Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.build_helper

Produces a build file for a module following *pyquickhelper* design.


import sys
import os
import uuid
import re
from .windows_scripts import windows_error, windows_prefix, windows_setup, windows_notebook
from .windows_scripts import windows_publish, windows_publish_doc, windows_pypi, setup_script_dependency_py
from .windows_scripts import windows_prefix_27, windows_unittest27, copy_dist_to_local_pypi
from .windows_scripts import windows_any_setup_command, windows_blogpost, windows_docserver, windows_build_setup, windows_build
from .windows_scripts import pyproj_template, copy_sphinx_to_dist
from ..filehelper.file_info import is_file_string

#: nickname for no folder
_default_nofolder = "__NOFOLDERSHOULDNOTEXIST%d%d__" % sys.version_info[:2]

[docs]def choose_path(*paths): """ Returns the first path which exists in the list. :param paths: list of paths :return: a path :githublink:`%|py|27` """ found = None for path in paths: if "{" in path: if found is None: root = os.path.dirname(path) if not root: root = '.' founds = [os.path.join(root, _) for _ in os.listdir(root)] founds.sort(reverse=True) reg = re.compile(path.replace("\\", "\\\\")) found = [(_, for _ in founds] found = [_ for _ in found if _[1]] if len(found) > 0: # pragma: no cover full = found[0][0] return full elif os.path.exists(path): return path # pragma: no cover if paths[-1] != _default_nofolder: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "No path exist in: " + ", ".join(paths)) return _default_nofolder
#: default values, to be replaced in the build script #: ``'c:\\python39x64'`` --> appveyor #: ``'c:\\python39_x64'`` --> custom installation default_values = { "windows": { "__PY36_X64__": choose_path("c:\\Python36[0-9]{1}_x64", "c:\\Python36_x64", "c:\\Python36-x64", _default_nofolder), "__PY37_X64__": choose_path("c:\\Python37[0-9]{1}_x64", "c:\\Python37_x64", "c:\\Python37-x64", _default_nofolder), "__PY38_X64__": choose_path("c:\\Python38[0-9]{1}_x64", "c:\\Python38_x64", "c:\\Python38-x64", _default_nofolder), "__PY39_X64__": choose_path("c:\\Python39[0-9]{1}_x64", "c:\\Python38_x64", "c:\\Python39-x64", _default_nofolder), }, }
[docs]def private_path_choice(path): """ Custom logic to reference other currently developped modules. :githublink:`%|py|68` """ s = path current = '%current%' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '~' if "/" in s or "\\" in s: return s # pragma: no cover if 'ROOT' in s: return os.path.join(current, "..", s.replace('ROOT', '')) if 'BLIB' in s: return os.path.join(current, "..", s.replace('BLIB', ''), "build", "lib") if 'NSRC' in s: return os.path.join(current, "..", s.replace("NSRC", '')) # pragma: no cover return os.path.join(current, "..", s, "src")
[docs]def private_replacement_(script, paths, key="__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__"): """ Less copy/paste. :githublink:`%|py|85` """ unique_paths = [] for p in paths: if p not in unique_paths: unique_paths.append(p) rows = [private_path_choice(_) for _ in unique_paths] sep = ";" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ":" rep = sep + sep.join(rows) script = script.replace(key, rep) return script
[docs]def private_script_replacements(script, module, requirements, port, raise_exception=True, platform=sys.platform, default_engine_paths=None, additional_local_path=None): """ Runs last replacements. :param script: script or list of scripts :param module: module name :param requirements: requirements - (list or 2-uple of lists) :param port: port :param raise_exception: raise an exception if there is an error, otherwise, return None :param platform: platform :param default_engine_paths: define the default location for python engine, should be dictionary *{ engine: path }*, see below. :param additional_local_path: additional local path to add to PYTHONPATH :return: modified script An example for *default_engine_paths*:: default_engine_paths = { "windows": { "__PY35__": None, "__PY36_X64__": "c:\\Python365_x64", "__PY37_X64__": "c:\\Python372_x64", "__PY38_X64__": "c:\\Python387_x64", "__PY39_X64__": "c:\\Python391_x64", }, } Parameter *requirements* can a list of requirements, we assume these requirements are available from a local PyPi server. There can be extra requirements obtained from PiPy. In that case, those can be specified as a tuple *(requirements_local, requirements_pipy)*. The function replaces ``rem _PATH_VIRTUAL_ENV_`` with an instruction to copy these DLLs. Parameter *requirements* can be