Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.default_filter_warning

Function which filters ou warnings after running the unit test

import warnings

[docs]def default_filter_warning(w): # pragma: no cover """ Filters out warnings. :param w: warning :return: boolean (True to keep it) Interesting fields: ``w.message``, ``w.category``, ``w.filename``, ``w.lineno``. :githublink:`%|py|16` """ if "RemovedInSphinx40Warning" in str(w): return False class UnusedException(Exception): pass with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) try: from matplotlib.cbook import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning except ImportError: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning = UnusedException if isinstance(w.message, RuntimeWarning): if "" in w.filename: if "numpy.dtype size changed" in str(w.message): return False if "More than 20 figures have been opened." in str(w.message): return False elif isinstance(w.message, UserWarning): if "matplotlib" in w.filename: if "findfont: Font family" in str(w.message): return False if "pyquickhelper" in w.filename: if "pymyinstall" in str(w.message): return False elif isinstance(w.message, MatplotlibDeprecationWarning): if "basemap" in w.filename: if "The ishold function was deprecated in version 2.0." in str(w.message): return False elif isinstance(w.message, ResourceWarning): if "pyquickhelper" in w.filename: if "Unable to retrieve content from" in str(w): return False elif isinstance(w.message, DeprecationWarning): if "RemovedInSphinx40Warning" in str(w): return False if w.filename.endswith(""): return False if "jupyter_client" in w.filename: return False if "IPython" in w.filename: if "DisplayFormatter." in str(w.message): return False if "ScriptMagics." in str(w.message): return False if "HistoryManager." in str(w.message): return False if "ProfileDir." in str(w.message): return False if "InteractiveShell." in str(w.message): return False if "on_trait_change" in str(w.message): return False if "PlainTextFormatter." in str(w.message): return False if "Metadata should be set using the .tag()" in str(w.message): return False elif "nbconvert" in w.filename: if "SlidesExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "TemplateExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "HTMLExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "SVG2PDFPreprocessor." in str(w.message): return False if "on_trait_change" in str(w.message): return False if "PresentExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "NbConvertApp." in str(w.message): return False if "RSTExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "PythonExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "LatexExporter." in str(w.message): return False if "metadata should be set using the .tag()" in str(w.message).lower(): return False if 'cgi.escape is deprecated, use html.escape instead' in str(w.message): return False elif "jupyter_core" in w.filename: if "JupyterApp." in str(w.message): return False if "metadata should be set using the .tag()" in str(w.message).lower(): return False elif "" in w.filename: if "metadata should be set using the .tag()" in str(w.message).lower(): return False elif "docutils" in w.filename: if "'U' mode is deprecated" in str(w.message): return False if "Metadata should be set using the .tag()" in str(w.message): return False elif "sympy" in w.filename: if "inspect.getargspec() is deprecated" in str(w.message): return False elif "" in w.filename: if "will be forbidden in the future" in str(w.message): return False elif "mpl_toolkits" in w.filename: if "The ishold function was deprecated in version 2.0." in str(w.message): return False if "The hold function was deprecated in version 2.0." in str(w.message): return False if "axes.hold is deprecated." in str(w.message): return False elif "" in w.filename: if "can't resolve package from __spec__" in str(w.message): return False elif "basemap" in w.filename: if "The ishold function was deprecated in version 2.0." in str(w.message): return False elif "pandas" in w.filename: if "ix is deprecated" in str(w.message): return False elif "sphinx" in w.filename: if "sphinx.util.compat.Directive is deprecated and will be removed" in str(w.message): return False elif "" in w.filename: if "cgi.escape is deprecated, use html.escape instead" in str(w.message): return False elif isinstance(w.message, ImportWarning): if "" in w.filename: if "can't resolve package from __spec__" in str(w.message): return False elif w.filename.endswith(""): return False elif "MatplotlibDeprecationWarning" in str(type(w.message)): if "basemap" in w.filename: return False return True