Source code for pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
logging functionalities

The function fLOG (or fLOG) is used to logged everything into a log file.


    from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import fLOG
    fLOG(OutputPrint = True)                  # the logs are also displayed in the output stream
    fLOG(LogPath     = "...")                 # chanages the path returned by GetPath
    fLOG("un", "deux", 4, ["gt"])             # log everything in a log file

    from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import GetPath ()
    print GetPath()                           # return the log path (file temp_log.txt)

    fLOG(LogPath = "c:/temp/log_path")        # change the log path, creates it if it does not exist

.. warning::  This module inserts static variable in module :epkg:`*py:sys`.
             I was done to deal with several instances of the same module
             in earlier versions of :epkg:`python`.

import copy
import datetime
import decimal
import math
import os
import pprint
import random
import sys
import time
import re
import zipfile
import urllib.request as urllib_request
from .flog_fake_classes import FlogStatic, LogFakeFileStream, LogFileStream, PQHException
from .run_cmd import run_cmd

flog_static = FlogStatic()

[docs]def init(path=None, filename=None, create=True, path_add=None): """ initialisation :param path: new path, if path==*"###"*, then uses ``d:\\temp\\log_pyquickhelper`` if it exists or ``c:\\temp\\log_pyquickhelper`` if not :param filename: new filename :param create: force the creation :param path_add: subfolder to append to the current folder This function is also called when LogPath is specified while calling function fLOG. :githublink:`%|py|53` """ if path_add is None: path_add = [] if path is None: path = flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] if path == "###": if sys.platform.startswith("win"): path = "d:\\temp" if os.path.exists("d:\\temp") else "c:\\temp" path = os.path.join(path, "log_pyquickhelper") else: path = "/tmp" path = os.path.join(path, "log_pyquickhelper") if len(path_add) > 0: if not isinstance(path_add, list): path_add = [path_add] temp = [] for p in path_add: spl = os.path.splitext(p) temp.append(spl[0]) path = os.path.join(path, *temp) if filename is None: filename = flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] if (flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] != path or flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] != filename) \ and flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] is not None: flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"].close() flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = None flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] = path flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] = filename if create: if not os.path.exists(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]): os.makedirs(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]) else: if not os.path.exists(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]): raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover "unable to find path " + flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"])
[docs]def GetSepLine(): """ return always ``\\n`` :githublink:`%|py|98` """ return "\n" # previous value: flog_static.store_log_values ["__log_file_sep"]
[docs]def GetPath(): """ returns a path where the log file is stored. :return: path to the logs :githublink:`%|py|106` """ return flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]
[docs]def Print(redirect=True): """ if True, redirect everything which is displayed to the standard output :githublink:`%|py|113` """ lock = flog_static.store_log_values.get("Lock", False) if not lock: flog_static.store_log_values["__log_display"] = redirect
[docs]def GetLogFile(physical=False, filename=None): """ Returns a file name containing the log :param physical: use a physical file or not :param filename: file name (if physical is True, default value is ``temp_log.txt``) :return: a pointer to a log file :rtype: str :raises OSError: if this file cannot be created :githublink:`%|py|128` """ if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] is None: if physical: path = GetPath() if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] is None: if os.path.exists(path): flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] = os.path.join( path, flog_static.store_log_values["__log_const"]) else: raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover "unable to create a log file in folder " + path) if not isinstance(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"], str): flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = flog_static.store_log_values[ "__log_file_name"] else: flog_static.store_log_values[ "__log_file"] = LogFileStream(filename=filename) else: flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = LogFakeFileStream() return flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"]
