", 

25 purpose="Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems in one or more variables."), 

26 ModuleInstall("numpydoc", "pip", 

27 purpose="Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format"), 

28 ModuleInstall("Automat", "pip", mname="automat", 

29 purpose="Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go."), 

30 ModuleInstall("guidata", "pip" if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else "wheel2", 

31 purpose="Automatic graphical user interfaces generation for easy dataset editing and display"), 

32 ModuleInstall( 

33 "guiqwt", "wheel", purpose="Efficient 2D plotting Python library based on PythonQwt (Spyder)"), 

34 ModuleInstall( 

35 "QtAwesome", "pip", mname="qtawesome", 

36 purpose="QtAwesome enables iconic fonts such as Font Awesome and Elusive Icons in PyQt and PySide applications."), 

37 ModuleInstall( 

38 "natgrid", "wheel", mname="mpl_toolkits.natgrid", 

39 purpose="Python interface to NCAR natgrid library (for matplotlib)"), 

40 ModuleInstall( 

41 "py", "pip", purpose="library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities"), 

42 ModuleInstall("pluggy", "pip", 

43 purpose="plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"), 

44 ModuleInstall("atomicwrites", "pip", purpose="Atomic file writes."), 

45 ModuleInstall("pytest", "pip", 

46 purpose="pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"), 

47 ModuleInstall("parameterized", "pip", 

48 purpose="parameterized: For everything. Parameterized testing " 

49 "for nose, parameterized testing for py.test, parameterized testing for unittest."), 

50 ModuleInstall( 

51 "blist", "wheel", 

52 purpose="a list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists"), 

53 ModuleInstall( 

54 "blz", "wheel", 

55 purpose="blz: a compressed data container"), 

56 ModuleInstall("pamela", "pip", 

57 purpose="An interface to the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) " + 

58 "library on linux, written in pure python (using ctypes)") 

59 if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, 

60 ModuleInstall("async_generator", "pip", purpose="for jupyterhup"), 

61 ModuleInstall("python_oauth2", "pip", purpose="for jupyterhup"), 

62 ModuleInstall( 

63 "jupyterhub", "pip", purpose="JupyterHub: A multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks", usage="JUPYTER") 

64 if not sys.platform.startswith("win") else None, 

65 ModuleInstall('rpy2', 'wheel', purpose="interact with R (R_HOME needs to be set up on Linux)", 

66 usage="DATA/ML"), 

67 ModuleInstall('python-pptx', 'pip', mname="pptx", 

68 purpose="read/write PowerPoint presentation"), 

69 ModuleInstall( 

70 'python-docx', 'pip', mname="docx", purpose="read/write Word document"), 

71 # ModuleInstall('flasksphinx', 'pip', purpose="serves Sphinx 

72 # documentation through a Flask server"), # issue with Python 3 

73 ModuleInstall( 

74 'cffi', 'wheel', usage="C++", purpose="Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code."), 

75 ModuleInstall( 

76 'datashape', 'pip', purpose="A data description language."), 

77 ModuleInstall( 

78 'ordereddict', 'pip', purpose="Python's collections.OrderedDict") if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else None, 

79 ModuleInstall( 

80 'cyordereddict', 'wheel', purpose="Cython implementation of Python's collections.OrderedDict"), 

81 ModuleInstall('dynd', 'wheel', 

82 purpose="DyND-Python, a component of the Blaze project, " + 

83 "is the Python exposure of the DyND dynamic multi-dimensional array library.") 

84 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, 

85 ModuleInstall("mpmath", "pip", 

86 purpose="mpmath is a free (BSD licensed) Python library for real and complex " + 

87 "floating-point arithmetic with arbitrary precision."), 

88 ModuleInstall( 

89 'sympy', 'pip', purpose="SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics."), 

90 ModuleInstall('gmpy2', 'wheel', 

91 purpose="big real numbers (issue on Linux and Anaconda)"), 

92 ModuleInstall('llvmlite', 'wheel', 

93 purpose="lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality, check issue " + 

94 " for missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll"), 

95 ModuleInstall('numba', 'wheel', usage="C++", 

96 purpose="Numba is an Open Source NumPy-aware optimizing compiler for Python sponsored by Continuum Analytics, Inc."), 

97 ModuleInstall('scikit-image', 'wheel', mname='skimage', 

98 purpose="scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing."), 

99 ModuleInstall( 

100 'cvxopt', 'wheel', purpose="linear, quadratique optimization", usage="OPTIM"), 

101 ModuleInstall( 

102 'PyWavelets', 'wheel', mname='pywt', purpose="wavelets computation", usage="DATA/ML"), 

103 ModuleInstall('pyclustering', 'pip', 

104 purpose="many kinds of clustering (Optics, DBScan, x-means, ...)", usage="DATA/ML"), 

105 ModuleInstall( 

106 'pycosat', 'wheel', purpose="PicoSAT is a popular SAT solver written by Armin Biere in pure C."), 

107 ModuleInstall('pyshp', 'pip', mname='shapefile', 

108 purpose="Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format"), 

109 ModuleInstall('descartes', 'pip', 

110 purpose="Use Shapely or GeoJSON-like geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches"), 

111 ModuleInstall('geopandas', 'pip', 

112 purpose="GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier. "), 

113 ModuleInstall( 

114 'vispy', 'pip', purpose="Vispy is a high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library."), 

115 ModuleInstall( 

116 'selenium', 'pip', purpose="Python wrapper for Selenium", usage="NETWORK"), 

117 ModuleInstall( 

118 'splinter', 'pip', purpose="browser abstraction for web acceptance testing", usage="NETWORK"), 

119 ModuleInstall( 

120 'pygame', 'wheel', purpose="GUI, interface for games (needs to be installed from on Linux)", usage="GUI"), 

121 ModuleInstall( 

122 'Kivy', 'wheel', mname='kivy', usage="GUI", 

123 purpose="GUI, interface for games, mobile (use sudo apt-get install python3-kivy on Linux)"), 

