Source code for pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc

various helpers to produce a Sphinx documentation

import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import importlib
from ..loghelper.flog import fLOG, noLOG
from ..filehelper.synchelper import remove_folder, synchronize_folder, explore_folder
from ._my_doxypy import process_string
from .utils_sphinx_doc_helpers import add_file_rst_template, process_var_tag, import_module
from .utils_sphinx_doc_helpers import get_module_objects, add_file_rst_template_cor, add_file_rst_template_title
from .utils_sphinx_doc_helpers import IndexInformation, RstFileHelp, HelpGenException, process_look_for_tag, make_label_index
from ..pandashelper.tblformat import df2rst

[docs]def validate_file_for_help(filename, fexclude=lambda f: False): """ Accepts or rejects a file to be copied in the help folder. :param filename: filename :param fexclude: function to exclude some files :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|27` """ if fexclude is not None and fexclude(filename): return False if filename.endswith(".pyd") or filename.endswith(".so"): return True if "rpy2" in filename: # pragma: no cover with open(filename, "r") as ff: content = if "from pandas.core." in content: return False return True
[docs]def replace_relative_import_fct(fullname, content=None): """ Takes a :epkg:`python` file and replaces all relative imports it was able to find by an import which can be processed by :epkg:`Python` if the file were the main file. :param fullname: name of the file :param content: a preprocessed content of the file of the content if it is None :return: content of the file without relative imports .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Does not change imports in comments. :githublink:`%|py|56` """ if content is None: with open(fullname, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = fullpath = os.path.dirname(fullname) fullsplit = fullpath.replace('\\', '/').split('/') root = None for i in range(len(fullsplit), 1, -1): path = "/".join(fullsplit[:i]) init = os.path.join(path, '') src = os.path.join(path, 'src') cond = init or (not init and src) if not cond: root = i + 1 break if i < len(fullsplit) and fullsplit[i] in ('src', 'site-packages'): root = i + 1 break if root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to package root for '{}'.".format(fullname)) lines = content.split("\n") name = "([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)" namedot = "([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9.]*)" names = name + "(, " + name + ")*" end = "( .*)?$" regi = re.compile("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}".format("^( *)from ([.]{1,3})", namedot, " import ", names, end)) for i in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[i] find = if find: space, dot, rel, name0, names, _, end = find.groups() idot = len(dot) level = len(fullsplit) - root - idot + 1 if level > 0: if end is None: end = "" if names is None: names = "" packname = ".".join(fullsplit[root:root + level]) if rel: packname += '.' + rel line = "{space}from {packname} import {name0}{names}{end}".format( space=space, packname=packname, name0=name0, names=names, end=end) lines[i] = line else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to replace relative import in '{0}', " "root='{1}'\n{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}| level={6}".format( line, fullsplit[root], dot, rel, name0, names, level)) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def _private_process_one_file( fullname, to, silent, fmod, replace_relative_import, use_sys): """ Copies one file from the source to the documentation folder. It processes some comments in doxygen format (@ param, @ return). It replaces relatives imports by a regular import. :param fullname: name of the file :param to: location (folder) :param silent: no logs if True :param fmod: modification functions :param replace_relative_import: replace relative import :param use_sys: :func:`remove_undesired_part_for_documentation <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc.remove_undesired_part_for_documentation>` :return: extension, number of lines, number of lines in documentation :githublink:`%|py|129` """ ext = os.path.splitext(fullname)[-1] if ext in {".jpeg", ".jpg", ".pyd", ".png", ".dat", ".dll", ".o", ".so", ".exe", ".enc", ".txt", ".gif", ".csv", '.pyx'}: if ext in (".pyd", ".so"): # If the file is being executed, the copy might keep the properties of # the original (only Windows). with open(fullname, "rb") as f: bin = with open(to, "wb") as f: f.write(bin) else: shutil.copy(fullname, to) return os.path.splitext(fullname)[-1], 0, 0 else: try: with open(fullname, "r", encoding="utf8") as g: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover try: with open(fullname, "r") as g: content = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise UnicodeDecodeError(e.encoding, e.object, e.start, e.end, "Unable to read '{0}' due to '{1}'".format(fullname, e.reason)) from e lines = [_.strip(" \t\n\r") for _ in content.split("\n")] lines = [_ for _ in lines if len(_) > 0] nblines = len(lines) keepc = content try: counts, content = migrating_doxygen_doc(content, fullname, silent) except SyntaxError as e: # pragma: no cover if not silent: raise e content = keepc counts = dict(docrows=0) content = fmod(content, fullname) content = remove_undesired_part_for_documentation( content, fullname, use_sys) fold = os.path.split(to)[0] if not os.path.exists(fold): os.makedirs(fold) if replace_relative_import: content = replace_relative_import_fct(fullname, content) with open(to, "w", encoding="utf8") as g: g.write(content) return os.path.splitext(fullname)[-1], nblines, counts["docrows"]
[docs]def remove_undesired_part_for_documentation(content, filename, use_sys): """ Some files contains blocs inserted between the two lines: * ``# -- HELP BEGIN EXCLUDE --`` * ``# -- HELP END EXCLUDE --`` Those lines will be commented out. :param content: file content :param filename: for error message :param use_sys: string or None, enables, disables a section based on variables added to sys module :return: modified file content If the parameter *use_sys* is false, the section of code will be commented out. If true, the section can be enabled. It relies on the following code:: import sys if hasattr(sys, "<use_sys>") and sys.<use_sys>: # section to enable or disables The string ``<use_sys>`` will be replaced by the value of parameter *use_sys*. :githublink:`%|py|208` """ marker_in = "# -- HELP BEGIN EXCLUDE --" marker_out = "# -- HELP END EXCLUDE --" lines = content.split("\n") res = [] inside = False has_sys = False flask_trick = False for line in lines: if line.startswith("import sys"): has_sys = True if line.startswith(marker_in): if inside: raise HelpGenException( # pragma: no cover "issues with undesired blocs in file " + filename + " with: " + marker_in + "|" + marker_out) inside = True if use_sys: # pragma: no cover if not has_sys: res.append("import sys") res.append( "if hasattr(sys, '{0}') and sys.{0}:".format(use_sys)) res.append(line) elif line.startswith(marker_out): if use_sys and flask_trick: # pragma: no cover res.append(" pass") if not inside: raise HelpGenException( # pragma: no cover "issues with undesired blocs in file " + filename + " with: " + marker_in + "|" + marker_out) inside = False flask_trick = False res.append(line) else: if inside: if use_sys: # pragma: no cover # specific trick for Flask if line.startswith("@app."): line = "# " + line flask_trick = True res.append(" " + line) else: res.append("### " + line) else: res.append(line) return "\n".join(res)