[docs]def noLOG(*args, **kwargs): """ does nothing :githublink:`%|py|155` """ if len(args) > 0: return args[0] return None
[docs]def fLOG(*args, **kwargs): """ Builds a message on a single line with the date, it deals with encoding issues. :param args: list of fields :param kwargs: dictionary of fields (see below) :raises OSError: When the log file cannot be created. About parameter *p*: - if *p* contains *OutputPrint*, call ``Print(OutputPrint)`` - if *p* contains *LogPath*, it calls ``init(v)`` - if *p* contains *LogFile*, it changes the log file name (it creates a new one, the previous is closed). - if *p* contains *LogPathAdd*, it adds this path to the temporary file - if *p* contains *Lock*, it locks option *OutputPrint* - if *p* contains *UnLock*, it unlocks option *OutputPrint* - if *p* contains *_pp*, it uses :epkg:`*py:pprint` Example: :: fLOG (LogPath = "###", LogPathAdd = __file__, OutputPrint = True) .. faqref:: :title: How to activate the logs? The following instruction will do: :: fLOG(OutputPrint=True) To log everything into a file: :: fLOG(OutputPrint=True, LogFile="log_file.txt") .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Parameter *OutputStream* allows to print the message on a different stream. :githublink:`%|py|204` """ path_add = kwargs.get("LogPathAdd", []) outstream = kwargs.get('OutputStream', None) if outstream is not None: del kwargs['OutputStream'] lock = kwargs.get("Lock", None) if lock is not None: flog_static.store_log_values["Lock"] = lock if "LogFile" in kwargs and "LogPath" in kwargs: init(kwargs["LogPath"], kwargs["LogFile"]) elif "LogFile" in kwargs: init(filename=kwargs["LogFile"], path_add=path_add) elif "LogPath" in kwargs: init(path=kwargs["LogPath"], path_add=path_add) def myprint(s): if outstream is not None: outstream.write(s + '\n') else: print(s) if "OutputPrint" in kwargs: Print(kwargs["OutputPrint"]) if "LogFile" in kwargs: GetLogFile(True, filename=kwargs["LogFile"]) message = fLOGFormat(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_sep"], *args, **kwargs) GetLogFile().write(message) if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_display"]: try: myprint(message.strip("\r\n")) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover mes = "\n".join(repr(message.strip("\r\n")).split("\\n")) try: myprint(mes) except UnicodeEncodeError: mes2 = mes.encode("utf-8").decode("cp1252", errors="ignore") myprint(mes2) GetLogFile().flush() if len(args) > 0: return args[0] return None
[docs]def fLOGFormat(sep, *args, **kwargs): """ Formats a message. :param sep: line separator :param args: list of anything :param kwargs: dictioanry of anything :return: string if *_pp* is True, the function uses :epkg:`*py:pprint`. :githublink:`%|py|263` """ upp = kwargs.get('_pp', False) dt = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1).now() typstr = str if len(args) > 0: def _str_process(s): if isinstance(s, str): if upp: return pprint.pformat(s) return s if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode("utf8") try: if upp: return pprint.pformat(s) return typstr(s) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise Exception( # pragma: no cover "unable to convert s into string: type(s)=" + str(type(s))) from e message = str(dt).split( ".")[0] + " " + " ".join([_str_process(s) for s in args]) + sep st = " " else: message = typstr(dt).split(".")[0] + " " st = " " messages = [message] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in ("OutputPrint", '_pp') and v: continue message = st + "%s = %s%s" % (typstr(k), typstr(v), sep) messages.append(message) return sep.join(messages)
[docs]def _this_fLOG(*args, **kwargs): """ Other name private to this module. :githublink:`%|py|303` """ fLOG(*args, **kwargs) # pragma: no cover
[docs]def get_relative_path(folder, file, exists=True, absolute=True): """ private function, return the relative path or absolute between a folder and a file, use `relpath <>`_ :param folder: folder :param file: file :param exists: check existence :param absolute: if True return a path which starts from the root :return: relative path :rtype: str :githublink:`%|py|318` """ if exists: if not os.path.exists(folder): raise PQHException(folder + " does not exist.") # pragma: no cover if not os.path.exists(file): raise PQHException(file + " does not exist.") # pragma: no cover sd = os.path.normpath(folder).replace("\\", "/").split("/") sf = os.path.normpath(file).replace("\\", "/").split("/") i = 0 while i < len(sd): if i >= len(sf): break if sf[i] != sd[i]: break i += 1 if absolute: res = copy.copy(sd) else: res = [] j = i while i < len(sd): i += 1 res.append("..") res.extend(sf[j:]) return os.path.join(*res)