124 ModuleInstall('kivy-garden', 'pip', mname='', 

125 purpose="Garden tool for kivy flowers.", usage="GUI"), 

126 ModuleInstall( 

127 'py4j', 'pip', purpose="Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects"), 

128 ModuleInstall( 

129 'lockfile', 'pip', purpose="Platform-independent file locking module"), 

130 ModuleInstall('python-daemon', 'pip', mname="daemon", 

131 purpose="Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process (for luigi)"), 

132 ModuleInstall('cached_property', 'pip', 

133 purpose="A decorator for caching properties in classes (for luigi)"), 

134 ModuleInstall('luigi', 'pip', 

135 purpose="workflows, data workflows", usage="WORKFLOW"), 

136 # 

137 ModuleInstall('setproctitle', 'wheel', 

138 purpose="A Python module to customize the process title"), 

139 # thrift only works only for Python 2.7 

140 ModuleInstall( 

141 'ply', 'pip', purpose="Python Lex & Yacc (for thrifty)"), 

142 ModuleInstall( 

143 'thrift', 'pip', purpose="Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system"), 

144 ModuleInstall( 

145 'thriftpy', 'pip', purpose="pure python implemention of Apache Thrift."), 

146 # ModuleInstall('airflow', 'pip'), # does not work on Python 3 

147 ModuleInstall( 

148 'branca', 'pip', purpose="", usage="VIZ"), 

149 ModuleInstall('folium', 'pip', usage="VIZ", 

150 purpose="This library is a spinoff from folium, that would host the " + 

151 "non-map-specific features. It may become a HTML+JS generation " + 

152 "library in the future."), 

153 ModuleInstall( 

154 'osmapi', 'pip', purpose="Python wrapper for the OSM API", usage="VIZ"), 

155 ModuleInstall('geographiclib', 'pip', 

156 purpose="This implements algorithms for geodesics (Karney, 2013) for solving " + 

157 "the direct and inverse problems for an ellipsoid of revolution."), 

158 ModuleInstall('geopy', 'pip', 

159 purpose="Python Geocoding Toolbox", usage="VIZ"), 

160 ModuleInstall('geojson', 'pip', 

161 purpose="Functions for encoding and decoding GeoJSON formatted data"), 

162 # Deprecated 

163 # ModuleInstall('basemap', 'wheel', mname='mpl_toolkits.basemap', 

164 # purpose="maps extension for matplotlib", usage="VIZ"), 

165 ModuleInstall("python3-linkedin", "pip", mname="linkedin", 

166 purpose="Python Interface to the LinkedIn API"), 

167 # access to linkedin 

168 ModuleInstall( 

169 "oauthlib", "pip", purpose="A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic"), 

170 ModuleInstall("requests-oauthlib", "pip", mname="requests_oauthlib", 

171 purpose="OAuthlib authentication support for Requests."), 

172 ModuleInstall("antlr4-python3-runtime", "pip", 

173 mname="antlr4", purpose="antlr4 runtime, grammar parser"), 

174 # ModuleInstall("unqlite", "pip"), # 

175 # key/value store (NoSQL) 

176 ModuleInstall("pycontracts", "pip", mname="contracts", # version="1.7.6", 

177 purpose="PyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters " + 

178 "and return values, setup for version 1.7.7 is bugged"), 

179 # 

180 ModuleInstall( 

181 "ecdsa", "pip", purpose="ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)"), 

182 ModuleInstall("winrandom", "wheel", 

183 purpose="This module gives direct access to Windows Cryptographic API CryptGetRandom() function, " + 

184 "which is cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) on Windows:"), 

185 ModuleInstall("pycrypto", "wheel2", mname="Crypto", 

186 purpose="Cryptographic modules for Python (not available on x64 and Python 3)"), 

187 ModuleInstall("pycryptodomex", "pip", mname="Cryptodome", 

188 purpose="Cryptographic modules for Python (not available on x64 and Python 3)"), 

189 ModuleInstall("xxhash", "wheel", 

190 purpose="xxHash is an Extremely fast Hash algorithm, running at RAM speed limits."), 

191 ModuleInstall("cryptography", "pip", 

192 purpose="cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers."), 

193 ModuleInstall( 

194 "pyasn1", "pip", purpose="ASN.1 types and codecs (for pysnmp)"), 

195 ModuleInstall("asn1crypto", "pip", 

196 purpose="Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, " + 

197 "public keys, certificates, CRL, OCSP, CMS, PKCS#3, PKCS#7, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, PKCS#5, X.509 and TSP"), 

198 ModuleInstall("PyNaCl", "pip", mname="nacl", 

199 purpose="Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library", usage="NETWORK"), 

200 ModuleInstall("bcrypt", "pip", 

201 purpose="Modern password hashing for your software and your servers"), 

202 ModuleInstall("paramiko", "pip", 

203 purpose="SSH2 protocol library", usage="NETWORK"), 

204 # 

205 # 

206 # 2015-02-05 

207 # 

208 ModuleInstall("autopy3", "wheel", 

209 purpose="A simple, cross-platform GUI automation toolkit for Python 3 " + 

210 "(issue on Linux and Anaconda)") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, # simulate events 

211 # large double 

212 ModuleInstall("bigfloat", "wheel", 

213 purpose="big float (issue with Linux and Anaconda)"), 

214 # convex optimization, depends on CVXOPT 

215 ModuleInstall( 

216 "scs", "wheel", purpose="Solves convex cone programs via operator splitting.", usage="OPTIM"), 

217 ModuleInstall( 

218 "ecos", "wheel", purpose="ECOS is a numerical software for solving convex second-order cone programs (SOCPs)", usage="OPTIM"), 

219 ModuleInstall( 

220 "CVXcanon", "wheel", purpose="A low-level library to perform the matrix building step in cvxpy, " + 

221 "a convex optimization modeling software.", usage="OPTIM") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else None, 

