Source code for pyquickhelper.helpgen.sphinx_main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains the main function to generate the documentation
for a module designed the same way as this one, :func:`generate_help_sphinx <pyquickhelper.helpgen.sphinx_main.generate_help_sphinx>`.

import os
import sys
import shutil
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, roles
from import main as build_main
from ..filehelper import remove_folder
from ..loghelper import python_path_append
from ..loghelper.process_script import execute_script_get_local_variables, dictionary_as_class
from ..loghelper.flog import run_cmd, fLOG
from .utils_sphinx_doc import prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation
from .utils_sphinx_doc_helpers import HelpGenException, ImportErrorHelpGen
from .conf_path_tools import find_latex_path, find_pandoc_path
from ..filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder
from ..filehelper import synchronize_folder
from .post_process import post_process_latex_output
from .process_notebooks import process_notebooks, build_notebooks_gallery, build_all_notebooks_coverage
from .sphinx_helper import post_process_html_nb_output_static_file
from .install_js_dep import install_javascript_tools
from .sphinx_main_helper import setup_environment_for_help, get_executables_path, generate_changes_repo
from .sphinx_main_helper import compile_latex_output_final, replace_placeholder_by_recent_blogpost
from .sphinx_main_helper import format_history, enumerate_copy_images_for_slides
from .sphinx_main_verification import verification_html_format
from .sphinx_main_missing_html_files import add_missing_files
from .style_css_template import style_figure_notebook
from .post_process_custom import find_custom_latex_processing
from ..sphinxext.blog_post_list import BlogPostList
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_blog_extension import BlogPostDirective, BlogPostDirectiveAgg
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_runpython_extension import RunPythonDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_postcontents_extension import PostContentsDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_tocdelay_extension import TocDelayDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_youtube_extension import YoutubeDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_sharenet_extension import ShareNetDirective, sharenet_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_downloadlink_extension import process_downloadlink_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_video_extension import VideoDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_image_extension import SimpleImageDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinximages.sphinxtrib.images import ImageDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_template_extension import tpl_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_epkg_extension import epkg_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_bigger_extension import bigger_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_githublink_extension import githublink_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_gitlog_extension import gitlog_role
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_mathdef_extension import MathDef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_quote_extension import QuoteNode
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_blocref_extension import BlocRef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_exref_extension import ExRef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_faqref_extension import FaqRef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_nbref_extension import NbRef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_cmdref_extension import CmdRef
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_todoext_extension import TodoExt
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_collapse_extension import CollapseDirective
from ..sphinxext.sphinx_gdot_extension import GDotDirective

template_examples = """

List of programs

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: %s/
   :template: modules.rst

Another list


[docs]def generate_help_sphinx(project_var_name, clean=False, root=".", filter_commit=lambda c: c.strip() != "documentation", extra_ext=None, nbformats=("ipynb", "slides", "html", "python", "rst", "pdf", "github"), layout=None, module_name=None, from_repo=True, add_htmlhelp=False, copy_add_ext=None, direct_call=False, fLOG=fLOG, parallel=1, extra_paths=None, fexclude=None): """ Runs the help generation: - copies every file in another folder, - replaces comments in doxygen format into rst format, - replaces local import by global import (tweaking sys.path too), - calls sphinx to generate the documentation. :param project_var_name: project name :param clean: if True, cleans the previous documentation first (:epkg:`html` files) :param root: see below :param filter_commit: function which accepts a commit to show on the documentation (based on the comment) :param extra_ext: list of file extensions to document (not .py) :param nbformats: requested formats for the notebooks conversion :param layout: list of formats sphinx should generate such as html, latex, pdf, docx, it is a list of tuple (layout, build directory, parameters to override), if None --> ``[("html", "build", {})]`` :param module_name: name of the module (must be the folder name ``src/module_name`` if None, ``module_name`` will be replaced by *project_var_name* :param from_repo: if True, assumes the sources come from a source repository, False otherwise :param add_htmlhelp: run :epkg:`HTML` Help too (only on :epkg:`Windows`) :param copy_add_ext: additional file extension to copy :param direct_call: direct call to sphinx with *sphinx_build* if *True* or run a command line in an another process to get a clear environment :param parallel: degree of parallelization :param extra_paths: extra paths when importing configuration :param fexclude: function which tells which file not to copy in the folder used to build the documentation :param fLOG: logging function The result is stored in path: ``root/_doc/sphinxdoc/source``. We assume the file ``root/_doc/sphinxdoc/source/`` exists as well as ``root/_doc/sphinxdoc/source/index.rst``. If you generate latex/pdf files, you should add variables ``latex_path`` and ``pandoc_path`` in your file ```` which defines the help. You can exclud some part while generating the documentation by adding: * ``# -- HELP BEGIN EXCLUDE --`` * ``# -- HELP END EXCLUDE --`` :: latex_path = r"C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64" pandoc_path = r"%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Pandoc" .. exref:: :title: Run help generation :index: extension, extra extension, ext :: # from the main folder which contains folder src or the sources generate_help_sphinx("pyquickhelper") By default, the function only consider files end by ``.py`` and ``.rst`` but you could add other files sharing the same extensions by adding this one in the ``extra_ext`` list. The function requires: - :epkg:`pandoc` - latex .. warning:: Some themes such as `Bootstrap Sphinx Theme <>`_ do not work on Internet Explorer. In that case, the file ``<python_path>/Lib/site-packages/sphinx/themes/basic/layout.html`` must be modified to add the following line (just below ``Content-Type``). :: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> .. index:: PEP8, autopep8 The code should follow as much as possible the sytle convention `PEP8 <>`_. The module `autopep8 <>`_ can modify a file or all files contained in one folder by running the following command line: :: autopep8 <folder> --recursive --in-place --pep8-passes 2000 --verbose **About encoding:** utf-8 without BOM is the recommanded option. **About languages:** only one language can be specificied even if you have multiple configuration file. Only the language specified in the main ```` will be considered. **About blog posts:** the function uses sphinx directives ``blogpost`` and ``blogpostagg`` to create a simple blog aggregator. Blog posts will be aggregated by months and categories. Link to others parts to the documentation are possible. The function also create a file ``rss.xml`` which contains the ten last added blog post. This file contains an absolute link to the blog posts. However, because the documentation can be published anywhere, the string ``__BLOG_ROOT__`` was inserted instead of the absolute url to the website. It must be replaced before uploaded or the parameter *blog_root* can be specified in the configuration file ````. .. warning:: Parameter *add_htmlhelp* calls `Html Help WorkShop <>`_. It also changes the encoding of the HTMLoutput into cp1552 (encoding for Windows) instead of utf-8. .. warning:: An issue was raised on Linux due to the use of ``.. only:: html`` (``AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'setup.<locals>.<lambda>'``). It disappeared when using only one thread and not 2 as it was previously. Parameter *parallel* was introduced to make that change and the default value is not 1. .. index:: SVG, Inkscape **Others necessary tools:** SVG included in a notebook (or any RST file) requires `Inkscape <>`_ to be converted into Latex. .. faqref:: :title: How to dd an extra layer to the documentation? The following `commit < 75d765a293f65a37b3208601d17d3b0daa891af6>`_ on project `python3_module_template <>`_ shows which changes needs to be done to add an extra layer of for the documentation. The function assumes :epkg:`IPython` 3 is installed. It might no work for earlier versions (notebooks). Parameters *from_repo*, *use_run_cmd* were added. Notebook conversion to slides is implemented, install :epkg:`reveal.js` if not installed. Calls the function :func:`_setup_hook <pyquickhelper._setup_hook>` to initialize the module before generating the documentation. Parameter *add_htmlhelp* was added. It runs HtmlHelp on Windows :: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HTML Help Workshop\\hhc.exe" build\\htmlhelp\\<module>.hhp The documentation includes blog (with sphinx command ``.. blogpost::`` and python scripts ``.. runpython::``. The second command runs a python script which outputs RST documntation adds it to the current documentation. The function automatically adds custom role and custom directive ``sharenet``. The function directly calls `sphinx <>`_, `nbconvert <>`_. When there are too many notebooks, the notebook index is difficult to read. It does not require to get script location. Not enough stable from virtual environment. Set ``BOKEH_DOCS_MISSING_API_KEY_OK`` to 1. bokeh sphinx extension requires that or a key for the google API (???). The function was updated to use Sphinx 1.6.2. However, you should read blog post :ref:`Bug in Sphinx 1.6.2 for custom css <sphinx-162-bug-custom-css>` if you have any trouble with custom css. Add a report in ``all_notebooks.rst`` about notebook coverage. Parameter *parallel* was added. The parameter *nblayout* in the configuration file specifies the layout for the notebook gallery. ``'classic'`` or ``'table'``. The parameter *nbneg_pattern* can be used to remove notebooks from the gallery if they match this regular expression. It automatically adds video and image directives. *remove_unicode* can set to False or True in the documentation configuration file to allow or remove unicode characters before compiling the latex output. Import ```` in a separate process before running the generation of the documentation. Do not import it directly. :githublink:`%|py|261` """ datetime_rows = [("begin",] fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION ----") if layout is None: layout = [("html", "build", {})] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] ---- layout", layout) setup_environment_for_help(fLOG=fLOG) # we keep a clean list of modules # sphinx configuration is a module and the function loads and unloads it list_modules_start = set(sys.modules.keys()) if add_htmlhelp: # pragma: no cover if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): raise ValueError("add_htmlhelp is True and the OS is not Windows") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] add add_htmlhelp") if extra_ext is None: extra_ext = [] def lay_build_override_newconf(t3): if isinstance(t3, str): lay, build, override, newconf = t3, "build", {}, None elif len(t3) == 1: lay, build, override, newconf = t3[0], "build", {}, None elif len(t3) == 2: lay, build, override, newconf = t3[0], t3[1], {}, None elif len(t3) == 3: lay, build, override, newconf = t3[0], t3[1], t3[2], None else: lay, build, override, newconf = t3 return lay, build, override, newconf