Source code for pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_helper

Helpers to prepare a local Jenkins server.

import sys
from ..loghelper import noLOG

[docs]def get_platform(platform=None): """ Returns *platform* if not *None*, ``sys.platform`` otherwise. :param platform: default values for which OS or ``sys.platform``. :return: platform This documentation was generated with a machine using the following *OS* (among the `possible values <>`_). .. runpython:: :showcode: from pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_helper import get_platform print(get_platform()) .. versionadded:: 1.8 :githublink:`%|py|28` """ return platform or sys.platform
[docs]def default_engines(platform=None): """ Returns a dictionary with default values for Jenkins server, you should update the path if the proposed path are not good. :param platform: default values for which OS or ``get_platform(platform)``. :return: dictionary .. warning:: Virtual environment with conda must be created on the same disk as the original interpreter. The other scenario is not supported by Anaconda. It returns: .. runpython:: from pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper import default_engines print(default_engines()) :githublink:`%|py|53` """ platform = get_platform(platform) if platform == "win32": res = dict(Anaconda3="d:\\Anaconda3", Python39="c:\\Python39_x64", Python38="c:\\Python38_x64", Python37="c:\\Python37_x64", WinPython39="c:\\APythonENSAE\\python39", WinPython38="c:\\APythonENSAE\\python38", WinPython37="c:\\APythonENSAE\\python37") elif platform == "linux": res = dict(Anaconda3="/usr/local/miniconda3", Python39="/usr/local/python39", Python38="/usr/local/python38", Python37="/usr/local/python37", Python36="/usr/local/python36", WinPython39="ERROR", WinPython38="ERROR", WinPython37="ERROR") else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown value for platform '{0}'.".format(platform)) return res
[docs]def default_jenkins_jobs(platform=None, github_owner="sdpython", module_name="pyquickhelper"): """ Example of a list of jobs for parameter *module* of function :func:`setup_jenkins_server_yml <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_helper.setup_jenkins_server_yml>`. :param platform: platform :param github_owner: GitHub user :param module_name: module name or list of modules names :return: tuple It returns: .. runpython:: from pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper import default_jenkins_jobs print(default_jenkins_jobs()) :githublink:`%|py|96` """ platform = get_platform(platform) plat = "win" if platform.startswith("win") else "lin" pattern = "{1}/%s/master/.local.jenkins.{0}.yml".format( plat, github_owner) yml = [] if not isinstance(module_name, list): module_name = [module_name] for i, c in enumerate(module_name): yml.append(('yml', pattern % c, 'H H(5-6) * * %d' % (i % 7))) return yml
[docs]def setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github="sdpython", modules=None, overwrite=False, location=None, prefix="", delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False, fLOG=noLOG, **kwargs): """ Sets up many jobs on :epkg:`Jenkins`. :param js: :class:`JenkinsExt <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_server.JenkinsExt>`, jenkins server :param github: github account if it does not start with *http://*, the link to git repository of the project otherwise, we assume the job comes from the same repository, otherwise the function will have to called several times :param modules: modules for which to generate the Jenkins job (see :func:`default_jenkins_jobs <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_helper.default_jenkins_jobs>`) :param overwrite: do not create the job if it already exists :param location: None for default or a local folder :param prefix: add a prefix to the name :param delete_first: removes all jobs before adding new ones :param disable_schedule: disable scheduling for all jobs :param fLOG: logging function :param kwargs: see method :meth:`setup_jenkins_server <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_server.JenkinsExt.setup_jenkins_server>` :return: list of created jobs Example:: from pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper ( import JenkinsExt, setup_jenkins_server_yml, default_jenkins_jobs, default_engines) user = "<user>" password = "<password>" modules = default_jenkins_jobs() engines = default_engines() js = JenkinsExt('http://localhost:8080/', user, password, engines=engines) setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github="sdpython", modules=modules, fLOG=print, overwrite=True, delete_first=False, location="d:\\\\jenkins\\\\pymy") See ` < master/>`_ (Windows) or `.local.jenkins.lin.yml < master/.local.jenkins.lin.yml>`_ (Linux) about the syntax of a :epkg:`yml` job description. If *modules* is None, it is replaced by the results of :func:`default_jenkins_jobs <pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper.jenkins_helper.default_jenkins_jobs>`. The platform is stored in *srv*. :githublink:`%|py|156` """ if modules is None: modules = default_jenkins_jobs(js.platform) if delete_first: js.delete_all_jobs() r = js.setup_jenkins_server( github=github, modules=modules, overwrite=overwrite, location=location, prefix=prefix, disable_schedule=disable_schedule, **kwargs) return r
[docs]def jenkins_final_postprocessing(xml_job, py27): """ Postprocesses a job produced by :epkg:`Jenkins`. :param xml_job: :epkg:`xml` definition :param py27: is it for :epkg:`Python` 27 :return: new xml job :githublink:`%|py|175` """ if py27: # options are not allowed xml_job = xml_job.replace( "python -X faulthandler -X showrefcount", "python") return xml_job