222 ModuleInstall( 

223 "fastcache", "wheel", purpose="C implementation of Python 3 lru_cache for Python."), 

224 ModuleInstall( 

225 "multiprocess", "wheel", purpose="better multiprocessing and multithreading in python"), 

226 ModuleInstall("osqp", "wheel", 

227 purpose="The OSQP (Operator Splitting Quadratic Program) solver is a numerical optimization package for solving " + 

228 "quadratic problems") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else None, 

229 ModuleInstall("cvxpy", "pip", usage="OPTIM", 

230 purpose="linear, quadratic optimization, depends on cvxopt") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else None, 

231 # to install packages with conda 

232 ModuleInstall("libLAS", "wheel", mname="liblas", 

233 purpose="libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format."), 

234 ModuleInstall( 

235 "liblinear", "wheel", purpose="A Library for Large Linear Classification"), 

236 ModuleInstall("marisa_trie", "wheel", 

237 purpose="Static memory-efficient & fast Trie-like structures for Python (based on marisa-trie C++ library)"), 

238 ModuleInstall( 

239 "mlpy", "wheel", purpose="mlpy is a Python module for Machine Learning built on top of NumPy/SciPy, has wavelets"), 

240 ModuleInstall( 

241 "pygit2", "wheel", purpose="Pygit2 is a set of Python bindings to the libgit2 shared library, " + 

242 "libgit2 implements the core of Git."), 

243 ModuleInstall( 

244 "pymongo", "wheel", purpose="Python wrapper for MongoDB", usage="NoSQL"), 

245 ModuleInstall("psycopg2", "wheel", 

246 purpose="Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter"), 

247 ModuleInstall( 

248 "PyOpenGL", "wheel", mname="OpenGL", purpose="use OpenGL in Python"), 

249 ModuleInstall( 

250 "PyOpenGL_accelerate", "wheel", mname="OpenGL_accelerate", purpose="Acceleration code for PyOpenGL"), 

251 ModuleInstall('pymc', 'wheel', web="", 

252 purpose="Monte Carlo computation", usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, 

253 ModuleInstall('autograd', 'pip', 

254 purpose="Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code."), 

255 # The following package rely on theano (deprecated). 

256 # ModuleInstall('pymc3', 'github', "pymc-devs", web="", 

257 # purpose="Monte Carlo computation (Python 3 only)", usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, 

258 # ModuleInstall('pysterior', 'pip', 

259 # purpose="pysterior is a machine learning library for Python which aims to make Bayesian parametric regression and " + 

260 # "classification models accessible and easy to use. The library allows users to construct " + 

261 # "supervised learning models using an intuitive interface similar to that used by scikit-learn.", 

262 # usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else None, 

263 ModuleInstall( 

264 "pyqtgraph", "pip", purpose="Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python, depends on PySide", usage="GUI"), 

265 ModuleInstall("deap", "pip", purpose="deep learning"), 

266 # for gensim and distributed 

267 ModuleInstall("jmespath", "pip", purpose="JSON Matching Expressions"), 

268 # for gensim 

269 ModuleInstall("bz2file", "pip", purpose="process bz2 files"), 

270 # for gensim 

271 ModuleInstall("smart_open", "pip", 

272 purpose="Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...), provides the same API for many format"), 

273 ModuleInstall("httpretty", "pip", 

274 purpose="HTTP client mock for Python"), 

275 ModuleInstall("gensim", "wheel", purpose="genetic algorithm"), 

276 # ModuleInstall("pybrain", "pip"), # some issues with the code 

277 # (relative import are not well handled in version 0.3.3 

278 ModuleInstall("h5py", "wheel", usage="DATA/ML", 

279 purpose="The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format. " + 

280 "Trillion-Particle Simulation."), 

281 ModuleInstall("Keras-Applications", "pip", mname="keras_applications", usage="DATA/ML", 

282 purpose="Keras Applications is the applications module of the Keras deep learning " + 

283 "library. It provides model definitions and pre-trained weights for a number of " + 

284 "popular archictures, such as VGG16, ResNet50, Xception, MobileNet, and more."), 

285 ModuleInstall("Keras-Preprocessing", "pip", mname="keras_processing", usage="DATA/ML", 

286 purpose="Keras Preprocessing is the data preprocessing and data augmentation module " + 

287 "of the Keras deep learning library. It provides utilities for working with image " + 

288 "data, text data, and sequence data."), 

289 ModuleInstall("keras", "pip", purpose="deep learning", 

290 usage="DATA/ML"), 

291 ModuleInstall("keras-vis", "pip", mname="vis", usage="DATA/ML", 

292 purpose="keras-vis is a high-level toolkit for visualizing and debugging your trained keras neural net models."), 

293 # Bayesian 

294 ModuleInstall( 

295 "bayespy", "pip", purpose="bayesian modelling and computation", usage="DATA/ML"), 

296 ModuleInstall( 

297 "numexpr", "wheel", purpose="Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python, NumPy, PyTables, pandas and more."), 

298 # 

299 ModuleInstall("glue-core", "pip", mname="glue.core", 

300 purpose="Multidimensional data visualzation across files"), 

301 ModuleInstall("glue-vispy-viewers", "pip", mname="glue_vispy_viewers", 

302 purpose="Vispy-based viewers for Glue"), 

303 ModuleInstall("glueviz", "pip", mname="glue", 

304 purpose="ploting, Multidimensional data visualzation across files", usage="DATA/ML"), 

305 # 

306 ModuleInstall("pandas-highcharts", "pip", mname="pandas_highcharts", 

307 purpose="plotting in javascript and pandas", usage="VIZ"), 

308 # 

309 ModuleInstall( 

310 "heapdict", "pip", 

311 purpose="a heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations"), 

312 ModuleInstall( 

313 "chest", "pip", 

314 purpose="Simple on-disk dictionary"), 

315 ModuleInstall( 

316 "locket", "pip", 

317 purpose="File-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows"), 

318 ModuleInstall( 

319 "partd", "pip", 

320 purpose="Appendable key-value storage"), 

321 ModuleInstall( 

322 "dill", "pip", purpose="serialize all of python (almost), Dill extends python's pickle module for serializing " + 