directives.register_directive("blogpost", BlogPostDirective) directives.register_directive("blogpostagg", BlogPostDirectiveAgg) directives.register_directive("runpython", RunPythonDirective) directives.register_directive("sharenet", ShareNetDirective) directives.register_directive("video", VideoDirective) directives.register_directive("simpleimage", SimpleImageDirective) directives.register_directive("image", ImageDirective) directives.register_directive("todoext", TodoExt) directives.register_directive("mathdef", MathDef) directives.register_directive("quote", QuoteNode) directives.register_directive("blocref", BlocRef) directives.register_directive("exref", ExRef) directives.register_directive("faqref", FaqRef) directives.register_directive("nbref", NbRef) directives.register_directive("cmdref", CmdRef) directives.register_directive("postcontents", PostContentsDirective) directives.register_directive("tocdelay", TocDelayDirective) directives.register_directive("youtube", YoutubeDirective) directives.register_directive("thumbnail", ImageDirective) directives.register_directive("collapse", CollapseDirective) directives.register_directive("gdot", GDotDirective) roles.register_canonical_role("sharenet", sharenet_role) roles.register_canonical_role("bigger", bigger_role) roles.register_canonical_role("githublink", githublink_role) roles.register_canonical_role("gitlog", gitlog_role) roles.register_canonical_role("tpl", tpl_role) roles.register_canonical_role("epkg", epkg_role) roles.register_canonical_role("downloadlink", process_downloadlink_role) if "conf" in sys.modules: raise ImportError( # pragma: no cover "module conf was imported, this function expects not to:\n{0}".format( sys.modules["conf"].__file__)) ############ # root_source ############ root = os.path.abspath(root) froot = root root_sphinxdoc = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc") root_source = os.path.join(root_sphinxdoc, "source") root_package = os.path.join(root, "src") if not os.path.exists(root_package): root_package = root if not os.path.exists(root_package): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find source root from '{}'.".format(root)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] root='{0}'".format(root)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] root_package='{0}'".format(root_package)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] root_source='{0}'".format(root_source)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] root_sphinxdoc='{0}'".format(root_sphinxdoc)) conf_paths = [root_source, root_package] if extra_paths: conf_paths.extend(extra_paths) ######################################## # we import conf_base, specific to multi layers ######################################## confb = os.path.join(root_source, "") if os.path.exists(confb): # pragma: no cover code = "from conf_base import *" with python_path_append(conf_paths): try: module_conf = execute_script_get_local_variables( code, folder=root_source, check=True) except RuntimeError as e: raise ImportError("Unable to import conf_base '{}' from '{}'\nsys.path=\n{}".format( confb, root_source, "\n".join(sys.path))) from e if module_conf is None: raise ImportError( "Unable to import '{0}' which defines the help generation".format(confb)) if 'ERROR' in module_conf: msg = "\n".join(["paths:"] + conf_paths + [ "-----------------------", module_conf['ERROR']]) raise ImportError(msg) conf_base = dictionary_as_class(module_conf) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] conf_base.__file__='{0}'".format( os.path.abspath(conf_base.__file__))) # pylint: disable=E1101 copypath = list(sys.path) # stores static path for every layout, we store them to copy html_static_paths = [] build_paths = [] all_tocs = [] parameters = [] ################################### # import others conf, we must do it now # it takes too long to do it after if there is an error # we assume the configuration are not too different # about language for example, latex_path, pandoc_path ################################################# for t3 in layout: lay, build, override, newconf = lay_build_override_newconf(t3) if newconf is None: continue fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] newconf: '{}' - {}".format(newconf, t3)) # we need to import this file to guess the template directory and # add missing templates folds = os.path.join(root_sphinxdoc, newconf) _import_conf_extract_parameter(root, root_source, folds, build, newconf, all_tocs, build_paths, parameters, html_static_paths, fLOG) ################################################################ # we add the source path to the list of path to considered before importing # import ################################################################ with python_path_append(conf_paths): try: module_conf = execute_script_get_local_variables( "from conf import *", folder=root_source, check=True) except ImportError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("Unable to import '' from '{0}', sys.path=\n{1}\nBEFORE:\n{2}".format( root_source, "\n".join(sys.path), "\n".join(copypath))) from e if module_conf is None: raise ImportError( # pragma: no cover "unable to import '' which defines the help generation") if 'ERROR' in module_conf: msg = "\n".join(["paths:"] + conf_paths + [ "----------------------- ERROR:", module_conf['ERROR'], "------------------------ root_source:", root_source]) raise ImportError(msg) if len(module_conf) == 0: raise ImportError( "No extracted local variable.") # pragma: no cover theconf = dictionary_as_class(module_conf) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] conf.__file__='{0}'".format( os.path.abspath(theconf.__file__))) # pylint: disable=E1101 tocs = add_missing_files(root, theconf, "__INSERT__", fLOG) all_tocs.extend(tocs) ############################## # some checkings on the configuration ############################## _check_sphinx_configuration(theconf, fLOG) ############################################################## # Extracts variables from the configuration. # We store the html_static_path in html_static_paths for the base conf # We extract other information from the configuration ############################################################## html_static_path = theconf.