[docs]def copy_source_files(input, output, fmod=lambda v, filename: v, silent=False, filter=None, remove=True, softfile=lambda f: False, fexclude=lambda f: False, addfilter=None, replace_relative_import=False, copy_add_ext=None, use_sys=None, fLOG=fLOG): """ Copies all sources files (input) into a folder (output), apply on each of them a modification. :param input: input folder :param output: output folder (it will be cleaned each time) :param fmod: modifies the content of each file, this function takes a string and returns a string :param silent: if True, do not stop when facing an issue with :epkg:`doxygen` documentation :param filter: if None, process only file related to python code, otherwise, use this filter to select file (regular expression). If this parameter is None or is empty, the default value is something like: ``"(.+[.]py$)|(.+[.]pyd$)|(.+[.]cpp$)|(.+[.]h$)|(.+[.]dll$))"``. :param remove: if True, remove every files in the output folder first :param softfile: softfile is a function (f : filename --> True or False), when it is True, the documentation is lighter (no special members) :param fexclude: function to exclude some files from the help :param addfilter: additional filter, it should look like: ``"(.+[.]pyx$)|(.+[.]pyh$)"`` :param replace_relative_import: replace relative import :param copy_add_ext: additional extension file to copy :param use_sys: see :func:`remove_undesired_part_for_documentation <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc.remove_undesired_part_for_documentation>` :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of copied files :githublink:`%|py|285` """ if not os.path.exists(output): os.makedirs(output) if remove: remove_folder(output, False, raise_exception=False) def_ext = ['py', 'pyd', 'cpp', 'h', 'dll', 'so', 'yml', 'o', 'def', 'gif', 'exe', 'data', 'config', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'map', 'sass', 'csv', 'tpl', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] deffilter = "|".join("(.+[.]{0}$)".format(_) for _ in def_ext) if copy_add_ext is not None: res = ["(.+[.]%s$)" % e for e in copy_add_ext] deffilter += "|" + "|".join(res) fLOG("[copy_source_files] copy filter '{0}'".format(deffilter)) if addfilter is not None and len(addfilter) > 0: if filter is None or len(filter) == 0: filter = "|".join([deffilter, addfilter]) else: filter = "|".join([filter, addfilter]) if filter is None: actions = synchronize_folder(input, output, filter=deffilter, avoid_copy=True, fLOG=fLOG) else: actions = synchronize_folder(input, output, filter=filter, avoid_copy=True, fLOG=fLOG) if len(actions) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError("empty folder: " + input) # pragma: no cover ractions = [] for a, file, dest in actions: if a != ">+": continue if not validate_file_for_help(file.fullname, fexclude): continue if""): continue if "" in raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "are you sure (, file: " + file.fullname) to = os.path.join(dest, dd = os.path.split(to)[0] if not os.path.exists(dd): fLOG("[copy_source_files] create ", dd, "softfile={0} fexclude={1}".format(softfile, fexclude)) os.makedirs(dd) fLOG("[copy_source_files] copy ", file.fullname, " to ", to) rext, rline, rdocline = _private_process_one_file( file.fullname, to, silent, fmod, replace_relative_import, use_sys) ractions.append((a, file, dest, rext, rline, rdocline)) return ractions
[docs]def apply_modification_template(rootm, store_obj, template, fullname, rootrep, softfile, indexes, additional_sys_path, fLOG=noLOG): """ See :func:`add_file_rst <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc.add_file_rst>`. :param rootm: root of the module :param store_obj: keep track of all objects extracted from the module :param template: rst template to produce :param fullname: full name of the file :param rootrep: file name in the documentation contains some folders which are not desired in the documentation :param softfile: a function (f : filename --> True or False), when it is True, the documentation is lighter (no special members) :param indexes: dictionary with the label and some information (IndexInformation) :param additional_sys_path: additional path to include to sys.path before importing a module (will be removed afterwards) :param fLOG: logging function :return: content of a .rst file .. faqref:: :title: Why doesn't the documentation show compiled submodules? The instruction ``.. automodule:: <name>`` only shows objects *obj* which verify ``obj.__module__ == name``. This is always the case for modules written in Python but not necessarily for module compiled from C language. When the module is declared, the following structure contains the module name in second position. This name must not be the submodule shortname but the name the module has is the package. The C file *pyquickhelper/helpgen/compiled.c* implements submodule ``pyquickhelper.helpgen.compiled``, this value must replace ``<fullname>`` in the structure below, not simply *compiled*. :: static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "<fullname>", "Helper for parallelization with threads with C++.", sizeof(struct module_state), fonctions, NULL, threader_module_traverse, threader_module_clear, NULL }; .. warning:: This function still needs some improvments for C++ modules on MacOSX. :githublink:`%|py|395` """ from pandas import DataFrame keepf = fullname filename = os.path.split(fullname)[-1] filenoext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] fullname = fullname.strip(".").replace( "\\", "/").replace("/", ".").strip(".") if rootrep[0] in fullname: pos = fullname.index(rootrep[0]) fullname = rootrep[1] + fullname[pos + len(rootrep[0]):] fullnamenoext = fullname[:-3] if fullname.endswith(".py") else fullname if fullnamenoext.endswith(".pyd"): fullnamenoext = '.'.join(fullnamenoext.split('.')[:-2]) elif fullnamenoext.endswith(''): fullnamenoext = '.'.join(fullnamenoext.split('.')