Source code for pyquickhelper.benchhelper.benchmark

Helpers to benchmark something

import os
from datetime import datetime
from time import perf_counter
import pickle
from ..loghelper import noLOG, CustomLog, fLOGFormat
from ..loghelper.flog import get_relative_path
from ..pandashelper import df2rst
from ..texthelper import apply_template

[docs]class BenchMark: """ Class to help benchmarking. You should overwrite method *init*, *bench*, *end*, *graphs*. :githublink:`%|py|19` """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, clog=None, fLOG=noLOG, path_to_images=".", cache_file=None, pickle_module=None, progressbar=None, **params): """ :param name: name of the test :param clog: :class:`CustomLog <pyquickhelper.loghelper.custom_log.CustomLog>` or string :param fLOG: logging function :param params: extra parameters :param path_to_images: path to images :param cache_file: cache file :param pickle_module: pickle or dill if you need to serialize functions :param progressbar: relies on *tqdm*, example *tnrange* If *cache_file* is specified, the class will store the results of the method :meth:`bench <pyquickhelper.benchhelper.benchmark.GridBenchMark.bench>`. On a second run, the function load the cache and run modified or new run (in *params_list*). :githublink:`%|py|38` """ self._fLOG = fLOG self._name = name if isinstance(clog, CustomLog): self._clog = clog elif clog is None: self._clog = None else: self._clog = CustomLog(clog) self._params = params self._path_to_images = path_to_images self._cache_file = cache_file self._pickle = pickle_module if pickle_module is not None else pickle self._progressbar = progressbar self._tracelogs = []
## # methods to overwrite ##
[docs] def init(self): """ Initialisation. Overwrite this method. :githublink:`%|py|62` """ raise NotImplementedError( "It should be overwritten.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def bench(self, **params): """ Runs the benchmark. Overwrite this method. :param params: parameters :return: metrics as a dictionary, appendix as a dictionary The results of this method will be cached if a *cache_file* was specified in the constructor. :githublink:`%|py|74` """ raise NotImplementedError( "It should be overwritten.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def end(self): """ Cleans. Overwrites this method. :githublink:`%|py|81` """ raise NotImplementedError( "It should be overwritten.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def graphs(self, path_to_images): """ Builds graphs after the benchmark was run. :param path_to_images: path to images :return: a list of LocalGraph Every returned graph must contain a function which creates the graph. The function must accepts two parameters *ax* and *text*. Example: :: def local_graph(ax=None, text=True, figsize=(5,5)): vx = ... vy = ... btrys = set(df["_btry"]) ymin = df[vy].min() ymax = df[vy].max() decy = (ymax - ymin) / 50 colors = cm.rainbow(numpy.linspace(0, 1, len(btrys))) if len(btrys) == 0: raise ValueError("The benchmark is empty.") if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) ax.grid(True) for i, btry in enumerate(sorted(btrys)): subset = df[df["_btry"]==btry] if subset.shape[0] > 0: subset.plot(x=vx, y=vy, kind="scatter", label=btry, ax=ax, color=colors[i]) if text: tx = subset[vx].mean() ty = subset[vy].mean() ax.text(tx, ty + decy, btry, size='small', color=colors[i], ha='center', va='bottom') ax.set_xlabel(vx) ax.set_ylabel(vy) return ax :githublink:`%|py|123` """ return []
[docs] def uncache(self, cache): """ overwrite this method to uncache some previous run :githublink:`%|py|129` """ pass
## # end of methods to overwrite ##
[docs] class LocalGraph: """ Information about graphs. :githublink:`%|py|139` """
[docs] def __init__(self, func_gen, filename=None, title=None, root=None): """ :param func_gen: function generating the graph :param filename: filename :param title: title :param root: path should be relative to this one :githublink:`%|py|147` """ if func_gen is None: raise ValueError("func_gen cannot be None") # pragma: no cover if filename is not None: self.filename = filename if title is not None: self.title = title self.root = root self.func_gen = func_gen