__dict__.get("html_static_path", "phdoc_static") if isinstance(html_static_path, list): html_static_path = html_static_path[0] html_static_path = os.path.join(root_source, html_static_path) if not os.path.exists(html_static_path): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "no static path:" + html_static_path) html_static_paths.append(html_static_path) build_paths.append( os.path.normpath(os.path.join(html_static_path, "..", "..", "build", "html"))) custom_latex_processing = theconf.__dict__.get( "custom_latex_processing", None) if custom_latex_processing is not None: # pragma: no cover # The configuration file is pickled by sphinx # and parameter should not be functions. if isinstance(custom_latex_processing, str): custom_latex_processing = find_custom_latex_processing( # pylint: disable=E1111 custom_latex_processing) res = custom_latex_processing("dummy phrase") if res is None: raise ValueError( "Result of function custom_latex_processing should not be None.") remove_unicode = theconf.__dict__.get("remove_unicode", False) snippet_folder = theconf.__dict__.get( "notebook_custom_snippet_folder", None) if snippet_folder: snippet_folder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(theconf.__file__), snippet_folder) # pylint: disable=E1101 notebook_replacements = theconf.__dict__.get("notebook_replacements", None) if notebook_replacements is not None and not isinstance(notebook_replacements, dict): raise TypeError("latex_notebook_replacements should be a dictionary not {0}".format( type(notebook_replacements))) #################################### # modifies the version number in #################################### readme = os.path.join(root, "README.rst") if not os.path.exists(readme): raise FileNotFoundError(readme) # pragma: no cover shutil.copy(readme, root_source) license = os.path.join(root, "LICENSE.txt") if not os.path.exists(license): raise FileNotFoundError(license) # pragma: no cover shutil.copy(license, root_source) history = os.path.join(root, "HISTORY.rst") if os.path.exists(history): dest = os.path.join(root_source, "HISTORY.rst") format_history(history, dest) ########## # language ########## language = theconf.__dict__.get("language", "en") use_sys = theconf.__dict__.get("enable_disabled_parts", None) latex_book = theconf.__dict__.get('latex_book', False) nbexamples_conf = theconf.__dict__.get('example_gallery_config', None) # examples_conf = theconf.__dict__.get('sphinx_gallery_conf', None) ########## # auto_rst_generation ########## auto_rst_generation = theconf.__dict__.get("auto_rst_generation", True) ospath = os.environ["PATH"] latex_path = theconf.__dict__.get("latex_path", find_latex_path()) # graphviz_dot = theconf.__dict__.get("graphviz_dot", find_graphviz_dot()) pandoc_path = theconf.__dict__.get("pandoc_path", find_pandoc_path()) if os.path.isfile(latex_path): latex_path = os.path.dirname(latex_path) ########## # nblinks: references for the notebooks, dictionary {(ref, format): link} ########## nblayout = theconf.__dict__.get("nblayout", "classic") nblinks = theconf.__dict__.get("nblinks", None) nbneg_pattern = theconf.__dict__.get("nbneg_pattern", None) if nblinks is not None and len(nblinks) > 0: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] NBLINKS - BEGIN") for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(nblinks.items())): fLOG(" {0}/{1} - '{2}': '{3}'".format(i + 1, len(nblinks), k, v)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] NBLINKS - END") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] nbneg_pattern='{0}'".format(nbneg_pattern)) # add to PATH sep = ";" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ":" if latex_path not in ospath: os.environ["PATH"] += sep + latex_path if pandoc_path not in ospath: os.environ["PATH"] += sep + pandoc_path ######### # changes ######### datetime_rows = [("changes",] chan = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source", "filechanges.rst") if "modify_commit" in theconf.__dict__: modify_commit = theconf.modify_commit # pylint: disable=E1101 else: modify_commit = None generate_changes_repo( chan, root, filter_commit=filter_commit, exception_if_empty=from_repo, fLOG=fLOG, modify_commit=modify_commit) ###################################### # we copy javascript dependencies, reveal.js ###################################### datetime_rows = [("javascript",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] JAVASCRIPT:", html_static_paths) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] ROOT:", root_sphinxdoc) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] BUILD:", build_paths) for html_static_path in html_static_paths: found = install_javascript_tools( root_sphinxdoc, dest=html_static_path, fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [javascript]: '{0}'".format(found)) ############################ # we copy the extended styles (notebook, snippets) ############################ datetime_rows = [("copy",] for html_static_path in html_static_paths: dest = os.path.join(html_static_path, style_figure_notebook[0]) fLOG(" CREATE-CSS", dest) with open(dest, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(style_figure_notebook[1]) # We should not need that. # for build in build_paths: # dest = os.path.join(build, "_downloads") # if not os.path.exists(dest): # os.makedirs(dest) # install_javascript_tools( # root_sphinxdoc, dest=dest, fLOG=fLOG) ############## # copy the files ############## fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION COPY FILES ----") optional_dirs = [] mapped_function = [(".*[.]%s$" % ext.strip("."), None) for ext in extra_ext] ################################### # we save the module already imported ################################### if module_name is None: module_name = project_var_name sys_modules = set(sys.modules.keys()) #################### # generates extra files #################### datetime_rows = [("prepare",] try: dest_doc = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] root='{0}'".format(root)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] dest_doc='{0}'".format(dest_doc)) subfolders = [] if root_package.endswith("src"): subfolders.append(("src/" + module_name, module_name)) else: subfolders.append((module_name, module_name)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] subfolders={0}".format(subfolders)) prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation({}, root, dest_doc, subfolders=subfolders, silent=True, rootrep=("_doc.sphinxdoc.source.