323 "and de-serializing python objects to the majority of the built-in python types."), # for dask 

324 ModuleInstall("cloudpickle", "pip", 

325 purpose="Extended pickling support for Python objects") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else None, 

326 # parallel computation 

327 ModuleInstall( 

328 "dask", "pip", purpose="parallization of operations with dataframe", usage="DATA/ML"), 

329 ModuleInstall( 

330 "scoop", "pip", purpose="SCOOP (Scalable COncurrent Operations in Python) " + 

331 "is a distributed task module allowing concurrent parallel programming on various environments, " + 

332 "from heterogeneous grids to supercomputers", usage="DATA/ML"), 

333 # 

334 ModuleInstall( 

335 "docopt", "pip", purpose="Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile"), 

336 ModuleInstall("pycurl", "wheel", 

337 purpose="PycURL, a interface to the libcurl library. (for grab)"), 

338 ModuleInstall("markdown2", "pip", purpose="markdown parser"), 

339 ModuleInstall( 

340 "structures", "pip", purpose="User-friendly library for creating data structures."), 

341 ModuleInstall( 

342 "tzlocal", "pip", purpose="tzinfo object for the local timezone"), 

343 ModuleInstall( 

344 "funcsigs", "pip", purpose="Python function signatures from PEP362"), 

345 ModuleInstall( 

346 "apscheduler", "pip", purpose="to schedule the execution of jobs, tasks"), 

347 # 

348 # ModuleInstall("pdfminer", "pip"), # PDF extraction (no python 3 version) 

349 # ModuleInstall("minecart", "pip"), # PDF extraction (no python 3 version) 

350 # 

351 # ModuleInstall("pygauss", "pip"), # molecule, bio-informatic, 

352 # requires PIL which is deprecated 

353 # 

354 # July 2015 

355 # 

356 ModuleInstall( 

357 "pyexecjs", "pip", mname="execjs", purpose="Run JavaScript code from Python (for pyreact)", usage="NETWORK"), 

358 ModuleInstall("pyreact", "pip", mname="react", 

359 purpose="Python bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library. (for pyxley)", usage="NETWORK"), 

360 ModuleInstall( 

361 "pyxley", "pip", purpose="A pure-Python SNMPv1/v2c/v3 library", usage="NETWORK"), 


363 # 

364 # 2015-08 

365 # 

366 ModuleInstall( 

367 "pysmi", "pip", purpose="SNMP SMI/MIB Parser (for pysnmp)"), 

368 ModuleInstall( 

369 "pysnmp", "pip", purpose="A pure-Python SNMPv1/v2c/v3 library", usage="NETWORK"), 

370 # pyinstaller does not install properly on Windows 

371 # ModuleInstall( 

372 # "pyinstaller", "pip", purpose="Converts (packages) Python programs into stand-alone 

373 # executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, AIX and Solaris."), 

374 ModuleInstall( 

375 "imageio", "pip", purpose="Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, " + 

376 "scientific, and volumetric data formats (for moviepy)", usage="VIDEO"), 

377 ModuleInstall( 

378 "cairocffi", "wheel2", purpose="cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo, " + 

379 "a set of Python bindings and object-oriented API for cairo"), 

380 ModuleInstall("tinycss2", "pip", purpose="tinycss2 is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. " + 

381 "It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules"), 

382 ModuleInstall("cssselect2", "pip", 

383 purpose="CSS selectors for Python ElementTree"), 

384 ModuleInstall( 

385 "cairosvg", "pip", purpose="Convert your SVG files to PDF and PNG."), 

386 ModuleInstall( 

387 "gizeh", "pip", purpose="Simple Vector Graphics for Python"), 

388 ModuleInstall("imageio-ffmpeg", "pip", mname="imageio_ffmpeg", 

389 purpose="ffmpeg", usage="VIDEO"), 

390 ModuleInstall( 

391 "proglog", "pip", purpose="Progress bar."), 

392 ModuleInstall( 

393 "moviepy", "pip", purpose="Video editing with Python", usage="VIDEO"), 

394 ModuleInstall( 

395 "xgboost", "wheel", purpose="Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent (only available on " + 

396 "Python 3 and x64)", usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and is_64bit() else None, 

397 ModuleInstall( 

398 "catboost", "pip", purpose="CatBoost is a machine learning method based on gradient boosting " + 

399 "over decision trees.", usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and is_64bit() else None, 

400 ModuleInstall( 

401 "lightgbm", "pip", purpose="Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent (only available on " + 

402 "Python 3 and x64)", usage="DATA/ML") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and is_64bit() else None, 

403 ModuleInstall("pygling", "pip", 

404 purpose="to build makefile with python") if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else None, 

405 ModuleInstall("cuda4py", "pip", 

406 purpose="Python cffi CUDA bindings and helper classes"), 

407 ModuleInstall("whoosh", "pip", purpose="search engine in Python"), 

408 ModuleInstall("pymatbridge", "pip", 

409 purpose="pymatbridge is a set of python and matlab functions to allow these two systems to talk to each other"), 

410 ModuleInstall("scilab2py", "pip", 

411 purpose="Python to Scilab bridge", usage="DATA/ML"), 

412 # ModuleInstall("scilab_kernel", "pip", 

413 # purpose="A Scilab kernel for IPython", usage="JUPYTER"), 

414 # does not work 

415 ModuleInstall("pymssql", "wheel", usage="SQL", 

416 purpose="A simple database interface for Python that builds on top of FreeTDS " + 

417 "to provide a Python DB-API (PEP-249) interface to Microsoft SQL Server."), 


419 ModuleInstall("PyMySQL", "pip", mname="pymysql", 

420 purpose="Pure-Python MySQL Driver", usage="SQL"), 

421 ModuleInstall("mysqlclient", "wheel", mname="MySQLdb", 

422 purpose="MySQL driver written in Python which does not depend on MySQL C client libraries and " + 