[docs]def download(httpfile, path_unzip=None, outfile=None, flatten=True, fLOG=None): """ Download a file to the folder path_unzip if not present, if the downloading is interrupted, the next time, it will start from where it stopped. Before downloading, the function creates a temporary file, which means the downloading has began. If the connection is lost, an exception is raised and the program stopped. Next time, the program will detect the existence of the temporary file and will start downloading from where it previously stopped. After it ends, the temporary file is removed. :param httpfile: (str) url :param path_unzip: (str) path where to unzip the file, if None, choose GetPath () :param outfile: (str) if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified :param flatten: (bool) put all files in the same folder (forget subfolders) :param fLOG: (str) logging function :return: local file name :githublink:`%|py|359` """ if fLOG is None: fLOG = noLOG if fLOG == "fLOG": fLOG = fLOG # pylint: disable=W0127 if path_unzip is None: path_unzip = GetPath() file = _check_source(httpfile, path_unzip=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, flatten=flatten, fLOG=fLOG) return file
[docs]def unzip(file, path_unzip=None, outfile=None, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Unzips a file into the temporary folder, the function expects to have only one zipped file. :param file: (str) zip files :param path_unzip: (str) where to unzip the file, if None, choose GetPath () :param outfile: (str) if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified :param flatten: (bool) put all files in the same folder (forget subfolders) :return: expanded file name :githublink:`%|py|381` """ if path_unzip is None: path_unzip = GetPath() fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzip file", file) file = _check_source(file, path_unzip=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, flatten=flatten, fLOG=fLOG) nb = 0 while not os.path.exists(file) and nb < 10: time.sleep(0.5) nb += 1 if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError(file) # pragma: no cover return file
[docs]def _get_file_url(url, path): """ build a filename knowing an url :param url: url :param path: where to download the file :return: filename :githublink:`%|py|406` """ path = path + "/" + \ url.replace("/", "!") \ .replace(":", "") \ .replace(".", "-") \ .replace("=", "_") \ .replace("?", "_") spl = path.split("-") if len(spl) >= 2: ext = spl[len(spl) - 1].lower() if 2 <= len(ext) <= 3 and ext in [ "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "zip", "txt", "gif", "py", "cpp", "gz", "pdf", "tif", "py", "html", "h"]: spl = path.split("-") spl = spl[:len(spl) - 1] path = "-".join(spl) + "." + ext return path
[docs]def _get_file_txt(zipname): """ build a filename knowing an url, same name but in default_path :param zipname: filename of the zip :return: filename :githublink:`%|py|429` """ file = os.path.split(zipname)[1] file = file.replace(".zip", ".txt") file = file.replace(".ZIP", ".txt") file = file.replace(".gz", ".txt") file = file.replace(".GZ", ".txt") return file
[docs]def _check_zip_file(filename, path_unzip, outfile, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ This function tests if a file is a zip file (extension zip), if it is the case, it unzips it into another file and return the new name, if the unzipped file already exists, the file is not unzipped a second time. :param filename: any filename (.zip or not), if txt, it has no effect :param path_unzip: if None, unzip it where it stands, otherwise, place it into path :param outfile: if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified :param flatten: unzip all files into the same directory :param fLOG: logging function :return: the unzipped file or filename if the format was not zip :githublink:`%|py|450` """ if path_unzip is None: raise ValueError("path_unzip cannot be None") # pragma: no cover file, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) ext = ext.lower() if ext == ".gz": import gzip if outfile is None: dest = filename.split("!") dest = dest[len(dest) - 1] ext = os.path.splitext(dest)[1] dest = dest.replace(ext, ".txt") path = os.path.split(filename) path = "/".join(path[:len(path) - 1]) dest = path + "/" + dest else: dest = outfile if not os.path.exists(dest): file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, "r") if outfile is None: dest = os.path.split(dest)[1] dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) if os.path.exists(dest): st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(filename).st_mtime) st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(dest).st_mtime) if st2 > st1: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping file (already done)", dest) return dest fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping file", dest) f = open(dest, "w") data = ** 27) size = 0 while len(data) > 0: size += len(data) fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping ", size, "bytes") if isinstance(data, bytes): f.write(bytes.decode(data)) else: f.write(data) data = ** 27) f.close() file.close() return dest if ext == ".zip": try: file = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover fLOG("[loghelper.flog] problem with ", filename) raise e if len(file.infolist()) != 1: if outfile is not None: raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover "the archive contains %d files and not one as you expected " "by filling outfile" % len(file.infolist())) fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzip file (multiple) ", filename) #message = "\n".join ([ fi.filename for fi in file.infolist() ] ) #raise Exception.YstException("ColumnInfoSet.load_from_file: file %s contains no file or more than one file\n" + message) folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] todo = 0 _zip7_path = r"c:\Program Files\7-Zip" zip7 = not flatten and os.path.exists(_zip7_path) if zip7: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] using ", _zip7_path) wait = [] for info in file.infolist(): # equivalent to is_dir (Python 3.6+) if info.filename[-1] == '/': continue fileinside = info.filename dest = os.path.join(folder, fileinside) if not os.path.exists(dest): fol = os.path.split(dest)[0] if not os.path.exists(fol): os.makedirs(fol) if os.path.exists(dest): st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(filename).st_mtime) st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(dest).st_mtime) if st2 > st1: continue if not sys.platform.startswith("win") or not zip7: data = if flatten: dest2 = os.path.split(dest)[1] dest2 = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest2) else: dest2 = dest fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzipping file", dest2) wait.append(dest2) f = open(dest2, "wb" if isinstance( data, bytes) else "w") f.write(data) f.close() else: todo += 1 if todo > 0 and zip7: # pragma: no cover dest = os.path.realpath(path_unzip) cmd = '"' + _zip7_path + \ '\\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"%s" "%s"' % (dest, os.path.realpath(filename)) out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) if len(err) > 0: raise PQHException( "command {0} failed\n{1}".format(cmd, err)) if "Error" in out: raise PQHException( "command {0} failed\n{1}".format(cmd, out)) else: dest = path_unzip file.close() ch = False while not ch: ch = True for a in wait: if not os.path.exists(a): ch = False break time.sleep(0.5) return dest else: for info in file.infolist(): fileinside = info.filename path = os.path.split(filename) dest = outfile if outfile is not None else path[ 0] + "/" + fileinside if not os.path.exists(dest): data = if outfile is None: if flatten: dest = os.path.split(dest)[1] dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) else: dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) if os.path.exists(dest): st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(filename).st_mtime) st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( os.stat(dest).st_mtime) if st2 > st1: fLOG( "[loghelper.flog] unzipping one file (already done)", dest) return dest fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzipping one file", dest) if isinstance(data, bytes): f = open(dest, "wb") f.write(data) else: f = open(dest, "w") f.write(data) f.close() file.close() return dest return filename
[docs]def _first_more_recent(f1, path): """ Checks if the first file (opened url) is more recent of the second file (path). :param f1: opened url :param path: path name :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|634` """ typstr = str s = typstr( da = re.compile("Last[-]Modified: (.+) GMT").search(s) if da is None: return True da = da.groups()[0] gr = re.compile( "[\\w, ]* ([ \\d]{2}) ([\\w]{3}) ([\\d]{4}) ([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2})").search(da) if gr is None: return True gr = gr.groups() dau = datetime.datetime(int(gr[2]), flog_static.store_log_values["month_date"][gr[1].lower()], int(gr[0]), int(gr[3]), int(gr[4]), int(gr[5])) p = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(path)) gr = re.compile( "[\\w, ]* ([\\w]{3}) ([ \\d]{2}) ([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2}) ([\\d]{4})").search(p) if gr is None: return True gr = gr.groups() da = datetime.datetime(int(gr[5]), flog_static.store_log_values["month_date"][gr[0].lower()], int(gr[1]), int(gr[2]), int(gr[3]), int(gr[4])) file = da return dau > file