%s." % ( module_name,), ""), optional_dirs=optional_dirs, mapped_function=mapped_function, replace_relative_import=False, module_name=module_name, copy_add_ext=copy_add_ext, use_sys=use_sys, fexclude=fexclude, auto_rst_generation=auto_rst_generation, fLOG=fLOG) except ImportErrorHelpGen as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG( "[generate_help_sphinx] major failure, no solution found yet, please run again the script") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] list of added modules:") remove = [k for k in sys.modules if k not in sys_modules] for k in sorted(remove): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] ", k) raise e fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] end of prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation") fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION COPY FILES ----") ###### # blog ###### datetime_rows = [("blog",] fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION BLOGS ----") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] begin blogs") blog_fold = os.path.join( os.path.join(root, "_doc/sphinxdoc/source", "blog")) if os.path.exists(blog_fold): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] BlogPostList") plist = BlogPostList(blog_fold, language=language, fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] BlogPostList.write_aggregated") plist.write_aggregated(blog_fold, blog_title=theconf.__dict__.get( "blog_title", project_var_name), blog_description=theconf.__dict__.get( "blog_description", "blog associated to " + project_var_name), blog_root=theconf.__dict__.get("blog_root", "__BLOG_ROOT__")) else: plist = None fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] end blogs") fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION BLOGS ----") ########### # notebooks ########### datetime_rows = [("notebooks",] fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION NOTEBOOKS ----") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] begin notebooks") indextxtnote = None indexlistnote = [] notebook_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, "_doc", "notebooks")) notebook_doc = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "source", "notebooks")) if os.path.exists(notebook_dir): fLOG(" look into '{0}'".format(notebook_dir)) fLOG(" -pattern '{0}'".format(nbneg_pattern)) notebooks = explore_folder(notebook_dir, pattern=".*[.]ipynb", neg_pattern=nbneg_pattern, fullname=True, fLOG=fLOG)[1] notebooks = [_ for _ in notebooks if ( "checkpoint" not in _ and "/build/" not in _.replace("\\", "/"))] fLOG(" found {0} notebooks".format(len(notebooks))) if len(notebooks) > 0: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] **** notebooks", nbformats) build = os.path.join(root, "build", "notebooks") if not os.path.exists(build): os.makedirs(build) indextxtnote = os.path.join(build, "index_notebooks.txt") with open(indextxtnote, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for note in notebooks: no = os.path.relpath(note, notebook_dir) indexlistnote.append((no, note)) f.write(no + "\n") if not os.path.exists(notebook_doc): os.mkdir(notebook_doc) nbs_all = process_notebooks(notebooks, build=build, outfold=notebook_doc, formats=nbformats, latex_path=latex_path, pandoc_path=pandoc_path, fLOG=fLOG, nblinks=nblinks, notebook_replacements=notebook_replacements) nbs_all = set(_[0] for _ in nbs_all if os.path.splitext(_[0])[-1] == ".rst") if len(nbs_all) != len(indexlistnote): # pragma: no cover ext1 = "nbs_all:\n{0}".format("\n".join(nbs_all)) ext2 = "indexlistnote:\n{0}".format( "\n".join(str(_) for _ in indexlistnote)) raise ValueError("Different lengths {0} != {1}\n{2}\n{3}".format( len(nbs_all), len(indexlistnote), ext1, ext2)) nbs = indexlistnote fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] *#* NB, add:", len(nbs)) nbs.sort() build_notebooks_gallery(nbs, os.path.join( notebook_doc, "..", "all_notebooks.rst"), layout=nblayout, snippet_folder=snippet_folder, fLOG=fLOG) build_all_notebooks_coverage(nbs, os.path.join( notebook_doc, "..", "all_notebooks_coverage.rst"), module_name, fLOG=fLOG) imgs = [os.path.join(notebook_dir, _) for _ in os.listdir(notebook_dir) if ".png" in _] if len(imgs) > 0: gallery_dirs = nbexamples_conf.get( 'gallery_dirs', None) if nbexamples_conf else None for img in imgs: shutil.copy(img, notebook_doc) if gallery_dirs: for d in gallery_dirs: if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) shutil.copy(img, d) else: fLOG("---- no folder '{0}'".format(notebook_dir)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] end notebooks") fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION NOTEBOOKS ----") ############################################# # replace placeholder as blog posts list into tocs files ############################################# datetime_rows = [("replace",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] blog placeholder") if plist is not None: replace_placeholder_by_recent_blogpost( all_tocs, plist, "__INSERT__", fLOG=fLOG) ################################# # run the documentation generation ################################# datetime_rows = [("sphinx",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] prepare for SPHINX") temp = os.environ["PATH"] pyts = get_executables_path() sepj = ";" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ":" script = sepj.join(pyts) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] adding " + script) temp = script + sepj + temp os.environ["PATH"] = temp fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] changing PATH", temp) pa = os.getcwd() # bokeh trick updates_env = dict(BOKEH_DOCS_MISSING_API_KEY_OK=1) for k, v in updates_env.items(): if k not in os.environ: os.environ[k] = str(v) thispath = os.path.normpath(root) docpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(thispath, "_doc", "sphinxdoc")) ################ # checks encoding ################ datetime_rows = [("encoding",] fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION ENCODING ----") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] checking encoding utf8...") for rt, _, files in os.walk(docpath): for name in files: thn = os.path.join(rt, name) if name.endswith(".rst"): try: with open(thn, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # pragma: no cover raise HelpGenException( "issue with encoding in a file", thn) from e except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise HelpGenException("issue with file ", thn) from e fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] running