423 "implements the DB API v2.0 specification (PEP-249).", usage="SQL"), 

424 ModuleInstall("memory-profiler", "pip", mname="memory_profiler", 

425 purpose="A module for monitoring memory usage of a python program", usage="PROFILING"), 

426 ModuleInstall("pyinstrument_cext", "pip", usage="PROFILING", 

427 purpose="Pyinstrument's C extensions - reducing the overhead of statistical profilers"), 

428 ModuleInstall("pyinstrument", "pip", usage="PROFILING", 

429 purpose="A Python profiler that records the call stack of the executing code, " + 

430 "instead of just the final function in it."), 

431 ModuleInstall("gprof2dot", "pip", usage="PROFILING", 

432 purpose="This is a Python script to convert the output from many profilers into a dot graph."), 

433 ModuleInstall("vprof", "pip", usage="PROFILING", 

434 purpose="vprof is a Python package providing rich and interactive visualizations for various Python " + 

435 "program characteristics such as running time and memory usage."), 

436 ModuleInstall("snakeviz", "pip", 

437 purpose="SnakeViz is a browser based graphical viewer for the output of Python’s cProfile module.", usage="PROFILING"), 

438 ModuleInstall("httplib2", "pip", 

439 purpose="A comprehensive HTTP client library."), 

440 ModuleInstall("rsa", "pip", 

441 purpose="Pure-Python RSA implementation"), 

442 ModuleInstall("oauth2client", "pip", 

443 purpose="The oauth2client is a client library for OAuth 2.0."), 

444 ModuleInstall("uritemplate", "pip", 

445 purpose="URI templates"), 

446 ModuleInstall("jeepney", "pip", 

447 purpose="This is a low-level, pure Python DBus protocol client. It has an I/O-free core, and " + \ 

448 "integration modules for different event loops."), 

449 ModuleInstall("secretstorage", "pip", 

450 purpose="This module provides a way for securely storing passwords and other secrets."), 

451 ModuleInstall("keyring", "pip", 

452 purpose="Store and access your passwords safely."), 

453 # ModuleInstall("keyrings.alt", "pip", mname="keyrings.alt", 

454 # purpose="Alternate keyring implementations"), 

455 ModuleInstall("pyotp", "pip", 

456 purpose="PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords."), 

457 ModuleInstall("param", "pip", 

458 purpose="Declarative Python programming using Parameters."), 

459 ModuleInstall("pyviz_comms", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

460 purpose="Bidirectional communication for PyViz."), 

461 ModuleInstall("holoviews", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

462 purpose="Composable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily."), 

463 ModuleInstall("geoviews", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

464 purpose="Composable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily."), 

465 ModuleInstall("retrying", "pip", purpose="Retrying is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, " + 

466 "written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything."), 

467 ModuleInstall("plotly", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

468 purpose="Plotly's Python graphing library makes interactive, publication-quality graphs online. " + 

469 "Examples of how to make line plots, " + 

470 "scatter plots, area charts, bar charts, error bars, box plots, histograms, heatmaps, subplots, multiple-axes, " + 

471 "polar charts and bubble charts."), 

472 ModuleInstall("colorlover", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

473 purpose="Color scales for IPython notebook"), 

474 ModuleInstall("TA_Lib", "wheel", mname="talib", 

475 purpose="This is a Python wrapper for TA-LIB based on Cython instead of SWIG."), 

476 ModuleInstall("cufflinks", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

477 purpose="Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas"), 

478 ModuleInstall("lightning-python", "pip", mname="lightning", usage="VIZ", 

479 purpose="Python client for the lightning API"), 

480 ModuleInstall("passlib", "pip", 

481 purpose="comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes"), 

482 ModuleInstall("plac", "pip", 

483 purpose="The smartest command line arguments parser in the world"), 

484 ModuleInstall("pyOpenSSL", "pip", mname="OpenSSL", 

485 purpose="Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library"), 

486 ModuleInstall("w3lib", "pip", 

487 purpose="Library of web-related functions"), 

488 # ModuleInstall('python-cloudfiles-hubic', 'github', "Gu1", mname="cloudfiles", 

489 # web="", 

490 # purpose="access to Hubic"), 

491 # ModuleInstall('onedrive-sdk-python', 'github', "OneDrive", mname="onedrivesdk", 

492 # web="", 

493 # purpose="access to OneDrive"), 

494 # ModuleInstall('rlpy', 'pip', usage="DATA/ML", 

495 # purpose="RLPy is a framework to conduct sequential decision making 

496 # experiments. The current focus of this project lies on 

497 # value-function-based reinforcement learning, specifically using 

498 # linear function approximators (only Python 2.7)."), 

499 ModuleInstall('wordcloud', 'wheel', usage="VIZ", 

500 purpose="A little word cloud generator in Python."), 

501 ModuleInstall('pytagcloud', 'pip', 

502 purpose="Create beautiful tag clouds as images or HTML"), 


504 # distributed 

505 ModuleInstall('tblib', 'pip', 

506 purpose="Traceback fiddling library. For now allows you to pickle tracebacks and raise exceptions with pickled " + 

507 "tracebacks in different processes. This allows better error handling when running code over " + 

508 "multiple processes (imagine multiprocessing, billiard, futures, celery etc)"), 

509 ModuleInstall("zict", "pip", 

510 purpose="The dictionary / mutable mapping interface is powerful and multi-faceted."), 


512 # pdf 

513 ModuleInstall("pyPdf", "github", "sdpython", usage="PDF", pipgit=True, 

514 branch="trunk", purpose="read PDF"), 

515 ModuleInstall("pdfrw", "pip", usage="PDF", 

516 purpose="PDF file reader/writer library"), 

517 # 2016-05 

518 ModuleInstall("pydub", "pip", usage="MUSIC", 

519 purpose="Pydub lets you do stuff to audio in a way that isn't stupid."), 

520 ModuleInstall("cobble", "pip", purpose="Cobble is a Python library that allows easy creation of data objects, " + 

521 "including implementations of common methods such as __eq__ and __repr__."), 

522 ModuleInstall("parsimonious", "pip", 

523 purpose="(Soon to be) the fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster"), 

