Source code for pyquickhelper.filehelper.anyfhelper

Various helpers about files

import os
import stat
import warnings
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from .synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile
from .internet_helper import read_url
from .file_info import is_file_string, is_url_string

[docs]def change_file_status(folder, status=stat.S_IWRITE, strict=False, include_folder=True): """ Changes the status of all files inside a folder. :param folder: folder or file :param status: new status :param strict: False, use ``|=``, True, use ``=`` :param include_folder: change the status of the folders as well :return: list of modified files By default, status is ``stat.S_IWRITE``. If *folder* is a file, the function changes the status of this file, otherwise, it will change the status of every file the folder contains. :githublink:`%|py|28` """ if os.path.isfile(folder): if include_folder: dirname = os.path.dirname(folder) todo = [dirname, folder] else: todo = [folder] res = [] for f in todo: mode = os.stat(f).st_mode if strict: nmode = status if nmode != mode: os.chmod(f, nmode) res.append(f) else: nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(f, nmode) res.append(f) return res else: res = [] dirname = set() if strict: for f in explore_folder_iterfile(folder): if include_folder: d = os.path.dirname(f) if d not in dirname: dirname.add(d) mode = os.stat(d).st_mode nmode = status if nmode != mode: os.chmod(d, nmode) res.append(d) try: mode = os.stat(f).st_mode except FileNotFoundError: # It appends for some weird path. warnings.warn( "[change_file_status] unable to find '{0}'".format(f), UserWarning) continue nmode = status if nmode != mode: os.chmod(f, nmode) res.append(f) # It ends up with the folder. if include_folder: d = folder if d not in dirname: mode = os.stat(d).st_mode nmode = status if nmode != mode: os.chmod(d, nmode) res.append(d) else: for f in explore_folder_iterfile(folder): if include_folder: d = os.path.dirname(f) if d not in dirname: dirname.add(d) mode = os.stat(d).st_mode nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(d, nmode) res.append(d) try: mode = os.stat(f).st_mode except FileNotFoundError: # it appends for some weird path warnings.warn( "[change_file_status] unable to find '{0}'".format(f), UserWarning) continue nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(f, nmode) res.append(f) # It ends up with the folder. if include_folder: d = folder if d not in dirname: mode = os.stat(d).st_mode nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(d, nmode) res.append(d) return res
[docs]def read_content_ufs(file_url_stream, encoding="utf8", asbytes=False, add_source=False, min_size=None): """ Reads the content of a source, whether it is a url, a file, a stream or a string (in that case, it returns the string itself), it assumes the content type is text. :param file_url_stream: file or url or stream or string :param encoding: encoding :param asbytes: return bytes instead of chars :param add_source: also return the way the content was obtained :param min_size: if not empty, the function raises an exception if the size is below that theshold :return: content of the source (str) or *(content, type)* Type can be: * *rb*: binary file * *r*: text file * *u*: url * *ub*: binary content from url * *s*: string * *b*: binary string * *S*: StringIO * *SB*: BytesIO * *SBb*: BytesIO, return bytes The function can return bytes. :githublink:`%|py|148` """ def check_size(cont): if min_size is not None and len(cont) < min_size: raise RuntimeError( "File '{}' is smaller than {}.".format( file_url_stream, min_size)) if isinstance(file_url_stream, str): if is_file_string(file_url_stream) and os.path.exists(file_url_stream): if asbytes: with open(file_url_stream, "rb") as f: content = check_size(content) return (content, "rb") if add_source else content with open(file_url_stream, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: content = check_size(content) return (content, "r") if add_source else content if len(file_url_stream) < 5000 and file_url_stream.startswith("http"): content = read_url(file_url_stream, encoding=encoding) check_size(content) return (content, "u") if add_source else content if is_url_string(file_url_stream): if asbytes: content = read_url(file_url_stream) check_size(content) return (content, "ub") if add_source else content if encoding is None: raise ValueError( "cannot return bytes if encoding is None for url: " + file_url_stream) content = read_url(file_url_stream, encoding=encoding) check_size(content) return (content, "u") if add_source else content # the string should the content itself if isinstance(file_url_stream, str): if asbytes: raise TypeError( "file_url_stream is str when expected bytes") return (file_url_stream, "s") if add_source else file_url_stream if asbytes: return (file_url_stream, "b") if add_source else file_url_stream raise TypeError( "file_url_stream is bytes when expected str") if isinstance(file_url_stream, bytes): if asbytes: return (file_url_stream, "b") if add_source else file_url_stream content = file_url_stream.encode(encoding=encoding) check_size(content) return (content, "b") if add_source else content if isinstance(file_url_stream, StringIO): v = file_url_stream.getvalue() if asbytes and v: content = v.encode(encoding=encoding) check_size(content) return (content, "Sb") if add_source else content return (v, "S") if add_source else v if isinstance(file_url_stream, BytesIO): v = file_url_stream.getvalue() if asbytes or not v: return (v, "SBb") if add_source else v content = v.decode(encoding=encoding) check_size(content) return (content, "SB") if add_source else content raise TypeError( "unexpected type for file_url_stream: {0}\n{1}".format( type(file_url_stream), file_url_stream))