[:-2]) pythonname = None not_expected = os.environ.get( "USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "````````````")) if not_expected not in ('jenkins', 'vsts', 'runner') and not_expected in fullnamenoext: mes = ("The title is probably wrong (5): {0}\nnoext='{1}'\npython='{2}'\nrootm='{3}'\nrootrep='{4}'" "\nfullname='{5}'\nkeepf='{6}'\nnot_expected='{7}'") # pragma: no cover raise HelpGenException(mes.format( # pragma: no cover fullnamenoext, filenoext, pythonname, rootm, rootrep, fullname, keepf, not_expected)) mo, prefix = import_module( rootm, keepf, fLOG, additional_sys_path=additional_sys_path) doc = "" shortdoc = "" additional = {} tspecials = {} if mo is not None: if isinstance(mo, str): # pragma: no cover # it is an error spl = mo.split("\n") mo = "\n".join([" " + _ for _ in spl]) mo = "::\n\n" + mo + "\n\n" doc = mo shortdoc = "Error" pythonname = fullnamenoext else: pythonname = mo.__name__ if mo.__doc__ is not None: doc = mo.__doc__ doc = private_migrating_doxygen_doc( doc.split("\n"), 0, fullname) doct = doc doc = [] for d in doct: if len(doc) != 0 or len(d) > 0: doc.append(d) while len(doc) > 0 and len(doc[-1]) == 0: doc.pop() shortdoc = doc[0] if len(doc) > 0 else "" if len(doc) > 1: shortdoc += "..." doc = "\n".join(doc) doc = "module ``" + mo.__name__ + "``\n\n" + doc if ":githublink:" not in doc: doc += "\n\n:githublink:`GitHub|py|*`" else: doc = "" shortdoc = "empty" # it produces the table for the function, classes, and objs = get_module_objects(mo) prefix = ".".join(fullnamenoext.split(".")[:-1]) for ob in objs: if ob.type in ["method"] and"_"): tspecials[] = ob ob.add_prefix(prefix) if ob.key in store_obj: if isinstance(store_obj[ob.key], list): store_obj[ob.key].append(ob) else: store_obj[ob.key] = [store_obj[ob.key], ob] else: store_obj[ob.key] = ob for k, v in add_file_rst_template_cor.items(): values = [[o.rst_link(None, class_in_bracket=False), o.truncdoc] for o in objs if o.type == k] if len(values) > 0: tbl = DataFrame( columns=[k, "truncated documentation"], data=values) for row in tbl.values: if ":meth:`_" in row[0]: row[0] = row[0].replace(":meth:`_", ":py:meth:`_") if len(tbl) > 0: maxi = max([len(_) for _ in tbl[k]]) s = 0 if tbl.iloc[0, 1] is None else len( tbl.iloc[0, 1]) t = "" if tbl.iloc[0, 1] is None else tbl.iloc[0, 1] tbl.iloc[0, 1] = t + (" " * (3 * maxi - s)) sph = df2rst(tbl) titl = "\n\n" + add_file_rst_template_title[k] + "\n" titl += "+" * len(add_file_rst_template_title[k]) titl += "\n\n" additional[v] = titl + sph else: additional[v] = "" else: additional[v] = "" del mo else: doc = "[sphinxerror]-C unable to import." if indexes is None: indexes = {} label = IndexInformation.get_label(indexes, "f-" + filenoext) indexes[label] = IndexInformation( "module", label, filenoext, doc, None, keepf) fLOG("[apply_modification_template] adding into index ", indexes[label]) try: with open(keepf, "r") as ft: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: try: with open(keepf, "r", encoding="latin-1") as ft: content = except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover with open(keepf, "r", encoding="utf8") as ft: content = plat = "Windows" if "This example only runs on Windows." in content else "any" # dealing with special members (does not work) # text_specials = "".join([" :special-members: %s\n" % k for k in tspecials ]) text_specials = "" if fullnamenoext.endswith(".__init__"): fullnamenoext = fullnamenoext[: -len(".__init__")] if filenoext.endswith(".__init__"): filenoext = filenoext[: -len(".__init__")] not_expected = os.environ.get( "USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "````````````")) if not_expected not in ('jenkins', 'vsts', 'runner') and not_expected in fullnamenoext: mes = ("The title is probably wrong (3): {0}\nnoext={1}\npython={2}\nrootm={3}\nrootrep={4}" "\nfullname={5}\nkeepf={6}\nnot_expected='{7}'") # pragma: no cover raise HelpGenException(mes.format( # pragma: no cover fullnamenoext, filenoext, pythonname, rootm, rootrep, fullname, keepf, not_expected)) ttitle = "module ``{0}``".format(fullnamenoext) rep = {"__FULLNAME_UNDERLINED__": ttitle + "\n" + ("=" * len(ttitle)) + "\n", "__FILENAMENOEXT__": filenoext, "__FULLNAMENOEXT__": pythonname, "__DOCUMENTATION__": doc.split("\n.. ")[0], "__DOCUMENTATIONLINE__": shortdoc.split(".. todoext::")[0], "__PLATFORM__": plat, "__ADDEDMEMBERS__": text_specials, } for k, v in additional.items(): rep[k] = v res = template for a, b in rep.items(): res = res.replace(a, b) has_class = any( filter(lambda _: _.startswith("class "), content.split("\n"))) if not has_class: spl = res.split("\n") spl = [_ for _ in spl if not _.startswith(".. inheritance-diagram::")] res = "\n".join(spl) if softfile(fullname): res = res.replace(":special-members:", "") return res
[docs]def add_file_rst(rootm, store_obj, actions, template=add_file_rst_template, rootrep=("_doc.sphinxdoc.source.pyquickhelper.", ""), fmod=lambda v, filename: v, softfile=lambda f: False, mapped_function=None, indexes=None, additional_sys_path=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Creates a :epkg:`rst` file for every source file. :param rootm: root of the module (for relative import) :param store_obj: to keep table of all objects :param actions: output from :func:`copy_source_files <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc.copy_source_files>` :param template: :epkg:`rst` template to produce :param rootrep: file name in the documentation contains some folders which are not desired in the documentation :param fmod: applies modification to the instanciated template :param softfile: softfile is a function (f : filename --> True or False), when it is True, the documentation is lighter (no special members) :param mapped_function: list of 2-tuple (pattern, function). Every file matching the pattern will be copied to the documentation folder, its content will be sent to the function and will produce a file <filename>.rst. Example: ``[ (".