524 ModuleInstall( 

525 "mammoth", "pip", purpose="Convert Word documents from docx to simple and clean HTML and Markdown"), 

526 # 

527 # 2016-06 

528 # 

529 # ModuleInstall("ipython-sql", "pip", purpose="RDBMS access via IPython", usgae="JUPYTER"), 

530 ModuleInstall("julia", "pip", 

531 purpose="Julia/Python bridge with IPython support", usage="DATA/ML"), 

532 ModuleInstall("octave_kernel", "pip", 

533 purpose="A Jupyter kernel for Octave."), 

534 ModuleInstall("oct2py", "pip", 

535 purpose="Python to GNU Octave bridge --> run m-files from python.", usage="DATA/ML"), 

536 ModuleInstall("pg8000", "pip", 

537 purpose="A Pure-Python PostgreSQL", usage="SQL"), 

538 ModuleInstall("PyMeta3", "pip", mname="pymeta", 

539 purpose="Pattern-matching language based on OMeta for Python 3 and 2"), 

540 # ModuleInstall("ViTables", "pip", mname="vitables", 

541 # purpose="A viewer for PyTables package"), 

542 ModuleInstall("pybars3", "pip", mname="pybar", 

543 purpose="Handlebars.js templating"), 

544 ModuleInstall("", "pip", mname="db.tables", 

545 purpose=" is an easier way to interact with your databases. It makes it easier " + 

546 "to explore tables, columns, views, etc. " + 

547 "It puts the emphasis on user interaction, information display, and providing easy to use helper functions."), 

548 ModuleInstall("clyent", "pip", 

549 purpose="Command line client Library for windows and posix"), 

550 ModuleInstall("chalmers", "pip", 

551 purpose="Chalmers is an application that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on any " + 

552 "operating system (Posix and Win32 included)"), 

553 ModuleInstall("pyct", "pip", purpose="A utility package"), 

554 ModuleInstall("colorcet", "pip", 

555 purpose="colorcet is a collection of perceptually uniform colormaps for use with Python plotting programs " + 

556 "like bokeh, matplotlib, holoviews, and datashader."), 

557 ModuleInstall("datashader", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

558 purpose="Datashader is a graphics pipeline system for creating meaningful representations " + 

559 "of large amounts of data.") if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else None, 

560 ModuleInstall("dnspython", "pip", usage="WEB", 

561 purpose="dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, " + 

562 "zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0."), 

563 ModuleInstall("grin", "pip", usage="CLI", 

564 purpose="A grep program configured the way I like it."), 

565 ModuleInstall("ldap3", "pip", usage="WEB", 

566 purpose="ldap3 is a strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library."), 

567 ModuleInstall("mpi4py", "wheel", 

568 purpose="MPI for Python"), 

569 ModuleInstall("mss", "pip", mname="mms", 

570 purpose="An ultra fast cross-platform multiple screenshots module in pure python using ctypes"), 

571 # 

572 # June 2016 

573 # 

574 ModuleInstall("pyglet", "pip", usage="GUI", 

575 purpose="a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python"), 

576 ModuleInstall("geoplotlib", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

577 purpose="geoplotlib is a python toolbox for visualizing geographical data and making maps"), 

578 ModuleInstall("leather", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

579 purpose="Leather is the Python charting library for those who need charts now and don’t care if they’re perfect."), 

580 ModuleInstall("pythreejs", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

581 purpose="A Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure."), 

582 ModuleInstall("missingno", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

583 purpose="Messy datasets? Missing values? missingno provides a small toolset of flexible and easy-to-use " + 

584 "missing data visualizations and utilities that allows you to get a quick visual summary of the completeness " + 

585 "(or lack thereof) of your dataset."), 

586 ModuleInstall("vega", "pip", usage="VIZ", 

587 purpose="Python/Jupyter notebook module for Vega, and Vega-Lite, Polestar, and Voyager. Notebooks " + 

588 "with embedded visualizations can be viewed on github and nbviewer."), 

589 ModuleInstall("pydy", "pip", 

590 purpose="Multibody Dynamics with Python"), 

591 ModuleInstall("apache-libcloud", "pip", mname="libcloud", 

592 purpose="A standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs."), 

593 ModuleInstall("click-plugins", "pip", mname="click_plugins", 

594 purpose="An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points."), 

595 ModuleInstall("munch", "pip", 

596 purpose="A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)."), 

597 ModuleInstall("cligj", "pip", 

598 purpose="Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON"), 

599 ModuleInstall("brythonmagic", "pip", 

600 purpose="Magics to use brython in Jupyter notebook."), 

601 ModuleInstall( 

602 "asteval", "pip", purpose="Safe, minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module"), 

603 ModuleInstall( 

604 "uncertainties", "pip", purpose="uncertainties allows calculations such as (2 +/- 0.1)*2 = 4 " + 

605 "+/- 0.2 to be performed transparently."), 

606 ModuleInstall( 

607 "lmfit", "pip", purpose="Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints", usage="OPTIM"), 

608 # 

609 # August, September, October, December 2016 

610 # 

611 ModuleInstall('QInfer', 'pip', mname="qinfer", usage="DATA/ML", 

612 purpose="QInfer is a library using Bayesian sequential Monte Carlo for quantum parameter estimation."), 

613 ModuleInstall('pscript', 'pip', purpose="for flexx"), 

614 ModuleInstall('webruntime', 'pip', purpose="for flexx"), 

615 ModuleInstall('dialite', 'pip', purpose="for flexx"), 

616 ModuleInstall('flexx', 'pip', usage="GUI", 

617 purpose="Flexx is a pure Python toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUI's), " + 

