Source code for pyquickhelper.cli.ftp_cli

Command line about transfering files.

import os
import glob

[docs]def ftp_upload(files, dest, host, user, pwd, ftps=False, fLOG=print): """ Pushes a file to a server using :epkg:`FTP` or :epkg:`SFTP`. :param files: local files to move, comma separated or defined with a pattern if character ``*`` is used :param dest: destination folder :param host: server name or ip address :param user: user to log in :param pwd: password for the user :param ftps: use :epkg:`SFTP` or :epkg:`FTP` :param fLOG: logging function :return: status .. cmdref:: :title: Upload one or several files to a FTP server :cmd: -m pyquickhelper ftp_upload --help Uploads a file, a list of files, files defined by a pattern to a FTP server using FTP or SFTP protocol. The user and the password can be prefix by `keyring,`. The module :epkg:`keyring` is then used to retrieve the values. Example: ``--user=keyring,user,site``. :githublink:`%|py|35` """ from ..filehelper import TransferFTP if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] new_files = [] for name in files: if ',' in name: new_files.extend(name.split(',')) else: new_files.append(name) files = new_files new_files = [] for name in files: if "*" in name: new_files.extend(glob.glob(name)) else: new_files.append(name) files = new_files if user.startswith("keyring,"): spl = user[len("keyring,"):].split(',') if len(spl) != 2: raise ValueError("Unable to get user '{}'.".format(user)) import keyring user = keyring.get_password(spl[0], spl[1]) if user is None: raise ValueError("No stored user for '{}'.".format(user)) if pwd.startswith("keyring,"): spl = pwd[len("keyring,"):].split(',') if len(spl) != 2: raise ValueError("Unable to get user '{}'.".format(pwd)) import keyring pwd = keyring.get_password(spl[0], spl[1]) if pwd is None: raise ValueError("No stored user for '{}'.".format(pwd)) ftps = 'SFTP' if ftps in ('1', 'True', 'true', 1, True) else 'FTP' ftp = TransferFTP(host, user, pwd, ftps=ftps, fLOG=fLOG) for file in files: if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find '{}'.".format(file)) if fLOG: fLOG("[ftp_upload] transfer '{}'".format(file)) r = ftp.transfer(file, dest, file.split('/')[-1]) try: ftp.close() except Exception as e: fLOG("[ftp_upload] closing failed due to {}.".format(e)) return r