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, text=True, **kwargs): """ Draws the graph again. :param ax: axis :param text: add text on the graph :param kwargs: additional parameters :return: axis :githublink:`%|py|165` """ return self.func_gen(ax=ax, text=text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add(self, name, value): """ Adds an attribute. :param name: name of the attribute :param value: value :githublink:`%|py|174` """ setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def to_html(self): """ Renders as :epkg:`HTML`. :githublink:`%|py|180` """ # deal with relatif path. if hasattr(self, "filename"): attr = {} for k in {"title", "alt", "width", "height"}: if k not in attr and hasattr(self, k): attr[k if k != "title" else "alt"] = getattr(self, k) merge = " ".join('{0}="{1}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in attr.items()) if self.root is not None: filename = get_relative_path( self.root, self.filename, exists=False, absolute=False) else: filename = self.filename filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") return '<img src="{0}" {1}/>'.format(filename, merge) else: raise NotImplementedError( "only files are allowed") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def to_rst(self): """ Renders as :ekg:`rst`. :githublink:`%|py|203` """ # do not consider width or height # deal with relatif path if hasattr(self, "filename"): if self.root is not None: filename = get_relative_path( self.root, self.filename, exists=False, absolute=False) else: filename = self.filename filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") return '.. image:: {0}'.format(filename) else: raise NotImplementedError( "only files are allowed") # pragma: no cover
@property def Name(self): """ Returns the name of the benchmark. :githublink:`%|py|222` """ return self._name
[docs] def fLOG(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs something. :githublink:`%|py|228` """ self._tracelogs.append(fLOGFormat("\n", *args, **kwargs).strip("\n")) if self._clog: self._clog(*args, **kwargs) if self._fLOG: self._fLOG(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, "_progressbars") and self._progressbars and len(self._progressbars) > 0: br = self._progressbars[-1] br.set_description(fLOGFormat( "\n", *args, **kwargs).strip("\n").split("\n")[0]) br.refresh()
[docs] def run(self, params_list): """ Runs the benchmark. :param params_list: list of dictionaries :githublink:`%|py|245` """ if not isinstance(params_list, list): raise TypeError("params_list must be a list") # pragma: no cover for di in params_list: if not isinstance(di, dict): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "params_list must be a list of dictionaries") # shared variables cached = {} meta = dict(level="BenchMark", name=self.Name, nb=len( params_list), self._metadata = [] self._metadata.append(meta) nb_cached = 0 # cache def cache_(): "local function" if self._cache_file is not None and os.path.exists(self._cache_file): self.fLOG("[] retrieve cache '{0}'".format( self._cache_file)) with open(self._cache_file, "rb") as f: cached.update(self._pickle.load(f)) self.fLOG("[] number of cached run: {0}".format( len(cached["params_list"]))) else: if self._cache_file is not None: self.fLOG("[] cache not found '{0}'".format( self._cache_file)) cached.update(dict(metrics=[], appendix=[], params_list=[])) self.uncache(cached) # run def run_(pgar): "local function" nonlocal nb_cached self._metrics = [] self._appendix = [] self.fLOG("[] init {0} do".format(self.Name)) self.init() self.fLOG("[] init {0} done".format(self.Name)) self.fLOG("[] start {0}".format(self.Name)) for i in pgbar: di = params_list[i] # check the cache if i < len(cached["params_list"]) and cached["params_list"][i] == di: can = True for v in cached.values(): if i >= len(v): # cannot cache can = False break if can: # can, it checks a file is present look = "{0}.