module installhelper.module_install_exceptions

Inheritance diagram of pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions

Short summary

module pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions

Exceptions raised during the installation of a module

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truncated documentation


raised when a package is not on pypi


raised when something is wrong the current configuration


raised when a package cannot be downloaded


raised when a package cannot be installed


raised when a package is not installed


raised when a package is not found on pipy


raised when a module is not referenced by this package


raised when a version is missing on pipy


raised when a version is missing as a wheel


raised when a wheel is missing


raised when a command line cannot be run


raise when a module does not have a custom build


raised when pip cannot be update or reinstalled


cannot interpret a version


raised when the downloaded wheel seems wrong


Exceptions raised during the installation of a module

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.AnnoyingPackageException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a package is not on pypi

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.ConfigurationError

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when something is wrong the current configuration

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.DownloadError

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a package cannot be downloaded

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.InstallError

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a package cannot be installed

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingInstalledPackageException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a package is not installed

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingPackageOnPyPiException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a package is not found on pipy

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingReferenceException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a module is not referenced by this package

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingVersionOnPyPiException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a version is missing on pipy

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingVersionWheelException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a version is missing as a wheel

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.MissingWheelException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a wheel is missing

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.RunCmdError

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when a command line cannot be run

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.UnavailableCustomBuildError

Bases: RuntimeError

raise when a module does not have a custom build

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.UpdatePipError

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when pip cannot be update or reinstalled

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.WrongVersionError

Bases: RuntimeError

cannot interpret a version

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exception pymyinstall.installhelper.module_install_exceptions.WrongWheelException

Bases: RuntimeError

raised when the downloaded wheel seems wrong

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