*[.]sql$", filecontent_to_rst) ]`` The function takes two parameters: full_filename, content_filename. It returns a string (the rst file) or a tuple (rst file, short description). By default (if function is None), the function ``filecontent_to_rst`` will be called except for .rst file for which nothing is done. :param indexes: to index some information { dictionary label:IndexInformation (...) }, the function populates it :param additional_sys_path: additional path to include to sys.path before importing a module (will be removed afterwards) :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of written files stored in RstFileHelp :githublink:`%|py|612` """ if indexes is None: indexes = {} if mapped_function is None: mapped_function = [] if additional_sys_path is None: additional_sys_path = [] memo = {} app = [] for action in actions: _, file, dest = action[:3] if not isinstance(file, str): file = to = os.path.join(dest, file) rst = os.path.splitext(to)[0] rst += ".rst" ext = os.path.splitext(to)[-1] if sys.platform == "win32": cpxx = ".cp%d%d-" % sys.version_info[:2] elif sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 7): cpxx = ".cpython-%d%dm-" % sys.version_info[:2] else: cpxx = ".cpython-%d%d-" % sys.version_info[:2] if file.endswith(".py") or ( cpxx in file and ( file.endswith(".pyd") or file.endswith("") )): if os.stat(to).st_size > 0: content = apply_modification_template( rootm, store_obj, template, to, rootrep, softfile, indexes, additional_sys_path=additional_sys_path, fLOG=fLOG) content = fmod(content, file) # tweaks for example and studies zzz = to.replace("\\", "/") name = os.path.split(file)[-1] noex = os.path.splitext(name)[0] # todo: specific case: should be removed and added back in a # proper way if "examples/" in zzz or "studies/" in zzz: content += "\n.. _%s_literal:\n\nCode\n----\n\n.. literalinclude:: %s\n\n" % ( noex, name) with open(rst, "w", encoding="utf8") as g: g.write(content) app.append(RstFileHelp(to, rst, "")) for vv in indexes.values(): if vv.fullname == to: vv.set_rst_file(rst) break else: for pat, func in mapped_function: if func is None and ext == ".rst": continue if pat not in memo: memo[pat] = re.compile(pat) exp = memo[pat] if if isinstance(func, bool) and not func: # we copy but we do nothing with it pass else: with open(to, "r", encoding="utf8") as g: content = if func is None: func = filecontent_to_rst content = func(to, content) if isinstance(content, tuple) and len(content) == 2: content, doc = content else: doc = "" with open(rst, "w", encoding="utf8") as g: g.write(content) app.append(RstFileHelp(to, rst, "")) filenoext, ext = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(to)[-1]) ext = ext.strip(".") label = IndexInformation.get_label( indexes, "ext-" + filenoext) indexes[label] = IndexInformation( "ext-" + ext, label, filenoext, doc, rst, to) fLOG("[add_file_rst] add ext into index ", indexes[label]) return app
[docs]def produces_indexes(store_obj, indexes, fexclude_index, titles=None, correspondances=None, fLOG=fLOG): """ Produces a file for each category of object found in the module. :param store_obj: list of collected object, it is a dictionary key : ModuleMemberDoc or key : [ list of ModuleMemberDoc ] :param indexes: list of things to index, dictionary { label : IndexInformation } :param fexclude_index: to exclude files from the indices :param titles: each type is mapped to a title to add to the :epkg:`rst` file :param correspondances: each type is mapped to a label to add to the :epkg:`rst` file :param fLOG: logging function :return: dictionary: { type : rst content of the index } Default values if *titles* of *correspondances* is None: :: title = {"method": "Methods", "staticmethod": "Static Methods", "property": "Properties", "function": "Functions", "class": "Classes", "module": "Modules"} correspondances = {"method": "l-methods", "function": "l-functions", "staticmethod": "l-staticmethods", "property": "l-properties", "class": "l-classes", "module": "l-modules"} :githublink:`%|py|740` """ from pandas import DataFrame if titles is None: titles = {"method": "Methods", "staticmethod": "Static Methods", "property": "Properties", "function": "Functions", "class": "Classes", "module": "Modules"} if correspondances is None: correspondances = {"method": "l-methods", "function": "l-functions", "staticmethod": "l-staticmethods", "property": "l-properties", "class": "l-classes", "module": "l-modules"} # we process store_obj types = {} for k, v in store_obj.items(): if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] for _ in v: if fexclude_index(_): continue types[_.type] = types.get(_.type, 0) + 1 fLOG("[produces_indexes] store_obj: extraction of types: {}".format(types)) res = {} for k in types: fLOG("[produces_indexes] type: [{}] - rst".format(k)) values = [] for t, so in store_obj.items(): if not isinstance(so, list): so = [so] for o in so: if fexclude_index(o): continue if o.type != k: continue oclname = o.classname.__name__ if o.classname is not None else "" rlink = o.rst_link(class_in_bracket=False) fLOG("[produces_indexes] + '{}': {}".format(, rlink)) values.append([, rlink, oclname, o.truncdoc]) values.sort() for row in values: if ":meth:`_" in row[1]: row[1] = row[1].replace(":meth:`_", ":py:meth:`_") # we filter private method or functions values = [ row for row in values if ":meth:`__" in row or ":meth:`_" not in row] values = [ row for row in values if ":func:`__" in row or ":func:`_" not in row] columns = ["_", k, "class parent", "truncated documentation"] tbl = DataFrame(columns=columns, data=values) if len(tbl.columns) >= 2: tbl = tbl.iloc[:, 1:].copy() if len(tbl) > 0: maxi = max([len(_) for _ in tbl[k]]) s = 0 if tbl.iloc[0, 1] is None else len(tbl.iloc[0, 1]) t = "" if tbl.iloc[0, 1] is None else tbl.iloc[0, 1] tbl.iloc[0, 1] = t + (" " * (3 * maxi - s)) sph = df2rst(tbl) res[k] = sph fLOG("[produces_indexes] type: [{}] - shape: {}".format(k, tbl.shape)) # we process indexes fLOG("[produces_indexes] indexes") types = {} for k, v in indexes.items(): if fexclude_index(v): continue types[v.type] = types.get(v.type, 0) + 1 fLOG("[produces_indexes] extraction of types: {}".format(types)) for k in types: if k in res: raise HelpGenException( "you should not index anything related to classes, functions or method (conflict: %s)" % k) values = [] for t, o in indexes.items(): if fexclude_index(o): continue if o.type != k: continue values.append([, o.rst_link(), o.truncdoc]) values.sort() tbl = DataFrame( columns=["_", k, "truncated documentation"], data=values) if len(tbl.columns) >= 2: tbl = tbl[tbl.columns[1:]] if len(tbl) > 0: maxi = max([len(_) for _ in tbl[k]]) tbl.iloc[0, 1] = tbl.iloc[0, 1] + \ (" " * (3 * maxi - len(tbl.iloc[0, 1]))) sph = df2rst(tbl) res[k] = sph # end for k in res: fLOG("[produces_indexes] index name '{}'".format(k)) label = correspondances.get(k, k) title = titles.get(k, k) under = "=" * len(title) content = "\n".join([".. contents::", " :local:", " :depth: 1", "", "", "Summary", "+++++++"]) not_expected = os.environ.get( "USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "````````````")) if not_expected != "jenkins" and not_expected in title: raise HelpGenException( # pragma: no cover "The title is probably wrong (2), found '{0}' in '{1}'".format(not_expected, title)) res[k] = "\n.. _%s:\n\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s" % ( label, title, under, content, res[k]) return res