sphinx... from", docpath) if not os.path.exists(docpath): raise FileNotFoundError(docpath) fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION ENCODING ----") os.chdir(docpath) ##################### # builds command lines ##################### datetime_rows = [("build",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] sphinx command lines") cmds = [] lays = [] cmds_post = [] for t3 in layout: lay, build, override, newconf = lay_build_override_newconf(t3) if lay == "pdf": lay = "elatex" if clean and sys.platform.startswith("win"): if os.path.exists(build): for fold in os.listdir(build): remove_folder(os.path.join(build, fold)) remove_folder(build) over_ = ["{0}={1}".format(k, v) for k, v in override.items()] over = [] for o in over_: over.append("-D") over.append(o) sconf = [] if newconf is None else ["-c", newconf] cmd = ["sphinx-build", "-j%d" % parallel, "-v", "-T", "-b", "{0}".format(lay), "-d", "{0}/doctrees".format(build)] + over + sconf + ["source", "{0}/{1}".format(build, lay)] if lay in ('latex', 'pdf', 'elatex'): cmd.extend(["-D", "imgmath_image_format=png"]) cmds.append((cmd, build, lay)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] run:", cmd) lays.append(lay) if add_htmlhelp and lay == "html": # pragma: no cover # we cannot execute htmlhelp in the same folder # as it changes the encoding cmd = ["sphinx-build", "-j%d" % parallel, "-v", "-T", "-b", "{0}help".format(lay), "-d", "{0}/doctrees".format(build)] + over + sconf + ["source", "{0}/{1}html".format(build, lay)] cmd.extend(["-D", "imgmath_image_format=png"]) cmds.append((cmd, build, "add_htmlhelp")) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] run:", cmd) lays.append(lay) hhp = os.path.join(build, lay + "help", module_name + "_doc.hhp") cmdp = '"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HTML Help Workshop\\hhc.exe" ' + \ '"%s"' % hhp cmds_post.append(cmdp) # cmd = "make {0}".format(lay) ############################################################### # run cmds (prefer to use os.system instead of run_cmd if it gets stuck) ############################################################### datetime_rows = [("cmd",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] RUN SPHINX") for cmd, build, kind in cmds: fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION SPHINX ----") fLOG( "##################################################################################################") fLOG( "##################### run sphinx #################################################################") fLOG( "##################################################################################################") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx]", cmd) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] from ", os.getcwd()) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] PATH ", os.environ["PATH"]) existing = list(sorted(sys.modules.keys())) for ex in existing: if ex[0] == '_': doesrem = False elif ex not in list_modules_start: doesrem = True for pr in ('pywintypes', 'pandas', 'IPython', 'jupyter', 'numpy', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'pyquickhelper', 'yaml', 'xlsxwriter', '_csv', '_lsprof', '_multiprocessing', '_overlapped', '_sqlite3', 'alabaster', 'asyncio', 'babel', 'bokeh', 'cProfile', 'certifi', 'colorsys', 'concurrent', 'csv', 'cycler', 'dateutil', 'decorator', 'docutils', 'fractions', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'hmac', 'http', 'imp', 'ipython_genutils', 'jinja2', 'mimetypes', 'multiprocessing', 'pathlib', 'pickleshare', 'profile', 'prompt_toolkit', 'pstats', 'pydoc', 'py', 'pygments', 'requests', 'runpy', 'simplegeneric', 'sphinx', 'sqlite3', 'tornado', 'traitlets', 'typing', 'wcwidth', 'pythoncom', 'distutils', 'six', 'webbrowser', 'win32api', 'win32com', 'sphinxcontrib', 'zmq', 'nbformat', 'nbconvert', 'encodings', 'entrypoints', 'html', 'ipykernel', 'isodate', 'jsonschema', 'jupyter_client', 'mistune', 'nbbrowserpdf', 'notebook', 'pyparsing', 'zmq', 'jupyter_core', 'timeit', 'sphinxcontrib_images_lightbox2', 'win32con'): if ex == pr or ex.startswith(pr + "."): doesrem = False else: doesrem = False if doesrem: fLOG( "[generate_help_sphinx] remove '{0}' from sys.modules".format(ex)) del sys.modules[ex] fLOG( "##################################################################################################") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] direct_call={0}".format(direct_call)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] cmd='''{0}'''".format(cmd)) if isinstance(cmd, list): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] cmd='''{0}'''".format(" ".join(cmd))) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] kind='{0}'".format(kind)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] build='{0}'".format(build)) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] direct_call={0}".format(direct_call)) # direct call with python_path_append(root_source): if direct_call: # mostly to debug out = StringIO() err = StringIO() memo_out = sys.stdout memo_err = sys.stderr sys.stdout = out sys.stderr = out try: build_main(cmd[1:]) except SystemExit as e: # pragma: no cover raise SystemExit("Unable to run Sphinx\n--CMD\n{0}\n--ERR--\n{1}\n--CWD--\n{2}\n--OUT--\n{3}\n--".format( cmd, err.getvalue(), os.getcwd(), out.getvalue())) from e sys.stdout = memo_out sys.stderr = memo_err out = out.getvalue() err = err.getvalue() lines = ['***OUT/***'] + out.split('\n') + ['***OUT\\***'] lines = [ _ for _ in lines if "toctree contains reference to document 'blog/" not in _] out = "\n".join(lines) else: def customfLOG(*args, **kwargs): "filter out some lines" args = [ _ for _ in args if "toctree contains reference to document 'blog/" not in _] if args: fLOG(*args, **kwargs) out, err = _process_sphinx_in_private_cmd(cmd, fLOG=customfLOG) lines = ['***OUT//***'] + out.split('\n') + ['***OUT\\\\***'] lines = [ _ for _ in lines if "toctree contains reference to document 'blog/" not in _] out = "\n".join(lines) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] end cmd len(out)={0} len(err)={1}".format( len(out), len(err))) if len(err) > 0 or len(out) > 0: if (len(err) > 0 and "Exception occurred:" in err) or \ (len(out) > 0 and "Exception occurred:" in out): def keep_line(_): # pragma: no cover if "RemovedInSphinx" in _: return False if "while setting up extension" in _: return False if "toctree contains reference to document 'blog/" in _: return False return True out = "\n".join( filter(lambda _: keep_line(_), out.split("\n"))) raise HelpGenException( "Sphinx raised an exception (direct_call={3})\n--CMD--\n{0}\n--OUT--\n{1}\n[sphinxerror]-3\n{2}".format( cmd, out, err, direct_call)) fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx]", kind, "~~~~", cmd) fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") warnings.warn( "Sphinx went through errors. Check if any of them is important.