Source code for pyquickhelper.loghelper.pwd_helper

Helpers to store and retrieve password.

from getpass import getpass
from os import getenv

[docs]def set_password(system, username, password, lib='keyrings.cryptfile', env='KEYRING_CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD', ask=True): """ Stores a password. By default, uses :epkg:`keyring` or :epkg:`keyrings.cryptfile`. :param system: system :param username: username :param password: password :param lib: which lib to use to store the password :param env: see below :param ask: ask for password if missing If `lib == 'keyrings.cryptfile'`, the function used the environment variable *env*, if present, no password is asked. :githublink:`%|py|25` """ if lib == 'keyring': from keyring import ( set_password as lib_set_password, get_password as lib_get_password) lib_set_password(system, username, password) pwd = lib_get_password(system, username) if pwd != password: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to store a password with keyring for '{}', '{}'.".format( system, username)) return if lib == 'keyrings.cryptfile': from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring # pylint: disable=E0401 kr = CryptFileKeyring() kr.keyring_key = getenv("KEYRING_CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD") if kr.keyring_key is None and ask: kr.keyring_key = getpass() kr.set_password(system, username, password) return raise RuntimeError( "Unknown library '{}'.".format(lib))
[docs]def get_password(system, username, lib='keyrings.cryptfile', env='KEYRING_CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD', ask=True): """ Restores a password. By default, uses :epkg:`keyring`. :param system: system :param username: username :param lib: which lib to use to store the password :param env: see below :param ask: ask for password if missing :return: password If `lib == 'keyrings.cryptfile'`, the function used the environment variable *env*, if present, no password is asked. :githublink:`%|py|64` """ if lib == 'keyring': from keyring import get_password as lib_get_password pwd = lib_get_password(system, username) if pwd in (None, '', b''): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to restore a password with keyring for '{}', '{}'.".format( system, username)) return pwd if lib == 'keyrings.cryptfile': from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring # pylint: disable=E0401 kr = CryptFileKeyring() kr.keyring_key = getenv("KEYRING_CRYPTFILE_PASSWORD") if kr.keyring_key is None and ask: kr.keyring_key = getpass() return kr.get_password(system, username) raise RuntimeError( "Unknown library '{}'.".format(lib))