[docs]def filecontent_to_rst(filename, content): """ Produces a *.rst* file which contains the file. It adds a title and a label based on the filename (no folder included). :param filename: filename :param content: content :return: new content :githublink:`%|py|883` """ file = os.path.split(filename)[-1] full = file + "\n" + ("=" * len(file)) + "\n" not_expected = os.environ.get( "USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "````````````")) if not_expected != "jenkins" and not_expected in file: raise HelpGenException( # pragma: no cover "The title is probably wrong (1): '{0}' found in '{1}'".format(not_expected, file)) rows = ["", ".. _f-%s:" % file, "", "", full, "", # "fullpath: ``%s``" % filename, "", ""] if ".. RSTFORMAT." in content: rows.append(".. include:: %s " % file) else: rows.append(".. literalinclude:: %s " % file) rows.append("") nospl = content.replace("\n", "_!_!:!_") reg = re.compile("(.. beginshortsummary[.](.*?).. endshortsummary[.])") cont = if cont: g = cont.groups()[1].replace("_!_!:!_", "\n") return "\n".join(rows), g.strip("\n\r ") if "@brief" in content: spl = content.split("\n") begin = None end = None for i, r in enumerate(spl): if "@brief" in r: begin = i if end is None and begin is not None and len( r.strip(" \n\r\t")) == 0: end = i if begin is not None and end is not None: summary = "\n".join(spl[begin:end]).replace( "@brief", "").strip("\n\t\r ") else: summary = "no documentation" # looking for C++/java/C# comments spl = content.split("\n") begin = None end = None for i, r in enumerate(spl): if "/**" in spl[i]: begin = i if end is None and begin is not None and "*/" in spl[i]: end = i content = "\n".join(rows) if begin is not None and end is not None: filerows = private_migrating_doxygen_doc( spl[begin + 1:end - 1], 1, filename) rstr = "\n".join(filerows) rstr = re.sub( ":param +([a-zA-Z_][[a-zA-Z_0-9]*) *:", r"* **\1**:", rstr) content = content.replace( ".. literalinclude::", "\n%s\n\n.. literalinclude::" % rstr) return content, summary return "\n".join(rows), "no documentation"
[docs]def prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation(store_obj, input, output, subfolders, fmod_copy=lambda v, filename: v, template=add_file_rst_template, rootrep=( "_doc.sphinxdoc.source.project_name.", ""), fmod_res=lambda v, filename: v, silent=False, optional_dirs=None, softfile=lambda f: False, fexclude=lambda f: False, mapped_function=None, fexclude_index=lambda f: False, issues=None, additional_sys_path=None, replace_relative_import=False, module_name=None, copy_add_ext=None, use_sys=None, auto_rst_generation=True, fLOG=fLOG): """ Prepares all files for :epkg:`Sphinx` generation. :param store_obj: to keep track of all objects, it should be a dictionary :param input: input folder :param output: output folder (it will be cleaned each time) :param subfolders: list of subfolders to copy from input to output, two cases: * a string input/<sub> --> output/<sub> * a tuple input/<sub[0]> --> output/<sub[1]> :param fmod_copy: modifies the content of each file, this function takes a string and the filename and returns a string ``f(content, filename) --> string`` :param template: rst template to produce :param rootrep: file name in the documentation contains some folders which are not desired in the documentation :param fmod_res: applies modification to the instanciated template :param silent: if True, do not stop when facing an issue with doxygen migration :param optional_dirs: list of tuple with a list of folders (source, copy, filter) to copy for the documentation, example: ``( <folder_help>, "coverage", ".*" )`` :param softfile: softfile is a function (f : filename --> True or False), when it is True, the documentation is lighter (no special members) :param fexclude: function to exclude some files from the help :param fexclude_index: function to exclude some files from the indices :param mapped_function: list of 2-tuple (pattern, function). Every file matching the pattern will be copied to the documentation folder, its content will be sent to the function and will produce a file <filename>.rst. Example: ``[ (".*[.]sql$", filecontent_to_rst) ]`` The function takes two parameters: full_filename, content_filename. It returns a string (the rst file) or a tuple (rst file, short description). By default (if function is None), the function ``filecontent_to_rst`` will be called. :param issues: if not None (a list), the function will store some issues here. :param additional_sys_path: additional paths to includes to sys.path when import a module (will be removed afterwards) :param replace_relative_import: replace relative import :param module_name: module name (cannot be None) :param copy_add_ext: additional file extension to copy :param use_sys: :func:`remove_undesired_part_for_documentation <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc.remove_undesired_part_for_documentation>` :param auto_rst_generation: add a file *.rst* for each source file :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of written files stored in :class:`RstFileHelp <pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_doc_helpers.RstFileHelp>` Example: :: prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation ( {}, ".", "_doc/sphinxdoc/source/", subfolders = [ ("src/" + project_var_name, project_var_name), ], silent = True, rootrep = ("_doc.sphinxdoc.source.%s." % (project_var_name,), ""), optional_dirs = optional_dirs, mapped_function = [ (".*[.]tohelp$", None) ] ) It produces a file with the number of lines and files per extension. :githublink:`%|py|1027` """ if optional_dirs is None: optional_dirs = [] if mapped_function is None: mapped_function = [] if additional_sys_path is None: additional_sys_path = [] if module_name is None: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "module_name cannot be None") fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] output='{}'".format(output)) rootm = os.path.abspath(output) fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] input='{}'".format(input)) actions = [] rsts = [] indexes = {} for sub in subfolders: if isinstance(sub, str): src = (input + "/" + sub).replace("//", "/") dst = (output + "/" + sub).replace("//", "/") else: src = (input + "/" + sub[0]).replace("//", "/") dst = (output + "/" + sub[1]).replace("//", "/") if os.path.isfile(src): fLOG(" [p] ", src) _private_process_one_file( src, dst, silent, fmod_copy, replace_relative_import, use_sys) temp = os.path.split(dst) actions_t = [(">", temp[1], temp[0], 0, 0)] if auto_rst_generation: rstadd = add_file_rst(rootm, store_obj, actions_t, template, rootrep, fmod_res, softfile=softfile, mapped_function=mapped_function, indexes=indexes, additional_sys_path=additional_sys_path, fLOG=fLOG) rsts += rstadd else: fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] processing '{}'".format(src)) actions_t = copy_source_files(src, dst, fmod_copy, silent=silent, softfile=softfile, fexclude=fexclude, addfilter="|".join( ['(%s)' % _[0] for _ in mapped_function]), replace_relative_import=replace_relative_import, copy_add_ext=copy_add_ext, use_sys=use_sys, fLOG=fLOG) # without those two lines, importing the module might crash later importlib.invalidate_caches() importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) if auto_rst_generation: rsts += add_file_rst(rootm, store_obj, actions_t, template, rootrep, fmod_res, softfile=softfile, mapped_function=mapped_function, indexes=indexes, additional_sys_path=additional_sys_path, fLOG=fLOG) actions += actions_t # everything is cleaned from the build folder, so, it is no use for tu in optional_dirs: if len(tu) == 2: fold, dest, filt = tu + (".