[docs]def _check_url_file(url, path_download, outfile, fLOG=noLOG): """ If *url* is an url, download the file and return the downloaded if it has already been downloaded, it is not downloaded again. :param url: url :param path_download: download the file here :param outfile: if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified :param fLOG: logging function :return: the filename :githublink:`%|py|671` """ urll = url.lower() if "http://" in urll or "https://" in urll: dest = outfile if outfile is not None else _get_file_url( url, path_download) down = False nyet = dest + ".notyet" if os.path.exists(dest) and not os.path.exists(nyet): try: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] trying to connect", url) f1 = urllib_request.urlopen(url) down = _first_more_recent(f1, dest) newdate = down f1.close() except IOError: # pragma: no cover fLOG( "unable to connect Internet, working offline for url", url) down = False else: down = True newdate = False if down: if newdate: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] downloading (updated) ", url) else: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] downloading ", url) if len( url) > 4 and url[-4].lower() in [".txt", ".csv", ".tsv", ".log"]: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] creating text file '{0}'".format(dest)) formatopen = "w" else: fLOG( "[loghelper.flog] creating binary file '{0}'".format(dest)) formatopen = "wb" if os.path.exists(nyet): size = os.stat(dest).st_size fLOG("[loghelper.flog] resume downloading (stop at", size, ") from '{0}'".format(url)) request = urllib_request.Request(url) request.add_header("Range", "bytes=%d-" % size) fu = urllib_request.urlopen(request) f = open(dest, formatopen.replace( # pylint: disable=W1501 "w", "a")) # pylint: disable=W1501 else: fLOG("[loghelper.flog] downloading ", url) request = urllib_request.Request(url) fu = urllib_request.urlopen(url) f = open(dest, formatopen) open(nyet, "w").close() c = ** 21) size = 0 while len(c) > 0: size += len(c) fLOG("[loghelper.flog] size", size) f.write(c) f.flush() c = ** 21) fLOG("[loghelper.flog] end downloading") f.close() fu.close() os.remove(nyet) url = dest return url
[docs]def _check_source(fileurl, path_unzip, outfile, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): """ Check the existence of a file, downloads it if not existing. :param fileurl: can be an url, a zip file, a text file :param path_unzip: if None, unzip the file where it stands, otherwise, put it in path :param outfile: if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified :param flatten: extract all files into the same directory :param fLOG: logging function :return: a text file name if it is: - an url: download it and copy it into default_path - a zipfile: beside the true file - a text file: do nothing If the file has already been downloaded and unzipped, it is not done twice. :githublink:`%|py|759` """ if outfile is not None and os.path.splitext( outfile)[1].lower() == os.path.splitext(fileurl)[1].lower(): file = _check_url_file( fileurl, path_download=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, fLOG=fLOG) return file else: file = _check_url_file( fileurl, path_download=path_unzip, outfile=None, fLOG=fLOG) txt = _check_zip_file( file, path_unzip=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, fLOG=fLOG, flatten=flatten) if not os.path.exists(txt): # pragma: no cover message = "_check_source: unable to find file '" + \ txt + "' source '" + fileurl + "'" raise PQHException(message) return txt
[docs]def get_prefix(): """ Returns a prefix for a file based on time. :githublink:`%|py|780` """ typstr = str t = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1).now() t = typstr(t).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_").replace(" ", "_") t += "_" + typstr(random.randint(0, 1000000)) + "_" return os.path.join(GetPath(), "temp_" + t)
[docs]def removedirs(folder, silent=False, use_command_line=False): """ remove all files and folder in folder :param folder: folder :param silent: silent mode or not :param use_command_line: see below :return: list of not remove files or folders Sometimes it fails due to PermissionError exception, in that case, you can try to remove the folder through the command line ``rmdir /q /s + <folder>``. In that case, the function does not return the list of removed files but the output of the command line :githublink:`%|py|802` """ if use_command_line: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # pragma: no cover out, err = run_cmd("rmdir /s /q " + folder, wait=True) else: out, err = run_cmd("rm -Rf " + folder, wait=True) if len(err) > 0: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Unable to remove '{0}'\n{1}".format(folder, err)) return out else: file, rep = [], [] for r, d, f in os.walk(folder): for a in d: rep.append(os.path.join(r, a)) for a in f: file.append(os.path.join(r, a)) impos = [] file.sort() rep.sort(reverse=True) for f in file: try: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover typstr = str fLOG( "Unable to remove file '{0}' --- {1}".format(f, typstr(e).replace("\n", " "))) if silent: impos.append(f) else: raise for f in rep: try: if os.path.exists(f): os.removedirs(f) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover typstr = str fLOG( "Unable to remove folder '{0}' --- {1}".format(f, typstr(e).replace("\n", " "))) if silent: impos.append(f) else: raise if os.path.exists(folder): try: os.rmdir(folder) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover impos.append(folder) return impos