a list or a tuple. :githublink:`%|py|133` """ global default_values if default_engine_paths is None: default_engine_paths = default_values if isinstance(script, list): return [private_script_replacements(s, module, requirements, port, raise_exception, platform, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths) for s in script] if platform.startswith("win"): plat = "windows" global _default_nofolder def_values = default_engine_paths values = [v for v in def_values[ plat].values() if v is not None and v != _default_nofolder] if raise_exception and len(values) != len(set(values)): raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "One path is wrong among:\n %s" % ( "\n".join("{0}={1}".format(k, v) for k, v in def_values[plat].items()))) if module is not None: script = script.replace("__MODULE__", module) for k, v in def_values[plat].items(): script = script.replace(k, v) # requirements if requirements is not None: if isinstance(requirements, list): requirements_pipy = [] requirements_local = requirements else: requirements_local, requirements_pipy = requirements if requirements_pipy is None: requirements_pipy = [] if requirements_local is None: requirements_local = [] cj = "%jenkinspythonpip%" if "jenkinspythonpip" in script else "%pythonpip%" patternr = "install {0}" patternl = "install --no-cache-dir --index http://localhost:{0}/simple/ {1}" rows = [] for r in requirements_pipy: r = cj + " " + patternr.format(r) rows.append(r) for r in requirements_local: r = cj + " " + patternl.format(port, r) rows.append(r) reqs = "\n".join(rows) else: reqs = "" script = script.replace("__REQUIREMENTS__", reqs) \ .replace("__PORT__", str(port)) \ .replace("__USERNAME__", os.environ.get("USERNAME", os.environ.get("USER", "UNKNOWN-USER"))) if "__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__" in script: paths = [] if additional_local_path is not None and len(additional_local_path) > 0: paths.extend(additional_local_path) if len(paths) > 0: script = private_replacement_( script, paths, key="__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__") else: script = script.replace("__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__", "") if "rem _PATH_VIRTUAL_ENV_" in script: script = script.replace( "rem _PATH_VIRTUAL_ENV_", "rem nothing to do here") return script else: if raise_exception: raise NotImplementedError( "not implemented yet for this platform %s" % sys.platform) return None
[docs]def get_build_script(module, requirements=None, port=8067, default_engine_paths=None, additional_local_path=None): """ Builds the build script which builds the setup, run the unit tests and the documentation. :param module: module name :param requirements: list of dependencies (not in your python distribution) :param port: port for the local pypi_server which gives the dependencies :param default_engine_paths: define the default location for python engine, should be dictionary *{ engine: path }*, see below. :param additional_local_path: additional paths to add to PYTHONPATH :return: scripts :githublink:`%|py|229` """ if requirements is None: requirements = [] return private_script_replacements(windows_build, module, requirements, port, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths, additional_local_path=additional_local_path)
[docs]def get_script_command(command, module, requirements, port=8067, platform=sys.platform, default_engine_paths=None, additional_local_path=None): # pragma: no cover """ Produces a script which runs a command available through the setup. :param command: command to run :param module: module name :param requirements: list of dependencies (not in your python distribution) :param port: port for the local pypi_server which gives the dependencies :param platform: platform (only Windows) :param default_engine_paths: define the default location for python engine, should be dictionary *{ engine: path }*, see below. :param additional_local_path: additional local path to add before running command `` <command>`` :return: scripts The available list of commands is given by function :func:`process_standard_options_for_setup <pyquickhelper.pycode.setup_helper.process_standard_options_for_setup>`. :githublink:`%|py|253` """ if not platform.startswith("win"): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "not yet available on linux") global windows_error, windows_prefix, windows_setup rows = [windows_prefix] if additional_local_path is not None and len(additional_local_path): addp = "set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;" + \ ";".join(private_path_choice(_) for _ in additional_local_path) else: addp = "" rows.append(windows_setup.replace( "rem set PYTHONPATH=additional_path", addp) + " " + command) rows.append(windows_error) sc = "\n".join(rows) res = private_script_replacements( sc, module, requirements, port, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths, additional_local_path=additional_local_path) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): if command == "copy27": res = """ if exist dist_module27 ( rmdir /Q /S dist_module27 if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% ) """.replace(" ", "") + res elif command == "clean_space": # Run the test which test pep8 and convert the convert the # notebooks. res += """ if not exist _unittests\\ut_module\\ goto end: %pythonexe% -u _unittests\\ut_module\\ -v if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% if not exist _unittests\\ut_module\\ goto end: %pythonexe% -u _unittests\\ut_module\\ if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% ) """.replace(" ", "") + res return res
[docs]def get_extra_script_command(command, module, requirements, port=8067, blog_list=None, platform=sys.platform, default_engine_paths=None, unit_test_folder=None, unittest_modules=None, additional_notebook_path=None, additional_local_path=None): # pragma: no cover """ Produces a script which runs the notebook, a documentation server, which publishes... :param command: command to run (*notebook*, *publish*, *publish_doc*, *local_pypi*, *setupdep*, *run27*, *build27*, *copy_dist*, *any_setup_command*, *lab*) :param module: module name :param requirements: list of dependencies (not in your python distribution) :param port: port for the local pypi_server which gives the dependencies :param blog_list: list of blog to listen for this module (usually stored in ``module.__blog__``) :param platform: platform (only Windows) :param default_engine_paths: define the default location for python engine, should be dictionary *{ engine: path }*, see below. :param unit_test_folder: unit test folders, used for command ``run27`` :param additional_notebook_path: additional paths to add when running the script launching the notebooks :param additional_local_path: additional paths to add when running a local command :param unittest_modules: list of modules to be used during unit tests :return: scripts The available list of commands is given by function :func:`process_standard_options_for_setup <pyquickhelper.pycode.setup_helper.process_standard_options_for_setup>`. :githublink:`%|py|320` """ if not platform.startswith("win"): raise NotImplementedError("linux not yet available") script = None if command == "notebook": script = windows_notebook elif command == "lab": script = windows_notebook.replace("jupyter-notebook", "jupyter-lab") elif command == "publish": script = "\n".join([windows_prefix, windows_publish]) elif command == "publish_doc": script = "\n".join([windows_prefix, windows_publish_doc]) elif command == "local_pypi": script = "\n".join([windows_prefix, windows_pypi]) elif command == "run27": script = "\n".join( [windows_prefix_27, windows_unittest27, windows_error]) if unit_test_folder is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "the unit test folder must be specified and cannot be None") if not os.path.exists(unit_test_folder): raise FileNotFoundError( "the unit test folder must exist: " + unit_test_folder) ut_ = [("%pythonexe27%\\..\\Scripts\\nosetests.exe -w " + _) for _ in os.listdir(unit_test_folder) if _.startswith("ut_")] stut = "\nif %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%\n".join(ut_) script = script.replace("__LOOP_UNITTEST_FOLDERS__", stut) elif command == "build27": script = "\n".join([windows_prefix_27, "cd dist_module27", "rmdir /S /Q dist", windows_setup.replace( "exe%", "exe27%") + " bdist_wheel", windows_error, "cd ..", "copy dist_module27\\dist\\*.whl dist"]) elif command == "copy_dist": script = copy_dist_to_local_pypi elif command == "copy_sphinx": script = copy_sphinx_to_dist elif command == "setupdep": script = setup_script_dependency_py elif command == "any_setup_command": script = windows_any_setup_command elif command == "build_dist": script = windows_build_setup elif command == "history": script = "\n".join( [windows_prefix, '\n%pythonexe% history\n']) else: raise Exception("unable to interpret command: " + command) # additional paths if "__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__" in script: paths = [] if command in ("notebook", "lab") and additional_notebook_path