*", ) else: fold, dest, filt = tu if filt is None: filt = ".*" if not os.path.exists(dest): fLOG("creating folder (sphinx) ", dest) os.makedirs(dest) copy_source_files(fold, dest, silent=silent, filter=filt, softfile=softfile, fexclude=fexclude, addfilter="|".join(['(%s)' % _[0] for _ in mapped_function]), replace_relative_import=replace_relative_import, copy_add_ext=copy_add_ext, fLOG=fLOG) # processing all store_obj to compute some indices fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] processing all store_obj to compute some indices") fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] extracted ", len(store_obj), " objects") res = produces_indexes(store_obj, indexes, fexclude_index, fLOG=fLOG) fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] generating ", len(res), " indexes for ", ", ".join(list(res.keys()))) allfiles = [] for k, vv in res.items(): out = os.path.join(output, "index_" + k + ".rst") allfiles.append("index_" + k) fLOG(" generates index", out) if k == "module": toc = ["\n\n.. toctree::"] toc.append(" :maxdepth: 1\n") for _ in rsts: if _.file is not None and len(_.file) > 0: na = os.path.splitext(_.rst)[0].replace( "\\", "/").split("/") if "source" in na: na = na[na.index("source") + 1:] na = "/".join(na) toc.append(" " + na) vv += "\n".join(toc) with open(out, "w", encoding="utf8") as fh: fh.write(vv) rsts.append(RstFileHelp(None, out, None)) # generates a table with the number of lines per extension rows = [] for act in actions: if "" not in act[1].get_fullname() or act[-1] > 0: v = 1 rows.append(act[-3:] + (v,)) name = os.path.split(act[1].get_fullname())[-1] if name.startswith("auto_"): rows.append(("auto_*" + act[-3], act[-2], act[-1], v)) elif "" in name: rows.append(("", act[-2], act[-1], v)) elif "" in act[1].get_fullname(): v = 1 rows.append(("empty", act[-2], act[-1], v)) # use DataFrame to produce a RST table from pandas import DataFrame df = DataFrame( data=rows, columns=["extension/kind", "nb lines", "nb doc lines", "nb files"]) try: # for pandas >= 0.17 df = df.groupby( "extension/kind", as_index=False).sum().sort_values("extension/kind") except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover # for pandas < 0.17 df = df.groupby( "extension/kind", as_index=False).sum().sort("extension/kind") # reports fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] writing ", "all_report.rst") all_report = os.path.join(output, "all_report.rst") with open(all_report, "w") as falli: falli.write("\n:orphan:\n\n") falli.write(".. _l-statcode:\n") falli.write("\n") falli.write("Statistics on code\n") falli.write("==================\n") falli.write("\n\n") sph = df2rst(df, list_table=True) falli.write(sph) falli.write("\n") rsts.append(RstFileHelp(None, all_report, None)) # all indexes fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] writing ", "all_indexes.rst") all_index = os.path.join(output, "all_indexes.rst") with open(all_index, "w") as falli: falli.write("\n:orphan:\n\n") falli.write("\n") falli.write("All indexes\n") falli.write("===========\n") falli.write("\n\n") falli.write(".. toctree::\n") falli.write(" :maxdepth: 2\n") falli.write("\n") for k in sorted(allfiles): falli.write(" %s\n" % k) falli.write("\n") rsts.append(RstFileHelp(None, all_index, None)) # last function to process images fLOG("looking for images", output) images = os.path.join(output, "images") fLOG("+looking for images into ", images, " for folder ", output) if os.path.exists(images): process_copy_images(output, images) # fixes indexed objects with incomplete names # :class:`name` --> :class:`name <...>` fLOG("+looking for incomplete references", output) fix_incomplete_references(output, store_obj, issues=issues, fLOG=fLOG) # for t,so in store_obj.items() : # look for FAQ and example fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] FAQ + examples") app = [] for tag, title in [("FAQ", "FAQ"), ("example", "Examples"), ("NB", "Magic commands"), ]: onefiles = process_look_for_tag(tag, title, rsts) for page, onefile in onefiles: saveas = os.path.join(output, "all_%s%s.rst" % (tag, page.replace(":", "").replace("/", "").replace(" ", ""))) with open(saveas, "w", encoding="utf8") as fh: fh.write(onefile) app.append(RstFileHelp(saveas, onefile, "")) rsts += app fLOG("[prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation] END", output) return actions, rsts
[docs]def process_copy_images(folder_source, folder_images): """ Looks into every file .rst or .py for images (.. image:: imagename), if this image was found in directory folder_images, then the image is copied closes to the file. :param folder_source: folder where to look for sources :param folder_images: folder where to look for images :return: list of copied images :githublink:`%|py|1249` """ _, files = explore_folder(folder_source, "[.]((rst)|(py))$") reg = re.compile(".. image::(.*)") cop = [] for fn in files: try: with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover try: with open(fn, "r") as f: content = except Exception: raise Exception("Issue with file '{0}'".format(fn)) from e lines = content.split("\n") for line in lines: img = if img: name = img.groups()[0].strip() fin = os.path.split(name)[-1] path = os.path.join(folder_images, fin) if os.path.exists(path): dest = os.path.join(os.path.split(fn)[0], fin) shutil.copy(path, dest) fLOG("+copy img ", fin, " to ", dest) cop.append(dest) else: fLOG("-unable to find image ", name) return cop
