Source code for pyquickhelper.cli.simplified_fct

Simplified function versions.

import os

_preamble = '''
\\usepackage{fixltx2e} % LaTeX patches, \\textsubscript
\\usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in Acrobat
%%% Redefined titleformat
\\setlength{\\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}

_custom_preamble = """\n
\\newcommand{\\fleche}[1]{\\overrightarrow{ #1 }}
{\\rule[-.2ex]{.1ex}{2ex}}\\makebox[.5ex][l]{\\rule[-.2ex]{.1ex}{2ex}}} \\,\\,}
\\newcommand{\\loi}[0]{{\\cal L}}
\\newcommand{\\partialfrac}[2]{\\frac{\\partial #1}{\\partial #2}}
\\newcommand{\\partialdfrac}[2]{\\dfrac{\\partial #1}{\\partial #2}}
\\newcommand{\\loinormale}[2]{{\\cal N} \\pa{#1,#2}}
\\newcommand{\\loibinomialea}[1]{{\\cal B} \\pa{#1}}
\\newcommand{\\loibinomiale}[2]{{\\cal B} \\pa{#1,#2}}
\\newcommand{\\loimultinomiale}[1]{{\\cal M} \\pa{#1}}

[docs]def sphinx_rst(input="", writer="html", keep_warnings=False, directives=None, language="en", layout='sphinx', output="output"): """ Converts a string from *RST* to *HTML* or *RST* format. :param input: text of filename :param writer: ``'html'`` for :epkg:`HTML` format, ``'rst'`` for :epkg:`RST` format, ``'md'`` for :epkg:`MD` format, ``'elatex'`` for :epkg:`latex` format, ``'doctree'`` to get the doctree, *writer* can also be a tuple for custom formats and must be like ``('buider_name', builder_class)``. :param keep_warnings: keep_warnings in the final HTML :param directives: new directives to add, comma separated values :param language: language :param layout: ``'docutils'``, ``'sphinx'``, ``'sphinx_body'``, see below. :param output: document name, the function adds the extension :return: output .. cmdref:: :title: Convert RST document into HTML :cmd: -m pyquickhelper sphinx_rst --help Converts RST documents into HTML or even RST. :githublink:`%|py|95` """ from ..helpgen import rst2html from ..helpgen.default_conf import get_epkg_dictionary from ..filehelper import read_content_ufs if output: ext = os.path.splitext(output)[-1] if not ext: output += "." + writer if len(input) <= 5000 and \ (input.startswith('http') or os.path.exists(input)): content = read_content_ufs(input) else: content = input if directives: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot specify directives yet.") # pragma: no cover preamble = _preamble + _custom_preamble epkg_dictionary = get_epkg_dictionary() ht = rst2html(content, writer=writer, keep_warnings=keep_warnings, language=language, layout=layout, document_name=output, imgmath_latex_preamble=preamble, epkg_dictionary=epkg_dictionary) ht = ht.replace('src="_images/', 'src="') ht = ht.replace('/scripts\\bokeh', '../bokeh_plot\\bokeh') ht = ht.replace('/scripts/bokeh', '../bokeh_plot/bokeh') if output: with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(ht) return ht