618 "that uses web technology for its rendering. Apps are written purely in Python; Flexx' " + 

619 "transpiler generates the necessary JavaScript on the fly."), 

620 ModuleInstall('pypng', 'pip', 

621 purpose="Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder"), 

622 ModuleInstall('colormath', 'pip', 

623 purpose="Color math and conversion library."), 

624 ModuleInstall('arrow', 'pip', 

625 purpose="Better dates and times for Python"), 

626 ModuleInstall('custom_inherit', 'pip', 

627 purpose="A Python package that provides tools for inheriting docstrings in customizable ways."), 

628 ModuleInstall('toyplot', 'pip', usage="VIZ", 

629 purpose="The kid-sized plotting toolkit for Python with grownup-sized goals."), 

630 ModuleInstall('images2gif', 'pip', 

631 purpose="Create a GIF from a list of images."), 

632 ModuleInstall('hypothesis', 'pip', 

633 purpose="Hypothesis is an advanced testing library for Python. It lets you write tests which are parametrized " + 

634 "by a source of examples, and then generates simple and comprehensible examples that make your tests fail. " + 

635 "This lets you find more bugs in your code with less work."), 

636 ModuleInstall('monotonic', 'pip', 

637 purpose="This module provides a monotonic() function which returns the value (in fractional seconds) " + 

638 "of a clock which never goes backwards. " + 

639 "It is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3."), 

640 ModuleInstall('fasteners', 'pip', 

641 purpose="A python package that provides useful locks."), 

642 ModuleInstall('asciitree', 'pip', 

643 purpose="Draws ASCII trees."), 

644 ModuleInstall('numcodecs', 'wheel', 

645 purpose="Numcodecs is a Python package providing buffer compression and transformation codecs for use " + 

646 "in data storage and communication applications."), 

647 ModuleInstall('zarr', 'pip', 

648 purpose="A minimal implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python."), 

649 ModuleInstall('rx', 'pip', 

650 purpose="Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python (LINQ)"), 

651 ModuleInstall('PySocks', 'pip', mname="socks", 

652 purpose="A semi-actively maintained SocksiPy fork. Contains many improvements to the original."), 

653 ModuleInstall('pympler', 'pip', 

654 purpose="Pympler is a development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python " + 

655 "objects in a running Python application."), 

656 ModuleInstall('fbpca', 'pip', 

657 purpose="Functions for principal component analysis (PCA) and accuracy checks."), 

658 ModuleInstall('prince', 'pip', 

659 purpose="Prince is a factor analysis library for datasets that fit in memory."), 

660 ModuleInstall('pivottablejs', 'pip', 

661 purpose="PivotTable.js integration for Jupyter/IPython Notebook."), 

662 # 

663 # January 2017 

664 # 

665 ModuleInstall('pystan', 'pip', usage="DATA/ML", 

666 purpose="PyStan provides an interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference using " + 

667 "the No-U-Turn sampler, a variant of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo."), 

668 ModuleInstall('ephem', 'pip', purpose="for fbprophet"), 

669 ModuleInstall('convertdate', 'pip', purpose="for fbprophet"), 

670 ModuleInstall('holidays', 'pip', purpose="for fbprophet"), 

671 ModuleInstall('lunardate', 'pip', purpose="for fbprophet"), 

672 ModuleInstall('fbprophet', 'pip', usage="DATA/ML", 

673 purpose="Prophet is a procedure for forecasting time series data. It is based on an additive " + 

674 "model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly and weekly seasonality, plus holidays. " + 

675 "It works best with daily periodicity data with at least one year of historical data. " + 

676 "Prophet is robust to missing data, shifts in the trend, and large outliers."), 

677 ModuleInstall('wikipedia', 'pip', 

678 purpose="Wikipedia API for Python"), 

679 ModuleInstall('validate_email', 'pip', 

680 purpose="Validate_email verify if an email address is valid and really exists."), 

681 ModuleInstall('simhash', 'pip', 

682 purpose="A Python implementation of Simhash Algorithm"), 

683 ModuleInstall('wptools', 'pip', 

684 purpose="Wikipedia tools (for Humans)"), 

685 # 

686 # June 2017 

687 # 

688 ModuleInstall('pytest_runner', 'pip', 

689 purpose="Setup scripts can use pytest-runner to add test support for pytest runner."), 

690 ModuleInstall('fastparquet', 'wheel', 

691 purpose="fastparquet is a python implementation of the parquet format, aiming integrate " + 

692 "into python-based big data work-flows."), 

693 ModuleInstall('citeproc-py', 'pip', mname="citeproc_py", 

694 purpose="citeproc-py is a CSL processor for Python. It aims to implement the CSL 1.0.1 specification. " + 

695 "citeproc-py can output styled citations and bibliographies in a number of different output formats. " + 

696 "Currently supported are plain text, reStructuredText and HTML. Other formats can be added easily."), 

697 ModuleInstall('duecredit', 'pip', 

698 purpose="Publications (and donations) tracer"), 

699 # 

700 # September 2017 

701 # 

702 ModuleInstall('Brotli', 'wheel', mname="brotli", 

703 purpose="Brotli is a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a " + 

704 "combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modeling, " + 

705 "with a compression ratio comparable to the best currently available general-purpose compression methods. " + 

706 "It is similar in speed with deflate but offers more dense compression."), 

707 ModuleInstall('fast-histogram', 'wheel2', mname="fast_histogram", 

708 purpose="Mizani is a scales package for graphics. It is written in Python and is " + 

709 "based on Hadley Wickham's Scales."), 

710 ModuleInstall('mizani', 'pip', 

711 purpose="Mizani is a scales package for graphics. It is written in Python and is " + 