[docs]def fix_incomplete_references(folder_source, store_obj, issues=None, fLOG=fLOG): """ Looks into every file .rst or .py for incomplete reference. Example:: :class:`name` --> :class:`name <...>`. :param folder_source: folder where to look for sources :param store_obj: container for indexed objects :param issues: if not None (a list), it will add issues (function, message) :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of fixed references :githublink:`%|py|1293` """ cor = {"func": ["function"], "meth": ["method", "property", "staticmethod"] } _, files = explore_folder(folder_source, "[.](py)$") reg = re.compile( "(:(py:)?((class)|(meth)|(func)):`([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)`)") cop = [] for fn in files: try: with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = encoding = "utf8" except Exception: # pragma: no cover with open(fn, "r") as f: content = encoding = None mainname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn)[-1])[0] modif = False lines = content.split("\n") rline = [] for line in lines: ref = if ref: all = ref.groups()[0] # pre = ref.groups()[1] typ = ref.groups()[2] nam = ref.groups()[-1] key = None obj = None for cand in cor.get(typ, [typ]): k = "%s;%s" % (cand, nam) if k in store_obj: if isinstance(store_obj[k], list): se = [ _s for _s in store_obj[k] if mainname in _s.rst_link()] if len(se) == 1: obj = se[0] break else: key = k obj = store_obj[k] break if key in store_obj: modif = True lnk = obj.rst_link(class_in_bracket=False) fLOG(" i,ref, found ", all, " --> ", lnk) line = line.replace(all, lnk) else: fLOG( " w,unable to replace key ", key, ": ", all, "in file", fn) if issues is not None: issues.append(("fix_incomplete_references", "unable to replace key %s, link %s in file %s" % (key, all, fn))) rline.append(line) if modif: if encoding == "utf8": with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("\n".join(rline)) else: with open(fn, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(rline)) return cop
[docs]def migrating_doxygen_doc(content, filename, silent=False, log=False, debug=False): """ Migrates the doxygen documentation to rst format. :param content: file content :param filename: filename (to display useful error messages) :param silent: if silent, do not raise an exception :param log: if True, write some information in the logs (not only exceptions) :param debug: display more information on the output if True :return: statistics, new content file Function ``private_migrating_doxygen_doc`` enumerates the list of conversion which will be done. :githublink:`%|py|1378` """ if log: fLOG("migrating_doxygen_doc: ", filename) rows = [] counts = {"docrows": 0} def print_in_rows(v, file=None): rows.append(v) def local_private_migrating_doxygen_doc(r, index_first_line, filename): counts["docrows"] += len(r) return _private_migrating_doxygen_doc(r, index_first_line, filename, debug=debug, silent=silent) process_string(content, print_in_rows, local_private_migrating_doxygen_doc, filename, 0, debug=debug) return counts, "\n".join(rows)
if hasattr(sys, 'enable_disabled_documented_pieces_of_code') and sys.enable_disabled_documented_pieces_of_code: # -- HELP BEGIN EXCLUDE -- def private_migrating_doxygen_doc(rows, index_first_line, filename, debug=False, silent=False): """ Processes a block help (from doxygen to rst). :param rows: list of text lines :param index_first_line: index of the first line (to display useful message error) :param filename: filename (to display useful message error) :param silent: if True, do not display anything :param debug: display more information if True :return: another list of text lines .. warning:: This function uses regular expression to process the documentation, it does not import the module (as Sphinx does). It might misunderstand some code. .. todo:: Try to import the module and if it possible, uses that information to help the parsing. The following line displays error message you can click on using SciTe :: raise SyntaxError(" File \"%s\", line %d, in ???\n unable to process: %s " %( filename, index_first_line+i+1, row)) __sphinx__skip__ The previous string tells the function to stop processing the help. Doxygen conversions:: @param <param_name> description :param <param_name>: description @return description :return: description @rtype description :rtype: description @code code:: + indentation @endcode nothing @file nothing @brief nothing @ingroup ... nothing @defgroup .... nothing @image html ... @see,@ref label forbidden should be <op> <fn> <label>, example: @ref cl label <op> must be in [fn, cl, at, me, te, md] :class:`label` :func:`label` :attr:`label` :meth:`label` :mod:`label` @warning description (until next empty line) .. warning:: description @todo .. todo:: a todo box ------------- not done yet @img image name .. image:: test.png :width: 200pt .. raw:: html html indente :githublink:`%|py|1488` """ return _private_migrating_doxygen_doc(rows, index_first_line, filename, debug=debug, silent=silent) # -- HELP END EXCLUDE --
[docs]def _private_migrating_doxygen_doc(rows, index_first_line, filename, debug=False, silent=False): if debug: # pragma: no cover fLOG("------------------ P0") fLOG("\n".join(rows)) fLOG("------------------ P") debugrows = rows rows = [_.replace("\t", " ") for _ in rows] pars = re.compile("([@]param( +)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)) ") refe = re.compile( "([@]((see)|(ref)) +((fn)|(cl)|(at)|(me)|(te)|(md)) +([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))($|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])") exce = re.compile("([@]exception( +)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)) ") exem = re.compile("([@]example[(](.*?___)?(.*?)[)])") faq_ = re.compile("([@]FAQ[(](.*?___)?(.*?)[)])") nb_ = re.compile("([@]NB[(](.*?___)?(.*?)[)])") # min indent if len(rows) > 1: space_rows = [(r.lstrip(), r) for r in rows[1:] if len(r.strip()) > 0] else: space_rows = [] if len(space_rows) > 0: min_indent = min(len(r[1]) - len(r[0]) for r in space_rows) else: min_indent = 0 # We fix the first rows which might be different from the others. if len(rows) > 1: r = rows[0] r = (r.lstrip(), r) delta = len(r[1]) - len(r[0]) if delta != min_indent: rows = rows.copy() rows[0] = " " * min_indent + rows[0].lstrip() # processing doxygen documentation indent = False openi = False beginends = {} typstr = str whole = "\n".join(rows) if "@var" in whole: whole = process_var_tag(whole, True) rows = whole.split("\n") for i in range(len(rows)): row = rows[i] if debug: fLOG("-- indent=%s openi=%s row=%s" % (indent, openi, row)) if "__sphinx__skip__" in row: if not silent: fLOG(" File \"%s\", line %s, skipping" % (filename, index_first_line + i + 1)) break strow = row.strip(" ") if "@endFAQ" in strow or "@endexample" in strow or "@endNB" in strow: if "@endFAQ" in strow: beginends["FAQ"] = beginends.get("FAQ", 0) - 1 sp = " " * row.index("@endFAQ") rows[i] = "\n" + sp + ".. endFAQ.\n" if "@endexample" in strow: beginends["example"] = beginends.get("example", 0) - 1 sp = " " * row.index("@endexample") rows[i] = "\n" + sp + ".. endexample.\n" if "@endNB" in strow: # pragma: no cover beginends["NB"] = beginends.get("NB", 0) - 1 sp = " " * row.index("@endNB") rows[i] = "\n" + sp + ".. endNB.