is not None and len(additional_notebook_path) > 0: paths.extend(additional_notebook_path) if unittest_modules is not None and len(unittest_modules) > 0: paths.extend(unittest_modules) if additional_local_path is not None and len(additional_local_path) > 0: paths.extend(additional_local_path) if len(paths) > 0: script = private_replacement_( script, paths, key="__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__") else: script = script.replace("__ADDITIONAL_LOCAL_PATH__", "") script = script.replace("__ADDITIONAL_NOTEBOOK_PATH__", "") # common post-processing if script is None: raise Exception("unexpected command: " + command) return private_script_replacements(script, module, requirements, port, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths)
[docs]def get_script_module(command, platform=sys.platform, blog_list=None, default_engine_paths=None): """ Produces a script which runs the notebook, a documentation server, which publishes and other scripts. :param command: command to run (*blog*) :param platform: platform (only Windows) :param blog_list: list of blog to listen for this module (usually stored in ``module.__blog__``) :param default_engine_paths: define the default location for python engine, should be dictionary *{ engine: path }*, see below. :return: scripts The available list of commands is given by function :func:`process_standard_options_for_setup <pyquickhelper.pycode.setup_helper.process_standard_options_for_setup>`. :githublink:`%|py|405` """ prefix_setup = "" filename = os.path.abspath(__file__) if "site-packages" not in filename: folder = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), "..", "..")) prefix_setup = """ import sys import os sys.path.append(r"{0}") sys.path.append(r"{1}") sys.path.append(r"{2}") """.replace(" ", "").format(folder, folder.replace( "pyquickhelper", "pyensae"), folder.replace( "pyquickhelper", "pyrsslocal") ) script = None if command == "blog": if blog_list is None: return None else: list_xml = blog_list.strip("\n\r\t ") if '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' not in list_xml and is_file_string(list_xml) and os.path.exists(list_xml): with open(list_xml, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: list_xml = if "<body>" not in list_xml: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Wrong XML format:\n{0}".format(list_xml)) script = [("auto_rss_list.xml", list_xml)] script.append(("", prefix_setup + """ from pyquickhelper.pycode.blog_helper import rss_update_run_server rss_update_run_server("auto_rss_database.db3", "auto_rss_list.xml") """.replace(" ", ""))) if platform.startswith("win"): script.append("\n".join([windows_prefix, windows_blogpost])) elif command == "doc": script = [] script.append(("", prefix_setup + """ # address http://localhost:8079/ from pyquickhelper import fLOG from pyquickhelper.serverdoc import run_doc_server, get_jenkins_mappings fLOG(OutputPrint=True) fLOG("running documentation server") thisfile = os.path.dirname(__file__) mappings = get_jenkins_mappings(os.path.join(thisfile, "..")) fLOG("goto", "http://localhost:8079/") for k,v in sorted(mappings.items()): fLOG(k,"-->",v) run_doc_server(None, mappings=mappings) """.replace(" ", ""))) if platform.startswith("win"): script.append("\n".join([windows_prefix, "rem http://localhost:8079/", windows_docserver])) else: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to interpret command: %r" % command) # common post-processing for i, item in enumerate(script): if isinstance(item, tuple): ext = os.path.splitext(item[0]) if ext == ".py": s = private_script_replacements( item[1], None, None, None, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths) script[i] = (item[0], s) else: script[i] = private_script_replacements( item, None, None, None, default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths) return script
[docs]def get_pyproj_project(name, file_list): """ returns a string which corresponds to a pyproj project :param name: project name :param file_list: file_list :return: string :githublink:`%|py|486` """ guid = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, name) folders = list(_ for _ in sorted(set(os.path.dirname(f) for f in file_list)) if len(_) > 0) sfold = "\n".join(' <Folder Include="%s\" />' % _ for _ in folders) sfiles = "\n".join(' <Compile Include="%s\" />' % _ for _ in file_list) script = pyproj_template.replace("__GUID__", str(guid)) \ .replace("__NAME__", name) \ .replace("__INCLUDEFILES__", sfiles) \ .replace("__INCLUDEFOLDERS__", sfold) return script