\n---OUT---\n{0}\n[sphinxerror]-2\n{1}\n----".format( out, err), UserWarning) fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") if kind == "html": fLOG("#########################################################") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] check that index.html exists") findex = os.path.join(build, kind, "index.html") if not os.path.exists(findex): raise FileNotFoundError( "something went wrong, unable to find {0}\n" "--CMD--\n{1}\n--OUT--\n{2}\n--ERR--\n{3}\n" "--LAY--\n{4}\n--INDEX--\n{5}" "".format(findex, cmd, out, err, kind, os.path.abspath(findex))) fLOG("#########################################################") verification_html_format(os.path.join(build, kind), fLOG=fLOG) fLOG( "##################################################################################################") fLOG( "##################### end run sphinx #############################################################") fLOG( "##################################################################################################") fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION SPHINX ----") # we copy the extended styles (notebook, snippets) (again in build folders) # we should not need that for build_path in build_paths: if not os.path.exists(build_path): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] build_path not found '{0}'".format( build_path)) continue dest = os.path.join(build_path, "_static", style_figure_notebook[0]) if not os.path.exists(dest): # pragma: no cover fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] CREATE-CSS2", dest) with open(dest, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(style_figure_notebook[1]) if add_htmlhelp: # pragma: no cover # we call HtmlHelp fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] run HTMLHELP") for cmd in cmds_post: fLOG("running", cmd) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, fLOG=fLOG, communicate=True, timeout=600) fLOG(out) if len(err) > 0: mes = "Sphinx went through errors. Check if any of them is important.\nOUT:\n{0}\n[sphinxerror]-1\n{1}" warnings.warn(mes.format(out, err), UserWarning) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] end run HTMLHELP") ##################################### # we copy some file such as rss.xml ##################################### fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN COPY RSS.XML ----") tocopy = [os.path.join(docpath, "source", "blog", "rss.xml")] for toco in tocopy: if os.path.exists(toco): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] copy '{}'".format( os.path.split(toco)[-1])) for build_path in build_paths: dest = os.path.join(build_path, "_downloads") if os.path.exists(dest): shutil.copy(toco, dest) else: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] not found '{}'".format( os.path.split(toco)[-1])) fLOG("---- JENKINS END COPY RSS.XML ----") ##################################### # we copy the coverage files if it is missing ##################################### datetime_rows = [("converage",] fLOG("---- JENKINS BEGIN DOCUMENTATION COVERAGE ----") fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] copy coverage") covfold = os.path.join(docpath, "source", "coverage") if os.path.exists(covfold): # pragma: no cover fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] coverage folder:", covfold) allfiles = os.listdir(covfold) allf = [_ for _ in allfiles if _.endswith(".rst")] if len(allf) == 0: # no rst file --> we copy allfiles = [os.path.join(covfold, _) for _ in allfiles] allfiles = [_ for _ in allfiles if os.path.isfile(_)] for lay in lays: layfolder = os.path.join(docpath, build, lay) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] coverage docpath:", docpath, " -- ", build, " -- ", lay, " ---- ", layfolder) if os.path.exists(layfolder): covbuild = os.path.join(layfolder, "coverage") fLOG("[coverage] covbuild", covbuild) if not os.path.exists(covbuild): os.mkdir(covbuild) for f in allfiles: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] coverage copy ", f, " to ", covbuild) shutil.copy(f, covbuild) else: fLOG("[sphinxerror]-B coverage files with rst in", covfold) else: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] no coverage files", covfold) fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION COVERAGE ----") ######################################################### # we copy javascript dependencies to build _download/javascript ######################################################### datetime_rows = [("javascript",] # for every layout fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [reveal.js] JAVASCRIPT: COPY", html_static_paths) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [reveal.js] BUILD:", build_paths) for subf in ["html"]: for html_static_path, build_path in zip(html_static_paths, build_paths): for sname in ["_downloads", "notebooks"]: builddoc = os.path.join(build_path, subf, sname) if not os.path.exists(builddoc): builddoc = os.path.join(build_path, "..", subf, sname) if not os.path.exists(builddoc): builddoc = os.path.join(build_path, sname) if os.path.exists(builddoc): # no download, there is probably no notebooks # so it is not needed fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] copy javascript static files from", html_static_path, "to", builddoc) copy = synchronize_folder( html_static_path, builddoc, copy_1to2=True, fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] javascript", len(copy), "files copied") else: fLOG( "[generate_help_sphinx] [reveal.js] no need, no folder", builddoc) ###### # next ###### datetime_rows = [("latex",] fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] LATEX") if "latex" in layout or "elatex" in layout: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] post_process_latex_output", froot) post_process_latex_output( froot, False, custom_latex_processing=custom_latex_processing) if "pdf" in layout: fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] compile_latex_output_final", froot, "**", latex_path) compile_latex_output_final( froot, latex_path, False, latex_book=latex_book, fLOG=fLOG, custom_latex_processing=custom_latex_processing, remove_unicode=remove_unicode) if "html" in layout: nbf = os.path.join(build, "html", "notebooks") if os.path.exists(nbf): post_process_html_nb_output_static_file(nbf, fLOG=fLOG) post_process_html_nb_output_static_file( os.path.join(build, "html", "_downloads"), fLOG=fLOG) for build_path in build_paths: src = os.path.join(build_path, "_images") dest = os.path.join(build_path, "notebooks") if os.path.exists(src) and os.path.exists(dest): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [imgs] look for images in ", src) for img in enumerate_copy_images_for_slides(src, dest): fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [imgs] copy image for slides:", img) ###### # copy pdf to html ###### latex = os.path.join(build_path, "latex") html = os.path.join(build_path, "latex") if os.path.exists(html) and os.path.exists(latex): # pragma: no cover pdfs = os.listdir(latex) for pdf in pdfs: ext = os.path.splitext(pdf)[-1] if ext != '.pdf': continue full = os.path.join(latex, pdf) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] [pdf] copy:", pdf) shutil.copy(full, html) ##### # end ##### os.chdir(pa) fLOG("################################") fLOG("#### END - check log for success") fLOG("################################") for i, row in enumerate(datetime_rows): if i == 0: a = row[1] else: a = datetime_rows[i - 1][1] b = row[1] d = b - a mes = "[generate_help_sphinx] {0}{1}: {2} [{3} --> {4}]".format( row[0], " " * (15 - len(row[0])), d, a, b) fLOG(mes) fLOG("---- JENKINS END DOCUMENTATION ----")
[docs]def _process_sphinx_in_private_cmd(list_args, fLOG): this = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)), "") res = [] for i, c in enumerate(list_args): if i == 0 and c in ("sphinx-main", "sphinx-build"): continue if c[0] == '"' or c[-1] == '"' or ' ' not in c: res.append(c) else: res.append('"{0}"'.format(c)) sargs = " ".join(res) cmd = '"{0}" "{1}" {2}'.format( sys.executable.replace("w.exe", ".exe"), this, sargs) fLOG(" ", cmd) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] _process_sphinx_in_private_cmd BEGIN") out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, fLOG=fLOG, communicate=False, tell_if_no_output=120) fLOG("[generate_help_sphinx] _process_sphinx_in_private_cmd END") lines = out.split('\n') lines = [ _ for _ in lines if "toctree contains reference to document 'blog/" not in _] out = "\n".join(lines) return out, err
[docs]def _check_sphinx_configuration(conf, fLOG): """ Operates some verification on the configuration. :param conf: :epkg:`sphinx` configuration :param fLOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|1187` """ clean_folders = [] if hasattr(conf, "sphinx_gallery_conf"): sphinx_gallery_conf = conf.sphinx_gallery_conf if len(sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"]) != len(sphinx_gallery_conf["gallery_dirs"]): add = "\nexamples_dirs={0}\ngallery_dirs={1}".format( sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"], sphinx_gallery_conf["gallery_dirs"]) raise ValueError( 'sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"] and sphinx_gallery_conf["gallery_dirs"] do not have the same size.' + add) if len(sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"]) > 0: fLOG( "[sphinx-gallery] {0} discovered".format(len(sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"]))) for a, b in zip(sphinx_gallery_conf["examples_dirs"], sphinx_gallery_conf["gallery_dirs"]): fLOG("[sphinx-gallery] src '{0}'".format(a)) fLOG("[sphinx-gallery] dest '{0}'".format(b)) clean_folders.append(a) for cl in clean_folders: fLOG("[sphinx-gallery] clean '{0}'".format(cl)) for temp in os.listdir(cl): # pragma: no cover if temp.startswith("temp_"): aaa = os.path.join(cl, temp) fLOG("[sphinx-gallery] remove '{0}'".format(cl)) remove_folder(aaa)
[docs]def _import_conf_extract_parameter(root, root_source, folds, build, newconf, all_tocs, build_paths, parameters, html_static_paths, fLOG): """ Imports the configuration file and extracts some of the parameters it defines. Fills the following lists. :param root: folder of the package :param root_source: folder of the sources :param folds: folder of the documentation :param build: build path :param newconf: unused except in an error message :param all_tocs: list to fill :param build_paths: list to fill :param parameters: list to fill :param html_static_paths: list to fill :param fLOG: logging function * all_tocs * build_paths * parameters * html_static_paths :githublink:`%|py|1236` """ # trick, we place the good folder in the first position with python_path_append(folds): if fLOG: fLOG( "[_import_conf_extract_parameter] import from '{0}'".format(folds)) try: module_conf = execute_script_get_local_variables( "from conf import *", folder=folds) except Exception as ee: # pragma: no cover raise HelpGenException( "Unable to import a config file (root_source='{0}').".format( folds), os.path.join(folds, "")) from ee if 'ERROR' in module_conf: raise ImportError("\n" + module_conf['ERROR'] + "\n") if len(module_conf) == 0: raise ImportError("Unable to extract local variable from") if module_conf is None: raise ImportError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to import '{0}' which defines the help generation".format(newconf)) thenewconf = dictionary_as_class(module_conf) if fLOG: fLOG("[_import_conf_extract_parameter] import:", thenewconf.drop( "epkg_dictionary", "latex_elements", "imgmath_latex_preamble", "preamble")) tocs = add_missing_files(root, thenewconf, "__INSERT__", fLOG) all_tocs.extend(tocs) # we store the html_static_path in html_static_paths html_static_path = thenewconf.__dict__.get( "html_static_path", "phdoc_static") if isinstance(html_static_path, list): html_static_path = html_static_path[0] html_static_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(root_source, html_static_path)) if not os.path.exists(html_static_path): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "no static path:" + html_static_path) html_static_paths.append(html_static_path) build_paths.append( os.path.normpath(os.path.join(html_static_path, "..", "..", build, "html"))) pp = dict(latex_book=thenewconf.latex_book) # pylint: disable=E1101 parameters.append(pp)