\n" continue if indent: if (not openi and len(strow) == 0) or "@endcode" in strow: indent = False rows[i] = "" openi = False if "@endcode" in strow: beginends["code"] = beginends.get("code", 0) - 1 else: rows[i] = " " + rows[i] else: if strow.startswith("@warning"): pos = rows[i].find("@warning") sp = " " * pos rows[i] = rows[i].replace("@warning", "\n%s.. warning:: " % sp) indent = True elif strow.startswith("@todo"): pos = rows[i].find("@todo") sp = " " * pos rows[i] = rows[i].replace("@todo", "\n%s.. todo:: " % sp) indent = True elif strow.startswith("@ingroup"): rows[i] = "" elif strow.startswith("@defgroup"): rows[i] = "" elif strow.startswith("@image"): pos = rows[i].find("@image") sp = " " * pos spl = strow.split() img = spl[-1] if img.startswith("http://"): rows[i] = "\n%s.. fancybox:: " % sp + img + "\n\n" else: if img.startswith("images") or img.startswith("~"): # we assume it is a relative path to the source img = img.strip("~") spl_path = filename.replace("\\", "/").split("/") pos = spl_path.index("src") dots = [".."] * (len(spl_path) - pos - 2) ref = "/".join(dots) + "/" else: ref = "" sp = " " * row.index("@image") rows[i] = "\n%s.. image:: %s%s\n%s :align: center\n" % ( sp, ref, img, sp) elif strow.startswith("@code"): pos = rows[i].find("@code") sp = " " * pos prev = i - 1 while prev > 0 and len(rows[prev].strip(" \n\r\t")) == 0: prev -= 1 rows[i] = "" if rows[prev].strip("\n").endswith("."): rows[prev] += "\n\n%s::\n" % sp else: rows[prev] += (":" if rows[prev].endswith(":") else "::") indent = True openi = True beginends["code"] = beginends.get("code", 0) + 1 # basic tags row = rows[i] # tag param look = lexxce = example = faq = nbreg = if look: rep = look.groups()[0] sp = look.groups()[1] name = look.groups()[2] to = ":param%s%s:" % (sp, name) rows[i] = row.replace(rep, to) # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] elif lexxce: rep = lexxce.groups()[0] sp = lexxce.groups()[1] name = lexxce.groups()[2] to = ":raises%s%s:" % (sp, name) rows[i] = row.replace(rep, to) # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] elif example: sp = " " * row.index("@example") rep = example.groups()[0] exa = example.groups()[2].replace("[|", "(").replace("|]", ")") pag = example.groups()[1] if pag is None: pag = "" fil = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0] fil = re.sub(r'([^a-zA-Z0-9_])', "", fil) ref = fil + "-l%d" % (i + index_first_line) ref2 = make_label_index(exa, typstr(example.groups())) to = "\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s**Example: %s** \n\n%s.. example(%s%s;;le-%s).\n" % ( sp, ref, sp, ref2, sp, exa, sp, pag, exa, ref) rows[i] = row.replace(rep, to) # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] beginends["example"] = beginends.get("example", 0) + 1 elif faq: sp = " " * row.index("@FAQ") rep = faq.groups()[0] exa = faq.groups()[2].replace("[|", "(").replace("|]", ")") pag = faq.groups()[1] if pag is None: pag = "" fil = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0] fil = re.sub(r'([^a-zA-Z0-9_])', "", fil) ref = fil + "-l%d" % (i + index_first_line) ref2 = make_label_index(exa, typstr(faq.groups())) to = "\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s**FAQ: %s** \n\n%s.. FAQ(%s%s;;le-%s).\n" % ( sp, ref, sp, ref2, sp, exa, sp, pag, exa, ref) rows[i] = row.replace(rep, to) # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] beginends["FAQ"] = beginends.get("FAQ", 0) + 1 elif nbreg: # pragma: no cover sp = " " * row.index("@NB") rep = nbreg.groups()[0] exa = nbreg.groups()[2].replace("[|", "(").replace("|]", ")") pag = nbreg.groups()[1] if pag is None: pag = "" fil = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0] fil = re.sub(r'([^a-zA-Z0-9_])', "", fil) ref = fil + "-l%d" % (i + index_first_line) ref2 = make_label_index(exa, typstr(nbreg.groups())) to = "\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s.. _le-%s:\n\n%s**NB: %s** \n\n%s.. NB(%s%s;;le-%s).\n" % ( sp, ref, sp, ref2, sp, exa, sp, pag, exa, ref) rows[i] = row.replace(rep, to) # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] beginends["NB"] = beginends.get("NB", 0) + 1 elif "@return" in row: rows[i] = row.replace("@return", ":return:") # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] elif "@rtype" in row: rows[i] = row.replace("@rtype", ":rtype:") # it requires an empty line before if the previous line does # not start by : if i > 0 and not rows[ i - 1].strip().startswith(":") and len(rows[i - 1].strip()) > 0: rows[i] = "\n" + rows[i] elif "@brief" in row: rows[i] = row.replace("@brief", "").strip() elif "@file" in row: rows[i] = row.replace("@file", "").strip() # loop on references refl =[i]) while refl: see = "see" in refl.groups()[1] see = "" # " " if see else "" ty = refl.groups()[4] name = refl.groups()[-2] if len(name) == 0: raise SyntaxError( "name should be empty: " + typstr(refl.groups())) rep = refl.groups()[0] ty = {"cl": "class", "me": "meth", "at": "attr", "fn": "func", "te": "term", "md": "mod"}[ty] to = "%s:%s:`%s`" % (see, ty, name) rows[i] = rows[i].replace(rep, to) refl =[i]) if not debug: for i, row in enumerate(rows): if "__sphinx__skip__" in row: break if "@param" in row or "@return" in row or "@see" in row or "@warning" in row \ or "@todo" in row or "@code" in row or "@endcode" in row or "@brief" in row or "@file" in row \ or "@rtype" in row or "@exception" in row \ or "@example" in row or "@NB" in row or "@endNB" in row or "@endexample" in row: if not silent: # pragma: no cover fLOG("#########################") _private_migrating_doxygen_doc( debugrows, index_first_line, filename, debug=True) fLOG("#########################") mes = " File \"%s\", line %d, in ???\n unable to process: %s \nwhole blocks:\n%s" % ( filename, index_first_line + i + 1, row, "\n".join(rows)) fLOG("[sphinxerror]-D ", mes) else: # pragma: no cover mes = " File \"%s\", line %d, in ???\n unable to process: %s \nwhole blocks:\n%s" % ( filename, index_first_line + i + 1, row, "\n".join(rows)) raise SyntaxError(mes) # pragma: no cover for k, v in beginends.items(): if v != 0: # pragma: no cover mes = " File \"%s\", line %d, in ???\n unbalanced tag %s: %s \nwhole blocks:\n%s" % ( filename, index_first_line + i + 1, k, row, "\n".join(rows)) fLOG("[sphinxerror]-E ", mes) raise SyntaxError(mes) # add githublink link = [_ for _ in rows if ":githublink:" in _] if len(link) == 0: rows.append("") rows.append("{1}:githublink:`%|py|{0}`".format( index_first_line, " " * min_indent)) # clean rows clean_rows = [] for row in rows: if row.strip(): clean_rows.append(row) elif len(clean_rows) > 0: clean_rows.append('') return clean_rows
[docs]def doc_checking(): """ Example of a doc string. :githublink:`%|py|1828` """ pass
[docs]class useless_class_UnicodeStringIOThreadSafe (str): """ avoid conversion problem between str and char, class protected again Thread issue :githublink:`%|py|1835` """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ creates a lock :githublink:`%|py|1840` """ str.__init__(self) import threading self.lock = threading.Lock()