{1}.clean_cache".format( self._cache_file, cached["metrics"][i]["_btry"]) if not os.path.exists(look): can = False self.fLOG( "[] file '{0}' was not found --> run again.".format(look)) if can: self._metrics.append(cached["metrics"][i]) self._appendix.append(cached["appendix"][i]) self.fLOG( "[] retrieved cached {0}/{1}: {2}".format(i + 1, len(params_list), di)) self.fLOG( "[] file '{0}' was found.".format(look)) nb_cached += 1 continue # cache is available # no cache self.fLOG( "[] {0}/{1}: {2}".format(i + 1, len(params_list), di)) dt = cl = perf_counter() tu = self.bench(**di) cl = perf_counter() - cl if isinstance(tu, tuple): tus = [tu] elif isinstance(tu, list): tus = tu else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "return of method bench must be a tuple of a list") # checkings for tu in tus: met, app = tu if len(tu) != 2: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Method run should return a tuple with 2 elements.") if "_btry" not in met: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "Metrics should contain key '_btry'.") if "_btry" not in app: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "Appendix should contain key '_btry'.") for met, app in tus: met["_date"] = dt dt = - dt if not isinstance(met, dict): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "metrics should be a dictionary") if "_time" in met: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "key _time should not be the returned metrics") if "_span" in met: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "key _span should not be the returned metrics") if "_i" in met: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "key _i should not be in the returned metrics") if "_name" in met: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "key _name should not be the returned metrics") met["_time"] = cl met["_span"] = dt met["_i"] = i met["_name"] = self.Name self._metrics.append(met) app["_i"] = i self._appendix.append(app) self.fLOG( "[] {0}/{1} end {2}".format(i + 1, len(params_list), met)) def graph_(): "local function" self.fLOG("[] graph {0} do".format(self.Name)) self._graphs = self.graphs(self._path_to_images) if self._graphs is None or not isinstance(self._graphs, list): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Method graphs does not return anything.") for tu in self._graphs: if not isinstance(tu, self.LocalGraph): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Method graphs should return a list of LocalGraph.") self.fLOG("[] graph {0} done".format(self.Name)) self.fLOG("[] Received {0} graphs.".format( len(self._graphs))) self.fLOG("[] end {0} do".format(self.Name)) self.end() self.fLOG("[] end {0} done".format(self.Name)) meta["time_end"] = meta["nb_cached"] = nb_cached # write information about run experiments def final_(): "local function" if self._cache_file is not None: self.fLOG("[] save cache '{0}'".format( self._cache_file)) cached = dict(metrics=self._metrics, appendix=self._appendix, params_list=params_list) with open(self._cache_file, "wb") as f: self._pickle.dump(cached, f) for di in self._metrics: look = "{0}.{1}.clean_cache".format( self._cache_file, di["_btry"]) with open(look, "w") as f: f.write( "Remove this file if you want to force a new run.") self.fLOG("[] wrote '{0}'.".format(look)) self.fLOG("[] done.") progress = self._progressbar if self._progressbar is not None else range functions = [cache_, run_, graph_, final_] pgbar0 = progress(0, len(functions)) if self._progressbar: self._progressbars = [pgbar0] for i in pgbar0: if i == 1: pgbar = progress(len(params_list)) if self._progressbar: self._progressbars.append(pgbar) functions[i](pgbar) if self._progressbar: self._progressbars.pop() else: functions[i]() self._progressbars = None return self._metrics, self._metadata
@property def Metrics(self): """ Returns the metrics. :githublink:`%|py|442` """ if not hasattr(self, "_metrics"): raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "Method run was not run, no metrics was found.") return self._metrics @property def Metadata(self): """ Returns the metrics. :githublink:`%|py|452` """ if not hasattr(self, "_metadata"): raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "Method run was not run, no metadata was found.") return self._metadata @property def Appendix(self): """ Returns the metrics. :githublink:`%|py|462` """ if not hasattr(self, "_appendix"): raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "Method run was not run, no metadata was found.") return self._appendix