[docs]def guess_type_value(x, none=None): """ guess the type of a value :param x: type :param none: if True and all values are empty, return None :return: type .. warning:: if an integer starts with a zero, then it is a string :githublink:`%|py|862` """ try: int(x) if x[0] == '0' and len(x) > 1: return str else: return int if len(x) < 9 else str except ValueError: try: x = float(x) return float except ValueError: if none: if x is None: return None try: if len(x) > 0: return str else: return None except Exception: # pragma: no cover return None else: return str
[docs]def guess_type_value_type(none=True): """ :param none: if True and all values are empty, return None :return: the list of types recognized by guess_type_value :githublink:`%|py|892` """ typstr = str return [None, typstr, int, float] if none else [typstr, int, float]
[docs]def get_default_value_type(ty, none=True): """ :param ty: type in guess_type_value_type :param none: if True and all values are empty, return None :return: a default value for this type :githublink:`%|py|902` """ if ty is None and none: return None elif (ty == str ): return "" elif ty == int: return 0 elif ty == decimal.Decimal: return decimal.Decimal(0) elif ty == float: return 0.0 else: raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover "type expected in " + str(guess_type_value_type()))
[docs]def guess_type_list(args, tolerance=0.01, none=True): """ guess the type of a list :param args: list :param tolerance: let's denote m as the frequency of the most representative type, and m2 the second one, if m2 > m * tolerance --> str :param none: if True and all values are empty, return None :return: type, length (order of preference (int, float, str)) the parameter length has a meaning only for str result :githublink:`%|py|928` """ defa = None if none else str length = 0 typstr = str if args in [typstr, float, int, None, decimal.Decimal]: raise PQHException("this case is unexpected %s" % typstr(args)) # pragma: no cover if len(args) == 0: res = defa elif len(args) == 1: res = guess_type_value(args[0], none) if res == typstr: length = len(args[0]) else: count = {} for x in args: t = guess_type_value(x, none) length = max(length, len(x)) if t in count: count[t] += 1 else: count[t] = 1 val = [(v, k) for k, v in count.items()] val.sort(reverse=True) if len(val) == 1: res = val[0][1] elif val[0][0] * tolerance < val[1][0]: res = str else: res = val[0][1] if res != typstr: olength = 0 else: if length > 0: x = math.log(length) / math.log(2) + 0.99999 x = int(x) olength = math.exp(x * math.log(2)) + 0.9999 olength = int(olength) * 2 else: olength = length return res, olength
[docs]def guess_machine_parameter(): """ Determines many parameters on this machine: - machine name - user name - domain... :return: dictionary { name : value } :githublink:`%|py|983` """ val = ["COMPUTERNAME", "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", "OS", "PATH", "USERDOMAIN", "USERNAME", "USERPROFILE", "windir", "TEMP", "USER"] res = {} sep = ";" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ":" for v in val: if v == "PATH": x = os.getenv(v) x = x.split(sep) res[v] = x else: res[v] = os.getenv(v) if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): if "TEMP" not in res or res["TEMP"] is None: res["TEMP"] = "/tmp" return res
[docs]def IsEmptyString(s): """ Empty string or not? :param s: any string (str, None) :return: is it empty or not? :rtype: bool :raises PQHException: when a type is unexpected :githublink:`%|py|1012` """ if s is None: return True if isinstance(s, str): return len(s) == 0 raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover "the type is unexpected {0}".format(type(s)))
[docs]def load_content_file_with_encoding(filename): """ Tries different encoding to load a file, tries utf8, latin1 and None. :param filename: filename :return: couple (content, encoding) :githublink:`%|py|1026` """ error = None for enc in ["utf8", "latin1", None]: try: with open(filename, "r", encoding=enc) as f: content = return content, enc except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover error = e raise error # pragma: no cover