712 "based on Hadley Wickham's Scales."), 

713 ModuleInstall('mpl-scatter-density', 'pip', mname="mpl_scatter_density", 

714 purpose="Matplotlib helpers to make density scatter plots"), 

715 ModuleInstall('pybind11', 'pip', usage="C++", 

716 purpose="pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, " + 

717 "mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code."), 

718 ModuleInstall('mypy_extensions', 'pip', purpose="for mypy"), 

719 ModuleInstall('mypy', 'pip', 

720 purpose="Mypy is an experimental optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of " + 

721 "dynamic (or 'duck') typing and static typing."), 

722 ModuleInstall('pypandoc', 'pip', 

723 purpose="Pypandoc provides a thin wrapper for pandoc, a universal document converter."), 

724 ModuleInstall('pocket', 'pip', 

725 purpose="Access to pocket API."), 

726 # 

727 # November 2017 

728 # 

729 ModuleInstall('seasonal', 'pip', purpose="timeseries", usage="ML"), 

730 # 

731 # December 2017 

732 # 

733 ModuleInstall('gdown', 'pip', 

734 purpose="Google Drive direct download of big files."), 

735 ModuleInstall('pytube3', 'pip', 

736 purpose="play with youtube videos"), 

737 # 

738 # Mars, Avril 2018 

739 # 

740 ModuleInstall('pyjsparser', 'pip', 

741 purpose="Fast javascript parser (based on esprima.js)"), 

742 ModuleInstall('Js2Py', 'pip', mname="js2py", 

743 purpose="JavaScript to Python Translator & JavaScript interpreter written in 100% pure Python."), 

744 ModuleInstall('pythonnet', 'wheel', mname="clr", 

745 purpose="Python binding for C#"), 

746 # 

747 # July 2018 

748 # 

749 ModuleInstall('lml', 'pip', 

750 purpose="lml seamlessly finds the lml based plugins from your current python " + 

751 "environment but loads your plugins on demand. It is designed to support plugins " + 

752 "that have external dependencies, especially bulky and/or memory hungry ones. " + 

753 "lml provides the plugin management system only and the plugin interface is on your shoulder."), 

754 ModuleInstall('macropy3', 'pip', 

755 purpose='MacroPy is an implementation of Syntactic Macros in the Python Programming ' + 

756 'Language. MacroPy provides a mechanism for user-defined functions (macros) to perform ' + 

757 'transformations on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a Python program at import time. This ' + 

758 'is an easy way to enhance the semantics of a Python program in ways which are otherwise ' + 

759 'impossible, for example providing an extremely concise way of declaring classes.'), 

760 ModuleInstall('dukpy', 'pip', 

761 purpose='DukPy is a simple javascript interpreter for Python built on top of duktape ' + 

762 'engine without any external dependency. It comes with a bunch of common transpilers ' + 

763 'built-in for convenience.'), 

764 ModuleInstall('javascripthon', 'pip', 

765 purpose='a Python 3 to ES6 JavaScript translator'), 

766 ModuleInstall('pyecharts', 'pip', 

767 purpose='pyecharts is a library to generate charts using Echarts. It simply provides ' + 

768 'the interface of 28+ kinds of charts between Echarts and Python.'), 

769 ModuleInstall('pyecharts-javascripthon', 'pip', mname='pyecharts_javascripthon', 

770 purpose='pyecharts-javascripthon helps translate Python functions into javascript ones. ' + 

771 'It uses javascripthon and dukpy to blend Python codes into javascript runtime. It supports ' + 

772 'python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. It works on Linux, MacOS and Windows platforms.'), 

773 ModuleInstall('pyecharts-snapshot', 'pip', mname='pyecharts_snapshot', 

774 purpose='pyecharts-snapshot renders the output of pyecharts as a png, jpeg, gif, svg image ' + 

775 'or a pdf file at command line or in your code.'), 

776 ModuleInstall('jupyter-echarts-pypkg', 'pip', mname='jupyter_echarts_pypkg', 

777 purpose='The project packages jupyter-echarts and distributes it via pypi.'), 

778 ModuleInstall('yahoo-historical', 'pip', mname="yahoo_historical", 

779 purpose='Python module to get stock data from Yahoo! Finance'), 

780 # 

781 # October 2019 

782 # 

783 ModuleInstall('wsproto', 'pip', 

784 purpose='Pure Python, pure state-machine WebSocket implementation.'), 

785 ModuleInstall('h11', 'pip', 

786 purpose='This is a little HTTP/1.1 library written from scratch in Python, ' 

787 'heavily inspired by hyper-h2.'), 

788 ModuleInstall('httptools', 'pip', 

789 purpose='httptools is a Python binding for nodejs HTTP parser. ' 

790 'It\'s still in a very early development stage, expect ' 

791 'APIs to break.'), 

792 ModuleInstall('hypercorn', 'pip', 

793 purpose='Hypercorn is an ASGI web server based on the sans-io hyper, h11, ' 

794 'h2, and wsproto libraries and inspired by Gunicorn.'), 

795 ModuleInstall('priority', 'pip', 

796 purpose='Priority is a pure-Python implementation of the priority logic ' 

797 'for HTTP/2.'), 

798 ModuleInstall('starlette', 'pip', 

799 purpose='Starlette is a lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit, which is ideal ' 

800 'for building high performance asyncio services.'), 

801 ModuleInstall('uvicorn', 'pip', 

802 purpose='Uvicorn is a lightning-fast ASGI server implementation, ' 

803 'using uvloop and httptools.'), 

804 ModuleInstall('websockets', 'pip', 

805 purpose='websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and ' 

806 'clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity.'), 

807 # 

808 # December 2019 

809 # 

810 ModuleInstall('py-spy', 'pip', 

811 purpose='profiler implemented in rust, works like a C++ profiler'), 

812 ModuleInstall('pydicom', 'pip', 

813 purpose='pydicom is a pure python package for working with DICOM files. ' 

814 'It was made for inspecting and modifying DICOM data in an easy ' 

815 '"pythonic" way. The modifications can be written again to a new ' 

816 'file.'), 

817 ] 


819 return [_ for _ in mod if _ is not None]