[docs] def to_df(self, convert=False, add_link=False, format="html"): """ Converts the metrics into a dataframe. :param convert: if True, calls method *_convert* on each cell :param add_link: add hyperlink :param format: format for hyperlinks (html or rst) :return: dataframe :githublink:`%|py|476` """ import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(self.Metrics) if convert: for c, d in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes): cols = [] for i in range(df.shape[0]): cols.append(self._convert(df, i, c, d, df.loc[i, c])) df[c] = cols col1 = list(sorted(_ for _ in df.columns if _.startswith("_"))) col2 = list(sorted(_ for _ in df.columns if not _.startswith("_"))) df = df[col1 + col2] if add_link and "_i" in df.columns: if format == "html": if "_btry" in df.columns: df["_btry"] = df.apply( lambda row: '<a href="#{0}">{1}</a>'.format(row["_i"], row["_btry"]), axis=1) df["_i"] = df["_i"].apply( lambda s: '<a href="#{0}">{0}</a>'.format(s)) elif format == "rst": if "_btry" in df.columns: df["_btry"] = df.apply( lambda row: ':ref:`{1} <l-{2}-{0}>`'.format(row["_i"], row["_btry"], self.Name), axis=1) df["_i"] = df["_i"].apply( lambda s: ':ref:`{0} <l-{1}-{0}>`'.format(s, self.Name)) else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Format should be rst or html.") return df
[docs] def meta_to_df(self, convert=False, add_link=False, format="html"): """ Converts meta data into a dataframe :param convert: if True, calls method *_convert* on each cell :param add_link: add hyperlink :param format: format for hyperlinks (html or rst) :return: dataframe :githublink:`%|py|514` """ import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(self.Metadata) if convert: for c, d in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes): cols = [] for i in range(df.shape[0]): cols.append(self._convert(df, i, c, d, df.loc[i, c])) df[c] = cols col1 = list(sorted(_ for _ in df.columns if _.startswith("_"))) col2 = list(sorted(_ for _ in df.columns if not _.startswith("_"))) if add_link and "_i" in df.columns: if format == "html": if "_btry" in df.columns: df["_btry"] = df.apply( lambda row: '<a href="#{0}">{1}</a>'.format(row["_i"], row["_btry"]), axis=1) df["_i"] = df["_i"].apply( lambda s: '<a href="#{0}">{0}</a>'.format(s)) elif format == "rst": if "_btry" in df.columns: df["_btry"] = df.apply( lambda row: ':ref:`{1} <l-{2}-{0}>`'.format(row["_i"], row["_btry"], self.Name), axis=1) df["_i"] = df["_i"].apply( lambda s: ':ref:`{0} <l-{1}-{0}>'.format(s, self.Name)) else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Format should be rst or html.") return df[col1 + col2]
[docs] def report(self, css=None, template_html=None, template_rst=None, engine="mako", filecsv=None, filehtml=None, filerst=None, params_html=None, title=None, description=None): """ Produces a report. :param css: css (will take the default one if empty) :param template_html: template HTML (:epkg:`mako` or :epkg:`jinja2`) :param template_rst: template RST (:epkg:`mako` or :epkg:`jinja2`) :param engine: ``'mako``' or '``jinja2'`` :param filehtml: report will written in this file if not None :param filecsv: metrics will be written as a flat table :param filerst: metrics will be written as a RST table :param params_html: parameter to send to function :epkg:`pandas:DataFrame.to_html` :param title: title (Name if any) :param description: add a description :return: dictionary {format: content} You can define your own template by looking into the default ones defines in this class (see the bottom of this file). By default, HTML and RST report are generated. :githublink:`%|py|563` """ if template_html is None: template_html = BenchMark.default_template_html if template_rst is None: template_rst = BenchMark.default_template_rst if css is None: css = BenchMark.default_css if params_html is None: params_html = dict() if title is None: title = self.Name # pragma: no cover if "escape" not in params_html: params_html["escape"] = False for gr in self.Graphs: gr.add("root", os.path.dirname(filehtml)) # I don't like that too much as it is not multithreaded. # Avoid truncation. import pandas if description is None: description = "" # pragma: no cover contents = {'df': self.to_df()} # HTML if template_html is not None and len(template_html) > 0: old_width = pandas.get_option('display.max_colwidth') pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) res = apply_template(template_html, dict(description=description, title=title, css=css, bench=self, params_html=params_html)) # Restore previous value. pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', old_width) if filehtml is not None: with open(filehtml, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(res) contents["html"] = res # RST if template_rst is not None and len(template_rst) > 0: old_width = pandas.get_option('display.max_colwidth') pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) res = apply_template(template_rst, dict(description=description, title=title, bench=self, df2rst=df2rst)) # Restore previous value. pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', old_width) with open(filerst, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(res) contents["rst"] = res # CSV if filecsv is not None: contents['df'].to_csv( filecsv, encoding="utf-8", index=False, sep="\t") return contents
[docs] def _convert(self, df, i, col, ty, value): """ Converts a value knowing its column, its type into something readable. :param df: dataframe :param i: line index :param col: column name :param ty: type :param value: value to convert :return: value :githublink:`%|py|635` """ return value
@property def Graphs(self): """ Returns images of graphs. :githublink:`%|py|642` """ if not hasattr(self, "_graphs"): raise KeyError("unable to find _graphs") # pragma: no cover return self._graphs default_css = """ .datagrid table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: break-word; } .datagrid thead { cursor: pointer; background: #c9dff0; } .datagrid thead tr th { font-weight: bold; padding: 12px 30px; padding-left: 12px; } .datagrid thead tr th span { padding-right: 10px; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: left; } .datagrid tbody tr { color: #555; } .datagrid tbody td { text-align: center; padding: 10px 5px; } .datagrid tbody th { text-align: left; padding: 10px 5px; } """.replace(" ", "") default_template_html = """ <html> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style> ${css} </style> <body> <h1>${title}</h1> ${description} <ul> <li><a href="#metadata">Metadata</a></li> <li><a href="#metrics">Metrics</a></li> <li><a href="#graphs">Graphs</a></li> <li><a href="#appendix">Appendix</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="metadata">Metadata</h2> <div class="datagrid"> ${bench.meta_to_df(convert=True, add_link=True).to_html(**params_html)} </div> <h2 id="metrics">Metrics</h2> <div class="datagrid"> ${bench.to_df(convert=True, add_link=True).to_html(**params_html)} </div> % if len(bench.Graphs) > 0: <h2 id="graphs">Graphs</h2> % for gr in bench.Graphs: ${gr.to_html()} % endfor % endif % if len(bench.Appendix) > 0: <h2 id="appendix">Appendix</h2> <div class="appendix"> % for met, app in zip(bench.Metrics, bench.Appendix): <h3 id="${app["_i"]}">${app["_btry"]}</h3> <ul> % for k, v in sorted(app.items()): % if isinstance(v, str) and "\\n" in v: <li>I <b>${k}</b>: <pre>${v}</pre></li> % else: <li>I <b>${k}</b>: ${v}</li> % endif % endfor % for k, v in sorted(met.items()): % if isinstance(v, str) and "\\n" in v: <li>M <b>${k}</b>: <pre>${v}</pre></li> % else: <li>M <b>${k}</b>: ${v}</li> % endif % endfor </ul> % endfor % endif </div> </body> </html> """.replace(" ", "") default_template_rst = """ .. _lb-${bench.Name}: ${title} ${"=" * len(title)} .. contents:: :local: ${description} Metadata -------- ${df2rst(bench.meta_to_df(convert=True, add_link=True, format="rst"), index=True, list_table=True)} Metrics -------- ${df2rst(bench.to_df(convert=True, add_link=True, format="rst"), index=True, list_table=True)} % if len(bench.Graphs) > 0: Graphs ------ % for gr in bench.Graphs: ${gr.to_rst()} % endfor % endif % if len(bench.Appendix) > 0: Appendix -------- % for met, app in zip(bench.Metrics, bench.Appendix): .. _l-${bench.Name}-${app["_i"]}: ${app["_btry"]} ${"+" * len(app["_btry"])} % for k, v in sorted(app.items()): % if isinstance(v, str) and "\\n" in v: * I **${k}**: :: ${"\\n ".join(v.split("\\n"))} % else: * M **${k}**: ${v} % endif % endfor % for k, v in sorted(met.items()): % if isinstance(v, str) and "\\n" in v: * **${k}**: :: ${"\\n ".join(v.split("\\n"))} % else: * **${k}**: ${v} % endif % endfor % endfor % endif """.replace(" ", "")