Source code for pyquickhelper.helpgen.markdown_helper

Helpers for markdown functionalities, it requires dependencies on :epkg:`mistune`.

import re

[docs]def parse_markdown(text): """ parse markdown text and return the markdown object :param text: markdown text :return: :githublink:`%|py|14` """ import mistune markdown = mistune.Markdown() r = markdown(text) return r
[docs]def yield_sphinx_only_markup_for_pipy(lines): """ Code from `My rst README is not formatted on <>`_. :param lines: lines to process :githublink:`%|py|27` """ substs = [ # Selected Sphinx-only Roles. # (':abbr:`([^`]+)`', '\\1'), (':ref:`([^`]+)`', '`\\1`_'), (':term:`([^`]+)`', '**\\1**'), (':dfn:`([^`]+)`', '**\\1**'), (':(samp|guilabel|menuselection):`([^`]+)`', '``\\2``'), # Sphinx-only roles: # :foo:`bar` --> foo(``bar``) # :a:foo:`bar` XXX afoo(``bar``) # #(r'(:(\w+))?:(\w+):`([^`]*)`', r'\2\3(``\4``)'), (':(\\w+):`([^`]*)`', '\\1(``\\2``)'), # Sphinx-only Directives. # ('\\.\\. doctest', 'code-block'), ('\\.\\. plot::', '.. '), ('\\.\\. seealso', 'info'), ('\\.\\. glossary', 'rubric'), ('\\.\\. figure::', '.. '), # Other # ('\\|version\\|', 'x.x.x'), ] regex_subs = [(re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE), sub) for (regex, sub) in substs] def clean_line(line): try: for (regex, sub) in regex_subs: line = regex.sub(sub, line) except Exception as ex: raise Exception("[sphinxerror]-A %s, (line(%s)" % (regex, sub)) from ex return line for line in lines: yield clean_line(line)